Assignment: Eternity by Greg Cox
P1 Camp Khitomer, Khitomer Outpost, UFP, 2293
Regal looking Klingon woman Chancellor Azetbur, daughter of martyred Klingon leader Gorkon
Ministers and ambassadors from many different worlds rose to applaud
P21 Kirk relieved Gary Seven’s cat is not a tribble
P24 not even a Klingon really wanted to know the day of his own death
It had been less than one standard year since the Romulans had formed an alliance with the Klingon Empire, and the situation with the Fed remained tense. 
P55 a Romulan battle cruiser, of Klingon design, accompanied by two warbirds
Painful experience, including mankind’s disastrous first contact wit the Klingons, had taught Starfleet how dangerous it could be to interfere in the natural development of an alien culture
P81 the Romulans had originally developed the cloaking technology now used by both them and the Klingons
P141 Klingon mind-sifter set at force three, is the highest level that does not yet inflict permanent brain damage on its subjects
To Romulan Commander Dellas, mind-sifter typically Klingon, crude, brutal, at the highest settings they tend to destroy as much of a brain as they expose. Dellas as seen them reduce a brilliant scholar or poet to a babbling imbecile
P148 Romulan Vithrok removed the mind-sifter from a pocket of his lab coat. Although of Klingon design, the device did not look intimidating, consisting of a collapsible metal ring affixed to a folded leather hood. The ring fitted over the dome of the subject’s skull while the hood provided a degree of sensory deprivation that heighten the effects of the mind-sifter, which operated by passing modulated baryon waves through cerebral cortex of its victims. The waves interacted with the brain’s electrical impulses to produce interference patterns that could be recorded and translated into a crude approximation of the subject’s personal synaptic pathways. The technology was not unlike that employed by the mnemonic teaching machines of the ancient Eymorgs of Sigma Draconis VI but infinitely less subtle. When the device was set at it highest levels, the baryon waves provoked synaptic overlords that could lead to seizures, brain damaged, and even death. Headaches and nausea, blackouts and memory loss at lowest settings. Delicate silver circuitry glittered around the metal ring. Miniature display lights, adjust energy levels by tapping gently on a touch sensitive pad along the edge of the ring. Force four, force six.
P190 the rage on the Romulan woman’s face looked almost Klingon in its intensity
Dellas to Kirk – You may have had some small success outwitting thick-skulled Klingons over the years, but you cannot begin to grasp the full subtlety of the Romulan mind
P211 Dellas – I suppose such displays of bravado impress Klingons, but a Romulan commander is less easily swayed. Kirk has a long history with the Klingons, but never the mind-sifter
P254 the tawny mane of a regal Klingon delegate, Colonel Worf
Dellas wondered if Azetbur’s lass pronounced brow ridges indicated a trace of human blood
Even the ranks of the Klingon soldiers, their scarlet sashes stretched tightly across their dark leather armor, applauded Kirk and the others. Klingons cheering for Kirk? Astounding. 
  Yesterday's Son by A.C. Crispin
P89 there are casinos from the Center to the Klingon Empire
P163 the Romulans will rule the Galaxy because they act, not out of cruelty, as do the Klingons, but out of efficiency.
  If I lose Thee, Strange New Worlds III
no Klingon content
  The Quick and the Dead, Strange New Worlds II
no Klingon content
  Killing Time by Della Van Hise
no Klingon content
  The Three-Minute Universe by Barbara Paul
P17  who would wish to trigger an uncontrollable destructive force of such magnitude? Klingons. 
  Memory Prime by Gar and Judith Reeves-Stevens
P1 even a Klingon heavy-assault scientific survey vessel had passed by the dead planet, TNC F3459-9-SF-50, scanned for dilithium, and departed.
P3 on small backwater planet TNC 50 a tavern pieced together from scavenged survey structures. The sign carried a two-dimensional image of a monstrously fat Vulcan clutching two Orion slave women. The Vulcan's face was distorted in a terrible grimace. Beneath the image, set in the angular pIqaD of Klinzhai, glowed the tavern's name: vulqangan Hagh. Other races might secretly whisper the name, but only a Klingon would be insulting enough to display it in public.
Central serving area smoke filled and dimly lit, sensor devices in the fire pit. the server behind the counter was a old Klingon. He limped on an improperly matched leg graft and wore a veteran's ruby honorstone in the empty socket of his left eye. A Klingon with an honorstone would be revered on Klinzhai, given line and land. A veteran with such a medal would never submit to being a menial tavern server, which meant the tavern server had stolen the honorstone. The concept of a Klingon without honor was as unsettling as the laughing Vulcan on the tavern's sign.
After ignoring him for several trips back and forth, the server finally stopped in front of Starn. NuqneH, vulqangan?
In this setting the standard Klingon greeting actually made sense. 'bIQ' he snarled in reply
The Klingon paused as if puzzled by Starn's perfect accent, ten filled the trader's order by spitting on the counter in front of him. 
Other beings nearby, who had listened to the exchange, froze. Had Starn been Klingon, a glorious blood feud would have started that might have lasted generations. Starn's knowledge of the empire's customs was comprehensive. 
The server waited tensely for Starn to respond to the insult, his single eye burning with expectation. Keeping his eyes locked on the Klingon, Starn slowly took out a cloth and delicately dabbed it in the spittle on the counter and began to raise the cloth to his forehead. The server began to tremble. Two Klingon mercenaries standing father down the counter began to snicker. The cloth was centimeters from Starn's forehead when the server finally realized the mad creature was not going to stop. 
Ghobe! The server snatched the cloth from Starn and used it to wipe up the counter and then stormed away, his rage almost comical in its intensity. The mercenaries broke out in gales of harsh laughter. One of them motioned to a server, who guided an antigrav tray through the tables. A few moments later the server stopped by Starn and passed him a sealed bubble of stasis water, compliments of the officers.
The Klingon mercenaries smiled at him and made clumsy attempts at saluting him with third and fourth fingers splayed. The water was from Vulcan. The mercenaries had sought to honor him. The tavern has other serving areas, with Orion dancing music, the scent of outlawed drugs, screams of pleasure and pain. 
Karth, a young Klingon, sits behind a simple desk in a room in the bowels of the building. His eyes were deeply shadowed beneath his prominent crest. Impressively muscled physique. Hundreds of military tunic designs relate to place within the Klingon hierarchy. The rarest of Klingon garb - a civilian outfit
Karth smiled, respectfully keeping his teeth unbarred
There is no crime in the empire
If Starn had touched the server's spit to his forehead they would have been betrothed, before witnesses. That would have qualified the server for criminal proceedings. 
Kai the trader, Starn, real name Tr'Nele, Romulan, of the Adepts of T'Pel.
Kai the Karth who gives such generous presents, an Iopene cutter weapon. Iopene was a dead world whose now-extinct indigenous life had proven to be too competent in building lethal weapons. Even the empire banned Iopene relics from all but the noblest houses. Iopene Cutters with feedback shields. Invincible weapons of Iopene.
Karth considers Federation Standard a foul language, so many ways around the point, nothing direct.
The Andorian serving girl with withered antennae at the tavern speaks Hol better than Standard.
We will stay with this tera'ngan chirping
I must call on Klingon honor to seal our bargain. A subtle insult. For a non-Klingon to bargain on Klingon honor implied either that the non-Klingon was an equal of a Klingon or that Klingon honor was suitable for animals. At the very least Karth should have demanded a test of blood, if not death.
Karth has hired Starn in an assassination plot that in one single action would reduce Starfleet to an uncoordinated swarm of helpless ships and starbases. The entire Federation could be brought to its knees. 
Should I leave evidence implicating the empire in this crime?
Karth is a mechanical device attempting to pass itself off as a Klingon. Karth jumped back from the desk, aiming a disruptor at Starn. He dodged the Iopene cutter's particle beam. The Klingon robot leveled its disruptor and fired, the Andorian girl was engulfed in a sputtering orange corona and collapsed on the floor. Her body had not disintegrated, she was still breathing. A Klingon disruptor set for stun? What kind of madness was this? Neural disruption only, she won't remember anything of the last 12 hours. 
The robot repairs itself. 
Starn suddenly doubted that the Klingons had anything at all to do with this.
P25 all of life was a life-or-death conspiracy to an Andorian
P30 the Pathfinders were a bit of an embarrassment to the Federation way back when. The Klingons still like to bring them up whenever a condemnation vote against slavery goes through the council
P55 the military types are running around as if we're all Klingons in disguise
P83 early voyages between Vulcan and Earth, and even Klinzhai, took months instead of days, before dilithium's four-dimensional structure was discovered
P88 the Memory Prime asteroid facility has warp engines to power a battery of photon torpedoes powerful enough to hold back a fleet of Klingon battle cruisers as well as defensive shields
P106 the Vulcan Sradek, an eminent historian, analyzed the dynamics that led to the political  unification of the Jovian colonies, successful peace proposals for the civil war on Katja II earned him the Nobel Peace Prize nomination, he then went on to sit on the Sherman's Planet famine board of inquiry. The new grain did not take hold on the planet as quickly as projected, the economic ramifications in that quadrant were serious. 
