Wounded Sky by Diane Duane
P33 our friends the Klingons have been sniffing around the inversion drive’s testing grounds with those new hyperphasers of theirs.
Kaza was here a tenday ago, showing itself along the borders, then slipping out again. Earlier in the month it was Kytin and Kj’khrry and a little convoy of support cruisers and cutters. One test jump landed right in the middle of them. Before they could react the pilot re-elected the ship’s mass in another direction. 
P37 27 cubic meter games tank in corner of Enterprise rec room. The long lean shapes of Romulan warbirds and Klingon-built vulture destroyers dove and fired at a model of the Enterprise. Mr. Sulu’s special mock-up for battle simulation. 
P49 the Fed has some investment in keeping this apparatus away from the Klingons and Romulans for the time being. The Klingons have been feinting in this area of late. They know we’ve been testing a drive that doesn’t depend on the warp principle. It’s a fair bet they’ll come after us as soon as we’re out of Fed space and try to take it from us. If they start trouble, we’ll do what’s necessary to handle it.
Ten credits that they’ll be at least three Klingon destroyers, and we’ll handle them in less than four minutes. 
P61 Five Klingons, six, seven. KL 8 Kaza; KL 96 Menekku; KL 66 Enekti; KL 14 Kj’khrry; KL 55 Kytin; KL 02 Amak; KL 782 Okuv; KL 94 Tukab. Movement to englobe. Commander of Kaza on ship-to-ship. The Enterprise left the ambushing Klingons in realspace. They don’t want to hurt Enterprise, they want what she has. Yet if she runs too well they’ll just blow her up out of pique, knowing the Fed will build another of whatever we have. Enterprise outgunned. Klingons have new hyperphasers. The Klingons go to warp, match evasion. The Klingons jostled about, firing ahead to predetonate the torpedoes Enterprise fired. The Klingons popped out of warp and went shooting past, braking desperately but not as effectively as Sulu. One by one the Klingons were flipping end for end to brake or arcing around in long deadly graceful hyperbolas that would intersect with Enterprise’s course. Several had begun firing already in typical Klingon attack frenzy, though the fire wasn’t very effective as yet; the distance-attenuated hyperphaser beams hit the shields and fizzled. Sulu dumped more and more velocity, while Klingons streaked in closer and closer, and little by little the shields began to take on the angry red of splattering Klingon phasers that were becoming more effective by the moment. The Enterprise was practically at a standstill, the Klingons were screaming in at half a c or more. The Enterprise went to warp three, they were not alone for more than a few seconds, the Klingons’ sensors were more than adequate to tracking another ship in warp, with the cloaking device or not. Enterprise accelerated, her pursuers came hot behind, matching her acceleration, surpassing it, beginning to catch up. 
Sulu – the velocity dump was to get the Klingons angry. Nothing upsets a Klingon more than the suspicion that he might not understand what his opponent’s up to. They’ve all lost face in front of each other now. They’ll be furious.
Kaza and Kytin and Menekku and their brothers popped out of warp behind Enterprise. Kirk could almost hear the enraged screaming as instrumentation set to highest sensitivity for the detection of a ship fleeing through realspace was fried in a second. Scan indicates long range sensing on pursuit ships is down, they are dumping and arming all weapons systems. Two ships are missing. Spock thinks Amak and Enekti are waiting to attack Enterprise in warp should she reenter it. Six very annoyed Klingon ships began to converge. The Klingons made the velocities from their dumps last them as long as possible, instructing their battle computers to lay in courses that would intersect with Enterprise’s most likely one, a hurried vector away from them and into open space for a pop into warp, where Amak and Enekti lay in ambush. But Enterprise wasn’t running her part of the battle according to the sensible, reasonable tactics they were expecting. Since nearly everyone in the galaxy now had the Romulans’ cloaking device, the methodology of starship level warfare had changed in recent years. Ships running almost entirely on instruments ambushed each other in warp, where the cloaking device didn’t work, and fought whole battles there. 
No matter how close Kaza and his brother destroyers followed Enterprise she would not fire or duck into warp. Instead she swooped and soared and rolled. The Klingons’ battle computers didn’t have the necessary protocols programmed into them for this kind of real space fighting. No one could get close enough for even hyperphaser fire to pierce shields. Anyone who tired soon had overstressed ship’s structure and fell back, swearing. 
Menekku and Tukab had been closing on Enterprise from either side now found themselves on intersecting collision courses. They peeled hastily away from each other. 
The Klingons have gone off computers to manual pursuit, seeing that standard battle programming has proved ineffective.
Klingons were catching up to them again, flying peculiar courses that lacked the perfect grace and symmetry of the usual computer-coordinated attack formation.  Sulu flipped Enterprise end for end, and threw her right at the heart of their ragged formation, where Kaza was flying point.
Kaza’s image swelled on visual, a huge grim gray bird spitting phaser fire. The bird showed Enterprise its belly and the undersides of nacelle-wings, veering upward and away, coughing impotent photon torpedoes at them from fore and aft tubes as Kaza ran. The torpedoes were no threat with Enterprise screens fully powered. 
Behind Enterprise the Klingons were coming about, leaping after her again.
Enterprise went to warp. Kaza popped in, Menekku; from ahead, Amak and Enekti swooped in, firing. Sulu threw Enterprise straight at Enekti, the biggest. It veered off as hastily as Kaza had. Sulu sent Enterprise after Enekti, running right up his tail, seemingly ignoring the seven Klingons chasing after the two of them at a slowly increasing and respectful distance. Enekti fired at him aft, both torpedoes and phasers, to little effect, and dodged and wheeled crazily in an attempt to shake Sulu. Stresses experienced by the Klingon ship didn’t look good. After all, a Klingon battle ship was built heavy on firepower and speed, not so much for maneuvering, their fighting style being biased more toward sudden surprise attacks, running down and gunning down as opponent, and disdaining the subtleties of swift maneuvering as a sign of weakness. Enekti’s structural status was poor and getting poorer as his helm officer, not as used to independent action as Sulu, ran terrified in front of Enterprise, turning and banking and having every move matched. And then Enekti made one move, a sharp down and Sulu circled upward. Enekti’s maneuver sheared off his port nacelle. A second later what was left of the ship bloomed into white fire in explosion. 
The one thing that would make sure the Klingons followed Enterprise as closely as they possibly could, was blood.
Klingons erupted into real space behind Enterprise, gaining fast. Message from Kaza. They advise Enterprise to kill our helm officer and send him or her before us, so the Black fleet will know what ship’s crew to expect.
Kaza, Menekku and Amak were now within effective attack range and their phasers dyed rear shields with bloody fire. 
Behind Enterprise the Klingons were popping out into realspace, and Kirk could practically hear the shouts of horror on their bridges as they realized the trick being played on them so close to 109 Piscium. Struggled to react fast enough to escape with their lives. Amak and Menekku went screaming off at crazy angles. Amak turned too sharply and ruptured itself. Kytin and Kj’khrry swerved more safely, fleeing in opposite directions. Okuv, unable to stop, streaked into the star, Tukab followed it. Only Kaza still ravened behind Enterprise, firing everything at once, knowing themselves doomed and not giving up. Eaten by nova of 109 Piscium when Enterprise goes to warp close to star. 
P151 the Klingon phasers make Enterprise screens begin to radiate into the ultraviolet. 
We can’t do anything about the landing party, not with the damn Klingers hammering at us like this.
The screens began to grow, swelling outward. Several of the attacking Klingons backed away. One did not, just kept firing, then stopped abruptly when the Enterprise’s screen hit his, and both the Klingon screen and the Klingon ship simply winked out of existence. The other Klingons backed off even farther. 
P167 the galaxy hung above him, the whole Federation, from the Orionis worlds to the Vela Congreries, was a patch of sparkle that an upraised finger could cover. The Klingon and Romulan empires were lost entirely.
P251 it wouldn’t do to have the Klingons see all of Fleet suddenly mutiny so close to Terra.
P252 the ship Manhattan wore an actinic white deflector screen bright with the fire of the faraway Klingon homestar, holding the place at honors till the day the Klingons should join the Fed.
  My Enemy My Ally by Diane Duane
P9 Romulan Commander-General Ael receives message that the stealthily –acquired Klingon gunnery augmentation circuits to ship Bloodwing’s phasers, an addition that would give the old ship three times a Warbird’s usual firepower have been successfully attached. Ael did not care for the Klingon ships the Romulan Empire had been buying lately, graceless design, hasty and shoddy workmanship. Klingons were abysmal shipwrights they did know how to build guns. Absolutely necessary for Ael’s plan that the phasers get upgrade
Wretched used Klingon ships 
P19 Jim’s half of the cubic game now looked like the Klingon half of the Battle of Organia at the end of the fourth quarter
P33 Kirk understands assassination was not the Romulan style. It was supposed to be disdained as a dishonorable act, a sign of barbarity and weakness in the person who hired the assassin: the type of ‘irresponsible’ behavior that made the Romulans despise the Klingons.
P38 the Romulan ID signals, identifying their class type indicates their Klingon origin. Commander Ael wishes Command would stop buying those flying middens. The Rihannsu had entered into a trade agreement with the Klingons: an agreement that was nothing but a fair scabbard over a sharp sword – the threat of war if the Rihannsu should fail to buy a certain number of ships every year. It was the old Romulan saying “Buy a murderer once and you will get a lifetime service.” And the Klingons, with their present economical problems, would like nothing better than the excuse of a broke treaty to justify raiding the Rihannsu outworlds. So ch’Rihan fulfilled its half of the agreement, more out of fear than integrity. The Romulan fleet now about half old Warbirds and half Klingon ships. Spare parts sold at extortionate prices, which immediately malfunctioned again anyway. Ael muses that perhaps it’s true what is said, that the Klingon government contracts for its ships to be built by the lowest bidder. . .
Arakkab, Kenek, Ykir, Klingon names for ships in Ael’s fleet. KL Ehhak
A brand new K’tinga class warship, with Klingon markings on the exterior.  Ael figures she is being sent across the Neutral Zone to start a ‘Klingon’ war with the Federation. She and her ships would not survive, the Klingons and the Federation would blow one another to plasma for months or years, and the Romulans would be off, scavenge behind Klingons and Federation, enlarge the Romulan Empire at cost of both sets of enemies.
Marvelous new Klingon gunnery equipment
P58 Captain Suvuk, a Vulcan, shorter and slighter than Spock, strong force of personality, saved 30 other Federation ships and the lives of thousands of Starfleet personnel by willingly delivering himself into the hands of the Klingons during their last brief war with the Federation. That war had been won on another front, at Organia. Suvuk, even after being physically tortured, and then subjected to the Klingon mind-sifter, had still in rapid succession, broken free of his captors on the  Klingon flagship Hakask at Regulus; disabled the ship’s warp drive and melted down its impulse engines, strewing unconscious, injured and occasionally dead Klingons  liberally along the way as he went, made solid logic copies of everything of interest in the Klingons’ library computers, then dumped the computers themselves; and had finally made it back aboard the newly-built Intrepid in a stolen Klingon shuttlecraft, well before the Organians’ ban fell and both Klingons and Federation suddenly found their weapons too hot to handle. Suvuk received the Pentares Peace Commendation from the Federation for his actions. 
P61 the Federation, the Romulans and the Klingons all share the Sagittarius Arm of the Galactic disk, 30 thousand light years long and half as wide.  The three territories irregular shapes, very little regularity about their boundaries with one another, except for Fed-Romulan Neutral Zone. Many disputed territories, especially between Klingons and Romulans. 
Federation intelligence sees the alliance between the Klingons and the Romulans is either running into some kind of trouble, or is not defined the way we usually define alliances. 
P67 Romulan Commander Ael rants about the new ships, the Klingons who built them and the Romulan crews mishandling them
P71 Romulan Commander Ael cares little for Klingons, less for the Federation, but killing them in the Romulan plan she considers dishonorable
P85 the Klingons have been selling the Romulans ships for a long time now. The Enterprise ID’s unmistakably Klingon code and symbology. KL 7  Ehhak. Name of one of the ships that had invested Organia. Mentioned in accounts of the Battle of Organia. 
P86 Spock recognizes the ID is in fact Klingon, but the power consumption curve is inconsistent with either the old Akif-class or new K’tinga-class warship. 
P95 the whole Romulan Empire, and the Federation, and the Klingon Empire as well, rest on how seriously Kirk takes Romulan Commander Ael’s information. The Romulan Empire’s High Command greatly desires the Vulcan mind-techniques for a weapon against the Federation, and eventually against the Klingons, who are swiftly becoming a garment too tight for us. 
P101 if the Klingons heard so much as a word about the mind techniques genetic research station on Levaeri V, they would be at war with the Romulans instantly, trying to get their hands on the same technology. Many Federation worlds wouldn’t mind having that technology, either.
P105 Romulan High Command doesn’t have ships to spare, due to their problem with the Klingons right now. 
P121  Romulan Commander Ael’s father Liha, was lost to the Klingons in a ridiculous misunderstanding off Nh’rainnsele before Ael’s son was born. 40 years approx.
