Star Trek: The Motion Picture 
Novelization by Gene Roddenberry
P17 Klingons! Kirk found himself seeing three Klingon cruisers which appeared to be moving at warp velocity and in battle formation. The Klingon vessels were big, dangerous looking - undoubtedly their new K't'inga-class heavy cruisers which some Admiralty tacticians feared might prove faster and more powerful than Starfleet's First Line Constitution-Class starships.
Information about an old enemy's new weapon? Starfleet had received these images from one of its deep space outposts along the border of the Klingon Empire. This outpost station, Epsilon Nine, had detected the Klingon cruisers in time to get sensor drones launched in time to infiltrate the cruiser formation. Kirk was pleased to see that the Klingons were unaware that they were being shadowed and examined. The purpose of the drone launch had been to gather intelligence on the new Klingon cruiser design. 
Something had violated Klingon borders and was passing through their territory and the Klingons were responding in typical fashion. This was heavy cruiser attack formation.
Why would the Klingons be attacking a cloud?
It has passed through Klingon territory so rapidly that this particular cruiser formation had been the only Klingon warships in position to intercept it
It was all over very fast. The leading Klingon fired a photon torpedo spread toward the heart of the cloud. Its torpedoes simply disappeared. Then, as if the Klingons had made something angry, a point of green fire hurtled toward the cruiser which had fired the photon torpedoes. It was obviously as energy bolt of some sort - then the offending Klingon vessel was enveloped by angry whiplashes of wild, green energy, crushed, and then it simply imploded into nothingness! The other two cruisers were now firing torpedoes too and were being destroyed as easily and frighteningly.
The cloud had merely been passing through Klingon territory, but its interest was not in Klingons or their Empire. It had responded to the attack of their big cruisers with hardly more effort than if it had been brushing away insects.
P25 the Klingons weren't destroyed. It feels like they've become wall exhibits in Hell.
P33 a huge cloud thing just ripped three Klingon heavies apart. Good job of infiltrating Fed drones into that formation. Commander Branch at Epsilon Nine.
Traveling at warp 7 - incredible speed. Even the deep-space Klingon Empire was only days away at these velocities!
K't'inga class - huge Klingon vessel. Larger engine nacelles, the new clusters of deflector screen pods and the heavier torpedo tubes. In the past Starfleet's best had proved only marginally superior to earlier Klingon designs and these K't'inga class heavies could signal new problems for Starfleet's present ships.
P49 Scott looked up sharply at Kirk's description of the new Klingon cruisers, then his eyes flashed a signal of mixed satisfaction and concern as Kirk sketched the Klingon destruction. The two men's eyes met; it was satisfying to know that the most powerful vessels in the Klingon fleet were destructible.
The Klingons had definitely attacked it first. The Enterprise won't make that mistake.
P73 Lt. Cmdr Branch commanded Epsilon Nine, outpost station near the Klingon border. Destroyed by Vejur.
  SNW VII A Sucker Born by Pet Detmer

Ride on the Enterprise holoiorama. Harry Mudd HFM Enterprises
Harry Mudd and Enterprise, two encounters well known
Khan known, released to an uninhabited planet
Kirk vs. Gorn a game

  Ex Machina by Christopher L Bennett
SD 7438.7 Begins 10 days after the end of TMP, and concludes 32 days after that.
Fabrini poor sense of smell
Daran IV, aka Lorina, new home of Yonadans. Fabrini word for 'promise.' Yonada means 'Hope.'
Starbase 22, Regulus Sector, Commodore David Fein
Between Regulus Sector and Lower Scorpius-Centaurus Cluster, Sco-Cen, Klingon and Romulan space touch.
Turbulent times in Klingon space lately. Different foreheads seen. Klingons looking for an excuse to start a border incident
Kirk needs Klingons to attack, to take his mind off things
Hull crystal-tritanium plates phase-transition bonded into a single nearly seamless whole
Zheng He, SF ship lost
Zaranites, trace need for fluorine, breathing tanks
Trill on Enterprise, species general secretiveness
Rhaandarite, intricate social structures, specific rules. Long lived and tall. Rhaandarel
Shesshran, on Daran V, indigenous winged race, pterodactylish
Megarites, great singers, communicators in song
Betelgeusian – eating mouth and speaking mouth, pack hunters, unstable star, abandoned homeworld, The Diaspora, live in ships and space stations. 'Geusians.
Kettarack Affair in Lantaru Sector, just prior to 'World is Hollow'
Sulu gets along with Marcella DiFalco, navigator. Cella
Art – Vulcan mosaics, Axanar crystal topiaries, Tellarite erotic abstracts, Efrosian prismatic gels
Commodore Wesley liberated the Avrosians from a Worldlink that made them think they were living independent lives [Matrix-like]
Argelian exfoliants, skin care
Alexander M Brack, 2073
Chekov, Lithuanian mother, well-traveled nanny
Chekov went looking for Irina after Eden failure. Didn't work out
Vulcans, vegetarians because the smell of dead flesh triggers emotional killing response
Rand left to have crewmember's baby, Annie, died age 2
Potential baby index McCoy/Natira [now]

  Spock's World by Diane Duane
P36 Sulu has been experimenting with Klingon ship design in the Enterprise’s simulator, improving both their design and their performance. The Klingon ships in the simulation do much better after ‘Sulu refits.’ Kirk chides Sulu, if you see any Klingons, don’t sell them new warp engines! No need to make your job harder than it is. 
P36 the Enterprise crew enjoys watching Sulu rebuild another Klingon cruiser in the simulator in Rec One, the main recreation room aboard Enterprise
P88 in the simulator tank was the image of a Klingon D7D battle cruiser diving toward a star. Sulu seemed to be trying a slingshot maneuver at extreme warp speed. The crew gathered round were offering encouragement or cheerfully predicting disaster or passing credit chits back and forth. Kirk has already made a bet. 
  The Kobayashi Maru by Julia Ecklar
P23 the Kobayashi Maru, a command scenario. A command cadet is placed in charge of a simulated starship, then forced to make a decision regarding the rescue of a Fed fuel carrier that’s been disabled in Klingon space. No-win situation. No matter what you did, or how hard you tried, you always lost. 
P26 Such tenacity should belong to an Andorian
Cadet Kirk – I was stupid. It took the Klingons less time to destroy me than it takes me to tell about it! I’m good at strategy.
Lt. Commander Constrev – Perhaps the Klingons are merely better. 
Kirk – No . the very thought was too frightening to contemplate. If the Klingons were better in this simple classroom, exercise, what would they be like out in the real world? 
P31 Kirk knew that Korrd, Garth of Izar or Shaitani would have wrenched victory from the jaws of even this defeat. 
There will always be more Klingons, more damage, less time, in the scenario.
Klingon reinforcements could arrive out of nowhere, no matter that the Neutral Zone never hosted more than four unreported Klingon cruisers.
Three Klingons cruisers closing on our position!
Kirk – Contact the Klingon vessels.
P44 Commander Kozor of the Kh’yem. Rough baritone. Other computer-generated Klingons growling and bustling – You have entered Federation Neutral Zone against treaty. In name of Klingon Empire, Kh’yem declares war!
Kirk – This is Captain James T Kirk. We are on a rescue mission. 
Kozor – Captain Kirk? The Captain Kirk?!
Kirk – I’ll prove it if you force me.
The Klingon commander barked to the others in gruff Klingonese – That will not be necessary, he said in a more subdued tone. Report coordinates of freighter, and Kh’yem will offer all assistance, Captain Kirk. 
The Klingons were uncommonly cooperative.
Kirk beat the no-win scenario by reprogramming the simulation so the Klingons believe he’s a famous starship captain. What are you going to do when you run up against Klingons in real life? Convince them all you’re Garth of Izar?
P59 Chekov’s time, a captain is sworn to uphold and defend the peaceful relations Fed enjoys with Klingon neighbors.
Just because Klingons violate the rules does not mean Fed does.
It is difficult enough to outpilot a Klingon war cruiser in a functional vessel. 
Chekov has read accounts of what goes on during Klingon torture.
Chekov has spent enough of his Academy time studying up on Klingons and their war tactics.