P133 Uhura explains the antiquated marcocircuit boards - a 20 year old cruiser's circuit complex after its been hit by a Klingon broad-beam disruptor while traveling at warp seven, can drop the ship out of warp so fast that any quantum switches tunneling when the ship  hits normal space are liable to pop back into existence three meters from where they should be. Old fashioned circuits come out of rapid warp translation in the same shape they went into it. We can rebuild every circuit on this ship by hand
P146 Commodore Wolfe - what a load of tribble droppings
Uhura - Tribbles don't leave droppings
P159 the Klingons loved to tell the story of al Fred ber'nhard Nob'l, the tera'ngan inventor who, as had happened so many times on so many worlds, once felt he had gone too far and had created the ultimate weapon. Nob'l attempted to salve his conscience and bring forth the best in humans by using the profits from his inventions to award prizes in honor of the most outstanding achievements in science and peace. Of course, in typical tera'ngan fashion, as the Klingons were quick to point out, those profits were not set aside for that purpose until after the inventor's death. In fact, and this invariably had the Klingons brushing the tears of laughter from their eyes no matter how many times they heard the story, the only real casualty of the great Terran wars fueled by Nob'l's inventions over the century in which his prizes were awarded, were the prizes themselves. Three times they were suspended because of hostilities between nations. The third time, as Earth shuddered beneath the multiple onslaughts of its warriors Klingons admired most - k'Han and g'Reen - the suspended prizes were not resurrected, and lay buried amid the ashes of so much of the Earth that the Klingons considered foul and weak and better lost. Klingons had a bit more respect for events on Alpha Centauri. The warlord Zalar Mag'nees, ruler of her planet's greatest city state, established an elaborate educational system designed to attract greatest intellects to the problems of war. Under her rule, with the brilliant work of her honored scientists and engineers, the whole planet was soon united, or conquered, as the Klingons told it, under one ruler, beginning two centuries of peace. The Klingons bitterly regretted the circumstance of history - to the Klingons' everlasting disappointment, when the tera'ngan humans, too tired of war, made first contact with the centaur'ngan humans long unschooled in war, peace was inevitable. Zeyafram Co'akran's brilliant insights into warp theory. Joint colonization of the second life-bearing world in the Centauran system was accomplished with goodwill. The Klingon psychologists who had studied that abnormal enterprise felt the experience was what had most influenced the incomprehensible optimism and peaceful nature of the Federation when it was first formed.
Pressure was mounting to offer the Klingons a chance to participate in the Nob'l and Z.Mag'nees Prizes. The Klingons, no surprisingly, would have nothing to do with it. The whole concept of the competition was alien and repugnant to them. The Klingons did have their own competitions for scientific achievement that, on first study, seemed somewhat similar to the Federation's awards; each decade on Klinzhai, a great celebration was held for those workers who had won the coveted Emperor's Decoration for Science in Aid of Destruction of the Enemy. 
The Klingons could easily understand the concept of honoring the winners, but what they could never comprehend was why, in the human competition, the losers were allowed to live. 
P217 the robots that captured Scott and Kirk were more advanced than any Kirk has seen. If the Romulans, or their suppliers, the Klingons, have come up with impressive breakthroughs in robotics - 
Spock points out that every rapid breakthrough in Klingon science has followed the subjugation of a technologically advanced culture. He doubts that Klingons could have developed such technologies on their own, he is also skeptical of their ability to conquer a race that had already developed them.
P255 Two wings of eight Demon-class short range raiders are setting down by the shuttle dome on the Memory Prime asteroid. Klingon demon raiders could never penetrate this far. Wave after wave of ground assault troops could be seen streaking out of the raiders' holds, thruster packs flaring behind them. The Klingons totally jammed subspace. The residential dome is breached. 
Andorian Commander Farl to Andorian private - Be brave my little brother; revenge for our deathss will fill the next thousand yearss of our planet'ss history. Thiss great war may be but an illusion, but there iss still an enemy to fight and glory to be won. Andorian combat dialect. Andorian whistles and clicks. 
P304 the Andorian girl working for the mysterious Klingon trader was an agent for the Federation. She brought them information that he was planning an assassination at the prize ceremonies. 
  Renegade by Gene DeWeese
P42 on Tyree’s world, Neural, the technological advance had been the work of a small band of Klingons, secretly doling out inventions, subverting the natives and stirring up war. 
P50 Delkondros, President of Independence Council of Vancadia, shoots man with a projectile weapon. Struck the man solidly. McCoy, examining the seriously wounded man, notices the heart rate, even basic metabolic indications, are all wrong. He isn’t a man at all! He’s a Klingon! Spock aware of Klingon presence earlier.
Delkondros is a Klingon, too. Spock seemingly helpless in Delkondros’ iron grip. McCoy knocks Delkondros out with a hyprospray. A guttural sound, almost a growl, welled up in the President’s throat. He’s never used that drug on a Klingon before, doesn’t know how long he’ll be out.
McCoy can’t leave the other wounded man, even if he is a Klingon.
Spock – it is a logical assumption that their next course of action will be to kill everyone here, in order to keep their presence on this world a secret. A moment later the deadly sizzle of a laser at the door.
The only lifeforms that register where the 6 council members were now are Klingon.
P69  Carmody, commander of the Chafee, a small explorer scout in the days before the establishment of the Neutral Zone. Ignoring his subordinates’ urgings of caution, he beamed down to the surface of Delar Seven, a primitive world only parsecs from an area of known Klingon activity, in a hurry to check out what proved later to be false readings indicating the presence of dilithium. He and his crew found themselves in the middle of a pitched battle between Klingon-sponsored forces and another native faction, and instead of beaming out immediately, as the Prime Directive, and just plain common sense, demanded, Carmody, when one of his party was wounded, took out his phaser and began firing. He killed or wounded dozens before his men could overpower him and get the entire party beamed back to their ship. The entire crew of the Chafee had later gone missing in space. 
Klingons certainly explained why the situation between Chyrellka and Vancadia had gone to the devil in less than 10 years. Unless Spock or McCoy can get word back to the Enterprise chances were good that they’d succeed. And having the Klingons succeed at anything was bad news. The last time they’d gone to the trouble of passing one of themselves off as human, it had been in order to poison a shipload of quadrotriticale on its way to a starving planet they had designs on. No one knew how many would have died if they’d succeeded in that little scheme. 
Delkondros hatched his hostage plot, and the other council members couldn’t talk him out of it. 
Vancadian council member Tylmaurek has read about Klingons on Federation histories. 
Spock – Once they realize some council members have escaped, I would not discount the possibility that they would go to your homes and wait for you to return. Nor would it be at all out of character for them to take your families hostage in an attempt to force you to give yourselves up. 
McCoy added darkly – And if you did give yourself up, they’ll most likely kill you and your families. I wouldn’t put it past them. Life, even Klingon life, doesn’t men much to them, unless it’s their own. Winning, that’s all that matters to them. And to a Klingon, the winner is the one who’s still alive at the end. 
McCoy suddenly realized that Klingons were even more alien to these people than to himself or Spock. The history of Chyrellka wasn’t filled with the kind of villains, the Hitlers and the Genghis Khans, that would prepare them for the Klingons. it was hard to believe just how far the Klingons would go, that they would go after totally innocent bystanders if it suited their purpose. 
Tylmaurek – To go to this much trouble, they have to have a reason, don’t they?
McCoy – You’d think so, but I wouldn’t bet my life on it. At least, not any reason any of us would recognize. Klingons do things for no more reason than sheer Klingon cussedness. Hell, I’ve always thought that was the only reason that other bunch had for stirring up trouble on Neural. What did they really get out of it? Even if they’d been left alone, what would they have gotten out of it, besides the pleasure of watching a couple of once-peaceful tribes slaughter each other!
Spock – It would appear at first glance that their pattern of behavior here in the Chyrellkan system is generally similar.
Spock explained how the Klingons had given advanced weapons to one tribe and then encouraged it to make war on another.
The Klingons are the source of the shield preventing transport. What if the Klingons have come up with some new type of shield, something that doesn’t show up on the tricorder?
Kaulidren – Now that I have heard you speak of these Klingons and their disruptive ways, I can see it. The Vancadians discovered a better interplanetary drive, or were given it by these Klingons. four years ago. Delkondros agitating for instant independence. First he attacked and destroyed a fleet of our own interplanetary vessels. Attacked factory satellite. Something when wrong with new drive and Vancadian ship destroyed itself before it could do more than minor damage to factory. Delkondros had been overeager to use his first two ships. Too impatient for new drive to be perfected. He attacked and lost his only two fully operational ships. Attempted three more launches in the following months. Shot down before they achieved orbit. The first one destroyed a half dozen ships before it was downed. The so called inventor of the new drive was conveniently killed in an early test flight. 
P95 Delkondros was first elected to the Council following the murder o f his chief opponent. They put up Delkondros and killed the only other candidate who had a chance of beating him. At least a hundred similar instances in the last five years. Deaths, poisonings. It must have been the Klingons who were doing all the killing.
It would be foolhardy for even the mist human appearing Klingon to willingly board the Enterprise. It would take only the most rudimentary of sensor scans to reveal his true nature. Simple tricorder scan. 
McCoy - What’s foolhardy for a Vulcan might make perfect sense to a Klingon. Any race that considers assassination to be an acceptable, an admired method of career advancement is a race that has its bolts snugged down a little too tight for its own good. 
The unsatisfactory conclusion of the Neural affair. 
Since the Klingons have given the Vancadians the shield and the improved drive, what’s to stop them from giving them phasers to photon torpedoes? Very little, as long as the Vancadians are willing to accept and use such things.
If the Klingons were lurking about, monitoring communications, they would have known about the council election and local political situation. 
P108 a more sophisticated shield than even the Klingons posses, undetectable to even Enterprise?
A preliminary review of the records of our contacts with non-Fed worlds in the Chyrellkan sector has revealed other indications of possible external influence. Nothing is conclusive, but based on post experience, the Klingons are the most likely to be involved.