P125 Romulans have a method of producing ion storms by selective high energy seeding of stellar coronae. The Romulan High Command has been using it for some time as a clandestine weapon to keep the Klingons from raiding Romulan frontier worlds. The Klingons’ economic situation has been very bad recently, and the Klingons treaty with the Romulans has been honored more in breach then in keeping. 
P133 the Romulans know more arts than those of war, but their position between the Federation and the Klingons has left them little leisure to practice them
P132 Romulan word mnmhei’saha – it is not quite honor, not quiet loyalty, follow someone to death and beyond, because they acknowledge what they are doing is right no matter what everyone else says
P146 Romulan ship Javelin usually does courier runs between planet Eisn and the Klingon border.
P150 early Romulan space exploration xenophobia developed idea that anything not Rihannsu would most likely shoot at you or steal from you, meeting the Klingons had not helped this impression.
P297 the Romulans call their ion-storm generation program Sunseed. The Enterprise exposes the use of the program
P308 A tribble predator breaks free from the zoo of a major city on Arcturus VI, and for lack of its natural prey has started eating peoples’ cats
  Mindshadow by J.M. Dillard
P15 Burning phasers caused the wounds, outlawed by just about everybody, not even the Klingons would stoop so low
P27 no ship could keep their cloak up for more than 8 hours, that Scott knows of.
P49 Starfleet Intelligence reports Romulans using improved cloaking device, fuel uptake relatively unchanged.
P118 Millennia ago the planet Radu had been settled by colonists from the Klingon system. Unlike their militant cousins, however, the Radu were a gentle folk who directed their intelligence and curiosity to matters other than war. Radu is near Terran standard gravity. Varth Regev, from Radu, briefly Enterprise Science and First Officer. Sulu calls his Reg. Kirk addresses him as Mr. Varth. Copper hair. Young.
P167 Varth Regev roomed with a Tellarite at the Academy. Scott not sure the Radun could be related to the Klingons, he can't think of a more unlikely combination, a Klingon and a Tellarite. Raduns have a special knack for getting along with almost anyone. Varth has never met anyone he couldn't be friends with. Varth shouts at the Tellarite ambassador, glares definitely. Sneers. Varth knows what he's doing.
Zev, the Tellarite ambassador - I don't need to explain my attaches to you, son of a Klingon. 
The Radun ambassador opposes protection for uritanium rich planet Aritani. 
P205 a Vulcan ahn-vahr, a ceremonial dagger, in ancient times it was used in a ritual form of suicide when the victim believed he had brought shame to his family. Slit wrists.
  Crisis on Centaurus by Brad Ferguson
P10 on the main concourse of the New Athens Spaceport on Centaurus there was even a pair of Klingon traders heading quickly from one of the local gates to an interstellar flight bound for a neutral treaty port.
P63 the Klingons could not have been responsible for bombing New Athens. Any attack by the Empire against the Fed would fall under the lists of actions proscribed by the Organian Peace Treaty. We do not know how the Organians enforce the treaty they imposed on us and the Klingons; we know only that they do. Spock presumes they would not have allowed an attack on New Athens. The Klingons would have been stopped.
P163 Samuel T. Cogley was the first human lawyer ever to plead a case before a Klingonese court. A Federation citizen had been accused of smuggling, and there was no way anyone could get a verdict of 'not guilty' from a Klingon jury, but Cogley had tried, and had managed to get the man's sentence reduced to expulsion from the Empire. The Klingons had even let the smuggler keep his hands.
  Demons by J.M. Dillard
no Klingon content
  Chain of Attack by Gene DeWeese
P9 even with the Federation, Romulan and Klingon ships spreading throughout space at unprecedented rates, more than 99 percent of the Milky Way galaxy is unknown and untouched by human - or Romulan or Klingon - sensor probe
P29 if the Federation had something that could transport Federation ships instantaneously to, say someplace in the middle of the Klingon Empire, then the one thing we would do is hide it to make it difficult for anyone else to use
Many humans thought that any civilization sophisticated enough to have warp drive would also be beyond warlike behavior, before they met the Romulans and the Klingons.
P46 McCoy, looking at a devastated planet - My God, Jim! What kind of creatures could be capable of something like that? Even the Klingons - His voice trailed away.
P118 in the far distant area of space that the Enterprise finds itself, the where the Destroyers vs the Hoshan, the Destroyers are the local version of the Klingons. they like to fight, and they like to kill.
P235 the earth had its Hitlers, the Federation has the Klingons. all it takes is one purely evil force to start a chain reaction.
  Bloodthirst by J.M. Dillard
P24 Tanis is a Fed agricultural colony. The work being done there is classified. In light of the incident with the Klingons on Sherman's Planet, you can appreciate the need for secrecy.
It is essential that any virulent disease not be permitted to fall into enemy hands, as if the Enterprise is going to broadcast this to the Klingons and the Romulans and auction it off to the highest bidder.
Tanis is listed in Starfleet charts as uninhabited, for security purposes, we didn't want the Klingons or the Romulans to get wind of what we were doing.
P252 Where can Adm. Mendez go to hide? Klingon space? 
  Final Nexus by Gene DeWeese
P2 Aboard the USS Conchise, Captain Jeremiah Chandler, after nearly three months of purely routine patrol along the Federation border in the vicinity of Starbase 1, virtually anything out of the ordinary, except possibly the appearance of a Klingon battle cruiser, was welcome
Thoughts of Klingon cloaking devices raced through Chandler's mind, despite the fact that there could be no Klingons within a thousand parsecs of the Federation.
It was bearing down on him unseen, like a cloaked Klingon battle cruiser
P24 at the prospect that there had been a war lasting 15,000 years, not even the Klingons - 
If this had happened near Romulan or Klingon space and Chandler had fired on a Romulan or Klingon vessel, anything could have happened
P165 the voice, despite a singsong intonation and a heavy but identifiable accent, spoke in what they all recognized as a Klingon dialect
Kremastor,  the language he speaks was one of many contained in the computer of another ship that came through the nexus earlier. It was  the only one that matched the various Enterprise transmission.
  Death's Angel by Kathleen Sky
P1 Planet Delta Gamma IV, located in that band of space between the Fed and the Klingon Empire, and the Organian Treaty made it to the Fed’s advantage to discover and colonize as many planets as possible, to keep them out of Klingon hands. Scouted briefly once before, Enterprise landing party attacked by plant spores. No Klingon attempt to contest their exploration, McCoy suspects the Klingons might have known a great deal more about the planet than the Federation. The fatal flower spores might be the reason the Klingons had been in no hurry to claim Delta Gamma IV as their own. The Enterprise stays around Delta Gamma IV, waiting for the Klingons to show up. Scotty doesn’t feel up to fighting those laddies with Kirk in a coma. 
P22 a Klingon might decide to destroy the whole Federation diplomatic corps simply because he was a Klingon, and the opportunity arose. The Romulans are more honorable than to do something like that.
P43 M’Benga – did it feel any different when it was Klingon fire we were under? Could you tell whether you were about to die in a Klingon battle or a Romulan one? the Klingons are a danger to us, the Romulans are a danger to us, and together they can destroy the Federation. We must not let them join forces against us. 
Kirk – if there is battle, with Romulans or Klingons, or anyone else who menaces the Federation, I’m going to do battle. If we can make an enemy a friend, I’d prefer that.
P136 Colonel Elizabeth Schaeffer, a Federation Special Security Division [SSD] agent - I’ve dealt with Romulans before, they are an honorable race. Now if it were a Klingon; a Klingon is capable of anything. This smacks of dishonor and I have never known a dishonorable Romulan. Orders of an SSD agent supercede any orders from Star Fleet.[ later Section 31]
P201 M’Benga – there must be a détente between the Federation and the Romulans, and eventually between the Federation and the Klingons.
The spores from Gamma Delta IV, if they don’t kill the host, simply wait to be deposited in a suitable place to grow.
  Doctor's Orders by Diane Duane
1212 Mus, in a gap between Sagittarius and Perseus arms, four planet. Neither Klingon nor Romulan interests have ventured much in this direction, probably for economic reasons. 
118 KL 818 Imperial Klingon Vessel Ekkava. No one that Enterprise knows personally
Pacing 2000 km behind Enterprise in orbit of planet Flyspeck, home of the Ornae and Lahit
Busy scanning
Kirk mentioned to McCoy an increased incidence of Klingon moles inside Starfleet. 
Bridge of Klingon ship all dim lighting and cramped, crowded-together consoles
Commander Kaiev, A rather noble face, excellent bone structure. Glowers.
Kaiev looked with fierce eagerness – I have long waited my chance to meet the famous Kirk
Missed him? We did not fire.
Exploring this part of space for some weeks now
McCoy knew that was a lie, he knew that much Klingon body language, even when the man was sitting still and trying to keep his face still as well.
An air of jovial threat
Under the Organian Peace Treaty, they are entitled to explore planets that they find us exploring, even the populated ones. The exploitation part of the agreement
McCoy has the feeling neither the good-natured Ornae or the strange Lahit would long survive a Klingon settlement
Klingons don’t have much in the way of translator algorithms
136 Klingons beam down near three Enterprise groups. Standard sidearms, some light digging equipment, core samplers, a small ground vehicle, not armed. Pass through Enterprise group at a good rate, heading for hills in the north.
Atypical petechiae on the face and brow ridges, a syndrome
Kaiev just getting over a bout of arthasomiasis. 
Additional stress sure way to bring on a liver spasm
This act of hostility will not go unpunished!
The landing party vanished without trace, in a matter of a second or so. What other explanation could there possibly be, but Enterprise responsible
Klingon blood pressure is high
Which one of my crew is your spy? I will kill them all until I find the traitor!
Tacrin, medication for stress, liver spasms
After McCoy shouts, the Klingon looked at him with a mixture of somewhat abated fury and half-concealed admiration
153 early in their history Orion pirates sometimes destroyed whole inhabited planets simply because they weren’t economically viable, then used the fragments to build Dyson spheres and populated the increased areas with slave labor. 
A Klingon battle cruiser can’t take on Enterprise one to one
Klingon psychology – Snarl first and louder and never let up  out aggress the aggressor and he falls over and shows you his throat. There are aspects of Klingon behavior that suggest that pack psychology is most effective with them
159 Katur, young female officer, experienced in many landings. She prided herself on her ability to cope with the unexpected. She had seen many things that had been the deaths of those less prepared than she, those less ready to react in a second, to kill quickly and without undue consideration of the consequences. Too much thinking, Katur felt, was bad for the pulse rate. Reaction, reflex, swift and merciless. That was the secret of survival and advancement in rank
the briefing with Commander Kaiev had been brief and simple – the place is full of aliens. There are indications that some of them may be dangerous. Use due care, but do not hesitate to make examples of them if you find it necessary. Our intelligence indicates that this planet is most likely rich source of tabekh. You are to search out the necessary raw materials and once identified, bring as much back to the ship as possible. At all costs stay away from the Fed personnel. We do not desire them to have any idea what we are after in this area, lest they attempt to co-opt the resource.
There would be precious little glory in this landing.
My mother did not raise me to dig in the dirt like a menial
One must suffer in silence sometimes to gain greater goals
Katur frequently thought in axioms and wise sayings. It was a bad habit she had acquired form her brother, who had died suddenly in midaxiom on some world south of the Galactic Rift, when a creature with too many teeth and no appreciation of wise sayings leapt on him from a tree and bit his head off. 
Katur had never cared much for her brother, so she had been little moved by this, except to take the occurrence as an omen that wisdom was best left to others and that thinking too hard tended to distract one from what was going on in the immediate vicinity.
Kesaio driving all-terrain vehicle
The Commander had forbidden them a flyer
Not the famous smooth-talking Kirk
That statement made Katur’s liver twist in her
She despised Kaiev, even when he was being prudent, he so rarely seemed to exercise good judgment. He was capable of being reckless when the foe was small and helpless, which annoyed Katur. No honor in such pretenses, enslave them and be done with it. 
This sudden careful courtesy being exhibited by Kaiev in the face of Enterprise’s puny  guns annoyed Katur considerably. It was a great pity that the ship had been prepared for them. All it would have taken was a moment’s surprise to add glory to all their names. Glory, and an early end to this tour of duty in the middle of nowhere at all. 
Helef, also on landing party. 
The Ornae like fat bags of sickly colored jelly
the Lahit dumb plants except they had little cold eyes that made it plain they were watching you and thinking no one knew what
does the idiot Universe have nothing better to do than to keep creating more and more life? And most of it not worth conquering. All simple life, no sophistication about it , no elegance, no grand passions. The universe is hopelessly pedestrian.
Tak, also in landing party
Katur longed to see the day over with
Digging tabekh like any servant. Someone ought to call challenge on Kaiev for this and cut his liver out.
Three weeks since any of them had had tabekh and there had already been several murders aboard ship as one crewmember or another ran out and killed another for his or her supply
She was well taught enough to hit the ground rolling. A moment later she was on her feet, sidearm out, looking for the others
Kesaio long scrape on his head
A pity you weren’t killed, but that’s all right, the commander will do that for you when he sees what you’ve done to the vehicle.
Pulse digger
Katur usually rather liked Tak, but if he was going to start hallucinating on her, there was no point in him.