P161 Command School Galactic Politics class, students represent Earth, Vulcan, Klingon, Andoria, Altarians, et cetera. The Klingon and Romulan empires will sit at this table with the Federation. Since the Fed and the Empires control most of the galaxy’s resources, those people will get to make decision regarding the disposition of those resources. The Fed and the Empires can talk at will. To each other, to anyone else they want. The Federated planets cannot interrupt the three main powers and they can’t take any action without the consent of the leading three. 
Carstair’s planet asks for assistance from the Federation, they want nothing form the Klingons. 
Don’t you feel the Klingon Empire has anything to offer?
The Klingon and Romulan empires argued about voting rights
Sulu refuses to go to aid of Kobayashi Maru. Breaching the Klingon Neutral Zone with a Constitution class starship could be considered an act of war.  An interplanetary conflict with the Klingons would result in millions of lost lives and that’s a risk I am not prepared to take for the lives of so few. If Starfleet can locate a Klingon representative in time, it might still be possible to save the freighter.
P229 Scotty locked torpedoes on the juncture points in the Klingon screen system.
Atomic fire consumed the nine Klingon war dragons. Uses Perera Field Theory to destroy the squadron of war dragons. 15 more dreadnought come to destroy Fed ship. Klingons run in packs so they can link their shields into a multiship field system. That way, any shield hit hard enough can draw power from other parts of the system to keep from buckling. The Perera Theory hypothesizes that a photon torpedo placed at any juncture point in such a screen system will detonate due to the forces exerted by the complex energy exchanges. The math is good, but it doesn’t work in practice. Nothing happens. 
P234 Engineering student Montgomery Scott, age 16, in Aberdeen, Scotland, Earth, constructed seven separate field generators in order to simulate the current Klingon design, based on data obtained. 
  Home is the Hunter by Dana Kramer-Rolls
page 022 Kbrex, Commander, First Officer aboard Ghargh, Talon's Blood, under young Commander Kral in 2272. Bests Kral in physical contest, takes control of ship. Feuding with younger brother Kral since they were young. Humiliated when younger brother promoted over him. felt lack of honor. Dies on Cragon V, when he runs into booby trap he himself set. Interested in Vladra. 
Kral, Commander, first mission to planet cursed Cragon V in 2272. Relatively young for Commander. Distinguished himself in glorious combat and earned battle cruiser Talon's Blood, Ghargh. Bested in coup by Kbrex, thrown out air lock with Vladra, rescued by Kirk. Feuding with Kbrex, his brother, since childhood. Kral asked for Kbrex to serve with him, thinking him a worth officer, not aware of his hatred. Gives death yell for his brother, died with honor. 
planet Cragon V will in future be uttered as a curse by Klingons, along with Organia and the home planet of tribbles 
Commander Kral vents his rage by smashing weapons console with his massive fists 
thrice damned Weyland. 
may he die with festering boils
may the bloating sickness force his entrails oozing from every bodily orifice 
no Klingon is psychic 
page 024 Klingon alphabet has letters 
page 035 Vladra, Female, Lieutenant, tall, aristocratic appearance, Science crewmember on Commander Kral's ship Talon's Blood in 2272. Stands with Commander Kral when he is bested by Kbrex, thrown out airlock but rescued by Kirk and Enterprise
Vladra comes to Kral in his cabin 
hesitations are inappropriate for a Klingon 
crew determine sides when potential change in command
Klingon commanders can watch their own backs, or they deserve a knife in the back 
considered a serious breech of etiquette to warn one's commander if an overthrow in the works 
warning a commander could result in warner's death at hand of warnee, fatal discipline for implied insult 
Kral and Vladra pussyfoot around possibility of coup attempt
Kral earned his promotion, rank and honorific, had distinguished himself in glorious combat, worthy of being given a ship, and to name the ship Talon's Blood - battled the Skorr??
knobby brow ridges come with age 
forehead shine is a sign of youth 
captains wear rank sash, lower ranks do not wear sash
life expectancy for young commanders short 
"proving his spurs" humanism 
captain Kral has an agonizer, and a small wall safe in his cabin over his bunk to keep it in 
Kral also has a mirror in his cabin 
Kral sleeps with a pillow 
women fret when awaiting childbirth, warriors should not fret
to relax: let your mind reach out to the purity of the Naked Stars
there is a Klingon hell, where Weyland-type beings live [the wimpy Creator gods] Weyland was part of a continuum of beings, so evolved, so powerful that now the rest of them just observe life in various universes
page 038 Ghargh, name of ship, Talon's Blood, Commander Kral's first mission, months, at Cragon V. Has cloak 
page 038 Klingons come to Cragon V for mineral wealth 
page 038 Klingons of Ghargh simple joy of teaching eager natives of Cragon V how to fight.
page 038 no mining allowed on Cragon V until permission from Weyland
page 038 Kral aware of, and longs for, pre-Organian days
page 038 warriors have a warrior smell, recognized by other warriors
page 039 by Kahless, so help me Kahless. 
page 039 aligning Cragon V to Klingon empire would bring much honor and power
page 040 Kral trained two native guards with spears and taught them to be aggressive
page 040 Kbrex knows Kirk by sight, but Kral knows only the reputation
page 042 Kral has been at Cragon V for months 
page 043 Klingon plasma grenade, five second timer 
page 044 how the devil - Klingons have no devil 
page 058 Klingons fire at Enterprise, then cloak, hit and run, Sulu admires their moves
page 060 Kral doesn't at first connect inoperative controls to Organians - he thinks it is Kirk
page 061 term used in curse "Rot in Dargoth's hell." "Damn you all to Durgath's Hell." Variant spelling
page 074 Vladra and science staff try to break ship away from Cragon V
page 075 each Klingon's loyalties are their own 
page 075 Kbrex has been murmuring and hinting to Vladra about his attraction to her, and his intentions on Kral's position
page 075 in the Klingon empire all that matters is results 
page 075 sticking in craw - humanism 
page 075 some of ship's crew always eager to hang any failure on one individual Klingon, so that they could tell themselves that the failure was the weakness of one individual and not a reflection on entire race 
page 076 aggressive and powerful - all things attractive in Klingon males to Klingon females
page 076 intraship communications might be monitored by ship factions 
Maltz, Second Officer, on Commander Kral's battle cruiser Ghargh at Cragon V in 2272. Takes over sensors after Kevlar killed. 
Kral has trophies and mementos in his cabin 
Vladra helping Kral fight Kbrex would disgrace Kral 
if Kral lived because another interfered in duel his life would be without honor. Better to die
Kral prays to his god at moment of death 
Vladra chooses Kral even in his moment of defeat
never healthy to question a commander 
normally a woman would loose her attraction to a man who is humiliated and defeated, and change affections to a victor. 
page 100 Klingons take care of themselves - to come to their aid implies they are not able 
page 101 Kral never in love, before 
page 101 Kral all his life striving to rise in ranks by conquering others
page 101 love considered a soft emotion 
page 101 Kral has mid life crisis in brig - maybe love only thing that really matters
page 102 four Klingons constitutes an honor guard 
page 103 female spit at male pretty clear indication of contempt
page 103 spit lizard - animals that scream and thrash, and ppresumably spits
page 103 Klingon on-board ship automated announcements are in male voice, with a bit of a growl 
page 103 airlock doors count down to vacuum 
page 103 space suits are labeled Environmental Units 
page 104 curse "Damn it to Cymele's Hell." 
page 104 Klingons measure time in seconds 
page 104 duct tape is universal, and always useful 
page 117 Kral's personal picture of hell is being trapped forever with Kirk
page 122 Kevlar, Sensor operator on Ghargh on mission to Cragon V in 2272. Killed by Kbrex for making insulting remark.
page 122 you stupid targ 
page 125 fear in a noble Klingon is not a casual thing 
page 126 Kral believes the Federation will torture him to get information
page 126 the stronger race should dominate the galaxy 
page 133 Klingons have frontal vertebrae 
page 134 disciplined for speaking tartly to captain 
page 163 to be Klingon means to be strong. To be one with one purpose. To disdain weakness, and know that the greatest death is death in combat, with honor. Kral to Vladra 
page 163 what honor is there in backstabbing, what sense in adhering to principles and beliefs that will only cause dishonorable death and pointless hatred? Vladra answers to Kral
page 164 Kral never seen Vulcan before Mr. Spock
page 164 Enterprise under Kirk provides Klingon food 
page 165 embrace you and call you brother 
page 172 I gave my word of honor, I will not renege on that
page 172 today is a good day to die 
page 204 there are no such things as old Klingons 
page 205 the old must contribute to society or they have no use
page 213 Chekov compares Russia and KGB paranoia to Klingon society
page 230 if they die in combat, they die with honor. Honor is everything.
page 231 it takes two to make war 
page 234 there is no such thing as bad hatred 
page 234 the honor of command 
page 235 see you in hell 
page 274 Ghargh leaves Cragon V for Outpost 27 where Klingon high command awaits Kral's report
page 274 Kral reads poetry to Vladra, from a book that had worked, successfully, for his father and grandfather 
  Enemy Unseen by V.E. Mitchell
P7 the Kaldorni, bronze-skinned men wearing full leather battle armor, they carried a vicious-looking knife in each hand. from a low gravity planet, weak. No high-ranking Kaldorni travels anywhere without a suitable escort, knives are purely ornamental. Kaldorni consider non-Kaldorni to be of inferior rank until their actions prove otherwise. Their culture is deeply rooted in the militaristic traditions of their past. Federation members.