P124 three lifeforms have just entered the building. Two are human, third is Klingon, who is carrying an energy weapon similar to the laser that was used earlier. 
The Klingon looked just as human as Delkondros had. 
The injection, made within inches of the brain, the Klingon had time to raise and fire his laser before, his face just beginning to register rage, the Klingon fell. 
P134 chances were that Delkondros and the rest of the Klingons had known about Rohgan’s conspiracy with the engineers from the start.
P137 smiling, Hargemon thought of the Klingon battlecrusier that would be darting in to pick them up when he and the commander and the others had completed their business on the Chyrellkan system. The Klingon system Hargemon was using did not have voice command capability. Was the whole project about to come down around his head because of this primitive Klingon technology?
This was not the job of the bungler he had taken the Klingon, Kelgar, to be. This was the work of someone who knew precisely what he was doing. I see you’ve found it, Kelgar’s grating voice came from somewhere. I’m not surprised, not disappointed. I told the commander that you would very likely find it. It was the commander’s idea. 
Kelgar, in good Klingon tradition, was about to assassinate his immediate superior, Hargemon. He would put a different face on it for the commander, of course, but the commander would accept it. The commander himself would soon be assassinated, and the credit for bringing the Fed to its knees would go to a true Klingon. 
Kelgar – The commander and I were right in not trusting you, Hargemon. I set up blocks to keep you from sending the reset code to the Enterprise. You would have destroyed our entire project before it had even gotten a good start. 
P147 the first, and so far only, time they had encountered the Organians had been during another conflict with the Klingons. a conflict that Kirk remembered uneasily could have developed into a full-scale human-Klingon war. 
They had to assume, until proven otherwise, that it was something the Klingons or some new ally of the Klingons had managed to accomplish. 
Hargemon had underestimated Kelgar. The Klingon must have realized almost instantly that the navigation system was not working the way it should. It had probably taken him only another instant to realize the reason: last-minute sabotage by Hargemon. Little more than a minute had passed before Kelgar had righted the ship and zoomed after the fleeing shuttle. Hargemon thought grimly Kelgar would probably prefer to make the kill manually. Kelgar’s ship couldn’t enter the atmosphere, at least not very far, and the beams form its energy weapons, designed for the vacuum of space, would be blunted and scattered. 
It had been obvious that Kelgar had only scorn for such human precautions, but he had said nothing.
Kelgar’s Klingon manufactured sensors.
The Klingons had most likely arrived within months of the Fed initial contact. Ht first rumors of Chyrellka’s change of heart about Vancadian independence had started about then, and the first timely death of a political candidate only months later. Delkondros another year after that, as well as Kaulidren on Chyrellka. Then obviously violent deaths. The Klingons destroyed the spaceports on Vancadia.
The antimatter had to come from the Klingons. two of the lifeforms near the antimatter register as Klingon.
Blasted paranoid Klingons, McCoy muttered, they think of everything. Hovercraft homing signal engineered to prevent hijackings.
The Klingons and their inborn suspicion and paranoia would prompt them to notify their commander if an unscheduled and unexpected shuttle came in. 
The tiny computer that operated the shuttle’s controls and sensors overloaded by feedback. Damn Klingon design. The manual controls were designed for Klingon strength, not for mere humans. 
P170 once the beacon of the hijacked hovercraft had gone off, Klingons back in the city had probably contacted their launch-site counterparts and sent them out to kill the hijackers.
P177 the Klingons were no longer coming after them. They had stopped their hovercraft 100 meters from shuttle preparing to launch, presumably watching and reporting and asking for new instructions.
Starfleet as always assumed Jason Carmody was killed or taken prisoner by the Klingons. he is Kaulidren. He was taken prisoner by the Klingons after Delar Seven, along with most of the Chafee’s personnel. But since he was already a prisoner in a Fed ship’s brig, the Klingons were naturally curious. In the end they reached a meeting of minds. Carmody found Klingon philosophy more compatible with his own than the Fed’s. willful violation of the Prime Directive.
Lt. Commander Finney is Carmody’s assistant. aka Hargemon. 
P213 Kelgar is probably the one controlling the computer now. Finney underestimated him in the past, simply because he’s a Klingon. He tripped Finney up easily enough, stabbed him in the back. 
Carmody had essentially become a Klingon, in command of a Klingon team of soldiers and scientists.
Carmody – Ability is what counts with us, ability and loyalty. The Prime Directive ties a starship captain’s hands and keeps the Fed from becoming a force to truly be reckoned with, like the Klingon Empire. with me, with the Klingons, you will get credit for your contributions, all for doing what any honorable Klingon would do, for seeking justice on your own terms. 
Finney, as Hargemon, had worked out of contact with everyone but Carmody and Kelgar and a few Klingons. 
The original plan was to get a starship captain, who requested the Chyrellkan request for help in mediating, to fire on an unarmed ship. The computer records will show that. Starfleet will be humiliated, in the future they will bend over backward not to violate the Prime Directive. According to Carmody, that will give the Klingons an edge. It will make the Fed more cautious, ripe for a Klingon challenge, a challenge that Carmody was planning to lead. 
Finney’s program would allow Klingon ships to enter the Federation at will, controlling what the Fed ships see, destroying them at their leisure. Kelgar and or Carmody made changes to the program. 
P232 Kelgar had inserted changes into the program, a fragment here, a line there, Kelgar had hidden the changes well, kept the code as simple as possible.
P240 Spock was impressed by the sophistication of the Klingon programmer’s changes, under different circumstance he would have enjoyed speaking to Kelgar about them. 
P248 Commander Jason Carmody, late of Starfleet, currently serving with a more congenial organization, the Klingons.
That Klingons on their own could have learned how to sabotage the Enterprise’s computer had not been easy to believe. 
P264 a second ship, filled with Klingon technology, hovered less than a kilometer below Enterprise. A limited range transporter to Enterprise, either Carmody or the Klingon Kelgar, trying to restore power to the computer, to retake control. 
P272 subspace signal transmitted from vicinity of Klingon ship. Antimatter generator in Carmody’s ship purposely overloaded. The dissipating cloud of what had been Carmody and his Klingon manufactured ship.
Kirk – I guess they didn’t want us to get our hands on Mr. Carmody.
No trace found of the Klingon ship. We assume it altered its course as soon as it was out of sensor range and managed to evade our search. Wouldn’t have been hard to do, with only two Fed ships in area. They undoubtedly had their escape well planned. It looks as if they delayed their departure only until they were absolutely certain Carmody had failed. Delkondros and at least a dozen others who may or may not have been Klingons masquerading as humans vanished shortly after the surveillance ships were destroyed.  We assume it was an evacuation. The Klingons weren’t planning to give Carmody a second chance. Even if he had succeeded, they would have found away to get rid of him. Since he was so ready to betray the Federation, how could they trust him not to betray the empire? Carmody was out for himself and no one else. He fit right in with the Klingons. thought their advancement by assassination way of doing things was just dandy and wouldn’t have hesitated a second to use it himself. 
Admiral Brady – Will we ever be able to understand the Klingons? what are the chances the Klingons took a copy of Finney’s program with them?
Kirk – Virtually a certainty. But I doubt they’ll ever try to use it. For one thing, they were undoubtedly listening in on everything that happened right up to the second they took off, so they know that we’ll have protection against that or any similar program. But even if they do, Finney’s helping Starfleet.
  From the Depths by Victor Milan
P16 the headquarters had been hewn from lava rock by raw gouts of power. Only the floor had been fused to a glassy smoothness. Walls and ceiling remained jagged, ready to claw at the unwary.
Klingons were not indifferent to comfort. But they liked to act as if they were. 
The young ensign prostrated himself on the polished black stone where he had been thrown by two burly ratings. His face was young and pale. A burn glowed on one cheek. His beard was still far from full.
Qeyn HoD wa’Dich he said to the polished boots of the man who stood before him. We lost two craft, PajwI’ and ‘urng died with them. The herd beasts ran again, First Captain. The fault is mine. We failed.
A rumble ran through the officers assembled at the captain’s back. They had been on this accursed planet for nearly half a Klingon year, fighting with one arm tied against a foe far more resolute and resourceful than their allies. Frustration and the grinding discomfort of life on this hot, wet, foul world was beginning to eat away at morale. 
Captain of the First Rank Kain, good left eye, patch over right eye. Long chin, shaven clean in a departure from the normal Klingon style. As if to compensate, his mustache swept dramatically to either side of full lipped mouth. Tal, broad in the chest and shoulders, narrow hips, striking figure. 
Black-gauntleted tip of a thumb. Resonant voice, far smoother than the usual guttural Klingon snarl. Those who didn’t know him sometimes made fun of what they considered his prissy mode of speech. Once. 
Curious circular, multiple-bladed weapon slung at his waist.
The ensign lowered his cranial ridge to the floor. 
I request permission to die by my hand, to atone for my failure.
Kain – Denied. We are few, too few to waste. luHoHta’ 
The last was spoken over his shoulder to his aide, a handsome young woman who wore the insignia of a senior lieutenant on her gold rank sash. 
The ensign is sentenced to ten minutes’ confinement in the QIghpej. The agonizer booth, which directly stimulated the pain center of the brain, ten minutes a virtual eternity. Yet it would mean he lived, and kept honor intact.
Such lenience was an act of grandmotherly kindness.
A heavy face twisted in a snarl and  a heavy hand snatched for a phaser – Your father’s toadying to the tera’ngan turned you soft and spineless as they are! The grizzled operations officer roared. Die, worm!
Sudden gout of blood around the kligat, the curious throwing weapon that was suddenly lodged between his beard and the collar of his tunic.