She had gone out with hopes of a commendation for a task well done, now there would be discipline for all of them. He took it will ill-grace
She was most senior in landing party
Katur knew Helef had made special alterations to his scanner, and disliked having the settings changed, she delighted in discomfiting him. 
An all-around scan.  A positive trace
travel 4000 paces in an hour.
177 no question but that the Klingons would be interested in another Guardian of Forever
184 Katur tossed the digger to the ground and said words that would probably have astonished her mother. 
What do they mean, sending us on a mad chase like this? The sentiments were treacherous.
Something wrong with the ship’s transmitter, again
Helef not in great shape, soft. One who knew his weakness could exploit it when necessary.
No one cared about physical condition as long as duties completed and did not bother ship’s physician by becoming ill.
They haven’t enough technology to crack nuts
Those jellybag things
Katur had heard a theory that the Feds had such an inferiority complex that they had to consort with animals to make themselves feel like real people. She would rather die than so lower herself.
We won’t be whipped when we get back for completely failing in what they were sent to do.
Probably a mercy to put the things out of their misery
The unmistakably leaves of tabekh, roots wanted. Don’t miss the taproot. Hydroponics crew can clone enough of the young plants so no one will run out for the rest of the tour
Digger, hooks to strap, stands on legs
She heard a voice say in Federation talk
The violent pins and needles of a stun-level graze
You are interfering with a mission team of the Klingon Empire, Earther. The penalty for such interference is death
First Specialist Katur of the Imperial Vessel Ekkava
Attacking a harmless indigenous and intelligent inhabitant of this planet without provocation and in a breach of the Organian Treaty.
199 Ekkava maintaining standard orbit, weapons are powered up but not activating, shields up. Chekov estimates Ekkava’s shields would last five seconds under Enterprise full barrage, Sulu estimates f minutes to destroy ship entirely
to have a liver regenerated, takes weeks on your back, expensive procedure
Kaiev cannot ask for terms
Klingons vigorously opportunist, they would promise anything, and keep the promise until the situation changed in their favor. Ten all promises and bets were off. 
Kaiev – I cannot understand why you Feeds are always behaving this way. I would have destroyed you.
Klingon vessels Sakkhur, Irik, and Kalash. All fully armed all weapons systems ready, arrive out of warp, two light minutes out of system, decelerating, ETA to orbit two point nine minutes. All sister ships to Ekkava
Klingons might make attempt to frighten the Ornae and the Lahit into giving their crewpeople back
Take care of your liver
Hails come in form the other three ships, they require Enterprise to surrender
McCoy has Uhura respond – Nuts. At no answer, they must be running semantic analysis
The Klingon ships had come to rest in a standard surround formation around the Enterprise, a diamond shape, Ekkava in front making the fourth corner
Messages passing back and forth between the Ekkava and the other vessels, using a new scramble, 15 minutes for Uhura to crack it 
Irik, Commander Aklein, young woman in forward position, very intense, fierce expression and very striking reddish-gold hair, which McCoy had never heard of on a Klingon before. Tiny, soft voice. Senior commander in charge of this task force
The knife in the back, in the dark, sounds like a page out of the Klingon book
Massive Orion pirate vessel, four times size of Enterprise, dilithium augmented phaser beams
Orion, one of the few phrases known, the word stealing they translate as getting paid
After Kirk relieves the Klingons of their weapons, they were rather disgusted, avoiding looking at him, sitting about having a truly massive sulk. 
She tilted her head sideways for Yes?
No stun setting on Klingon sidearms
Kirk – You people have always been of a rather terminal turn of mind
Tabekh, the raw material for making tabekhte. A condiment
Katur has heard the horror stories about Kirk
221 Ekkava breaks and fires at Orion vessel
Kaiev – Enterprise, you have dealt bravely with me. I would do the same with you, before we all die.
Some of the newer Klingon vessels have reactive shielding, not these. The reactive shield’s forcefield is much more highly charged than the usual weapons shield, it doesn’t just absorb the  force of the photon torpedo, it bounces it back, very nasty, especially if you’re following too closely. The Klingons are usually hot for any new weapon. Reactive shielding and the particle beam weapon they’re carrying, require massive power supplies, much more than a ship the size of the Klingons’ or even Enterprise can supply. 
Orions, come in shooting seems to be the favorite tactic, not much on subtlety, historically they overweapon themselves and simply bludgeon any resistance into ineffectiveness. Orions buy secondhand computers from Romulans. Surprise and treachery have always been favorite weapons
Enterprise and Ekkava coordinate hide and seek orbits to confuse Orions. This combined Starfleet – Klingon action will confuse the Orions. The other Klingon ships are all in long cometary orbits, plotted to allow them to exit the system quickly or cut in warp drive and fall back in quickly, all very cautious. They know the Orions have the Enterprise outgunned, but want to see if the Enterprise has some trick about which they ought to inform the Empire.
The Klingons can process their scan data pretty quickly
253 ten other Klingons, of all ranks and types
Lt. Janice Kerasus chatting with a commander, in fluent and rapid Klingonese.
The bright hum of the Klingon transporter beam
Ekkava had a communications fault in one of our main boards, it shorted out in a test loop and became stuck in jamming mode. 
Kirk had never met a Klingon before who wasn’t on the defensive
Ekkava was on survey
Kaiev – I have business elsewhere, and some disciplinary matters to attend to
The four Klingon ships attack the Orion. Ekkava and Enterprise started, but the others couldn’t resist a good fight. Concentrating on Orion ship’s weak spots
Ekkava is cooperating with the Enterprise directly. The others were just sent in by their High Command to try to intervene when the Ekkava’s landing party went missing. 
 One of the ingredients of tabekh sauce is arsenic, Klingons like the bitter taste, arsenides are pretty important in their diet, Klingons can get horrible arsenide deficiencies
Enterprise and Klingons debilitate the Orions, the Klingons follow him, old scores to settle. The Orion pirates had preyed on their planets for as long as they could get away with it. perhaps they thought that letting this one get away would be a mark of weakness on their part, an invitation to more destruction.
After Kirk has the time manipulating ;At move the Enterprise instantly 100,000 km closer, things will be quieter on the borders of the Fed and Klingon space for a while
Klingons send message to Kirk they are disappointed in him merely burning out Orion warp engines
McCoy – I wanted to apologize for lying to you
Kaiev – About killing your Captain? It was a good lie! Someday you will command a ship of your own. And you will do well. If all medics are as skilled in command as you, I must remember to kill mine. 
McCoy – He hasn’t been taking care of you. It might do a little good if you threatened him some. He’s not watching out for your heath, possibly on purpose.
Kaiev – You could have destroyed us all. But you talked with us, as if you were the weaker. It makes no sense.
McCoy – Maybe people like you and I are the wave of the future. Our peoples may work together yet.
Kaiev with cheerful scorn – Impossible
279 Ekkava remains at Flyspeck at the request of the Master ;At. Fed Klingon relations unusually warm and friendly. The surface of the planet is unusually serene place, both Klingons and Enterprise crew find it restful.
  The Eugenics Wars by Greg Cox
P3 hush hush discussions about repealing or loosening restrictions on human eugenics. The fact is that humanity is threatened by species such as Roms and Klingons who are physically superior to ordinary humans in many ways. There are rumors that Klingons have already launched covert genetic engineering projects of their own. Humans may be falling behind in a genetic arms race.
McCoy - The Klingons are rushing over an evolutionary cliff. Why join them?
P43 strong handshake, standard alpha male behavior, not unlike a Klingon greeting ritual, although somewhat less bloody.
P111 His legs felt like uncooked Klingon gagh.
P144 Gary Seven confesses in Klingon. The guttural sounds emanating from Seven's throat made no sense whatsoever to his captors. They sounded more like the growling of wild dogs.
P256 three Klingon soldiers in full uniform joined regent Masako Clarke of Paragon Colony on Sycorax. The leader of the Klingons, his hands resting arrogantly on his hips, smiled coldly at Kirk. Grey eyes held a glint of wicked amusement. Captain Koloth.
Koloth - My dear Captain Kirk. How delightful to see you again!
Koloth greeted his old adversary with mock hospitality. With his arched black eyebrows, widow's peak and neatly trimmed goatee the urbane Klingon commander was arguably even more satanic looking than Spock. 
Silver and black military uniform. Two lieutenants Kirk thought he recognized from K 7, Korax second in command, and hulking bald warrior whose face was scared by old untreated disruptor beam, flanked Koloth, glaring at the Star Fleet officers with unconcealed hatred and contempt.
Clarke - the Klingon Empire has expressed an interest in absorbing colony into their alliance. 
Kirk only too aware that where Klingons concerned, alliance was merely a euphemism for out and out conquest and tyranny.
Koloth in a deceptively agreeable manner - We feel it is in the best interests of Paragon Colony to accept the protection of the empire.
Kirk knew better than to take his peaceful pose at face value.
Koloth, lean and lanky by Klingon standards, had always struck Kirk as more of a schemer than a warrior. Kirk certain Koloth could be lethal if crossed. You couldn't rise to captain in the Klingon military without getting your hands bloody now and then. 
Sycorax too out of the way for strategic value but our intelligence informs us that the geneticists bred here are second to none in their knowledge of advanced genetic engineering techniques. The Empire would welcome adding the technological expertise to our own.
McCoy - I don't imagine your leadership would have any qualms about applying genetic engineering to your own people.
Klingon DNA makes Earther seed look like worthless chaff.
Korax - thick head of tangled brown hair.
Koloth with D7 battle cruiser.
P287 The Klingons were not exactly invited. Despite Koloth's pretense at civility we face the very real possibility of an armed invasion. We know who and what the Klingons are. If the Fed is unwilling to have us we will have no choice but to join forces with the Klingon Empire on the best terms we can negotiate.
The prospect of genetically enhanced Klingons overrunning the galaxy was as troubling as another Eugenics wars.
P392 Koloth, sardonic Klingon commander
For formal occasion he wore silver sash adorned with glittering medals
It is the indisputable opinion of the finest Klingon minds that the human genome has actually degraded under the decadent regime of the Fed. Survival of the fittest has been supplanted by a debilitating doctrine of survival of the mediocre in which the weak and infirm are coddled by a system unwilling to cull even the most unworthy specimens from gene pool. Unlike the Klingon Empire whose bloodlines are kept strong and vigorous by the bracing demands of honorable combat.
McCoy - The evolutionary progress of a species is measured by a heck of a lot more than the ability to swing a bat'leth.
A self-amused smirk displayed the pleasure the wily Klingon took in baiting the cantankerous MD.
Kirk - If Klingon evolution is on such a fast track already then you obviously have no need for the Paragon Colony's advanced genetic engineering techniques. And I can't help noticing that your second-in-command the ever changing Lt. Korax is not gracing us with his presence this evening. 
The human and Klingon soldiers glowered at each other in silence. 
The appetizers consisted of a skewer of nearly raw meat slices for the Klingons.
Koloth clapped his hands together imperiously and his bodyguard, the bald warrior with the scarred face, rose bearing a package wrapped in a protective black leather sheath. The finest Romulan ale.
Apparently the recent alliance between the Klingons and Romulans had yielded more than just an exchange of military technology.
Koloth - The Roms, for all their faults, can hardly be compared to their cold-blooded, overly ascetic ancestors. Like my own people they appreciate that existence is a never ending battle for supremacy and survival. To the victor go the spoils.
Toast - To our hosts and their own laudable pursuit of superior strength and cunning.
Korax - Let go of me, you misbegotten targs. You will regret this, Earth spawn! I swear by Kahless's name that I will have my revenge!
Koloth looked less surprised than annoyed by his first officer's capture. Caught inside the primary forcefield generator trying to download classified information about colony defenses. Violent struggle. Black eye and split lip.
Koloth was the very picture of wounded innocence.
Koloth - I am utterly appalled to even think that one of my men might be so misguided as to abuse your generous hospitality. I assure you that if these charges are true, Lt. Korax will be severely disciplined.
Korax endured the rebuke in surly silence.
If Korax was punished at all Kirk surmised it would be for getting caught rather than for the espionage itself. Compared with Sherman's Planet poison grain what was a little unauthorized snooping?
Koloth warned, letting a hint of steel show through the velvety façade of his impeccable etiquette.
Koloth - The Klingon Empire is not about to let the this minor misunderstanding get in the way of our long term interests where your colony is concerned.
Clarke refused to be cowed by the Klingon's veiled threat - I believe our negotiations have concluded.
Koloth informed the Regent darkly - Very well. You may come to regret your actions this evening. Farewell, Captain, Doctor. No doubt we shall meet again.
Koloth and his men were led out of the plaza.
McCoy - I don't like the look of this. It's not like the Klingons to give up so easily.
Explosion in primary deflector array where Korax was captured an hour ago. Probably a photon grenade activated by remote control once Koloth's shuttle was safely clear of the dome.
Koloth’s heavily armed D-7 still in orbit
An Andorian wildcat
Cordrazine therapy works wonders with victims of Klingon disruptor blasts. Powerful stimulant promotes tissue growth and healing
The D-7 looked like a cross between submarine and Romulan bird of prey
Klingons seldom retreated without a fight, in Spock’s experience.