  The Better Man by Howard Weinsrein
P21 Kirk and Mark Rousseau met briefly almost 10 years ago at Starfleet conference on that Klingon mischief near Donatu 5. 2264 Kirk new captain of Enterprise, Rousseau captain of Lexington.
  Family Matters, Strange New Worlds III
no Klingon content
  The Prometheus Design by Sondra Marshak & Myrna Culbreath
P33 Planets believed affected by the phenomenon included virtually every Fed planet, and a similar spread in Klingon and Romulan Empires, as well as other areas.
The threat of annihilation included Klingons, Romulans, not only their friends but also all their enemies and all other worlds.
P137 the Designers’ Holocube displays were tuned to experiments in progress, one shows the interior of a Klingon ship.
  Triangle by Sondra Marshak & Myrna Culbreath
no Klingon content
  The Covenant of the Crown by Howard Weinstein
P22 Adm. Paul Harrington - if this mission fails the whole of Quuadrant J-221 could be in Klingon hands by next year.
Shad – planet with virtually unlimited supply in its crust of tridenite, an energy ore that produces vast amounts of efficient energy. Shad provides ore for 20 or more planets in Quadrant J-221. Half of those worlds belonged to the Fed, the others were neutral, but all lived in the shadow of the nearby Klingon Empire. take over Shad, cut off the tridenite, watch a score of inhabited planets in Quadrant J-221 fall like dominoes, and sweep in to conquer a valuable flank of the Fed. That had been the Klingon goal, and they’d pursued it patiently by igniting a civil war on Shad 18 years earlier. 
18 years ago, the despotic Mohd Alliance had learned well the lessons of treachery taught by its patron, the Klingon Empire. its leaders salivated over the prospect of becoming guard dogs for the Empire, enslaving the free population of Shad and biting hunks out of the Federation’s flesh as the Quadrant came under their domination, planet by planet. The Klingons had seeded massive amounts of weaponry and money in the Mohd Alliance, and the crops were nearly ready for harvest.
The Fed is occupied with trouble in the Talenic Sector and half a dozen other places.
Young Lt. Commander Kirk, on Shad, believes the Fed does not understand how close the Mohd is to taking Shad and handing it over to the Klingons.
The Mohd Province’s warrior people fancied themselves slighted with an unequal share of the planet’s wealth. Mohd nomads. to them the peace forged by Keulane and his successors was an affliction and they swore never to accept it. Klingon agents had recognized blood brothers in this province of restless warriors, and prodded them to seek out dissent elsewhere on Shad, nurture it, probe the soft underbelly  of the old dynasty, and slash it was a lightning stroke of rebellion. Lt. Commander Kirk grudgingly marveled at the Klingons’ simple view of the order of things, that discord was ever-present and with the proper encouragement could be made to flare into open war. The status quo was of no use, the Empire could only gain by taking what belonged to someone else. Victory meant advance, loss only that they were back to their starting point. The Klingons truly lived by the adage Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Their Shaddan campaign certainly represented an effective venture. King Stevvin misjudged the strength of the dark forces in the Mohd Province, unaware that massive clandestine Klingon support in weapons and supplies had created a bristling war machine. So had the Fed miscalculated, perhaps because no Klingon troops were present. Never before had the Empire flexed such power in absentia. As long as Loyalist forces could guard the tridenite ore loading stations against Mohd artillery, tridenite could move and the Klingon grand design remain unfulfilled. Lt. Commander Kirk sees to that. The Mohd battalions march on the capital, Kirk has the King and family taken to safety, for 18 years the battle dragged on, neither side able to muster the last push to victory.
The Organian Peace Treaty had prevented wholesale intervention on either side. If they tried it, the Organians would effectively disarm both forces, on Shad and throughout the galaxy, no matter where or whom they fought. Neither the Fed nor the Empire wanted to risk total galactic immobilization, so they had to be satisfied with simply supplying weapons and hoping for the best. Like a pair of exhausted warriors, the enemies slugged it out with increasingly weary blows, conventional warfare, almost primitive. Neither the Fed nor the Klingons wanted to destroy the world they were hoping to take.
The return of King Stevvin may hold the Loyalists together, allow them to beat the Mohd Alliance once and for all, and send the Klingons packing.
P32 at first the Klingons had kept a full surveillance team on Orand, a bland, non motorized, parched, sandy planet. but when the war dragged on and on, the contingent dwindled to a few agents, then finally to one Klingon and a pair of paid Orandi informants. The Klingons had come to believe King Stevvin would never leave Orand and their vigilance slackened. 
Orand means Hot as Hell, loosely translated
P44 the Klingons know the Crown of Shad must be retrieved and they expect the Enterprise to lead them to its hiding place. 
P52 a Klingon ship follows Enterprise, no hostile action, hover almost out of sensor range. No response to hailing frequencies. 
Klingon are rarely so cooperative.
P58 a Klingon spy scout, manned by four intelligence agents, trail shuttle Galileo while Klingon cruiser continues to follow Enterprise. Their assignment was simple, follow the shuttlecraft. If its crew retrieved the holy Crown of Shad, kill them and claim the crown for the Klingon Empire. And if they failed to find the Crown, kill them anyway. The Klingon spy scout began to shadow Galileo as it passed through the outer reaches of a nondescript white-dwarf star system.
Adm. Harrington – The bloody Klingons knew before I did. If their secret communications network weren’t so leaky, they’d know and I still wouldn’t know. 
Harrington had heard that the Klingons were on to the Enterprise decoy plan, a decoy plan he’d known nothing about.
The Klingon report Harrington got a hold of was very clear in the detail that the Crown of Shad was not with the king.
It appears one of the Shaddans aboard the Enterprise is a Klingon agent. Rooting out the turncoat in the King’s party is top priority for Harrington. The Klingons made fools of Star Fleet. They had a spy under our noses all this time. Kirk’s primary concern is that shuttle crew on Sigma is going to be at the wrong end of a Klingon shooting gallery the second they find the crown. 
The Klingons knew where Kirk was going and when, before he even got underway. Harrington has to answer to his superiors for that. The Joint Chiefs of Staff want the spy secured first.
The Klingon ship playing tag with Enterprise for three days was a trick Kirk fell for.
P66 the Klingon spy vessel shivered and twitched in protest as Commander Kon tried to hold it on course. Kon was short and stocky for a Klingon, but his tunic fit tightly across his barrel chest, and muscles rippled under the mail cloth. His beard was streaked with gray, a telltale sign that he’d been in the Empire’s service longer than most, combining skill and luck to survive battles and sidestep assassination attempts by younger officers eager to rise through the ranks. Kon had led the crew of the fiercest battle cruiser in the Imperial fleet for nearly a decade, and had managed to crush a half-dozen mutiny outbreaks to keep his ship loyal to the Emperor. For his efforts, he was rewarded with elevation to the elite Special Intelligence Group, a handful of trusted soldiers who were assigned only the most important spy missions, the dirtiest and most dangerous.
Kon had proven he could kill when he had to, could strangle a child with his bare hands if that’s what it took. He was feared, and had no fear. The prefect Klingon.