For a moment Kain stood looking down at the would-be mutineer as his life gushed onto polished black stone
That kligat slew my bond-brother, Juk. It’s really more than you deserved. 
He wiped the weapon carefully clean on Juk’s tunic. He held it negligently in his hand.
Kain - Is anyone else inclined to mistake judiciousness for weakness? Let us not forget what we do here. We have not come to wrest this planet form the lost tera’ngan on behalf of our foolish allies. When the time comes we shall take it for ourselves.
He made a snatching gesture with his free hand. The others nodded and growled assent. This was how a Klingon talked. Juk must have been crazy.
Kain – It matters little how the war goes. All that matters is that it goes. We are here to forge the weapons that will split the hated Federation asunder, here to serve the Devil in the Sea. And we are bait. Set to draw the Earther who has done our empire more harm than any other.
Kain hauled the ensign to his feet by the back of his torn tunic and sent him stumbling toward luHoHta’ with a shove. She caught his arm and held him upright without deigning to show strain.
Kain – Already the rock rolls downhill, gathering momentum. Our allies have summoned the Federation, thinking it is their own idea. When that rock strikes bottom, it will crush the man who cost me my eye and my brother. We are the stone upon which James Kirk and his Enterprise shall be broken!
P22 Scotty is reading a Klingon dictionary. It showed a column of English phrases accompanied by transliterations of equivalent phrases in the alien tongue. It made Kirk’s throat hurt just to read the rasping consonants, harsh gutturals, and glottal stops. Then the sounds came together in his mind and he raised an astonished gaze.
Kirk – Regardless of what Captain-Lieutenant Korax said back at Station K-7, half the sector is not learning Klingon. You’ll remember we got the better of them pretty decisively on that occasion, not to mention a few times since. 
Scott smiles at the reminiscence – I guess we taught those Sassenach to speak ill of the Enterprise. With the Klingons giving technical assistance to the Romulans, and then this latest round of peace talks with the Fed, there’s a great lot of Klingon engineering manuals floatin’ around.
Waterworld Okeanos, natives Susuru. A meter and half tall, Walked on toes of long slender forelegs, hind legs were held together at the rear of long narrow torso. Slim hands at body’s centerline. Huge forward looking eyes, wide nostrils, honey-colored fur. Crested skull, ears high.
P43 what dangerous life-form is Sulu transporting? Denebian slime devils? Tribbles?
Orion dance-fighting
P59 A lot of older Starfleet officers spoke of Cornelius Wayne, Fed Council member for Jotunhein and notable foe of Starfleet, wit the fondness they usually reserved for Orion pirates, Klingons, and the catastrophic decay of dilithium crystals.
P68 there is a Klingon battlecruiser orbiting Okeanos, Chekov said in wonder. It’s magnificent, said Federation Commissioner for Interspecies Affairs Moriah Wayne.
The vessel is broadcasting a standard Klingon recognition sequence. Kirk made a sound low in his throat.
Wayne – What are they doing here?
Kirk – No good, no doubt.
A snarl of syllables that sounded like a lion gargling came – taj may’Duj tlhIngan wo’
The translator kicked in – Imperial Klingon Battlecruiser Dagger. Leave the system at once or you will be destroyed.
They are not transmitting any visuals.
A face appeared on the screen. It was darkly handsome, notwithstanding the bony ridge that thrust up from the crown of the skull to part heavy black hair that hung to broad shoulders. A long face, gaunt almost, with black mustaches sweeping down to either side of a full-lipped mouth and jutting narrow chin. A pale scar slashed down from the high forehead and across the right eye to gouge deeply into the cheek .the eye itself was covered with a black patch.  His good eye more than made up for its lack of a partner. It was hot and black as the core stuff of a sun. energy and dangerous charisma seemed to shine from him like hard radiation. 
Kain – We tender fraternal assistance to the natives of this world, who are being unjustly oppressed by members of your race. 
McCoy – This from the galactic experts on the subject.
Kain – Captain Kirk! Welcome! You honor us with your presence. I see that the years have been kinder to you than they generally are to members of your species. 
Kain settled back in his command chair, which had the shaggy black and purple pelt of some animal thrown over it. He wore the customary Klingon jerkin of silver mesh and over it the gold sash of his rank. 
Kirk was trying not to stare. It was not the Klingon way to so much as offer greetings. Here was a Klingon being effusive. 
A black-gauntleted hand dropped to the hilt of a curious multi-bladed knife slung at the Klingon’s waist. 
Kain – Much time has passed since last we met in the flesh, Kirk. I am Kain, now Captain of the First Rank and officer commanding the Klingon Imperial advisory detachment to this unhappy world. 
Kirk sat back in his chair as if the other had reached through the screen and punched him in the sternum. Kain! The years, the savage scar, Kirk thought he could just recognize the youthful junior lieutenant, fresh-faced for a Klingon and painfully eager to prove himself, who had stared out from behind his father’s shoulders in the receiving line. 
Kirk – The Axanar peace conference. It has been a long time.
Kain – Our paths have crossed since then. I was a senior lieutenant on the Fist of Retribution at Endikon. I commanded a certain landing party.
Kirk goggled – That was you? I can’t laugh now. I have to keep a straight face!
Kain – We Klingons believe that third meetings are fateful.
Kain speaks from mission on Homesward, the chief island of the Susuru archipelago. 
He smoothed a wing of his mustache with a thumb.
Kain – Klingon generosity is widely known.
Kirk – That’s true. It was known in precisely the same way Klingon mercy was, for the purity of its absence.
Kain – We have come to help them, with strong hands and strong hearts. Why would they summon Earthers? He was able to keep most of the contempt from his voice.
Kain laughed. It was a hearty, rich laugh. It put Kirk in mind of flaying knives and white-hot pokers. He smiled, his teeth were very white.
Kain – So they do not slight us. It is good. You arrival greatly eases my mind. The situation here is highly volatile, skirmishes and worse occur daily. Surely with your powerful assistance we will find a peaceable solution to the problems of this world.
Kirk – Captain-First, it’s an honor to speak with you.
P73 Kain – The remarkable Mr. Spock.
Kain walked up to the commissioner, took her hand, and raised it to his lips. Her hand looked fragile and white against his black gauntlet.
P76 Kain is at meeting of Susuru Lead Walker Swift and Wayne, to advise Swift. Their experiences of your fellow Earthers has been anything but reassuring.
Swift – With the aid of our friends from far stars, we shall mount a mighty offensive and scour your folk from the face of the planet!
P79 Spock – If they have had extensive dealings with the Klingons, perhaps they have grown wary of spacefaring cultures in general.
Wayne- Captain Kain is obviously a ma of great integrity and sensitivity.
Kirk – Those aren’t traits the Klingon culture values highly. 
P88 Wayne – The Fed has had wars with the Klingons and Romulans and Gorn.
P92 Kirk to Wayne – You make Kahless the Unforgettable look like Talleyrand.
P116 since the Klingons arrival the Susuru had become aggressive about launching over the horizon missile attacks to test the Discordian antimissile defenses. So far these had proven excellent.
Would the Klingons give their clients nuclear weapons? Kain was a rogue, but no account had ever made Kain out to be a fool. Not even the fact that Kirk had bested him on Endikon, Kirk had been quicker then, that was all. Introducing nukes to a planetary conflict would bring a fed battlefleet at warp eight, with the full weight of the Organian Peace treaty to back them up. 
P120 Ms. Aileea dinAthos’s family’s ranch was raided by Stilters two weeks ago. They killed her father and sank the house. Or maybe these Klingons of yours did it, they used one of their off-world energy beams that makes a man vanish if it so much as brushes him.
P125 the three power sources are imperfectly shielded mobile matter-antimatter generators of standard Klingon issue. Scotty shuddered at the shoddiness of Klingon design. Any decent m/am unit converts output into usable energy with 100 percent efficiency. 
P135 Captain of the first Rank Kain.
Kain – Okeanos a harsh world, not unlike my own. Exacting environments.
McCoy- Klingon is cold and dry. 
Kain – the very ferocity of the world adds savor, do you not think? Beauty without danger is insipid, like a rose without a thorn.
McCoy – I thought the Klingon appreciation for natural beauty ran along the lines of ‘Up on that crag a few well-armed warriors could stand off an army.’
Kain’s molten-amber baritone. Kain offers Commissioner Wayne his helping hand over the rocks.
McCoy – Beware of Romulans bearing gifts and polite Klingons.
P139 ignoring the fact that the field was cultivated, the Klingon flyer settled down, crushing several rows of bushes into the soil. Showing no concern Kain leapt down from the craft and assisted Wayne out after him. 
Spock – The Klingons seem a bit abrupt for fraternal advisers.
Kirk – Klingons have a different concept of brotherly love than the rest of us. 
Wayne and the Klingon captain walking side by side, close together, speaking very earnestly.
Kain only smiled back encouragingly, if a Klingon’s smile could be said to be encouraging.
Swift thrust his muzzle at Kain – Our friends from the stars, they give us much, show us much. 
Kirk – Introducing advanced weaponry to a planetary conflict constitutes a violation of the Organian Peace Accords. The Discordians describe new weapons being used that sound like phasers.
Kain – My people are warriors, Kirk, as you’re well aware. They are under strict orders not to violate the Peace Accords. Nonetheless, in the heat of battle, their blood might overwhelm even their sense of duty. 
Kirk – I trust the usual Draconian standards of Klingon discipline will be applied. 
Kain fingered the hilt of the bladed weapon at his belt – Of course.