Koloth struck Spock as unusually cool-headed Klingon, characteristically unscrupulous
P94 Imperial Klingon ship Gr’oth
Recessed forward area belonged to the Captain alone
Phase disruptor cannons
P94 Lt. K’rad at auxiliary tactical station
P95 Kinya, helmsman
Koloth did not come to captain the Gr’oth by taking unnecessary risks.
Gr’oth lacked cloaking from Romulans
P95 Vlore, communications officer, male
Grilled metal floor of bridge
Koloth knew better than most that a keen intellect and unemotional demeanor did not preclude skill in warfare. In many ways, cold-blooded enemy could be the most dangerous of all
Koloth fires on Enterprise, protecting Paragon Colony. Enterprise fires back
With deflectors on full Klingons sensor arrays can only scan along a narrow range of the electromagnetic spectrum
P99  Qu’vatlh
P99 Lt. Macck,  chief tactical station
P99 Krevorr, gunman
Tremble like a frightened targ
Only a fool throws spears at shadows
bolognium shielding on the D-7 warp nacelles
P103  HeD = retreat
The Klingon Empire will never tolerate any alliance between the Federation and Paragon Colony
Wounded battle cruiser Gr’oth warps out of sight
Federation place Paragon under Starfleet protection, to deter assaults from Klingons and others. Enforce Quarantine. Paragon not allowed to join Federation 
  Garth of Izar by Pamela Sargeant and George Zebrowski
Two years after treatment
Garth of Izar at Axanar possibly faced Klingons. Koloth could not have been captain of the Klingon battle cruiser at the time. He was not a captain at the time.
The warring colonies on Axanar had made peace without the Klingon presence to tip the balance of power. Kirk still a cadet.
Battle of Axanar really just Garth using Cochrane Deceleration Maneuver to drop out of warp, causing Romulans to outdistance him.
Klingon vessel destroyed.
Adm. Mendez "Imagine the use the Klingons or the Romulans might make of any shape-changing Antosian allies who dream of conquest.
P 170 Kirk believed Klingons and Romulans not as hostile as they might have been because they had neighbors, were not isolated. First contact with the Klingons had fueled the distrust and suspicion that existed to this day between the Fed and the Klingon Empire.

  Entrophy Effect by Vonda N. McIntyre
P7 Sulu - I'd rather beat off Klingons with a stick than balance a starship around a naked singularity.
P37 Sulu's childhood on Ganjitsu, a world far out on the border of a sector that had long been harassed by renegades. The Klingons claimed they were renegades, though of course no one ever believed them, and at the mercy of human pirates.  The Ganjitsujin resisted with inadequate means, for a long time they wondered if they had been forgotten or abandoned. Then Hunter, a very young officer with her first command, swept in, beat the pirates back into the hands of the Klingons, and bested the Klingons themselves at their own game. 
P69 Security Chief Mandala Flynn assembles a security team for prisoner transfer, or a troop of Klingons
P154 does Dr. Georges Mordreaux plan to sell the Enterprise and crew to the Klingons or the Romulans?
p181 Arcturus is almost exactly equidistant from Fed, Romulan and Klingon space. It's neutral, most of the time anyway. People go to Arcturus to make deals.
  Black Fire by Sonni Cooper
p39 two Klingons free Spock and Scotty, imprisoned in Romulan ship.
Klingon – Did you think the Klingon Empire could be attacked? Did you think the combined force of the Romulan Empire and the Federation could destroy us? We are not so easily defeated!
Romulan Commander – We didn’t attack your empire. There is no alliance with the Federation. These men are our prisoners, not our allies.
Klingon – A good attempt, Commander. But we will not be duped. An obvious ploy to catch us unaware. We will have a great deal of time to get the truth from you when we return to my ship. So you are the famous Commander Spock from the Enterprise. Your reputation precedes you. You are a particularly rich prize. 
The Fed, the Roms and the Klingons have all been attacked by unknown adversary. They all have maps.
Klingon – we might very well have been tricked into coming here. I don’t like this.
Spock suggests they all put aside their differences. The Klingons grumbled at the suggestion. 
A truce, then, the Klingon commander barked.
Klingon small scout ship, no transporter or sophisticated sensors. Venture not considered worthy of serious well-equipped probe. Three Klingons. 
The Klingon commander introduced himself in a characteristic snarl – Commander Klee, the Klingon vessel Force. My first officer Lt. Commander Melek. Lt. Kasus. All originate from the planet Klingon. Now that we have identified ourselves, I suggest we try to find out what we are doing here. 
Spock – I suggest we are dealing with an adversary who is testing us, to set us at each other’s throats.
Klee – If we hadn’t met here, the Klingon Empire might very well have blamed the Fed. 
Lt. Kasus reached for his disruptor and spun quickly around, shooting as he turned. A phaserlike blast hit him squarely as he fired and he disappeared in a flash of light and color.
The Roms and Klingons threw their weapons onto the desert floor with angry resignation.
In the dimness of the chamber the Klingon contingent, now reduced to two, sat in sullen silence. 
The Klingons were tense and sullen, not adjusting to their capture or imprisonment with ease.
Another of the Tomariians stood in front of the Klingons – I will have these two. They seem to be more likely warriors than the others. My band needs strong men.
No. I will have one of them, another Tomariian shouted, grabbing Commander Klee’s arm and pulling him to his side. The Klingon resisted fiercely. He will make a find addition to my ranks.
P49 the Klingons fared very well since the Tomariian warrior society was not unlike their own. Yet they, too, were studying the weakness of their enemy with the intention to escape. With typical pragmatism, Commander Klee was contemplating, with vengeful anticipation, the possibilities of a Klingon takeover in this virgin territory. 
The Romulans were capable of ferocity equal to the Klingons’, if adequately provoked. 
P57 Tomariian Ilob was to capture the small planet of Paxas on the border of the quadrant nearest the Klingon domain. The planet was strategically important.
P63 the Klingon Empire is closest to that of the Tomariians. Merely a matter of time before they overlap.
The Klingons performed magnificently in Tomariian attack on Paxas. 
Tomariian General - They are much alike in many ways. theyyy will prove worthy adversaries.
Begum IIsa – they are closest to us. It would be convenient to deal with them first. It is a challenge we want. We will begin with the Klingons. A roar of approval greeted her announcement.
The Klingons were determined to escape at any cost in order to report to their Empire the danger they had discovered.
Klee – the holding beam has a limited range. Melek tested it. At three hundred meters the beam loses its effect. 
Spock – We must be careful. We must be resigned to catching them off guard.
Klee proclaimed scornfully – No Klingon would behave so!
Spock – Then make an exception in this case. We all have the same goal – escape.
Growling, the Klingon agreed.
The Klingons inched toward the gantry with the Klingons in the lead. Klee took the lead, climbing the vertical ladder, with Melek and the others following closely. 
The hatch locked and Klee, highest ranking of the escapees, gave the command to blast off in spite of the heated objections of Placus, leaving Scott, Spock and Romulan Julina. 
Julina assured Scott – They will bring help.
Scott – Aye, Placus will do everythin’ he can ta get back ta us, but I dinna trust the Klingons.
P71 the Klingons won’t come back. A rescue party would not have come for them even if they could be found. Klee told Julina as much. The Empire considered the mission a minor one.
P96 Chekov and landing party find Spock’s ship and Klingon ship in Xi star cluster, one habitable planer orbiting the fourth star. I know a Klingon ship vhen I see vun.
The Klingon ship offered no information. They could tell she had carried three crewmen. Klingon disruptors. 
P107 a sufficient time has passed for us to assume that Placus and the Klingons are not returning for us.
Placus would have returned for Julina. Either the escape attempt was unsuccessful or he was killed. The Klingons cared little for our survival. If it hadn’t suited their purpose, they wouldn’t have helped us at all. 
P118 Spock felt obliged to inform the Romulans and the Klingons of the Tomariian threat. 
P122 the Fed possible treaty with the planet Paxas, will give Fed bases closer to the Klingon Empire, assuring Fed advance warning of possible attack.
Spock broke Starfleet Order 8711KR and contacted Romulan and Klingon empires, warning them of the danger of the Tomariians. An act of treason. The order is against such contact.
P170 Romulan oath of service – My life for Romulus, my death for the Empire.
  Dreadnought! by Diane Carey
P15 attempting to rescue the Kobayashi Maru would breach the Organian accord
P35 the MK-X Class One Federation dreadnought was ordered by the Admiralty two solar years ago, during a peak uprising and series of border skirmishes with the Klingons during which the Klingon hierarchy was undergoing a purge.
P38 the MK-X Class One dreadnought prototype is stolen, are the thieves going to sell it to the Klingons?
P63 four Klingon birds of prey come about to attack position to fire on the dreadnought. One breaks off to engage Enterprise. Klingons surprised by Enterprise appearance, but are regrouping.
The Sabu'ka region, close to Klingon Neutral Zone, disputed space. It's claimed by both sides but not yet incorporated into the neutral zone. Entry here doesn't yet constitute a technical act of war.
Kirk couldn't wait to face those Klingons. he equally wanted to turn away and forget them.
At Starfleet Academy there are simulations and holos of Klingons
The Klingon's green hull. The enemy peeled by very near the Enterprise. Enterprise relentlessly firing until the Klingon was obviously on the run. Got him shaken. Kirk breaks off to aid dreadnought. Too Severely damaged to continue, she conceals herself in asteroid cluster
The three Klingon hawks were still cutting red graffiti into dreadnought.
Enterprise phaser hits bloomed into blue fingers of lightning against their greenish hulls
The three remaining Klingons vectored away from the dreadnought, turned on Enterprise
Red glows of gathering phasers swelled on the Klingon gun ports. Thin lines of red light. The Klingons were sizzling in each other's phaser slashes. They are heavily shielded ships. Enterprise stands minimal chance three to one.
If the Klingons knew anything, it was how to gang up.
Bird-of-prey firing mid-range torpedoes
The Klingons broke off from the decimated dreadnought and came after Enterprise with a vengeance. Bright red spinning balls of energy chased Enterprise. Photon bulbs.
The three cruel-looking Klingon ships
The Enterprise hammered at one of the enemy ships until it moved out of the way.
Photon torpedo point blank at nearest enemy ship severing its birdlike neck, the Klingon ship writhed in the recoil of detonation, swelled and exploded into countless fragments.
The two remaining Klingons rounded away from us and began a new approach, a cooperative attack, intending to hit Enterprise at weakest point, port side stern, the nacelle strut.
It could be a Klingon heavy cruiser or a mothership for the birds of prey
A photon ball peeled away the tip of a wing on the nearest Klingon ship
The shocked Klingon ships wheeled around, trapped. In their panic they fired two ships that missed completely. One ship veered off, turning its feather painted underbelly to us and disappearing out a corner of the viewscreen. The dreadnought's Photon balls, much stronger than the Enterprise's hit both enemy ships at the same time. Their green armored skins wrinkled and shattered. Their ships ruptured, parting hull from strut, wing from hull, destroying both.
P98 the Klingon sentry ships were lured out, destroyed
P111 Vice-Admiral Rittenhouse - the Klingon negotiations are snagging, the Orions are pushing their neutrality. Think of the unlimited glories if only the Klingons, the Romulans, the Orions could join with us in a singular movement toward the good of all. Do they have the right to hold back progress? To be a constant threat? Rittenhouse plans to use the dreadnought class to subdue other races. 
The Klingons have a right to self-determination, too. The Articles of Federation say they have the right to their sovereignty.
P133 a galactic military incident with the Klingons would be the perfect excuse for Rittenhouse to launch military upheaval at Star Fleet.
P151 into the neutral zone and let the Klingon border patrols persuade you
P195 Rittenhouse wants to liquidate the sovereignty of the Klingons, the Romulans, Orions, Mengenites, Perseans.
P209 Rittenhouse promises to end the breakages of treaty by both the Klingons and Romulans. 
P224 Rittenhouse has promised cronies admiralties, with the Klingon Empire dismantled and its planets in Fed conservatorship. How deep into Star Fleet Command did this corruption run?
P240 winning with dignity, Kirk's lesson when he refused to pursue that Klingon vessel once he's damaged it. 
  Battlestations! by Diane Carey
P83 if the Klingons, the Romulans, the Orions, the Tholians, the K’zinti, or any of a handful of hungry governments thought they could get the trilithium technology.
P123 a squalid little alley cantina deep in Yelgor City’s north quarter on Argelius. Starfleet personnel, Klingons, Romulans walk the streets. The Fleet people watched the Klingons and the Romulans, the Klingons watched the Fleet people, and the Romulans watched everybody. 
The first night of Archtide.
The Klingons at the table to my left began showing their appreciation for Piper’s dancing by snatching at her veils and succeeded in yanking some free before she got possessive and yanked back. They hooted at her un-Argelian defiance and raised their mugs of a favorite Klingon wine involving distilled butterflies. They took her reaction as encouragement, as she should have guessed Klingons would. Their sooty complexions shined in the torchlight, cut by bright teeth and sharp black beards. One grasped her ankle. 
For an argelian woman, you’re a supernova, he snarled up at her. Come down here.