P66 Kera, Female science officer on spy vessel. She was close enough to touch Kon but didn’t dare. She was young, brilliant, ambitious, and knew that any sort of romantic involvement with a powerful male like Kon would likely end up with one of them dead. Not that the prospect didn’t intrigue her; for among Klingons, even love was a battle, consummated only when one was victor and one vanquished. But she had time on her side, the odds told her that one day Kon would falter and die because of it. To become too closely allied with him now could cost her dearly later, so the transitory pleasures and excitement of a sexual coupling simply weren’t worth the risk.
The scout ship was tiny, with too much equipment crammed into too little space.
Kera reports sensors are impaired, they have hit the fringe of a Magnitude Seven disturbance, her voice a businesslike monotone. The Galileo has not changed course, or had radio transmissions since they left Enterprise. The planet in the middle of these storms must be their destination. 
Kera proposes they maintain vigilance outside the storm zone. If the Feds survive to reach planet Sigma 1212 and the crown, we’ll have no trouble taking it from them and dispatching the crew when they leave the surface to meet the starship.
Kon – And if they never make it to this treasured crown?
Kera – Then I see no reason to risk our lives by following them into a Magnitude Seven disturbance.
Kon gave her a long leering nod of approval. He wondered what she would be like as a sexual partner, and wished momentarily that he had her back on his warship, with his private quarters. Klingon crew members, male or female, had to accept as fact that a commander of the opposite sex had the right to collect carnal favors at whim. As he looked ahead without enthusiasm to a protracted wait at the edge of Sigma 1212’s violent well of space storms, he regretted not being able to while away the idle hours getting to know Kera more intimately.
Zenna IV, a planet in Sector J-221. Very open to outworlders.
P106 Krail, a Klingon resident of Zenna IV. Tall, dark skin stretched tautly over aquiline face. Gray beard and hair neatly trimmed, bushy upsweapt eyebrows. A Klingon of unusually aristocratic bearing. Skeletal.
Krail meets with Nars, the once elegant chief of the household staff of King Stevvin.
Krail issued a pinched abbreviation of a smile.
Krail’s house on Zenna IV set back from road, screened by trees, unkempt yellow grass. Attended by an old Zennan man. Dark study. Woven wicker doors. High backed swiveled desk chair. Wall lamp. Hard backed chair. Nothing suggesting softness or luxury. Floor of bare wood. Uncushioned furniture.
Krail slid open a dark wood cabinet and took out a sharply sculptured crystal decanter. He poured two goblets of blood-red wine. 
Krail with cold pride – It is, of course, imported from my homeworld. We Klingons are more than merely great warriors. 
Krail looked mildly disappointed as he pursed his lips and measured Nars with guarded gray eyes. Krail’s thin smile made Nars most uneasy.
Krail said with studied sympathy – Ah yes, the Enterprise. But I think by now you may be safe here and we’ll arrange passage to a Klingon planet, as we promised you. You will, how shall I put it, disappear before Kirk’s eyes.
Nars had been dealing with the Klingons for 18 years or more
The Klingon’s tone was vaguely menacing. Nars had never learned to trust Klingons, no matter how much they paid for the information he smuggled to them.
Krail – You certainly won’t want to remain among the rancid little rodents populating this planet.
Tolerance had never been a common trait among Klingons. Nars had noted that many years before and it always put him on guard.
Krail had looked away, but he turned his head to stare sharply at Nars, a rare departure from his usual calculated motions at the news that the King of Shad is dead. 
Krail – the Fed has bungled more completely than we could have hoped. Even sabotage could never have been so effective. Yes, yes, this places our entire strategy in a new light. Our objectives can be simplified. All the long years of.
Krail began to pace, his long legs striding mantislike. 
Commander Krail – Starfleet Intelligence knows of him, he’s been around for quite some tiem. Assassinated about 20 superiors to get where he is today, on the Klingon Intelligence Council, one of the top four spies in the Empire. Which makes SF Inteligence wonder what he’s doing out in the field, doing a quadrant commander’s dirty work.
Krail lived on Zenna almost 25 years ago, briefly met Nars at that time.
Krail captured by Chekov, Security Lt. Jaye Byrnes and Ens Michael Howard and Maria Spyros.
Krail seduced Nars with promises and threats. Krail had been a mid-level operative 18 years ago, in charge of subverting the Loyalist forces any way he could. Two months after the royal party moved to Orand he renewed contact with Nars. He came to the compound with two peddlers, offering money. Nars used the money to buy things for the royal family, medicine when Lady Meya fell ill. In all the years he told the Klingons nothing of use to anyone. He told the Klingons about Princess Kailyn’s birthdays, King Stevvin’s despair and sickness, the death of Lady Meya. When he tried to stop the Klingons threatened to harm the King and his daughter. They said they could kill them anytime they wanted, and no one would know or care. Nars kept supplying info to protect the family. He betrayed the King and told the Klingons about the mission to Sigma 1212. 
Krail informs Kirk that Nars purchased the favors of women, to put it in delicate terms. He also developed an addiction to smoking pipeweed.
Lt. Byrnes – I didn’t know Klingons could be delicate.
Kirk – We have more than enough evidence to send you to a prison colony for the rest of your life. 
Krail – Not a very enlightened system, Captain.
One less Klingon spy, albeit an important one like Krail, would not make one whit of difference on the balance of power.
P123 Commander Kon’s patience had long since run out as the space storm kept him from making a close approach to Sigma 1212 for two days. Tensions aboard the Klingon spy scout hovered dangerously close to the boiling point. Lt. Keast, hulking weapons officer’s jaw no doubt still smarted from the punch Kon had thrown in their scuffle this morning. Lt. Keast had insisted on giving unsolicited advice about the decision to wait out the storm. When Kon had warned that he was on the edge of insubordination, Keast had become abusive. The punch had silenced Keast rather effectively, but Kon had to admit to himself that he was lucky to catch the much bigger and younger lieutenant off guard.
As a commander, Kon preferred to have his orders obeyed without enforcement tactics, certainly without brawling. 
Kon, Kera, Keast and one other male on board
Kera’s hands rested lightly atop several control switches, ready to shift modes and readouts. 
Kera smiled coolly. Perhaps after this mission she would reconsider a sexual coupling with Kon. The look in his eye was unmistakable, the choice up to her. But that was for alter consideration
The Klingon ship set down about a mile away from the Galileo. With a search-lantern beam probing ahead, Kon lead the way to the shuttle. All four Klingons held their weapons drawn as they cautiously approached the wreck.
Kon - All this waiting has made me a little jumpy.
Kera – Just don’t shoot me by accident.
Kon – Not you. Keast perhaps.
Feaderation weaklings would not fare well in such a rugged climate, unlike us Klingons, most Klingons at least.
Efficient way to operate is to attack natives to get food and shelter
Kon – You’re not as reluctant to travel in darkness as you are in the rain, eh, Keast?
Galileo shuttle picked up by storm funnel cloud. Keast was killed instantly when his skull slammed into the sharp edge of a split bulkhead. The other male officer was catapulted out the hatch opening and crushed against the boulders below as the shuttle wreck rolled over him. Kon semiconscious, deep gash above his nose. Kera suspected she had a fractured rib. 
Kon killed by ragged spike from tree struck by lightening
No, Kera screamed, then strangled another cry starting deep in her throat.
Kera was alone, but she was a Klingon. She would have to go on and attempt to complete this mission, alone, or die trying.
P172 a hoarse female voice roared over all of them – You filthy swine! You’ll pay for this brutality! You animals, putrid scum! My people will come back and burn you to the ground! We’ll torture every last one, you’ll dread the day you were born! You can’t treat a Klingon this way!
Four huge native hunters from the lowland tribes had captured the shrieking wild animal Kera. She was lost in the forest, dazed, and brought her to the Kinarri in the mountains. She was so easy to capture they were all the more shocked when she regained her strength and fought like a cornered zanigret, an animal native to Sigma 1212. Spock arranges for Shirn to purchase her, as a source of information, an espionage prisoner. Held by old herdsman Shirn in the holy valley of Kinarr.
P176 McCoy – I never thought I’d see the day when I’d be happy to lay eyes on a Klingon ship.
Spock – We live in strange times, Doctor.
The Klingon vessel proved to be in good working order, with a considerable amount of fuel left. After a cursory run-thought of the control systems, Spock announced that he would have no trouble piloting the ship away from Sigma 1212.