Kain – The Susuru are apt pupils. Properly stimulated, they have a marked talent for tactical innovation. The Earther colonists can expect no one of surprises in the not-too-distant future.
P146 Hagbard’s Select, brown liquid, Susuru local fierce whiskey
McCoy – I’d swear that silver-tongued Klingon bastard is beating your time.
Kirk – Do you really think that’s likely?
McCoy – Klingons and humans are anatomically compatible, reproductively speaking, much as it might gripe them to admit it.
McCoy – How did that Klingon son of a gun Kain get to be so damned smooth, anyway? Most Klingons think etiquette means you don’t wipe your hands on your sash after you stab the person next to you at the dinner table. Most Klingons talk like a handful of gravel being shaken on a washboard. This one has a voice Wu Shanxi [the Fed’s leading operatic baritone] would kill for.
Kirk – He does show a lot of polish for a Klingon. You contradicted him over the similarity of Discord and his homeworld and he didn’t even try to kill you. 
Kirk – His father was a diplomat.
McCoy – I didn’t know the Klingons grew any of those.
Kirk – They don’t, many. But even a fanatical warrior culture needs a negotiator sometimes. And given the stakes that’re liable to be involved wherever Klingons are concerned, they tend to be good ones. Kain accompanied his father to a conference I attended, when I was still at the Academy. Axanar. His father was a big man, imposing, very dignified. aside from height, Kain doesn’t look a thing like him. 
P150 Krodan, QoDang.
Kirk – I think that’ why Kain is such a swashbuckler, trying to compensate for the dishonor of his father’s occupation. In his heyday Krodan was one of the 4 or 5 most powerful men in the Empire.
On planet Endikon, Kirk and Kain never saw each other. Kirk was Lieutenant on Farragut, after Captain Garrovick died. Fed and Klingons were vying for the right to trade for life-extending pharmaceuticals from yet another crabby, zealous race with bony heads. The Klingon captain sent a party down to steal a valuable holy relic to hold for ransom. It disappeared before they had the chance to take it. Kirk removed it himself, for safekeeping. The local authorities had been tipped off. The Klingon group walked right into their arms. Repercussions blew them clean off the planet. The party was commanded by a kid ensign, Kain. Given the usual Klingon response to failure, that was a pretty rough trick top play on a kid. 
Kirk – that wasn’t the kind of thing I thought about back then, when I was young and wild and full of beans.
McCoy – My old friends the Capellans are even crankier than Klingon, as that Klingon spy found out. Kras. Killed by kligat. 
McCoy – It they’ve got many more like Kain, we’re in a peck of trouble. 
P151 There’s only one Qeyn HoD wa’DIch.
Kirk said, making fairly heavy weather of the Klingon. 
P157 What will Kirk do if the Klingon ship in orbit fires at Discordians? Warn her. If she doesn’t stop, I’ll blast her out of orbit. That kind of intervention is way outside the rules and the Klingons know it.
P174 Kain toast – To the success of your mission and the return of peace to this planet.
The Klingon mission was headquartered in bunkers blasted out of the lava of cliffs on the coast not far from Swift’s capital. Klingon doctrine preached austerity and resistance to discomfort, but the Klingons weren’t deranged on the subject. Or at least Kain wasn’t. he kept the rock-walled bunkers air-conditioned to approach the norm of the Klingon homeworld. He warmed it a few degrees to Earth temperature. Kain was a most considerate host.
Kain well aware the Susuru not native to the planet. 
Torches burn in black iron sconces on the walls
Kain had a greyhound build, long-legged, narrow at hip and belly, big in the chest and shoulders. 
Kain invites Commissioner Wayne to dinner, Susuru wine, steamed sweet grasses and broiled fillets of the white flesh of some sea beast, served with an stringent green sauce. It did not accord with the reputation Klingon cuisine enjoyed in the federation for being as fierce as the warriors who ate it.
Kain’s one good eye was looking at her in just the right way, forthright, challenging, yet not judgmental.
Kain – The duty of the warrior is to serve. To obey, in the interests of the greater good. Is it otherwise in the Federation?
He turned the wineglass in fingers that seemed to her capable of crushing it at a squeeze. She had never known a man as powerful as this.
Kain – We Klingons practice abnegation of the self in service of the whole. He smiled. Doubtless you are more advanced than we. 
He shook his splendid black-maned head.
Kain’s lips curved in a bitter smile – The Susuru are peaceful folk, they have no skill at bloodletting. We are mighty warriors, but we are also few. The settlers are violent criminals. 
Kain’s voice rang with the steel of command. 
His lone eye bored through her like a neutronium drill
Kain – Everything I do, I do for the good of this world, and the Susuru to whom it belongs. We can watch the fury of the storm and revel in the wild power of this world. 
Kain threw back his head and laughed, it was not the polite laugh he showed the Earthers, hearty as it seemed to them. It was a full-throated Klingon laugh, wild and raw, like the roar of an elemental beast. 
P179 luHoHta’ Sogh nuqneH = Lieutenant Lu Kok Tak, what do you want?
Qeyn HoD wa’DIch, she replied, speaking his main and rank and offering the appropriate salute.
Lu Kok Tak was a tall young woman who bore the insignia of a senior lieutenant. She had a straight nose and high, slanting cheekbones. Most Klingons would have called her features overfine, indeed, insipid. Kain found her quite appealing. But then, everybody said he had degenerate tastes, from long contact with Earthers. Her name had the meaning, poetic and evocative to Klingon ears, of They killed him. It hearkened back to the upshot of a particularly glorious episode in the long history of her clan. 
Lu – The monitors functioned perfectly. The whole disgusting scene is recorded. 
Kain – maj.
She stood beside the table, distaste twisting her face. She spilled the food deliberately onto the white cloth that had been laid across the table of native hardwood.
Lu – Why do you subject yourself to such insipid filth? Where is the pipius claw, where the good serpent worm? The thlIngan food? Do you now find pale tera’ngan meat more to your liking? 
Kain – Lieutenant, you are an exemplary officer and have made yourself highly useful to me. You are of the lineage of the tlheDon, my first captain, to whom I owe a heavy dent of blood. Still, do not take it upon yourself to presume too much upon my tolerance, luHoHta’.
She lowered her head, but her strong jaw worked. Kain walked to her, put his hand under her chin, and raised her face. 
Lu – Why do you degrade yourself, catering to this foolish Earther woman? She is no part of the plan. What of your vengeance?
Kain scowled. She did not give ground. 
Kain – It is my plain, it was my conception. It is mine to implement. Vengeance, too, must wait. 
For all that they were bound by an iron discipline that knew neither mercy nor exception, it was unheard of for a Klingon to place anything in the way of revenge. Not even duty. 
Kain –Who are you to talk of my vengeance? Who? The last word was a bark that rocked her back on her boot heels.
Kain – Do you think I do not know what Kirk has cost me? When my mission failed on Endikon, and my party was discovered and trapped by the local authorities, it was my captain on whom the bulk of the blame fell. Your grandfather, Kledon. A superior is responsible for the failures of his underlings. Mine cost him his life. I was permitted to atone by putting out my own eye with a red-hot dagger. That was the first debt I own to James Kirk. and then, two years ago, his allies in Capella IV murdered QaS, my brother, with this very weapon!
The lieutenant stood listening with head bowed. She had heard this story before. But a Klingon did not interrupt her superior officer. Especially when he was Qeyn, and when this mood was on him. 
Then why do you delay, my captain? Blurted Lu Kok Tak.
bortaS bIr jablu’DI’reH QaQqu’ nay
Revenge is a dish that is best served cold
Lu – My grandfather is 20years cold. Your eye is 20 years gone. How much colder must your vengeance be before you dine?
Kain – There is more at stake here. This planet is rich beyond imagining in resources. Our empire is poor. Our enemies are richer than we and more numerous. This planet is not merely an instrument in my hands that I can use up in the fulfillment of my vengeance and toss away like an empty wrapper. It is a treasure, which must be secured for the Empire. As for my revenge, it will come. But how much sweeter will the destruction of the Enterprise and her captain James Kirk taste, when captain and ship have disgraced themselves and their Federation by playing party to the destruction of a colony of their own Earthers?
P193 Discordian Aileea shoots a young Klingon with an ensign’s emblem on his sash. Blood streaming down his face from a gouge on his cranial crest. He staggered back with half a dozen holes in his chest. He clutched at himself and collapsed to the deck.
Aileea – They killed my father, the ridgeheads, the Kofirlar. For 40 years we fought the Stilters. Now these Klingons have come, and everything has changed. They’re promising the Stilters the means to wipe us off the planet. If they can’t get you to do the job for them.
P205 the great hardwood table in the Klingon’s underground chamber. Kain stood beside the table with one arm folded across his chest, the other elbow propped upon it, the palm cupping his chin.
Kain – This will end as so many similar episodes have ended, with more Earther perfidy. Another helpless native race beaten down by human arrogance, another planet falling victim to human greed. A piquant irony, don’t you think, that your human-dominated Fed favors even its outlaws over the natives they exploit. The men of Starfleet stick together. It’s just a fact of life. 
P208 the ‘ur’ a spiny rock lizard from a little visited world of the Klingon Empire, produced a neurotoxin that had the property of putting all its victim’s physical processes on hold, for 100 seconds. Then begin to function again with no memory of any interruption, or of the preceding few minutes. Delivered via small gold tube pressed to neck.
Commissioner Wayne transports a nuclear bomb, a dark metallic cylinder, from Klingons to Discordian city of Harmony, killing three quarters of a million people
P218 Kirk notices the striking young Klingon woman on the Enterprise, just before she stuns him.