Piper – I can’t, I’m working.
Klingon – You’ll still be working. He stripped off her slipper, brought it to his face and started sniffing it while he leered at her.
P127 tlhIngan Hol Dajatlh’a’ ?
He held fast to her ankle.
The only female member of the group threw her head back and laughed.
P128 ‘elaS-ngan ghaH. Whatever she said, they got a roar out of it at Piper’s expense. 
The first gorilla pulled harder on Piper’s foot. Kyrtu calls you a woman of Elas. Is that why you fight? You don’t look like an Elasian! More laughter. 
Another male downed the last gulp – There are other things Argelian women can do, Gelt. She’s not working in this place without qualifications.
Gelt laughed along with his companions, then turned that gray face up to Piper and gave her ankle a rough tug.
Gelt – I will teach things to you. Things of Klingon. Strong things. A salute to things Klingon! May you die angry! He raised his mug and addressed the others, still holding Piper’s foot. After a group swig, they watched for Piper’s reaction.
Piper – Not bad for somebody who just learned to walk upright.
He had no misconceptions of Piper’s meaning. There was no sense in trying to talk her way out of this; that was clear in the Klingon’s eyes. Piper kicked Gelt on the bridge of his nose. His hand fell away form Piper’s leg, but the blow that would’ve floored any human merely echoed briefly within the misshapen Klingon skull. Gelt collapsed backward, his face crumpled in astonishment, but he was soon clawing his way back to Piper through a forest of his companions, who were also grabbing for her. Piper felt herself going down in a sea of Klingons. 
The humans still had that awful Klingon ruthlessness to deal with, as well as their superior strength. The Klingon bar-fight mode.
Klingon heads are hard, and the Klingon temper short-fused. Gelt was still furious and he kept Piper occupied. Tender spot on his forehead where he’d been kicked before and this dazed him. He was slowing down, though his copper-gray face was still screwed up with rage. Where moments ago this had been only a saloon free-for-all, something had changed. The Klingon sense of pride had taken charge. If Gelt got a good hold on Piper, he would kill her.
Argelian edicts prevent possession of any weapons while on the planet
Piper twisted a veil around his neck, Gelt drew blood on his own neck in an attempt to free himself. Piper clubbed him three times with a jug. Finally his eyes rolled up and he drooped back. He was breathing, it was a ragged, throaty kind of breathing. 
Scanner was being pummeled by a large Klingon. McCoy was grappling with the spitting Klingon woman, and losing. McCoy shoved the Klingon woman straight at Spock, who was able to down her with a slightly modified version of the Vulcan nerve pinch. Evidently he’d bothered to learn how to numb a Klingon nervous system in his years of dealing with them. Kirk took a leap and body slammed two Klingons right into the tavern wall. He was on his feet before they had a chance to shake off the surprise. Kirk let fly a classic right cross that rearranged the Klingon’s jaw line. Klingon number two took an extra punch. 
More Klingons heading toward source of fight noise.
A barrage of Klingon thundered past, looking for the Starfleeters, frothing for revenge. Their hard-soled boots clattered down the docks.
Klingons – Ugly with a capital ug!
Being pawed by some Klingon with no neck and a face like a macaque.
P150 Perren believes there is an overwhelming moral difference between Fed philosophy and those of the Klingons, Romulans, and the handful of minor hostile powers. His mistake is assuming the Klingons and others will automatically given in when they’re told the Fed will use the power to transwarp against them. He doesn’t think they’ll fight back against impossible odds. He doesn’t understand irrationality. Would you have transwarp and the trilithium technology fall into Klingon hands?
P188 we never even heard them coming. Only their vicious warning growls preceded the impact, and only by a fraction of a second. I was struck hard in the middle of the back with just enough balance of force and restraint that I momentarily stunned but still quite conscious. Something gripped my arms and pulled me up and around, then crushed me back against a pile of crates, and a gnarly hand cupped my throat. These faces hated us well beyond the value of a credit payment. A Klingon distruptor brushed my cheek. Stale breath wreathed my face. His head at a menacing tilt. Gelt snarled his satisfaction – Dance with me.
Four Klingons at attack stance held disruptors cleanly on Sarda and the others. 
Gelt – Where is it? The science you’re making here.
Nary a flicker of belief damaged his anathema – Transwarp, where is it?
His smugness enraged Piper, she bumped her arms against his hard chestplate.
Piper – That’s right, fossil face.
There was something intensely satisfying about being despised by a Klingon. 
P189 Gelt’s lips peeled back in hatred as he fanned his gun arm outward and barked at his nearest fellow tarantula – HIch Qorch! Toogh!
Gelt ripped open his belt guard and pulled out the kind of dagger that’s so mean looking it draws blood with appearance alone. And it was still in a sheath! With a snapping motion the sheath struck the floor and bright silver glinted. 
Gelt – Your friends are corpses. But you, you are what we call bortas choQ. Revenge meat.
His teeth were gritted, his whisper one of hunger, only his lips moved.
The blade rasped wide.  Now there were claws on it. Never let it be said that Klingons had no sense of drama. 
Snanner shook his head at Piper’s raw invertebrate-level hatred of Klingons – You know, I think you must have some tribble in you.
Klingons are rendered unconscious with phaser blasts
P230 two hawk-shaped warships just coming out of cloak, their weapons are armed but they’re not coming within firing range. They’re separating, coming about to flank Enterprise on either side. The two ships peeled away from each other
Klingon warships, bigger than birds of prey, these were of the older, studier design, engineered for firepower and engine thrust. 
Piper – Klingons are stupid, but they’re not that stupid.
Spock jammed the sensors, preventing the Klingons from knowing the details of the damage to the Enterprise
Kirk was trying to think like the Klingons
The Klingon commander hails Enterprise
Craggy Klingon features
There was little doubt about how Klingon Central had found out about us.
Klingon – Commander, Enterprise, this is your captor. Your ship is disabled. We will take her in tow and return to the Klingon annex on the opposite side of the Federation Neutral Zone. As soon as we touch Klingon space, you will be classified as salvage.
Kirk – Captain, you draw this ship into Empire territory and it’ll be the last thing you do. I’ll detonate her the second we leave Fed space, and you with her.
The fantails of both Klingon cruisers, coordinating their energy to tow Enterprise
The Klingons knew we had transwarp, no doubt. Gelt would have told them
Three Romulan light fighters looped in front of the Klingon cruisers and fired on them. Without a pause the Klingons returned fire, cross-secting space with blue beams. Several missed entirely, but a few hit the Romulans and scored damage. 
Transwarp is bigger than their alliance
Like animals protecting their kill, the Klingon ships turned in space to keep between the Romulans and the Enterprise
Bolts of enemy fire kept the Klingons from launching into warp speed
The Romulans sliced through the screens of one Klingon vessel and disabled it. The Klingons then took their own revenge, firing hard on the nearest Romulan wing.
One Klingon cruiser is damaged but functional.
Klingons are like grizzly bears. They attack straight on, with sheer brute force. Even though they’re a threat in firepower and ruthlessness, they’re predictable. If we just watch them, we should be able to tell what they’ll do next. 
The Romulans have lesser weapons but like sneaking and bluffing. 
The Klingons were unable to tell where the Romulans would dive in upon them next. The Klingons had their hands full trying to maintain their pull on Enterprise
The green plasma ray cutting deeply into the Klingon shields.
P244 more Klingon vessels, however, not Empire-sanctioned vessels. One is of a configuration currently being used by the Rumaiym, a racial tier of the Empire. it is not surprising that sections of the Empire might attempt to gain a bargaining weight within the power structure. If current intelligence is accurate, we are seeing agents of at least four Klingon strains, Klinzhai, Rumaiym, Wijngan and in the triformed vessel, the race calling themselves Daqawlu, the Remembered.
Obviously the Klingon Empire is not so unified as they would have us believe.
From the edge of the Ciatella Star system, at warp speed, easy rush into their home territory.
P257 The Klingons fired and detonated the Romulan particle beam before it struck Enterprise
Port side Klingon cruiser is keeping in contact with the other cruiser. They are attempting to contact their Empire or other Empire ships, possibly to request help that may be on stand-by already. 
Computer cryptography the new wave-maze technology the Klingon Empire had developed, Enterprise couldn’t possibly tie in to their transmissions. So said Professor Eufinger.
Klingon towing ships destroyed when Enterprise engages transwarp. The ships identified as Wijngan retreated at high speed. The Rumaiym ship still maneuverable. The first ship to move on Enterprise was the Daqawlu vessel, a streamlined yellow and black ship made mostly of curves. It gathered speed gradually, then faster, and fired full disruptors. The arcuate Daqawlu ship had vectored out into deep space and was diving on Enterprise again at attack speed.
No lifesigns aboard after Enterprise fires dimensional flux, ship left intact. 
Three Battlecruisers of the Empire arrive. 
Four Fed ships on the way, closing at warp speed.
Sudden action of the surprised Klingon cruisers. 
Photons burst through inner space, blasting a Klingon ship out of Enterprise way. the Klingon ship pivoted away, its hull dazzling with crackles of energy and nearly collided with another ship. 
We could nearly taste their rage. Roaring like teased animals the Klingon ship recovered and whirled around on an imaginary axis, bringing its full disruptor banks to bear on Enterprise. A bright glow opened on their firing ports and the bolt streaked toward Enterprise. The Hood intercepts the bolt, then turns on the Klingon, slicing hard into the damage Enterprise had already done. 
The Hood, Yorktown, Exeter, Majestic.
The Empire cruisers cut away suddenly, swinging after each other in retreat and disappeared into light speed. 
  Star Trek Constellations Where Everybody Knows Your Name by Jeffrey Lang
Denebia, where the Slime Devils come from. Not Deneb V. Spaceport Meekrab.
Page 341 M'Kar, Krong's former commanding officer. No one had liked M'Kar enough to seek revenge on Krong.
Denebia galopoly stwe
Page 341 Shajara, her chest plate had been particularly snug that day
Page 339 Krong, Klingon male. M'Kar, Krong's former commanding officer, honorable blow would elevate him to first lieutenant. Shajara, her chest plate had been particularly snug that day. Instead of promotion Krong had been exiled from Klingon space. No one had liked M'Kar enough to seek revenge on Krong so the only other option had been ritual suicide, an option his father had strictly prohibited until all others had been exhausted. Kirk and Spock a prize that might buy him back his lost honor.
Krong patronizes Jarek's bar, overpriced bloodwine. When Krong was in his cups he craved company. Very few Denebians willing to risk their reputations being seen with a Klingon. The face of the Enterprise captain was well known to every warrior of the Empire
McCoy and Scotty brawl with Denebians who try to pass them off as Kirk and Spock to Krong. Drink with Krong afterwards.
Enterprise drops Krong at neutral planet
Time honored Klingon signal of throwing the mug at the bar keep's head to signal a refill
Ignoble fate like being nibbled to death by tribbles
The face of the Enterprise captain was well known to every warrior of the Empire
McCoy and Scotty brawl with Denebians who try to pass them off as Kirk and Spock to Krong. Drink with Krong afterwards.

  Demon Strange New Worlds 8
Part of a Section 31 evaluation scenario
Simulation; 2 months to end of first five year
A Tellarite merchant ship reported seeing a Klingon vessel deep within Federation territory
Enterprise en route to investigate
D-7 dreadnought-class battle cruiser, traveling at impulse, not cloaked.
Klingons don't have anything to prevent scanning while cloaked
Three bursts pf light flashed, heralding the arrival of three more dreadnought cruisers
Kirk could read the Klingon characters imprinted on each ship. Try to destroy first ship
A deep growling voice suddenly erupted from the con
Mystery ship. It is logical the Klingons would prefer to destroy it rather than let Starfleet have it.
One cruiser looses warp containment field, explodes and destroys other two ships
Cerulean electrical energy, a living being, had control of the Klingon ship. Needed new ship after damage to warp engines.
Page 47 Veqlargh, roughly translated means demon

  The Lost Years by J.M. Dillard
P295 Arcturus is the place where everyone goes to make deals, a bona fide anarchy. In the center of a major pirate corridor, Arcturus had stubbornly resisted all overtures from the Romulans, the Klingons, and even a halfhearted one from the Federation. The planet was close enough to the fringes of both Romulan and Klingon space to allow for free exchange among the three great empires. while it could honestly be said that Arcturus was the one place in the galaxy where Klingon, Romulan and human were free to meet and ignore the hostilities between governments, not to mention enjoying the more lucrative aspects of illegal trade between their empires, and the natives were versed in several languages, although they insisted on overlaying their own grammar on whatever language they happened to be speaking. Swift and bloody fights erupt in the bars. The natives regarded their human, Klingon, and Romulan visitors with equal contempt. They speak many languages but the only one they really understand is money.
McCoy steered clear of one obviously intoxicated group of Klingons who staggered three abreast and paused occasionally to throw back their heads and roar at the moons.
P303 the bar was crowded with humans, Tellarites, Cygnusians, a Klingon and a Horta getting chummy with a group of Andorians, even a stray pair of Romulans, a Gorn, a tall, gawky Aurelian. Leather and fur tunic, native Arcturan costume. 