The door hissed shut. The rocket engines fired, kicking up a plume of flame and dust. The ship lifted slowly and unsteadily at first. Then it accelerated and whisked up over the hills.
McCoy uncomfortable in the scout-ship seat – How can they torture hteir people by making them fly in these tiny match boxes?
Spock – Perhaps that accounts for Klingons’ foul humor.
The long insectlike shape of a Klingon battle cruiser wavered into view
P181 Commander Kaidin of the Imperial Cruiser Nightwing is demanding an explanation for Enterprise’s presence. Kaidin’s thundercloud visage.
Kaidin – Kirk, get you slimy vessel away from our scout ship.
Kirk – I see you got right to the point, Commander. This is Fed territory. You’re here only by authority of the Organian Peace Treaty, which clearly specifies that the visiting vessel must show cause for its presence upon demand. And I’m demanding, right now.
Kaidin – Save your threats, Kirk. Star Fleet cowards never back up words with weapons.
Kaidin’s studied hostility gave way to surprise as a junior officer entered in near-panic and murmured urgently in the commander’s ear. 
Kaidin – What? How could our agents have vanished from their ship? The Klingon turned, saw Kirk’s face in his viewer, spat a string of curses that covered several languages, and the Enterprise viewscreen went abruptly blind.
The Enterprise warps out of orbit, the Klingon cruiser hasn’t even changed course, they’re still trying to figure out who was on that scout ship.
The war-torn planet of Shad had its new Queen of the Covenant, the war would soon be over.
  Romulan Way by Diane Duane
P47 The Federation's five-klick traffic limit was not observed by Klingons. The brutal hunchbacked-vulture shape of an Afik- or K't'inga-class battlecrusier.  There is the smaller and more rakish K'hanakh class frigates, with firepower capable of blowing a target into a cloud of free electrons. What was a Klingon raider doing this deep into Federation space? They were much closer to the Romulan Neutral Zone and the Romulan often used Klingon ships. 
P50 there is a Klingon-built, Romulan-owned Bird of Prey frigate right outside your front door. Neither Romulans nor Klingons were known for bluffing if superior firepower could be used instead.
P55 Machine parts. Not even the Klingons bother using that label for gunrunning anymore.
P86 most Fed information from Romulan agents is of a military nature, which would be good if Fed were planning a war, if they were like the Klingons, say.
P92 old Klingon proverb about bearing a grudge for years until the time was ripe for vengeance. Romulans quote it with a sneer.
P114 with better government planning the Romulans would not have had to enter into so many destructive deals with the Klingons to keep their economy afloat.
P165 The Romulans settled in a backwater area of the galaxy, it was 1700 years before the Klingons and the Federation found them
P196 the Romulans realized they were one small pair of planets caught between two Empires, and that to survive they were going to have to have an Empire themselves. the Romulan developed Warbird-class starship was acknowledged by everyone, including the Klingons and the Feds, to be one of the finest, solidest, most maneuverable warp-capable craft ever designed. Its only flaw was that it was small. Another invention was the cloaking device, which tantalized everyone who saw it, particularly the Klingons. The Klingons didn't get it until much later than the Federation did. The Klingons got other things, mostly defense contracts.  The relationship was a strange one from the first. About 2266 the Klingon Empire was beginning to encroach on the far side of the Neutral Zone and the first two or three interstellar engagements left both sides looking at each other and wishing there were some way to forestall the all-out war that was certainly coming. Rather cleverly the Klingons made overtures to the Romulans based on their own enmity with the Federation, and offered to sell them ships and 'more advanced technology' some of it Federation. Everyone, the Klingons claimed, stood to benefit from this arrangement. The Neutral Zone border on their side would be 'secure' and the Klingon economy (also in trouble) would benefit from the extra capital and goods. The Romulans buying ships from the Klingons was comparable to Rolls-Royce buying parts from Ford. The Klingon ships were built by the lowest bidder, and performed as such. Most of the Federation technology the Klingons had to offer was obsolete. Needlessly high cost of Klingon replacement parts. Klingons build good weaponry, but their greatest interest in spacecraft tends to be in blowing them up.
P198 the Romulans serve as a buffer between the Federation and the Klingons. Annex Romulan space, and suddenly the Federation and Klingon policies come into direct conflict. It makes more sense to let the Romulans take the brunt.
P205 there is a faction in the Romulan Empire who have no love for the pirates who would try to run the Empire as the accursed Klingons run theirs.
P211 McCoy wonders how many of the personnel at Starfleet Command were Klingon and Romulan operatives.
P216 McCoy taunts Romulan legal proceedings by saying a fair trial is a common practice amongst civilized peoples - like the Klingons
P228 renegade Romulan Commander Ael addresses the Tricameron of the Romulan Empire -you have sold honor for power, you have sold what a Romulan used to be, to what a Klingon thinks a Romulan ought to be. I will take the Sword, and if you want it back, you might ask your friends the Klingons to send a fleet to find me. Or perhaps they would laugh and show you how to truly run this Empire as they run theirs, by sending that fleet here instead. They half-own you as it is. You might be able to change that, but I doubt it. 
P230 McCoy has been on a Romulan warship before, but that was a Klingon built Akif-class battlecruiser, and it was roomy. [?Enterprise Incident?]
P237 renegade Romulan Commander Ael's ship Bloodwing still has Klingon-built gunnery augmentation circuits, improvements to phasers, but attacked by Romulan ship Avenger, latest generation warship built by those same Klingons.
P251 Romulan transporter, not considered a reliable form of travel, possibly because the technology is purchased second-hand from the Klingons
P251 kll'inghann = the Klingon people, in Romulan language. the Klingons were encountered after the Federation, and the Romulan name for Klingons is khell'oann-mhehorael which means More of Them, from Somewhere Else.
In Klingon built Akif and K't'inga class vessels the battle bridge is in a separate, heavily armored area deep in the command prow.
  Rihannsu 3 Swordhunt by Diane Duane
P8 five Klingon cruisers come up low and fast over the hills of Romulan colony world Eilhaunn, long bodies and down-thrust wings and nacelles, like Romulan oiswuh diving, their long necks thrust forward. The ships scream down and over the spaceport, firing phasers and photon torpedoes. Great blooming black-shot clouds of orange fire came boiling up from the impact sites as dirt and rocks shot out from them in all directions. Wind whipped up by the passage of the second and third Klingon cruisers blasted across the ground. The phaser bolt lanced out from the back of the Klingon vessel. Lazily the cruiser arced around. 
P15 some of the messages had gone clear out into the Klingon communications networks, which was amusing considering what one of the messages might eventually mean to the Klingon Empire, and from there the messages passed to one of the commercial subspace relay networks in the nonaligned worlds buffering between the Klingons and Federation. 
P23 the planners at Starfleet Strat-Tac, dealing with the question of a Fed-Romulan War, wonder what if the Klingons come in on the Romulan side at the beginning. The war would be short and bloody, mutual assured destruction. But Strat-Tac thinks the Klingons would wait to see how things went, then come in and attack the weaker of the two combatant parties at an opportune moment. Their own Empire is slightly overstretched at the moment in terms of supply lines. Fed opinion is their sensitive to the possibility that the Romulans, once hostilities were well enough under way, might attack the further-flung Klingon worlds with an eye to cutting off the trade routes to the inner planets. 
P32 Romulans see now what the Klingons think of a neighboring Empire which cannot stop one ship from coming through their system defenses. The Klingons will say to themselves Where once treachery’s rank weed sprang up, it can be sown again. They will see the ground as favorable. They have always been willing to use such means if tactics required. And if treason does not work, they will use main force with joy.  The Klingons have spotted what looks like a weakness at the very heart of Romulan empire. They are already moving to exploit it. The Klingon movement will give the Federation pause. If word came to the Federation that the Klingons had struck one of their outpost worlds, they would turn their attention away from Romulans.  As for the Klingons, they may come to see that the Federation is not invulnerable, either. There are members of their own legislature who would not be averse to sending their fleets in that direction, as much for the sake of changes in their own status quo as for revenge, battle or booty. 
P40 Romulans think of how it could be for them to live in a universe where there was no Federation, no Klingon Empire
P67 space around the Romulan Mendaissa and Ysail star systems was being fortified against possible Klingon invasion
P72 the Federation has monitored the Klingons moving ships along the Neutral Zone.