P220 Moriah Wayne and a pack of surly Klingons. The weapon had been set on the lightest possible stun, but the crude calibration of Klingon weaponry meant Kirk had still taken a pretty hefty jolt. Pounding headache and roiling stomach. 
The flower of Klingon femininity who had stunned him caught a fistful of his shirt, hauled him upright, and slammed him up against the wall. She pinned him there with a forearm bar across the throat. 
Senior Lt. Lu Kok Tak – I want to kill you, but my captain reserves that right for himself. You cost him his captain, his eye, and his brother.
Lu Kok Tak gave Wayne a look as if she’d like to take a crack at her.
Kirk – Klingons aren’t usually the first people I’d look to for setting things right. 
Shall we leave a guard? The Klingon woman asked. She obviously did not like the taste asking Wayne for orders left in her mouth.
The lieutenant nodded curt agreement.
Wayne went out, followed by Lu Kok Tak and her two male Klingon escorts. They weld him into the storage compartment.
Lt. Lu stared at that pale throat and longed to crush it. To endure the usual Earther pronunciation of her name was bad enough. Lu was grossly over familiar, ht child name her grandmother called her by before she was even blooded as a hunter in the cold hills of Klingon. 
Lu considered herself, unarmed, the equal of a male Earther warrior, if not his better. One of their pallid flabby women was beneath her contempt. But the lieutenant must let her live, for now. Not for this arrogant Earther’s sake, but out of obedience to Kain.
It shall be as you wish, she said huskily, and thought about dishes best served cold.
The turbolift doors opened. Klingons burst upon the bridge. The security men wheeled. One clawed for his phaser and was shot down himself before he got the weapon clear. The other launched himself at the man who had stunned his partner and grappled with him, trying to wrest the weapon from his grip. Lt. Lu Kok Tak stepped from the lift, saw the two struggling, and fired her phaser at them, both fell. Sulu entered a quick code into the helm then jumped up reaching for his own phaser. The Klingon lieutenant caught the motion for the corner of her eye. She spun toward him, dropping to one knee. His beam whined over her head, her’s dead-centered his chest. He dropped. There were half a dozen Klingons still standing. They covered the entire bridge with their phasers. Lu reached back and pulled the manual override next to the turbolift, preventing hostile parties reaching the bridge. She smiled. Earthers did some things right. A Klingon ran to the helm and stabbed at buttons with his finger. Then he turned and snarled syllables at Lu. 
P225 Her lips writhed back from her teeth. The yIntag has locked the board. The controls will not respond.
P227 those Klingon phasers must have more of a kick to them than Kirk had ever realized. The only part of his body that had any energy at the moment was his chest muscle where the Klingon had shot him. That kept twitching. Still numb limbs.
So Kain had been up to some skullduggery all along, that was not exactly a surprise.
A waver in air, a spill of gold. A new Klingon stood on the bridge next to the helm. He was of medium height, with black hair hanging lank from his cranial ridge, in the breast pocket of his tunic he wore a sheath of serpent-worm skin, to protect the fabric from wear by his light stylus and other small instruments.  There was that about him which said he was a computer technician. 
P229 Q’reygh will figure out how to unlock the fire-control console long before the other tera’ngan have discovered anything is wrong. he nodded and smiled at Wayne. He was so impressed with her that he kept nodding and smiling until Lu reached out from behind and rapped him smartly on the ridge with her fingertips. He whined a peevish complaint. Then he got down to work
Kain sits in his hide-covered chair in his underground command post, watching events on Enterprise bridge. 
P2312 Wayne sat in he char of command with Lu on one side and a giant Klingon brute on the other. These Klingons could be a fairly coarse lot, but she could clearly see the innate nobility in them.
Kain was bearing the delay with far less grace. He was slumping, frowning and drumming fingers on the arm of his chair when the lumpy tech sat upright with a cry of pItl! = It’s done!
Lu jumped for the helm, she’d been itching to fire a ship’s main phasers her whole life. Lu had a magnified overhead view of the city Storm up on the viewscreen. The picture scrolled this way and that as she spun the trackball mounted on the console, looking for targets. Ht tip of her tongue protruded from her mouth in concentration.
Wayne to Uhura – Contact the inhabitants, or I’ll have him hake you by the scruff of your neck. 
The big Klingon growled. 
Sulu was reluctantly returning to consciousness. He muttered, which earned him a gouge in the ribs with a truncheon from one of the two Klingons who stood flanking him.
Lu succeeded in locking on to her target. With a triumphant cry she slammed the heel of her hand down on the firing switch. 
Lu gave Wayne a lethal look and then a Can-I-kill-her-now look to her real commander onscreen. Kain gave a minute shake of his head. 
Kain – Forgive her, Moriah. She is young, her natural exuberance has the better of her. 
Wayne was disappointed, she had expected better discipline than this from the Klingons. 
Behind Kain Klingons were visible moving purposefully about. 
A command to beat Chekov unconscious quivered on the tip of her tongue. 
P235 Gurg was a Klingon rating whose MOS was being big and ugly. A task for which nature had generously equipped him. He stood right up next to the command chair, phaser in hand, intimidating these Denebian slime-devils-who walked-like-men with scowls from brows that didn’t so much beetle as battleship. He was a man who loved his work, and he was an artist at it. 
The Earther bridge design, something a good thlIngan could appreciate, at least one who thought a bit more profoundly about such things than Gurg. Gurg was more the direct experimental type. Kirk phasers Gurg unconscious.
Lu was already spinning to draw her own sidearm she was fast as a leopard. She was smart, too. As she came around she took a step to the right and went to one knee to spoil her enemy’s targeting solution. Kirk's blast struck the biceps of her weapon arm. The phaser dropped from her fingers. She was a blur of motion, flying forward at him. Her boot scythed around and kicked the phaser spinning from his hand. 
Uhura stood up abruptly. The Klingon standing watch over her communications station gaped at her impertinence. She kneed him in the groin. As he bent double, she seized his head by the hair and dragged his face down to meet he other knee coming up. Then she let him go. He staggered back ward, trying to clutch himself in two places at once. He backed into the technician, who was standing there looking befuddled. 
Ferocious Klingon instinct took over. Still clutching himself with one hand, the guard half turned and began striking savagely at what he took for his new antagonist with the other. The tech wailed and fell on his rump. 
Sulu pivoted and plucked the truncheon from the inattentive fingers of the Klingon on his left. He drove its heavy brass head into the solar plexus of the Klingon to his right. He stopped an overhand right to the head by whacking the Klingon hard on the inside of the attacking forearm. Then he slammed the truncheon upside the Klingon’s head. The Klingon went down. 
Lu had Kirk trapped in the Jeffries tube. She was firing knees into him, trying to crush his groin. He managed a desperate shove with a boot to her midriff. She reeled back three steps and caught herself. Before she could start forward again Kirk was on her, fists up. Screaming with fury she struck at his face. She could only use her left hand, her right still dangled. She cocked her hand to strike for his eyes, fingers clawed. Kirk’s jab caught her right on her fine, narrow-bridged nose and broke it. 
Lu straightened, eyes wide, blood pouring down her upper lip. The slimy Earther had actually hurt her. Then the slimy Earther caught her with an overhand right to the jaw. Bone crunched. She fell in a graceless sprawl. 
Sulu battered down the Klingon he had poked in the belly with his own stick.
The bridge was clear of functional enemies.
P240 Security began to shackle the unconscious Klingons and carry them out. 
Lu’s hands were bound behind her. She swayed and glared at Kirk – It was luck that let you beat me, she spat. Luck alone!
She spat Klingon gutturals at him and tried to writhe free.
Petite blonde security woman van Pelt gripped the Klingon’s left arm just above the elbow and squeezed. Lu stiffened.
We know just how to handle her. 
Sensors report only a skeleton crew on board the battlecruiser
P244 in the bottom of a sea trench was a big Klingon battlecrusier. Instead of the attenuated turtle-with-wings shape of the classic Klingon may’Duj, this ship was a gigantic blocky arrowhead, its nose and wingtips truncated at blunt angles. It gave an impression of terrible strength.  She must mass a quarter-million tonnes. She was hidden with great skill, under an enormous mass of water, metal walls, fluctuating magnetic field.
Zellich and Tenny were drugged and taped up in the Enterprise transporter room.
P248 Qeyn HoD wa’DIch settled himself in his captain’s chair. The thrill of impending battle sang in his veins, ht rush all true Klingons found more addicting than any drug. Moriah Wayne stood at his side. He paid her no attention. 
Kain – Get me Kirk! I want to watch his face as he dies! He threw back his head and laughed. 
If they had kissed a wall, his helmsman would kiss his kligat. He had not waited and worked and forborne so long to have his wild ride ended before it fair began. 
Instrument officer reported – a small craft rammed us near the outboard starboard impulse drive nozzle. No damage.
Wayne snuggled happily against his powerful biceps.
Kain – Captain Kirk, we meet again. Prepare to die. my intent has always been peaceful. I shall not know peace until you are dead. I am about to kill you. Than I shall be a peacemaker indeed. 
Kain – Behold my ship, 5 years in the building, at a yard so secret the Fed had no inkling of its existence, until eight of our months ago. Then we caught one of your robot probes skulking about. We had to assume the facility was compromised. Our discovery of this world was a gift of Destiny. It enabled us to bring her here and conceal her at the bottom of the sea, where you would never find her with all your sensors and spycraft, while finishing touches were applied. She is a prototype battleship. I helped design her myself. When we have destroyed you, she and I, she will have proven herself worthy to spawn a long line of warcraft. Monster you called her, and you spoke truly. I have the discretion of naming this vessel. I have held off doing so, since it is most propitious to name a ship on the very brink of battle, that she may be christened in enemy blood. I am a generous man. So I shall honor the superstitions of your friends and allies.