There was a sudden commotion at the table where the Klingon and the Horta were sitting with the Andorians. The Klingon, who previously had seemed intoxicated by the idea of interstellar friendship, not to mention his drug of choice, rose abruptly, overturning his chair. The room quieted, except for the loud cheerful Muzak, as he drew out a phaser and pointed it at one of the giggling Andorians. Just as swiftly, the Horta, whom the Klingon had mistakenly trusted, produced a phaser from deep within himself and by rather clumsily manipulating it with the edge of his stony bulk, produced a blinding burst of red light. The Klingon’s midsection erupted in a blaze; he looked down in great surprise and annoyance to view his own demise as tongues of flame ate their way from the center out. As the flames raced up his neck he opened his mouth and more from anger than pain or fear, let loose a bloodcurdling roar that reverberated long after he was gone. 
The belt slung low on the Aurelian’s bony hips was decorated with no fewer than three phasers and a monstrous Klingon dagger.
P407 Romulan Bird of prey, normal crew complement of 12.
  Traitor Winds by L.A. Graf
P18 Chekov was part of landing party that managed to capture the first Klingon disruptors. They didn't get possession of the disruptors until after evacuated the Klingons from their disabled ship.
Dr. Mark Piper, Enterprise former Chief Medical Officer, doing a study on how to mitigate the medical effects of a disruptor blast. Starfleet's given him disruptors and schematics, beam analysis, medical history of victims, everything except someone who could show him how the Klingons actually used the weapon. short sweeping blasts will give you a completely different kind of trauma than a long trained shot. That's one of the reasons it's so hard to build a tissue regenerator with the right capacity to undo disruptor damage. 
Chekov assists Piper with Klingon disruptor project at Johns Hopkins
P44 Starfleet worried about the Klingons. with all the recent skirmishes they've had along their border with the Romulans, they'd love to get their paws on Starfleet's cloaking device for the Wraith II
P79 Piper wants to kick lab technician, to bounce his ass clear to Klinzai so he can never get a job like this again
P124 a wall display of Klingon pillow art took up most of one wall of the room of the hourly motel. The pain of a broken arm not so bad in comparison.
P129 Sherman's Planet, an Earth colony whose native tongue was New Esperanto
P215 Former starship captain Jackson Kahle could have set up Dr. Piper's disruptor research program just to get his hands on a Klingon disruptor, with plans to sell it to the Romulans. The disruptor, the Klingons' greatest weapon. Kahle sold the Fed's Wraith II cloaking technology to the Klingons. There's a lot of talk about hostilities between the Klingons and the Romulans. There's already been a handful of skirmishes along their border. 
P237 Chekov wondered how many people would be hurt with the spread of the Klingon disruptor. Kahle just wanted the disruptor plans.
P249 Kahle sold Romulan cloaking device to the Klingons. now he'll sell the Klingon disruptor to the Romulans, to arm both sides for interplanetary war. 
P259 Over the last seven Earth days the Romulans have detected the ion trails of a shielded vessel not our own, probing from our Klingon Neutral Zone. They had assumed it was some Romulan outlaw, hiding in the bosom of your enemies. But now we know that the same treacherous human dogs who stole our cloaking device have sold it to the bloodiest of our enemies.
Kang - The hooded figure in Vulcan robes who had entered the Romulan Territorial Conference with the Fed in Annapolis with Kirk. The hood was thrust back to reveal a scowling Klingon face beneath it.
Uhura shuddered as she recognized the Klingon commander who had once tried to take over the Enterprise. A hiss of indrawn breath went through the group of Starfleet officers, and a distinct space widened around the robed figure. Kang replied with a contemptuous snort, striding forward until he stood directly in front of the security squad. 
Kang spat the English words out as if they tasted bad on his tongue - There, Kirk. There is the traitor you brought me here to identify. We bought the Romulan cloaking device directly from him.
The Klingon commander took another step closer and the security guards closed their ranks in response. With one powerful Klingon lunge Kang reached into the tightly packed knot of men and dragged out Commodore Adam Willis, the White Sands base commander. Willis thought the Fed would benefit from giving the Klingons the Romulans' greatest tactical weapon. It would give them the ammunition they need to take on the Romulans at their own game. Armed with the same weapons the Romulans and Klingons will tear themselves apart fighting each other. Level playing field. 
Kang stood off to one side, his intense dark eyes never leaving Willis's face. Uhura wasn't sure how Admiral Kirk had convinced the Klingon commander to identify the man who'd sold him the cloaking device, but it was obvious Kang was angry at Willis, too. 
Old enemies working together to discover who was manipulating them into a war. Kirk nodded at Kang, who snorted some kind of Klingon reply back at him.
P273 a snort misted the porthole and obscured the view. Your ship out there? Kang demanded, leaning across Kirk's shoulder with the blunt curiosity that passed for politeness in a Klingon. 
Kirk escorted his unruly temporary ally out to his waiting ship. 
Under shaggy brows Kang's eyes gleamed with the dark intelligence Kirk kept reminding himself not to underrate.
Kirk didn't need to worry about how curt that might sound. The Klingon would consider it normal conversation.
Kang demanded, the deepening growl of his voice betraying aroused military instincts at Kirk being promoted - Battle leader? Strategist?
A more contemptuous Klingon snort feathered hot breath across the courier's windows at news of Kirk being diplomatic envoy in charge of conferences- Wars fought with words instead of valor. They are beneath a warrior's dignity, Kirk.
Kirk pointed out ironically - That didn't stop you from taking part in this one.
Kang grunted - It was the lesser dishonor to barter a few worthless stars systems to the Romulans than to fight them at some human traitor's bidding. He pointed a scornful fist at Kirk. But I will never put aside my disruptor and surrender my ship to another commander.
The Klingon regarded him with stymied silence - I had hoped to face you one more time on the battlefield, Kirk. You and that ship. Together, you would have made me a worthy opponent.
Kang jerked his chin at the silhouette of the Enterprise
  A Flag Full of Stars by Brad Ferguson
14 earth kids play Klingons and Feds with water phasers
turtleheads, insulting name for Klingons
if Tarzan and Jane were turtleheads, Cheetah would be a gifted child
Doctor G’dath, a full-blooded Klingon, physicist. Secondary school teacher, All his students were scared to death of him
Protuberant bony ridge that ran from just above his eyebrows to the crown of his head
Hard to tell when he was frowning
New York City, Klingon Embassy. Ambassador and staff
Klor, bloodline tainted by human ancestry, blue eyes, officially part of Embassy staff, only one responsibility, to observe the Klingon physicist G’dath.
Keth, Klor’s superior, officially part of Embassy staff, only one responsibility, to observe the Klingon physicist G’dath. Actions which might be deemed questionable by the humans or by Klingon command
Shabby ill-maintained living quarters at Klingon Embassy. One observing room, other small room Keth’s private quarters
Weeks of surveillance. How could a teacher of human children prove dangerous to the Empire? The Empire had ordered the surveillance, which Klor faithfully carried out. 
Klor eager to prove himself to his people, largely because his mother was the result of a mating between a Klingon warrior and a human prisoner from one of the frontier worlds. Everyone said K’Marrh was crazed to fall in love with his captive and take her as his consort, even more crazed to raise his daughter, Klor’s mother, as legitimate and a member of the warrior class. She had made a good match with another warrior and produced Klor. Klor had spent most of his short life trying to show his empire that he was a loyal Klingon, a warrior, willing to spill his blood. He had worked hard to show himself to be the best, the fastest, the brightest. But the Imperial fleet remained unimpressed and Klor was denied promotion after promotion, sheltered from battle, given less desirable positions, such as Embassy surveillance duty. It did not befit one of the warrior class to sit the day through watching others’ routine activities. It befitted a warrior to act, not react.
Dark bronze lips
His muscles rebelled at their disuse
Uncomfortable chair
Klor secretly enjoyed watching the class. His education had been somewhat curtailed by the fact of his parentage.
G’dath an interesting lecturer
G’dath reported to be a crackpot
Keth, a tall, dark, hawk-faced man with oddly piercing eyes. Keth never mentioned Klor’s human ancestry. Keth recent political disfavor. Keth had spent many honorable years at the helm of a small fighter but had recently been disgraced by a kinsman who had dared speak out politically, suggesting a more bona fide effort be made to reach real peace with the Federation. 
Klor prided himself on never shrinking from Keth’s gaze
Assigned unenviable duty due to the misdeeds of family.
Anything to report?
Nothing, Superior.
Why are you watching trivision news at the Empire’s expense?
G’dath has ordered a chip assembly. The billing records were vague as to the chip’s function. Custom design. Several weeks for Custom Electronics to construct. Considerable sum. Several month’s salary
Raised a heavy brow in interest
Our orders are very clear, if he constructs anything of value with it, we are to seize it at once.
Keth, Whatever private hope he had entertained was unobtainable.
Keth had left a wife and children.
Current assignment did not allow for direct communication with family. 
He was a warrior, he could not permit himself the luxury of self-pity. The time would come when he could prove himself to the Empire and at last gain recognition for his efforts rather than his ancestry.
38 a Klingon student in similar circumstances, having teacher talk with parent, would have known to prepare to be challenged by the instructor at the earliest opportunity.
G’dath years of teaching on Earth.
Even had he not been Klingon, the commanded sound of his voice would have intimidated anyone. Deep and resonant. English was G’dath’s eleventh language. Spoke flawlessly with North American accent
He had learned of the Terran belief that all Klingons had rasping harsh voices. He took care to train his so that he sounded like a Royal Shakespeare actor.
Any student who dared make fun of another would find his or her own preparedness tested.
G’dath pitied him for his pale, all-too-revealing flesh.
Ira Stoller hated Klingons, clearly terrified of the fact that G’dath was a Klingon.
G’dath choose to see the fact as an opportunity
The Federation is worried about the Klingons, wants Enterprise back in service quickly. Almost had a war a few years ago. Six years ago. The fighting ended shortly after the outbreak of hostilities due to the Organian Intervention and the truce declared at that time was soon formalized into the Organian Peace Treaty. That treaty is still operative. Simply put, it states that the Empire cannot attack the Federation, or vice-versa, without inviting an Organians response. 
G’dath smiled, it was not, he knew, a pleasant sight
Ricca Greene -  Why should we be scared of the Klingons, if the Organians are preventing a war between us? Everybody seems so paranoid about Klingons. I mean the warrior class, the ultraconservative influence that dominates the Empire. I don’t think people trust the Organians either.
G’dath standing tall, feet planted widely, arms akimbo, it was his accustomed posture of dominance – The Fed does not trust the Organians to keep the peace. The Klingon Empire doesn't, either. The reasons for this feeling of mistrust are exactly the same. Neither side is quite sure why the Organians got themselves involved, neither side can be sure the Organians will keep their part of the agreement. Great minds on both sides have considered all the possibilities and time and again seized on the worst of them. Both sides feel they must act as if the Organians will not be there tomorrow. The Klingon empire has developed an entirely new type of warship, the k’t’inga class heavy cruiser. Those running the empire do not even bother to claim that the Imperial Fleet is intended to serve any purpose other than conquest and consolidation. Despite the Organian Peace Treaty, the threat of hostilities between the Fed and the Empire continues, and this is due to politics that are guided not by reasoned thinking but by fear, apprehension and suspicion.
Any self-respecting Klingon old enough to walk would have preferred death rather than shed tears in front of a superior. 
Unable to procure the research positions for which he was qualified, G’dath had continued with this teaching job, and would probably continue with it until his temporary visa expired in one year. In his more optimistic moments he felt he was doing both the Klingon Empire and the Fed some good by training young minds to think, to realize the vast universe that existed outside their own narrow culture. At the very lest, helping a few young humans overcome their fear of Klingons.
53 there were days when he was glad his situation had forced him to take the teaching job, when he felt it was far more meaningful work than his physics research. 
The point of the trivision interview was to expose the discrimination G’dath faced as a Klingon living among humans.
G’dath qualified as a physics researcher, looking for job offers, and through his research, he would contribute enough to earn the right to remain in the Fed after his temporary exchange via had expired. The visa was completely unique, G’dath was grateful for the chance to live even briefly among humans, something that no other Klingon had ever done, since even the Klingon Embassy staff studiously avoided unnecessary contact with humans.
G’dath, more than anything, wished to conduct his research in a free society without fear that his work would be misused. 
G’dath noticed that he was being stared at by some and carefully ignored by others. No one cared to stand near him. He was quite used to attracted attention wherever he went. He never saw another Klingon, and it made him feel very alone. G’dath sensitive about such things. 
The Stuyvesant Preserve,14th St and First Ave, home to refugees from the stars, Andorians, Klingons, Rigellians, Tellerites and Argellians. 
A kitten, a youngling cat. Unlike a targ as anything could be. 
Much larger analog feline species on his home planet could not be domesticated. As a youngling on the family agricultural parcel G’dath had had a pet targ and his deep affection for the faithful beast lingered even now. 