P80 the Romulans have been using the Sunseed routines, artificially created ion storms, defensively against the Klingons, along the shared border, for some years.
P106 Romulan rogue Ael’s ship Bloodwing has Klingon-sourced phaser conduits, clandestinely installed. 
P126 dim-lit room, high ceilinged, tapestried, weapon-hung, unusually rich and splendid even as high-caste Klingons reckoned such things, crimson and dully gleaming gold. Great black carved doors swing open. 
Blood feud between Kelg’s house and Kurvad’s, a feud both houses had cultivated with pleasure for a decade. Normally if they had met on the street they would have attacked each other.
Called together by house senior to both by centuries, by K’hemren, man so high-caste that any feud must be set aside until they had discharged whatever errand he might require. Snarling at each other, permitted by propriety. Ritually restrictive environment. Wait for half an hour around noontime. Noon meal being served, smell of choice viands, smoky hint of saltha, scent of bloodwine. 
K’hemren’s counseling chamber. Tall chair.  Long curved, extremely handsome pattern-welded steel bat’leth. Kelg and Kurvad report Romulan ship movements. 
Cliché - Beware the targ without a bone in his mouth, and the Romulan without a lie in his.
The Klingons have intercepted messages routed through news services, even routed through Klingon’s own message networks. 
At mention of Kirk and Enterprise Kurvad spits on the floor and leaps to his feet and starts to pace, though at the mandated safe distance from Kelg. Distressed at thought of Kirk mating with aliens, intolerable. Kelg has low opinion of human manners. 
Kirk beats every Klingon ship he meets, no matter who he mates with. His victories can not be denied him. 
May the last Dark only devour him soon
Kelg thinks of pushing Kurvad into Ael’s way. 
It would be too much to ask of the Universe
Kurvad thinks Romulans have strength to conduct a little border war.
Kelg counters that Romulans didn’t react to Klingon attack on Khashah IV – Romulan world Eilhaunn – the Romulans withdrew their forces, let Klingons take it. 
Over the last tenday and a half
Romulan ship movements are coming close to Klingon space. Once again they use the Zone to cloak their own movements. And Romulan new cloaking device is in use as well. Who knows what they are letting us see just to distract us from what we can’t see elsewhere. 
K’hemren roars that Romulans don’t have to be great strategists, they are afraid, which makes them dangerous. And more, they have no hope. He is of the opinion that Klingons have closed down their relations with Romulans much too tightly in recent months. Now Romulans feel they have no hope in dealing with us
one should never leave one’s enemy without hope. First of all because it is a weapon in one’s own hand, sunk in their guts, which one can twist when one needs to. But secondly because an enemy without hope swiftly becomes an enemy with nothing to lose!
The Emperor is not going to have much patience for these philosophical discussions. He is going to want to know how many more planets we have taken since we spoke to him last. It does not take a Thought Admiral to see that the present answer will not please him.
Even the Emperor cannot have everything his own way. It would be a fool’s act to attack any more worlds before hostilities break out. Let the fog of war descend first. Under its cover, many attacks can take place, and no one will know whose responsibility they are – unless they analyze the ion trails and residues of course. 
Klingons have spleens. 
To prepare for upcoming war Klingons need metals, heavy and light, and slave labor. These will be available in plenty from the worlds about their bridgehead at Eilhaunn. 
Kelg’s house, involved in the attack on Eilhaunn, would be able to get rich from those same resources, the riches would buy them the influence with the Emperor’s advisers that they had never been able to afford before.  After that the Romulans could go to whatever hell they preferred. Maybe Kelg’s house would rise to the seat of the Empire itself. 
All the ships that might cause the Klingons trouble are on the Federation side of the Neutral Zone.  The Federation is moving ships to counter them. Now is the chance to take back much of what was left in the Federation’s hands when the curst Organians interfered. Fed flank unguarded. 
The enemy that does want to fight will be able to move in and start a real war
Kelg spits on the floor, seen only as a shadow, a slave crept in to mop up the spittle. 
Somewhere distant in the great house voices were lifted in song, cups clank at feast
Feasts of triumph
Kurvad’s skull will be bound in steel and used as a spittoon.
K’hemren must speak with the Emperor. Kelg and Kurvad must go back to their fleets and get ready for battle. K’hemren will contact them with the Emperor’s orders. K’hemren thinks war unavoidable. Kelg and Kurvad leap up and shout for victory. 
Kelg’s brother served with Kang, and came to grief at Kirk’s hands. The image of what revenge he might take if the man ever crossed his path had long been the delight of his idle moments. 
Kurvad’s cousin, when he served with Koloth, also had run in with Kirk
Is not war full of unfortunate accidents
P149 the Romulan outworlds, the colony planets and client systems in those spaces which march with the Klingon side of the Empire have been suffering terribly of late. Some old honored Romulan families settled out there. 
P158 the Klingons would fall on Romulan outworlds in force, in numbers, without a second thought. Romulans would be forced in to a two front war, not the Klingons. And what remained of the Romulans after the Klingon’s brutality and the Fed’s cruel mercy, would be a pitiful thing to call Romulan. Kirk looks at maps of the Federation, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Empire and he was thinking hard. Kirk, looking at the hologram, tells it to rotate so he could see the way the Klingon and Romulan empires interpenetrated one another. The only regular boundary in the area was the Neutral Zone. Elsewhere bumps and warts of Klingon and Romulan territory struck into and out of the main volume of the two Empires with great irregularity where they bounded one another. The contact surfaces suggested many years of the two players playing put and take in that part of space. 15 Trianguli was convenient enough to the area where the Neutral Zone, the Klingon Empire and the un-Zoned part of the Romulan Empire drew close together. Kirk wonders if the Romulans are planning to attack Klingons from Federation direction then duck back into Zone in the confusion. 
P187 Samnethe, planet’s main spaceport Tharawe, early summer morning sky had been full of ugly swooping shapes of Klingon vessels, of phaserfire and the shriek of impulse engines. Beaten off. The Klingons hit defenses as hard as they could and couldn’t break through except to destroy a few hangars and small ships on the ground, nothing important. The empire would hate to see Samnethe’s privately owned shipbuilding facilities falling into the Klingons’ hands, while the employees are running around free to be swept up and put to work for the Romulans’ enemies. Should it look like the Klingons might somehow get the upper hand here, someone can make sure that this particular highly skilled workforce is never taken by Klingons as slave labor. Romulans would rather die than be a Klingon’s slave, or any being’s. considerable damage has been done by Klingon’s attack to base facilities. The word had gone out that the attack had been a Romulan victory, invaders driven off, not so.
P217 nearly all stars with planets around them, in both Fed and Klingon space, fall on the upper side of the bell curve, in danger from Sunseed ion storm weapon
  Rihannsu 4 Honor Blade by Diane Duane
P3 Commodore Jono Danilov, Polynesian and east European blood, his experience and effectiveness in battle had become legendary, in particular he had probably scored more points during the last big war with the Klingons than any other commander except Captain Suvuk of Intrepid, until the Organians blew the whistle and stopped play. Danilov has a reputation for luck. 
P16 the Klingons and Fed prefer smaller ship-servicing facilities, more spread out among their colonies. Why would Romulans fight Romulans? Weren’t there Klingons and Feds enough to destroy?
P50 starships are not the only hardware the Romulans have purchased from the Klingons lately. After Sunseed and the DNA project were stolen, there appeared a sudden enthusiasm for that piece of equipment known as the mind-sifter.  It has apparently become very popular among Romulan intelligence forces. Romulans don’t have any mind controls against it
P58 from Spock’s experience, the mind-sifter is simply a mechanism that performs  mind-meld without permission. It can be defeated in two ways. The first: by disengaging the pain, by denying it permission, by completely mastering the emotions of anger and fear. The second requires a higher level of accomplishment. 
P77 the Romulans change the original flattish Klingon bird-of-prey design and go for curves instead of angles, suggesting experimenting with warp field augmentation
P131 Captain Gutierrez of the Ortisei mentions to the Romulan Ael that name calling isn’t a reason to overreact, and she counters that Captain Kirk’s crew once nearly precipitated a diplomatic incident because some Klingon called the Enterprise a garbage scow.