P250 I name her bIQ’a’  veqlarg’a’ . Great Demon of the Ocean. Or to be succinct, Leviathan. Coming to kill you. Phasers fire! 5000 meters of water still lay above Leviathan. No matter, the water molecules in the path of her phaser beams simply ceased to exist. The weapons bored twin holes through the water and leapt toward space. 
Chekov – The power of those weapons is unbelievable!
The Klingon beams winked out. Their batteries exhausted.
Leviathan could not move fast enough to escape the searing caress of Enterprise’s main battery. Her shields flared flickered, and fell. Her armor was thick and tough but it simply vanished in puffs of superheated gas at the touch of those energy lances. Leviathan’s phaser bank accumulators are approaching full charge. Enterprise shields won’t stand up long to what he’s mounting.
Kirk – Kain’s liable to greet us with a spread of disruptor bolts.
Sulu – we hurt him.
Chekov – The next time he hits us, he’s liable to finish us.
Kain smelled smoke on Leviathan’s bridge and frowned. He had heard screams when Enterprise’s beams struck home. It took a lot to make a Klingon scream. Screams and smoke, not good. Damage reports showed he had taken heavy losses in lives and metal. But Leviathan had both in profusion.
Kain to Moriah, not hiding his contempt – If you were a Klingon, lack of fear would be a given, not a virtue. 
P254 Vang, tactical officer. At weapons console. Vang hesitated to offer opinions to a man with Kain’s reputation, either as a tactician or as a man possessed of a dangerously unpredictable temper. One time at which Kain’s temper was absolutely predictable, though, was when his orders were not obeyed instantly and fully. 
Vang – Enterprise is wounded, but remains a dangerous foe.
Kain -  Fagh! You are as vague as an Earther. Tell me something I can use, damn you.
Vang – We can wait, remain stationary, let him come to us. We outgun Enterprise.
Kain leaned forward, a dangerous shine in his eye.
Kain – You are advising us to sit passively and wait? What are we, Susuru, that we fear to seize the initiative? Is this the best you have to offer, Tactical Officer? Perhaps you would prefer to watch the final battle from outside the ship, without the encumbrance of a suit.
Vang turned ashen
He rushed the words from himself, fearful of saying them, but more fearful of holding back. 
Vang – Response times for Fed crews are consistently quicker than our own. We can negate that advantage if we can dictate the instant at which the engagement begins and then get close enough that our greater firepower can quickly overwhelm our foe. 
Kain – I begin to believe you can think, Vang. Well done.
Neutrino baffle on outboard starboard impulse drive, at stern, on Leviathan, damaged, allows trail of neutrinos, and ship, to be tracked.
12 Klingons on battlecruiser Dagger, 2 on bridge, 4 in engineering, 6 manning phaser and disruptor batteries. Klingons at weapons stations are split into two groups of three. They can be isolated in place.
Kirk sends message to dagger, three minutes to lower their shields and stand by to be boarded. Receives standard abuse in reply.
Enterprise fires on Dagger until her shields go down, then Kirk, Sulu, and 6 Security volunteers, with phasers and body armor, beam over.
The Klingon bridge took form, cramped and dark.
A portly Klingon lieutenant with a fringe beard stood talking to the slight Captain-Third in the command chair. A warrant sat at the helm. 
Toothy Os of surprise
Kirk and van Pelt take bridge. Sulu secures engineering. Herring is down doesn’t look good.
Kirk sat in the Dagger’s captain’s chair. Van Pelt wrapped restrains around three hairy sets of Klingon wrists, who were beginning to stir and make seismic noises deep in their bellies. Transported over to Enterprise. 
A blast of Klingon vocables came from the intercom. The Klingons remaining on board the dagger have activated anti-intrusion screens. Prevents beaming in or out of their position in weapons area. 
Kirk snapped up a cover beneath his right palm and depressed a rocker switch, a klaxon sounded. All compartments are now sealed by vacuum proof blast doors, with mutiny locks activated. We should be thankful for Klingon paranoia. Nobody can move from his station now. Weapons stores and even service access panels are locked out. 
The Klingons made an ideal of total obedience, like the ancient Japanese. They were kidding themselves, assassination and revolt were routine means of advancement. If a superior was not capable of protecting himself against the ambitions of his underlings, he was clearly unfit to hold his position. The warrior who supplanted him, with to without confederates, was deemed his rightful successor. It worked in its way. But it produced certain inefficiencies. Unrestricted access to any part of a vessel did not exist in the Klingon service, no matter how severely that complicated damage control or even routine maintenance. It had not occurred to Lt. Lu that Kirk might be able to find a way out of his cell or onto the bridge.
Klingon officers all spoke English, advanced education was an important mark of caste distinction among Klingons. If the ratings didn’t understand, their officers could translate.
P263 Kirk calls on Dagger crew to surrender. 
Never! A voice shouted back, ragged with rage. It is Lieutenant Vokh who speaks, and I cast defiance in your pale face. We shall die at our stations. And we shall take you with us, tera’ngan.
The controls were labeled in Klingon script, of which Kirk had only minimal command. Kirk had a good grasp of the layout of a battlecruiser’s bridge,  just as the Klingon boarding party had known how to operate the Enterprise. 
He could tell phaser banks were full and ready to fire, the two forward photon torpedo tubes were loaded. Kirk could fly and fight the Klingon vessel. At least until the Klingons in the various weapons stations figured out a way to cause mischief.
It took the Klingons on Dagger just over 10 minutes to figure out a way to cause mischief. The clock display on the Klingon tactical display showed one hundred eleven seconds when a purple light began to blink on the arm of the captain’s chair.
A roar of triumph burst from the intercom – Qapla’! we have breached the photon torpedo locker. We will now manually detonate the torpedo and take you with us to oblivion. Still several minutes to get cover off weapon’s manual override panel.
Do not make sport of me, Earther.
Vokh – Prepare for death, Earther.
Kirk – I have, Lieutenant.
P266 Kain tapped gauntleted fingertips on the arm of his chair. 
The helmsman goggled at his panel – IFF transmissions received. She’s taj, sir! Her shields are up.
Enterprise could take taj at one swallow. Lock phasers on to her and keep an eye out for Enterprise. I smell a trap. 
The Dagger’s screens can withstand Leviathan’s main phaser batteries for no more than 20 point 2 seconds. The shield-strength indicator bar on Dagger dropped steadily toward zero.
And now, Earther, Vokh’s voice bellowed from the intercom, we all die!
Dagger blew up. 
Vang – Qapla’!
Kain – you fool, we’ve just destroyed one of our own ships. Can’t you see it was just a diversion? 
Kain leaned forward with a predator’s smile.
Vang shrieked – Photon torpedoes incoming! One missed entirely. One spent itself overloading the shields, leaving Leviathan’s hull unprotected. Third ate along centerline of ship, destroying central warp drive tube and inboard impellers to either side. The torpedo and secondary explosions killed a quarter of Leviathan’s crew in less than half a second. Fourth torpedo struck starboard wing, locker for starboard photon torpedo tubes and set off a chain reaction that simply ripped that side of the ship away.
All systems on Leviathan were failing fast. Over 400 lives gone. Secondary explosions continued. Phaser batteries almost intact, their awesome power burned through Enterprise’s remaining screens. 
Vang killed, A black cloud of his own blood
Kain and Moriah Wayne escape through afterhatch, armored emergency panel slammed shut.
Kain, a bloody gash on his cheek, left leg severed just below the knee. Pucker of pink scar tissue where left eye had been. Huddled in emergency bridge with a handful of officers. Crude pressure bandage on stump of his leg.
Kirk calls on Kain to surrender. You and your crew will be treated honorably.
Kain wheeled, the kligat flew from his hand, a glittering wheel, it struck Moriah Wayne in the pit of her stomach. I grew tried of her yapping, and she had served her purpose. She was only a means to an end, a means to strike at Kirk. 
Kirk – What point is there in continuing this carnage?
Kain – Honor, Revenge. 
Kirk – Mere words.
Kain pointed to his raw socket – You cost me an eye. Is that mere words? You cost me my bond-brother as well. How, oh, how do you explain that away?
Kirk – Kras was your bond-brother?
Kain – He was.
Kirk – I’m sorry. I didn’t know. 
Kain stared at him in white-faced fury –Almost 20 years of my life I devote to stalking you, to planning the perfection of my revenge, for this? So you can say you’re sorry?
He raised his hands above his head – Phasers 
Captain of the first Rank Kain, his crew, and Leviathan all became a giant ball of plasma that glowed like a sun and quickly dissipated into nothing. 
P277 the Klingon captives taken aboard the Enterprise had been contemptuously straightforward about their intention of enslaving the Susuru and looting their planet, as soon as they’d served their function of baiting the Empire’s worst enemy to his destruction. 
The Susuru didn’t like the Klingons when the Empire stumbled across them. But they were easy marks for experienced operators like the Klingons. Their leaders were hungry to consolidate power over their own people and rabid at the prospect of being able to purge the planet of the hated intruders. And the Klingons promised to do it all with a minimum of muss and fuss. The Susuru were not the first race to bite on that one. Kirk doubted they would be the last. 
  Prime Directive by Gar and Judith Reeves-Stevens
P10  The Tellerite shift boss for Interworld considers the hardcase humans who worked for Interworld - some fugitive, all desperate - might just as well be Klingons for all the honor and diligence they exhibited.