He felt nervous about breaking a rule, no pets
G’dath’s taste in furniture came directly from his upbringing. He favored pieces of light design fashioned in walnut, with bright, textured fabrics for upholstery. A rug of many stark colors with red predominating. Lives on 51st floor
60 since G’dath was a devout person, there was a vuv gho in a corner of the living room, its iconic centerpiece orientated to the north in order to indicate the direction of the Birthplace, or rather where the Birthplace would be if this were his home planet. The vuv gho was the very same one that, by tradition, had been placed by his sleeping mat during the night before his fourth birthday. Thus the shrine would be the first thing a male youngling would see upon awakening. the vuv gho was one of the few items G’dath had been able to take with him when he’d left the Empire.
G’dath took a deep breath and consciously forced himself to relax. 
G’dath was not by nature paranoid but he had heard how the Empire kept close watch on its former citizens. 
Klingon agents do not ring doorbells.
Kindness overwhelmed him, on those rare occasions when he encountered it. 
G’dath names his male kitten Leaper
It will be a fine first meal in your new home.
That tiny bit of gold was the chip G’dath had spent several years designing and Custom Electronics had spent several months constructing
Since G’dath was a religious man, he also felt it was beyond coincidence that the chip assembly had arrived today, the day before the WorldNews reporter was coming to interview him about his life and work. 
The computer carried the schematics in nonvolatile memory. 
His discovery would revolutionize interstellar travel
65 Klor pressed the buzzer at Keth’s quarters’ door slide open. Keth sat in the dim, unlit room, stared at holo of a handsome Klingon female, flanked by two strong sons. The holo evaporated.
Disgrace for a warrior was a hard thing, contemplating the effects of that disgrace on one’s family was harder still. 
He stood at attention
Uncomfortable at seeing a once-honored warrior reduced to such.
Superior, you wished to be notified when the subject G’dath received the chip assembly.
They were capable of monitoring G’dath only at his work and dwelling. And track his financial transactions.
Better ten tribbles in a household than one cat.
He smiled, brilliantly, astonishingly
In the throes of strategic inspiration
85 G’dath has been living on earth for a year. 
Ricia Green - He’s trying to teach us not to be scared. A lot of Klingon culture is based on honor, personal pride, he won’t make things easy for us, so we can learn more from the experience. Coddling a person in the ultimate insult. Challenging a person is the greatest compliment. A Klingon student notified they were on the verge of probation would have been ready and waiting for the first question. He was giving you a chance to redeem your honor. And was probably surprised you didn’t expect it. 
96 The known galaxy was in enough trouble as it was and he did not care to add to its problems.
An hour past sunset. G’dath takes several pieces of fruit and handful of sunflower seeds, his head bowed he approached the vuv gho and placed the food in the shallow receptacle intended for it on the alter. For success, if you will it, he said to his ancestors. He backed away reverently while murmuring a prayer. It was one that he had said daily during his childhood and it comforted him now
The prototype was a transparent aluminum globe half a meter in diameter and stuffed with electronics. Three interdependent modules crowded into the globe. One provided light shielding to protect it, another served as a guidance system and the third housed the drive. Transparent aluminum had been a fortunate choice the globe was very strange yet the aluminum was malleable enough to shape and work easily using only household tools. The chip assembly would govern the drive and coordinate the workings of the three modules with each other. using the point of a stylus, he threw a small switch just inside the access panel. 
His main theory had been proven, the lights in the globe were glowing with power but the globe contained neither an energy source nor a receiver. The power seemed to be coming from nowhere, and that was the whole point. The principle behind the globe was correct. How those principles might be applied on a more practical basis. Inertial control, want to stay where it was. Inertial dampeners. Motive force, globe rises slowly, timed command, clap of thunder, and the globe vanished from sight. The globe would circle the moon, take a few readings, be back in 53 minutes. 
G’dath believed in his heart that aesthetics counted for something. He had come from a place where they did not count for much at all, and he had had quite enough of that. 
G’dath had not named the motive force, something new and marvelous in the universe, not necessary to name it to appreciate it.
Globe’s internal guidance system was functioning perfectly.
A cold chill ran over G’dath’s brow. What have I done? Many races and beings would kill for what he had created and the incredible power he has discovered
102 Keth had not come out for the evening meal
Klor was desperate to go out and stretch his legs
the computer keep a visual record of all that transpired during the dark hours, an alarm if the monitors detected weaponry or any type of espionage equipment.
So the dreamer’s test has failed
His hands steepled in a gesture of reflection
His words ignited a spark in Keth’s eyes.
The subject G’dath has created a device.
Keth sends information to superiors
You have served well, Klor. If things go well with our dreamer, I shall not forget
Klor drew himself up to his full height – You honor me, Superior. 
He was uncertain what strategy Keth plotted but he trusted his commander’s shrewdness
G’dath tested his device five times and five times the same result.
128 Nan Davis, WorldVision reporter – G’dath is an accomplished physicist who’s teaching high school because of misunderstanding and fear. His students routinely rank in the top one percent of the North American pool after a year with him doesn’t seem to matter at all.
Kirk – I’ve never met a Klingon who wasn’t of the warrior class.
G’dath, big and thoroughly intimidating, until he smiled.
Kirk – I don’t think I’ve ever heard Klingonese spoken so softly. I guess you could call it baby talk [G’dath to pet kitten]
133 G’dath on year for some years now. 
G’dath was a physicist in the Empire. His specialty was the study of transluminal wavicles. He was assigned to work at an institute on one of the border planets central to the dispute between the Fed and the Empire at the time of the crisis six years ago. Placement on border planer was intentional. G’dath was considered something of a crackpot in that he was not given to practical research. Research in the Empire, particularly in physics, must show a practical result. G’dath always more a pure theoretician.
When the idea of a trial exchange of scientific personnel was offered by the Federation diplomats, G’dath was sent because he was considered safe. The Empire did not believe he could provide the Fed with any useful classified information even if I chose to. 
G’dath suspects that in spite of the spirit of openness that made his temporary visa on Earth possible, the people of the Federation do not trust him because he is a Klingon. He cannot find a job as a physicist of any sort. He is told there are no openings. 
He has been hired by the New York public school system to preside over and conduct an experimental class. He likes the good and worthy work, grateful for it. he would very much like to get back to physics. 
G’dath has two degrees the equivalent of doctorates. Third degree is one level beyond that and there is no equivalent within the realm of standard Fed education. Vulcan institutions bestow a degree somewhat similar in prestige.
Vulcans are the scholars of the known galaxy, and Klingons are the warriors.
G’dath – My race has that reputation. It is a stereotype and like all such, it is vicious in essence. I am no warrior. Most Klingons are not. My family are, were, peaceable farmers. My parents worked hard to get me admitted to the ranks of the scholars and to keep me there. I served in the Imperial Fleet when I was younger, because military service is compulsory even for those not of the warrior class. I was an assistant warp-drive engineer aboard a ship similar in size and capability to a Starfleet scout. We often fought. We fought pirates operating on the fringes of the Empire. Only career officers are allowed the actually glory of battle, to determine strategy, actuate the weapons, and so forth.
There is nothing inglorious about protecting one’s own kind from those who would just as soon kill or enslave them as not. We fought pirates and I am proud of my service with the Fleet. Never had an encounter with a Fed vessel. We would have been quite surprised to see a Fed vessel in that sector, since we were about as far from the common border as a ship could possibly be yet still remain within the Empire. We were also about as far from the center of the Empire as a ship could possibly be. It was a lonely duty. 
After G’dath left the service he went back to school, received third advanced degree and went to work as a researcher. 
When he arrived on Earth G’dath found a common belief that Klingons were all untrustworthy and without exception, savage. He found that he was considered likely to go mad at any given moment because the impulse to do so was in my blood, as someone once put it. it took some time to secure present teaching position. The New York school authorities met with virulent opposition when G’dath's hiring was first announced. The school board stood fast on his behalf, relying on both the letter and spirit of the antidiscimination laws. The controversy has died down, as G’dath has not gone mad or killed anyone. The results he ahs gotten with his students has justified his employers’ faith in him. 
This morning he sent off his 561st application for an entry-level academic position in an institution for higher learning. He has long since given up seeking something more suited to his curriculum vitae. He has tried Harvard, Oxford and the Sorbonne, community colleges in the American Midwest. Always told there are no suitable openings. 
G’dath – I do not wish to whine, and I do not seek pity, but I have two doctorates and a degree that is superior to a doctorate, and yet I am told repeatedly that I am not qualified for a beginning position that is generally staffed by someone still working toward a master’s degree. I want to contribute. I chose freely to live and work here among you. I can contribute a great deal to our common good. Why won’t you let me?
Pirates out on the Imperial fringe
Kirk’s name was well known in the Empire, from his five year mission.
138 Klor doesn’t wear a weapon on his belt. He no longer served at a warrior’s post. 
His superior was hatching a plot to restore his honor and it made good political sense to remain in his good graces
Klor falls asleep monitoring G’dath
Keth, the downtrodden wretch.
Keth the commander, head and body held erect, movements confident, purposeful and a spark in his eyes had been fanned into a blaze. 
Superiors are most intrigued by the design fragment. They require both the subject G’dath and either the schematic or the artifact itself as soon as possible. 
We are commended for bringing this matter to their attention.
139 Z’breth! He swore explosively
Klor recognized Kirk
Keth’s narrow eyes had widened to show yellowed whites
Keth’s hope for political redemption headed for G’dath’s apartment door.
Shall I send for support now, Superior?
No phasers, street weapons and hand to hand combat only. No energy weapons, even on stun. The authorities would detect their use instantly. 
Order the team to take G’dath into immediate custody. Capture G’dath alive, Kirk alive if possible. Kill the female.
G’dath drew back his lips to reveal two even, intimidating rows of large yellowish teeth
Four young humans attack G’dath, Kirk and Nan Davis. Highly trained assault team, easily overcome by Kirk and G’dath
Barclayite movement, started on Centaurus, don’t like nonhumans.
You are a loathsome little noise
Covert operations chief
146 G’dath had long ago resigned himself to loneliness. He found violence deeply disturbing. He deplored the unnecessary expenditure of life. 
the globe drew power seemingly from nowhere, but the reservoir of power the globe tapped into had certain characteristics that could be studied, measured and put to work. Something beyond warp space. G’dath’s finding were quickly leading him to a theory of cosmology that would make everything presently known about the universe obsolete.
First flight of globe went 1000 lightyears away and back in 6.7 seconds. He had intended the globe as a portable source off freely available energy.
In the Empire, he had taken for granted that Imperial operatives watched him.
162 Keth had quickly neutralized the doorkeeper, child’s play for a trained operative. Klor dealt with the security block in the lift by shorting out the voice recognition system
when Klor had reported that G’dath had left the apartment, Keth had flown into a murderous rage. G’dath was their means home! Klor was an imbecile to permit him to escape. But G’dath had not taken the globe with him. Keth had issued a startling order, they would go to the apartment and seize the globe.
Keth’s lips were drawn into a taut line, his brows into a bushy vee above grim, dangerous eyes, the eyes of one obsessed. 
Klor took a small instrument from the pouch on his belt and began to neutralize the security scanners on the door. Klingon countermeasures. Klor had been taught reverence for his elders. Klor caught elderly Mr. Olesky on the side of the neck with an easy rapid movement of his arm, killing him.
This is the pebble that will crush the mountain of the enemy.
I am not so arrogant as to think I could withstand the mind sifter
According to his visa he will gave to return to the Empire in a year’s time.
168 after G’dath’s escape, and Klor’s role in it, Klor might be demoted to an even less desirable position, exiled, or perhaps even sent t a prison camp. All depended on how Keth presented the error to Imperial officials.
Keth remained closeted in his quarters. Klor feared the depression that had earlier consumed the commander had returned with a vengeance. 
They receive further orders, to assemble another assault team so that it is prepared to strike when the subject is found.
Keth – I am beginning to think I understand this dreamer, this son of farmers.
Keth’s legendary cunning
As a warrior he would accept Keth’s decree without argument or plea. 
Kath’s tone was calm but he studied Klor with frightening intensity. 
To go home with honor, as a hero. How badly would you want that? I would risk everything. My life.
As a warrior, I grow tired of living without risk
Do you know how many seasons it has been since I have spoken with my wife?
Better to be dead than live with dishonor. 
Keth’s career as a commander was marked by brilliance, and true brilliance hovers on the edge of madness
181 there were three nuclear wars in the Klingon Empire. The first occurred more than two centuries ago when K’tel the Terrible attempted to conquer
Klor stocky and muscular, taller than G’dath, 
Keth  shorter, slender with  a sharp chin and face and slanting dark eyes, brandished a large knife. 
Beam into classroom
I will decide the need to hurt, the Klingon with the knife said.
Klor draws a knife and holds it at G’dath’s throat.
Keth throws knife into student Carlos Siegal’s back
Keth pressed a control on his belt, he and G’dath were immediately enveloped inside a blue force field. Prevents transport and phasers
Keth – Hostages are to our advantage. Humans are sentimental in that regard
Klor takes Ricia Greene and Joey Brickner hostage.
The human high school students are old enough to hold rank in the Imperial Fleet. 
The trititanium-hard muscles of the Klingon’s chest
194 Farmer, Keth said suddenly in Klingonese.
The mechanism inside the globe generates an enveloping field. Securing the globe against a vessel would be sufficient to extend the field around the vehicle.