P141 a major Romulan colony world, Artaleirh, the asteroid belt around the primary is main source for high-quality dilithium crystals in the Romulan Imperium, and the planet has a great deal of heavy and high-tech industry, strategically critical position, far enough away from the center of things that the Romulans are concerned that the Klingons might make a move on the system from one of several former Romulan worlds they’ve recently occupied. Artaleirh close enough to the Romulan homeworlds that a failure to respond to the threat would be read as a sign of weakness by both their own people and the Klingons. 
P153 the second break out area – the part of Romulan space closest to both the Klingons and the Federation, and the stars there – Orith, Mendaissa, Uriend, Artaleirh, Samnethe, Ysail. On the map many of them had been tagged to show they were being fortified, substantial ship squadrons moved there in recent days or weeks.  There had been a feeling of inevitability about the last big one with the Klingons, that a great battle had to be fought
P168 six Romulan Fleet light cruisers sent to Artaleirh now officially listed as missing. Nine Grand Fleet vessels are now proceeding to Artaleirh. 
P181 the Klingons will be giving the Romulan Senate more than enough reason to keep the people in line momentarily. If the Romulans can’t keep Artaleirh, the Klingons certainly can’t be allowed to have it. 
P219 Code One, the Federation declares war on the Romulans after Romulan incursion into Fed space near  15 Trianguli. It had been the Klingons the last time Code One came through, and there had been more than enough deaths in that awful time, enough destruction and terror, before the Organians had abruptly brought that war to a close. Organians show no signs of interfering this time, perhaps bored with lesser races, or gone, or humans and Romulans did not have the kind of joint future – bizarre as it sounded right now – which they had predicted that Klingons and humans would someday have. The Second Romulan War. 
  Timetrap by David Dvorkin
13 Klingon emergency signal picked up. What are they doing in Fed space. 
The voice barked out at them, heavy and menacing, a Klingon voice, its words translated to English by the computer but the voice left unchanged.
Klanth, commanding. Failure of vessel structure accelerating: Destruction of Mauler imminent. Crew conduct exemplary. Request commendations be sent to clans of all. I personally commend all of us to the gods. Survive and succeed!
Ship breaking up, life support failing
Spock – Regulations do not require that we respond in a situation such as this one.
Kirk – I want to know what they’re doing inside our territory.
Mauler, Klanth commanding. Leave us, Kirk! Leave us to die bravely, like Klingons.
Kirk – Bravely or not, Captain. You will die without our help. Wouldn’t it be better to survive to serve your emperor again?
Klanth – Not with human help!
The gloomy cramped bridge of a Klingon warship, underlit and hot by human standards and filled with shouts and yells and the groaning of tortured metal. Command seat. 
Klanth, broad-shouldered, powerful figure.
A Klingon, his eyes on the display of a small computer in his hand, pushed one of Kirk’s men aside impatiently as he strode past.
Kirk, Klanth and the security team and the Klingons were all thrown about violently inside the bridge of the booming groaning ship.
There was a faint accent and after a moment’s hesitation Kirk recognized it: Klingonese!
Klingons more powerful than humans
34 Morith, voice used to command, tall dark and saturnine with dark goatee and drooping mustache. Wore simple brown tunic, exposed shoulders, arms and legs were heavy and powerfully muscled. In charge of base. 
The cramped, dark interior of a Klingon spaceship.
Seven Klingons around Kirk when he wakes up
Familiar swarthy skins, the black hair and eyes, the heavy, black brows, the strong jaws and cheekbones, the erect, powerful bodies.
The Klingons Kirk had met previously all projected an underlying sense of menace
Menace was clearly absent from this group.
Their faces lacked the animosity Kirk was used to seeing in Klingons.
Kirk had seen Klingons with fierce grins of cruelly or martial delight, but never a genuine pleasure. The heavy dour Klingon face was transformed by warmth and amiability. 
Home on Klinzhai. 
A Klingon in the old sense of the implacable, dreaded enemy
Morith – Most Klingons speak English nowadays
Kirk’s been thrown 100 years into the future.
Captain Klanth and a handful of his crew survived as well.
Morith – The Federation and the Klingon Empire are at peace. Klingons serve aboard your starships, your scientists work in our laboratories. The friendship between our peoples which the Organians long ago predicted has come to pass.
42 Kalrind, Kirk’s tutor. Heavy browed, heavy boned, strength with an atmosphere of danger. 
When they smile Kirk ceased to think of these people as Klingon.
The Roj tIn, the Great Peace
New Klingons, the thlIngan chu
It was disturbing to Kirk that he was finding Kalrind physically attractive. Of course they become lovers.
Old Klingon proverb – The Universe destroys the sluggard.
An unforgiving race, and so they saw the universe as unforgiving, two. 
A Klingon wouldn’t have been given freedom to wander a starbase
Klinzhai and the other central worlds
Klinzhai, center of the enemy nation, wellspring of evil, a word with which to frighten children. 
Kirk’s contemporary Klingons left records as unflattering about him as they could be. They accused him of not possessing the martial virtues they admired. 
Klingons engaging in strenuous recreation
Floor of gymnasium was covered with three sets of parallel lines, so that the surface was tiled with variously colored triangles. The Klingons, all stripped to the waist and sweating heavily, seemed to be following complicated rules governing which triangle each could be in and how they were allowed to move between them. There was much wrestling and shoving and even rather vicious looking kicks and punches. 
Kirk – Looks a bit like klin zha.
Kirk read a book about the game.
Klanth radiated the hostility and barely contained anger Kirk knew so well.
Klanth – Is this what I and my fellow Klingons fought and sacrificed so much for, so that these weaklings and cowards could inherit our power?
The glaring eyes, the rage-darkened face
That proud and solitary warrior from his own time
Klingons don’t have much of a sense of humor
84 might as well try to interrogate a Qatlh pub or some other wild animal
90 a jIjmoS, a complete political union, no frontier between two states, unimpeded travel
96 Hov tInqu’ = very big star
Klingons blunt and direct
117 yImev!
120 Qong-Hegh, sleep death. Possibly a hereditary disease, rare, inevitably fatal. Always associated with the lowest classes in the Empire. A child who displayed signs of Qong-Hegh was simply allowed to die of it. usually happened during adolescence which is when the disease normally first manifests itself.
The only time Kirk had ever seen a pale Klingon before was after that Klingon died.
127 this is Dr. Cherk, joh Kalrind. How may I serve?
Release me from this vile imprisonment, churl!
Klingon obedience modes
On Klingon ships firing of weapons normally controlled from the bridge. Klingon ships traditionally had at least one auxiliary room from which the main ship’s weapons could be controlled; this was intended for backup, in case the bridge became inoperative. the standard layout of Klingon ships of various types including such details as fire control centers was well known from careful study of captured enemy ships. Inner room not normal.
Klingon strike craft, in launch bay, these were the Klingon landing vehicles, used for quick and deadly assaults on enemy ground targets. 
Everything was labeled in klingonese
Kirk could understand spoken klingonese slightly, his reading of it was rudimentary.
HoS, power
USS Nonsuch, hastily designated flagship of the Fed fleet assembled to halt Morith’s incursion. Fleet Admiral De La Jolla.
I am Joh Morith, commander of this fleet
Klingons were trying to infiltrate the Fed, i.e. Darvin. 
Kirk – on Darvin – we assumed he had been surgically altered to look human. But we never did figure out how he managed to act human, Klingons always have so much trouble behaving themselves around humans. They’re trained to war and aggression from childhood, they’re taught to think of us as an enemy. A treat to their survival. When they do encounter a human they become hostile and violent almost as if it were an instinct.
Transponder, subjected to Klingon cloaking device operating at high level.
Spock has found a way to detect the use of the cloaking device from a considerable distance now, not when used in the normal way but only when its power has been increased far beyond normal levels, as when it’s being used by one ship to cast a cloaking field on another.
Starbase 17 constantly monitors Imperial space within its area of responsibility, near Tholian space. A few days ago a large Klingon fleet suddenly appeared within the empire but heading toward Fed territory.
Spock was able to find a whole bunch of disguised Klingons just like Elliot Tindell, scattered throughout Starfleet and the Federation. They were all born in places that have been wiped out by one kind of disaster or another so that there was no one who had known them in childhood. Real names, for records of births. Klingon agents, planted varying numbers of years ago, sustained by drugs so they can act human. Uproar on earth and the other major worlds. We’ve been hunting them down, cloak and dagger, exciting stuff.
McCoy – The differences between humans and Klingons are more subtle than most people realize. Even normally the differences are biochemical, not mechanical. The exterior differences, the heavier facial bones can be taken care of with surgery. They seem to have improved their surgical abilities greatly. The biochemical differences are trickier, but the Klingons have apparently made some very major advances in biochemistry and now they have new drugs which can mask even those differences. Drugs that control their moods and make it easier for them to act human around humans.
Elliot Tindel’s wife Luisa, Panamanian, married two years, changed his pills, causing him to revert.
The Klingons probably have the best painkillers and pepper-uppers in the known universe, now, with their advances in biochemistry. Possibly memory suppressing as well. The planted agents may not know their own backgrounds, false personalities implanted. You have to get them off the drug for a while before the real Klingon comes back.
Kirk – They never give up, do they? As soon as we close one chink in our armor they start probing for another.
Kalrind hated being a new soft Klingon. To order a warrior to subject herself to such humiliation! I am a warrior, they gave me false memories, false feelings.  I volunteered but they didn’t warm me how much I was giving up and what kind of woman I’d become. A soft fool, just like you humans. 
I’m my own woman again and I’ll kill everyone responsible.
In love, with a human? The idea is disgusting, an abomination. You and al your kind are beasts. Only Klingons are true people. All the other species are soft. They are inferior beings, fit only for domination, exploitation, extermination. We are the natural rulers of the galaxy. 
It is indicative of their callousness toward their own people that they would so willingly risk a ship and crew. Energy expenditure prodigious. 
A specially built ship that was little more than a shell built around an enormous matter-antimatter reactor, sole purpose to provide the energy for the storm.
Plan was to cripple Mauler to the point of inoperability and turn off the storm. After a Fed rescue team had beamed aboard from whatever Fed ship had come to investigate the distress call, the storm would be turned on again, along with the cloaking device, to make it seem that Mauler had disappeared. That they would capture someone of such a high rank and such eminence in Starfleet as Captain Kirk lay outside their plans.
Massive use of the cloaking device at extraordinary high power levels
The Klingons have the miniature transponder Kirk took over to Mauler
The Klingons would have detected Enterprise scanning for Kirk
They must have built up an enormous library of ship’s recordings, stored in San Francisco, because they couldn’t know who they would manage to capture, what ship he would have served on. Extensive preparations covering every detail of the masquerade and absorbing a great deal of manpower throughout the Klingon Empire. Their agents must have told them we would change codes and dispositions throughout Starfleet on disappearance of any high-ranking officer. The Mauler incident represented a great sacrifice of what they had managed to learn about Starfleet’s current status, data that must have represented a large and long information gathering effort. This entire episode constitutes a huge investment for the Empire, a wasted investment. 
The plan called for the Klingon fleet to be escorted all the way to Earth, once there they would have launched an attack on Earth, to destroy the seat of Fed government and Starfleet HQ. They had strike craft on their ships.
Earth is the capital of both the Fed and Starfleet. To the Klingon mind, its destruction would lead to the downfall of the Federation.
McCoy – Then they don’t understand how our minds work, in the Federation. It might work in the Empire, if someone destroyed Klinzhai then the Empire might fall. 
Kirk – They’ll probably never understand how the minds of free men work. Their spies could live among us for so long, drugged to behave like human beings, but still not come to understand the human mind.
There really are New Klingons, but never very many, and we’re hunting them down.
Morith – You’ve cost a great deal, James Kirk. Some careers, my own included, no doubt. I won’t forget what you owe us. 
Captain Kalrind returned to Morith
Few Klingons were so ruthless and competent that they could climb to command rank. In the Klingon Empire, that was an accomplishment possible for only a rare and frightening type of individual
Tindall returns to Earth. In the Empire Tindall would be surplus, useless, waste material to be eliminated. Perhaps human psychologists could do something with him. Spock’s idea.
Kalrind disabled two top Enterprise Security men
Kirk – What happened between us proved that friendship between our peoples is possible. It’s up to people in high positions to make the old Organian prediction come true.
Kalrind – Softness repels us. We are warriors, first and foremost. We are trained to destroy the soft. You repel and sicken me.
Kalrind’s real source of anger was horror at her own feelings. She recognized strong feelings for you in herself and that frightened and repelled her. 
218 Elliot Tindall aka Kol. Kol is disgraced but human society does not have such rigid rules of honor and dishonor. Tindell worked in lab in San Francisco. Sciences Division, under Fleet Admiral Chung, and old Admiral Kim. wrote a paper on the interaction of the T-jump effect and the transporter phase field. I am still Kol and so I will still pursue honor. My honor will be satisfied by my self-destruction. My family’s honor will be saved that way. 
Kol/Tindell – I was always taught that Vulcans were weaklings. A once great warrior race that had chosen to submit itself humbly to rule by humans. 
  Trek Strange New Worlds 8 by Dan C Duval
Makrecha IV 2285
Gorkon, family has lands on this frontier planet.
Page 133 bontag, predator
Pro-Romulan Party Klingons hunt with bat'leths and disruptors.
Gorkon, old-fashioned, carries nothing but spear and d'k tagh. Those on Qo'noS call him backward, barbarian, Traditionalist.
Makrecha, disputed world under Treaty of Organia. Klingons were developing it. Not humans. Humans could be on the planet, but Gorkon would make sure they would not establish themselves.
Federation Standard not Gorkon's strongest language
Radiation, a Klingon can fight almost anything in the universe but not the invisible killer
He spoke with a commanding tone to establish his Klingon dominance
Mistakes do not enhance a warrior's image
Torias Dax shuttle crash on Makrecha, found by Gorkon
Dishonorable to leave a stranded traveler in the woods
Gorkon had survived the purges on Qo'noS that the Chancellor had instituted. Many Klingons had not.
Perhaps it would be easier to kill the Trill. The option did not seem the honorable path. The majority of warriors that ventured into space looked nothing like Gorkon. Torias has not seen the likes of Gorkon.
Last three chancellors threw away all the traditions of the past including the quest for true honor, to emulate what they perceived as a superior culture, incorporating ruthlessness and complete disregard for dictates of honor.
Unless one belongs to a very rich House with its own ships one never goes into space.
Page 138 nak'at a predator killed with a warrior's own hands for clothing
Traditional Klingon clothing, leather from animal bred only on Qo'noS, chewed by women to soften and shape it, then stiffened with the urine of the nak'at
Armor-like clothing will turn a poorly handled blade, not a blade in the hands of a Klingon of course
Dried-targ - chewy salty and only slightly more nutritious than the leather of his armor
Makrecha, Gorkon family claimed a large part of this territory to make into a hunting domain, perhaps breed game animals
Gorkon here as part of the Klingon development project for this world
Makrecha, new Federation settlement on southern continent, per treaty, farmers and miners
No warning that the cursed Fed was coming
He refused to show his ignorance by asking
Page 140 Gorkon, son of Toq of the House of Makok
Why are you here instead of pushing the interests of your house on Qo'noS ?
Gorkon running away to save his life, hide his family to save them
Gorkon speaks Federation with only a slight accent, shows he is very well educated
Very wealthy family to be able to claim so much land and use it only for hunting
I can stop your pain. There is no honor in enduring this sort of agony. The offer was best made from the standing position to honor the sufferer
Growing up on Qo'noS Gorkon had never thought of himself as sheltered but this sounded so unnatural
Baiting him with the hint of questioning the Klingon's honor
Can a Klingon warrior show any less courage than this weak alien?
Audrid - proper and motherly by day and so wild at night
Lodge with view of valley below
Torias - wished to dance again, but feet too big. Could never dance like Emony danced.
Torias to Gorkon - who will write songs about a hunter hiding in his forest? They write songs about warriors who valiantly fight even if they valiantly lose and die
Torias died and Trill had to tell Federation doctors what to do about symbiont
Gorkon honored to care for dead body. Gorkon carefully wrapped the body of Torias in the Klingon manner and buried him on a crag above the lodge with a rock cairn over the grave.
He stood facing the setting sun and thrust his bat'leth toward the sky and shouted 'I will remember you, Torias Dax! Your bravery will be my example for all time
Two years later Curzon Dax traveled to Qo'noS and found Gorkon son of Toq of the House of Makok. They talked of Torias Dax and of Klingon politics. The Traditionalists were making a comeback.
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