You are telling me the truth? Swear it on the lives of the hostages. Which meant if he was discovered to be lying, or had withheld information, they would die.
Lt. Commander Kevin Riley exchanges himself for the children hostages and Jenny Hogan, leave in flitter
Keth’s eyes blazed suddenly, with a fire that made G’dath’s blood cold. 
Keth – Since you have behaved with honorable boldness by coming here unarmed, Lt. Commander Riley, I will keep my word. 
There is no honor in taking a child. 
Keth – You are a Starfleet officer and might be considered expendable by those seeking to capture us. 
The power source in the globe could be short-circuited so that it quickly overloaded to dangerous levels. 
It would be a quicker, cleaner death than the one that awaited them in the Klingon Empire. 
G’dath – You are taking this globe to the Empire because it will bring you and your commander honor, and glory, and because it will win more planets for the Empire. It will bring honor and glory to the Empire, but it could bring death, destruction. Do you understand what balance of power means, Klor? If the balance of power between the Klingons and the Federation is disturbed, it could be disastrous. The Organians could not necessarily be trusted to prevent another war. Even if the Organians prevent this conflict, they have not prevented the Empire from engaging in other conflicts.
I will not hear this!
In the classroom Klor had become convinced that Keth did not have a brilliant plan after all, that he had simply succumbed to madness and frustration. He no longer trusted his commander.
G’dath behaved honorably even in private
Klor did not trust the Organians either. And though he found the notion of battle glorious, he did not yearn for war, did not glory in the wasting of life. In space, killing seemed clean. The enemy died thousands of kellicams away. Killing one that faced you seemed far more difficult.
His granddam’s people, Klor’s hatred of humans had dulled. 
Keth’s eyes narrowed in rage – You dare to question an order?
Klor’s reluctance to immediately respond to the direct order to kill a hostage. Keth spat a string of Klingon curses while Klor went sprawling onto the floor.
216 Riley spoke no Klingonese. 
Klor rose to his feet and stood quietly, dangerously, and stared at Keth with undisguised hatred glittering in his eyes. Klor’s huge muscles trembled with restrained power, poised and ready t o strike. Keth was entirely overshadowed by Klor’s bulk.
Honorless coward! Son of Earthers!
Joey and Riley transported to safety.
If there were others like Klor, G’dath had great hope for the Empire
In a final gesture of distain Klor did not turn, did not respond to his superior’s order
In his rage Keth had cursed Klor’s family and called him the son of Earthers, one of the worst possible insults. Keth had promised Klor a court-martial and utter disgrace upon his arrival home. G’dath was glad a noble spirit like Klor’s would be spared that dishonor. 
Keth, faster, drew his knife and with a rapid twisting notion plunged it deep into Klor’s chest.
Doctor G’dath had been in the flitter for the first millisecond or so of the explosion and sustained some pretty bad injuries. Corneas had been seared away, new ones. Skin synthetic never formulated for Klingon skin.
Reporters interested in the nasty Klingons with their big knives. 
The kids make card Get well, Doctor G’dath, in English and Klingonese. The phrase in Klingonese had been improperly translated. Rather than encouraging him to recuperate, it exhorted him to improve his performance. 
G’dath had thrown himself in the path of knife intended for Ira Stoller, wounded in the arm.
G’dath’s fearsome manner was just his way, the result of his culture.
G’dath job offers from Oxford, Beijing, Volgograd, Georgia Tech.
Through Fed channels, he had contacted the Organians and informed them of his invention and the subsequent events. They were willing to provide him with protection from the Empire, and to prevent knowledge of how to construct the globe from falling into either Fed or Klingon hands.  Forced to trust the Organians. There was no other choice. 
The students give G’dath We, the undersigned, hereby pledge to work toward greater understanding between the people of the Klingon Empire and the United Federation of Planets.
G’dath granted political asylum
Keth and Klor killed in explosion of flitter.
  Recovery by J.M. Dillard
P8 near the planet Zotos IV, where Federation, Tholian and Klingon space intersect. In spite of the nearness of the Klingons, it was actually the Tholians that were the bigger problem. They’d had a number of skirmishes with the Klingons. the Tholians and the Klingons both have been very respectful of the boundaries lately.
The Tholians, the Klingons, and the Romulans have been invited to watch the trail run of rescue ship Recovery, at a respectable distance.
Kirk – When did the Klingons, the Romulans and the Tholians become our neighbors? They’re our enemies, sworn to overrun us, or destroy us.
P64 an ungainly Klingon Bird-of-Prey hovered near a sleeker, more elegant Romulan warbird.
P108 the automated rescue ship Recovery fires on the Klingon Bird-of-Prey, which cloaks.
Amb. Sarek – Klingon vessel! Recovery has attacked her own vessels. Take yourself to safety and allow the Federation the honor of avenging what has happened here. 
P120 the Klingon ship, though injured, has veered off and cloaked herself.
P158 whether the Klingon observers who cloaked their vessel are following cannot be determined.
P207 with Romulan or Klingon adversaries, Kirk could at least try to read an expression, a tone of voice.
P240 like a vampire out of the mist, a Klingon bird-of-prey solidified on the screen.  Garish unblinking eye painted on the hull of the bird-of-prey. 
If the Klingons played their usual gambit, shoot first, don’t bother asking questions at all, none of them would have a chance. What could Kirk do to reason with Klingons? the Klingon ship hails Kirk and the Tholians as well. 
The image of the ungainly vessel dissolved then coalesced once more into the ominous vision of a Klingon officer bedecked in full warrior’s armor; his long dark hair and beard, streaked with auburn, spilled down onto a breastplate of black leather and dully gleaming metal. 
P242 This is Captain Qo’dar of the Klingon warship Fury. He knows who Kirk is.
The Klingon thundered, beneath his bony skull ridge, tiny, glistening eyes blazed with rage – We have been monitoring all ships’ transmissions. At first I was convinced that this was Fed treachery, but now I know that the Tholians have staged this event to acquire a piece of advanced Fed technology! Technology they will use to conquer the Klingon Empire!
He slammed a metal-clad fist against his console; it struck with a loud clank.
The Klingon turned to another officer on his bridge and growled something in his language. The officer’s reply caused Q’odar to recoil angrily and whirl back to the viewscreen. 
Are you telling me to act as you do and feign helplessness, just to satisfy the sensors of an unoccupied vessel?
The officer nearest Qo’dar snapped something at his captain. The Klingon clenched his gauntleted fists, his bronze face suffused with frustration. Finally he shouted out a clipped command. The Fury lowers her shields.
The Klingon was right about one thing, if the Tholians gained total control of Recovery, they would use the knowledge of the advanced Fed technology to overwhelm their neighbors, and the first to go would be the nearby Klingons.
Qo’dar argued with his own officer
Qo’dar roared, shaking a fist at his invisible adversary – Lokara! I will blast you out of space before you take refuge aboard that ship!
Qo’dar prepares to fire on Tholian ship, which would cause Recovery to destroy Klingon ship. The Klingon hesitated, as if Kirk’s words rang too true to deny; but his face remained contorted with anger, and beneath shaggy red-black brows, his eyes narrowed mistrustfully.
You will let those skulking cowards gain access to that ship, Kirk? Better we should destroy the Tholians now, and face death ourselves
The Klingon howled his rage
The Klingon listened in grudging silence, then leaned closer to the viewscreen, his leather armor creaking – And what will stop her now, Kirk? Your crippled junkheap? Or my lone warship?
Kirk knew better than to suggest the Klingon ship issue a distress call.
Kirk had an image of a dozen battle-raged Klingons swarming through the Recovery’s corridors as they searched for the Tholians
The Fury is carrying 100 drones, as used for target practice. The drones can be used for surveillance, set to a target yet not armed until they arrive. Drones can fire on a target if they have the coordinates
Kirk knew that Klingons viewed automated surveillance as cowardly, preferring a more direct approach.
Kirk took a breath, if his next words sounded like a command he would never gain the cooperation of the honor-bound warrior – Qo’dar, if you would please send out a stream of say, twenty drones, a few at a time, just to give Recovery something to analyze until we can release our shuttlecraft?
There was a pause, then Qo’dar grumbled a command to another officer.
Kirk has the location of Recovery’s core brain, classified info, sent to Captain Qo’dar. The Klingon’s astonishment was plain on his sculpted bronze face. Qo’dar’s expression remained one of suspicion even as the information was relayed to him. He gave orders to the soldiers around him, who scurried into activity. 
I am taking your suggestion and acting on it, Kirk, but what good will it do to get the drones aboard the vessel?
The Klingon’s eyes slitted in amusement – Yes, yes, I see your plan. If the drones destroy the brain, then the ship will simply die in space. We may yet confront Lokara face-to-face! Five of my warriors will accompany the drones.
The warrior stroked his beard thoughtfully as he made a decision.
If Kirk didn’t phrase this just right, he’d insult the Klingon’s honor and everything would be lost – Qo’dar, this plan is contingent on our ability to have the drones hit the target before the Tholians inside Recovery can take control of her. If you send warriors over there, their weapons will be confiscated, and they themselves might be immediately confined. The chances of their accomplishing anything are slim. If anything goes wrong, their lives will be forfeit for nothing. Where is the honor in that?
Qo’dar frowned as he considered this – This is always the Fed way. You send in robots to do your most dangerous work. You talk and talk, saying anything you can to avoid war. You spend valuable resources on a vessel whose whole purpose is to save lives. I will never understand your people. He shook his shaggy head imperiously.
Qo’dar barked his orders
The Klingon nodded and snapped orders to his crew. The drones surround the shuttlecraft and fire lightly on it. suddenly the small flock of drones suspended in space turned and swarmed the tiny shuttlecraft. Quickly three of the drones blasted the ship randomly. 
Suddenly, Qo’dar shouted another command to his crew, and the Klingons aboard the Fury scrambled to obey. Five beam aboard the shuttle. 
Qo’dar boasted, waving his clenched fist – Now you will see how a Klingon faces death, Terran! And the Tholians will see it as well. But I have taken your advice. My warriors have gone unarmed; a Klingon warrior is weapon enough.
Kirk – Good luck to your brave warriors, Qo’dar. May they succeed in their mission.
The Klingons on Recovery find the Tholians. The noise became distinguishable as the impassioned shouts of Klingon warriors on the kill. 
The dark, looming figure of Captain Qo’dar – You dare to give Kirk the credit? Those are Klingons at your door, Lokara! You may as well invite them in, since Recovery will protect you no longer! Then he shouted an order to a subordinate. The Recovery’s brain is effectively destroyed. 
Recovery is too large for Fury to tractor. 
Qo’dar paused a beat, then said gruffly – We will have to destroy her.
Kirk – Your men, Qo’dar.
Qo’dar – It is every Klingon warrior’s dream to die in battle. My men will roar their way to death in joy. 
On your command, Kirk, Qo’dar said, with a respect that made him gaze back in gratitude, a feeling he had never thought to feel toward a Klingon. Know that my warriors will welcome it. 
The Klingon captain uttered a hoarse monosyllable.
The Klingon cursed – What a ship this is! Had this been a Klingon vessel. Kirk realized his complains were admiration.
The shouts of the Klingons had not dimmed, if anything it sounded as if they were nearly beside the beleaguered Tholian. 
Tholians never surrender.
A Klingon warrior loomed behind Lokara. As the Klingon grappled the Tholian in a deadly embrace. The Tholians cause their ship to self-destruct. 
Qo’dar – Hold on, Kirk! Hold on, with all your might!
Kirk stared at the commander’s shaggy image, uncertain whether the Klingon was gloating or mocking him, as Recovery about to blow up. Fury was well shielded and would no doubt survive the blast. The Fury extended her shields around Kirk’s ship at the last minute. 
Qo’dar filled the viewscreen with his dark presence – I see you did as I suggested, Kirk, and held on. You survived the blast. Too bad. That means one more Federation ship to deal with.
Qo’dar struggled to maintain an expression of disdain, but couldn’t quite manage to hide a slight smirk of satisfaction.
Kirk – You extended your shields, Qo’dar. Don’t deny it. You deliberately tried to save us, a Fed ship! What will the Klingon High Command say about that?
Qo’dar – They cannot address that which they never hear of, Kirk. As far as I know, you are not in the habit of willingly communicating with them. We both achieved what we wanted, even if our goals were different. No doubt you would have rather talked the Recovery into surrendering.
Kirk – and you would have preferred she fought back against your warship.
Qo’dar threw back his head in a raucous good natured laugh
Kirk offered sincerely – I hope your warriors died gloriously
The Klingon’s merriment faded – and I regret we could not have saved your rescue ship. It was an honorable experiment.
Kirk –One of our ships is coming to our aid. But your assistance will not be forgotten. Perhaps, someday, in the future
Qo’dar only chuckled – You think in the future, someday Klingons will be like you, and will sit and talk and talk, Kirk? I hope not! I, too, dream to die like a warrior!
With a sharp command in Klingon, Qo’dar closed communications.
The Klingon ship warped away.
  Night Whispers, Enterprise Logs
no Klingon content
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