P27 Mr. Scott didn't care if the insufferable, self-righteous ass, Lt. Styles, had wrestled the swagger stick away from a Klingon in hand to hand combat, it was still a damned annoying affectation.
P32 even the Klingons knew how fortunate they were to have survived global warfare and ecological collapse to become spacefarers.
P57 there was only one Klingon ear nailed to the wall above the cash box of the tavern on Rigel VIII, so it wasn't the toughest Sulu has been in
P63 the naming of ships was not a universal habit. Scholars speculated that the root of the practice might lie in ancient instincts, common to Klingons and humans, from which sprang such strife-ridden concepts as territory and combat.
P126 the planet Talin IV is hundreds of lightyears away from any disputed territory with the Klingons or the Romulans.
P138 Elderly Dr. Alonzo Richter of the First Contact office curses - I'm not some patak admiral. Uhura and Kirk are aware of the Klingon curse word. Richter muttered a few more barely audible Klingon epithets.
P155 Klingons and Romulan cloaking devices could be getting past the First Contact Office's sensor stations, except Talin IV is so far removed from the Klingon Empire that even they would realize that the Organian Peace Treaty would give them no right of claim over this system.
P277 in the past Spock had experienced no moral qualms in telling outright lies to Klingons and others who would do violence to the innocent. 
P286 Chekov decides with a ship named Heart of the Storm, the pirate Black Ire had to be a Klingon. 
'Black Ire does not travel in filthy shuttles like cargo,' the pirate growled. 'my mate and I must be beamed aboard your ship.'
Definitely a Klingon, Chekov thought
'Black Ire is not fool enough to drop all shields for Ur'eon scum!'
Chekov has given up trying to understand the Orions, at least a Klingon could be reasoned with. After a fashion. Compared with Orions. 
Unless, of course, Heart of the Storm opened fire on her own commander. And if they were Klingons, that was a distinct possibility.
P315 let me know if the Klingon Armada shows up
P396 Spock recalls McCoy's suggestion that there were Klingons with Romulan cloaking devices lurking about. [p155]
Beyond the Farthest Star
no Klingon content
no Klingon content
One of Our Planets is Missing
no Klingon content
The Survivor
no Klingon content
The Lorelei Signal
P71 in view of the Federation-Klingon Treaty of 5260 limiting offensive weaponry in this quadrant of space, it appears -  [Kirk interrupted in his log]
P75 recent joint discussions with Romulans and Klingons reveal that a starship of theirs or the Federation has disappeared in the Cicada Sector [disputed territory for 150 years, little of value, nothing worth fighting over] precisely every 27.34 star-years since its initial mapping. [that makes six starships]
The Infinite Vulcan
P129 the Enterprise diverted from escort duty to survey duty. The discovery of a potentially colonizable unclaimed world took precedence over any but the direst emergency. It was imperative to make an official survey and lay claim to the world quickly – before the Klingons or the Romulans discovered it. Inhabitable worlds were not all that common, and competition for expansion was fierce.
P171 Dr. Keniclius still believes there is a need for a peacekeeping master race because of the depredations of the Romulans, the Klingons, and others
Once Upon A Planet
p82 M'ress, communications officer, teases Captain Kirk "Famine, seismic disturbances, threat of war - the Klingons making trouble again?"<
Mudd's Passion
no Klingon content
The Magicks of Megas-Tu
p186 Denebian spider has twelve legs
The Terratin Incident
p13 Arex, Enterprise Edoan navigator, won his commission as Lt. in the field, during skirmish with ever-present Klingons testing Federation borders. When all the officers aboard a small Fed cruiser were killed, Ensign Arex took command. Retreat, concealment, then re-engagement with the much larger, far more powerful Klingon ship, which was damaged and taken as a prize - charged with violating neutral space. Unassuming posture enables Edoans to coexist alongside Klingons, Romulans and Kzinti in loose alliance with Federation.
The Time Trap
p103 Delta Triangle, reputation for number of disappearances of ships of all races
p103 imperial Klingon battle cruiser, vaguely patterned after great bird of prey
p103 Klingons not considered among the more adventurous races where space abnormalities are concerned
p103 Kirk least expect to find Klingons in Delta Triangle
p103 Spock doesn't recognize the ship off the view screen, just the class type
p103 klolode-class equivalent to constitution class Enterprise
p103 Klingons fire disruptor bolts on Enterprise, momentarily blinding Enterprise sensors
p103 Klingon ship turns away at a high warp arc after firing
p104 clever and thoroughly slimy to attempt to destroy Enterprise and blame disappearance on unstable region of space
p104  if Enterprise did not respond to Klingon provocation of surprise attack Klingons would take that as rationalization of carte blanc to try similar adventures in other sectors - against less well defended Federation vessels
p104 a strong response will be a deterrent to the Klingons
p104 Klingon's deflector screens hit by Enterprise phaser fire
p104 at a hit, Klingon shields either flare with strain of absorbing energy, or ship damage occur if phaser hit weak spot in shield
p105 what is the possibility the Klingons are using a variety of the invisibility shield the Enterprise has encountered before? Probably not
p105 Klingon ship up and vanishes
p107 two Klingon battle cruisers appear
p107 mouse trapped. If the surprise attack by the first ship doesn't succeed, the pair of reserves are ready to make sure Enterprise doesn't get away to tell the story, an excellent tactical idea, says Spock
p107 Klingons apparently most concerned that word of altercation never reach Starfleet central, signal would take three weeks just to reach nearest star base
p107 Klingons send a Class Two signal to Enterprise, audio and visual
p107 Klingons can try to jam Enterprise communications
p108 view of high ranking Klingon officer, Commander Kuri of the Imperial Klingon fleet. heavy set and stiff faced, beard and thin drooping mustache. Especially displeasing appearance. Impressive eyes. Standard manner for Klingon commander. Blunt, overbearing, irritatingly condescending when in a position of incontrovertible tactical superiority
p108 Klingons ID ship as Federation Starship Enterprise, Captain James T Kirk commanding at last record
p108 a grunt of satisfaction
p108 Kuri holds Enterprise responsible for destruction of the Klothos
p108 surrender immediately or we will destroy you
p108 diplomacy figures in Klingon requests about as much as semantic inventiveness - not at all
p108 Klingons are not good poker players - Spock points out
p109 Spock reads Kuri as confused and frightened over the disappearance of the Klothos
p109 Klingons are aware of the numerous ship disappearances in Delta triangle region of space
p109 Klingons speak with care for unseen persons listening in on them
p109 Kuri - Fools, idiots! Thinking they can escape! As Enterprise runs away
p109 "Accelerate to maximum, use emergency power if necessary.
p109  both Klingon cruisers leap forward  in pursuit, using emergency power they close on the Federation craft
p110 gunner aboard lead Klingon cruiser looks back at his commander, Kuri, questioningly
p110 Kuri intends to fire, but he has just the tiniest touch of uncertainty at the back of his mind
p110 Kuri does not know Kirk personally, but he knows his reputation and the reputation of his ship
p110 both ships fire at will, disruptor bolts 
p111 a senior Klingon officer jumped halfway out of his seat when Enterprise disappeared from viewscreen. Examines gauges and telltales
p111 Navigator - position on Klingon ship
p111 Kuri spoken to as "Exalted One"
p111 our detectors
p111 it was not permitted a cruiser commander to appear frightened before his men
p111 manual of battlefield posture
p111 sounding concerned is ok
p111 "Slow to minimum speed”
p111 retreat at battle speed
p111 communications officer - position on Klingon ships
p111 hailing channels, Federation and Imperial frequencies
p111 this could be another Federation trick
p111 Kuri has learned through the years never to underestimate the deviousness of the Federation mind
p111 but he was grasping at f'korr [straw?]
p111 it was time to proceed with utmost caution
p115 entry into the Delta Triangle has a momentary disorientating effect
p115 the Klothos sprang a totally unprovoked, premeditated surprise attack on Enterprise
p117 Senior Officer Kaas, aboard Klothos, station at main sensor console
p117 Kaas addresses Kor as "Exalted One."
p117 Commander Kor, captain of the Klothos
p117 Klothos is hiding among the empty hulks, life-systems screened out
p117 Kor views hated silhouette
p117 Kor doesn’t understand what happened to Klothos
p117 all hands to battle stations, prepare to open fire, full disruptors
p118 let's get her the first time, this time
p118 First Engineer - position on Klingon battlecruiser
p118 minimum motive power
p118 on Klothos, sirens and horns howl in warning
p118 Commander Kor shouted an obscene word and made a violent gesture
p118 every disruptor that could be brought to bear immediately cut loose
p118 the Klothos shook with the release of energy
p118 a Kalusian sand serpent a hundred kuvits long - strange sight
p118 Kaas reports entire weapons system frozen
p118 Kor always ready with an appropriate comment 
p119 a Klingon sits on Elysia council, everyone there lives for centuries
p120 Kor's reaction typical of Klingon warrior suddenly thrust into an inexplicable situation - he reached for his side arm
p120 objections to being weaponless occur to Kor without thought
p121 Kor doesn't care how or where he is, unfreeze his weapons
p122 Kirk notices less of the natural bile in Kor’s tone
p125 the pseudo-barbaric chamber that is Commander Kor's chambers
p125 Kor studies sheaf of forms and printouts
p125 Kor berates First Officer Kaas, his science officer
p125 you can't compute your way out of the defecatory
p125 defecatory = bathroom
p125 Kaas salutes, his lip trembles
p125 Kor paces nervously
p125 circular sleeping platform, with multidepth picture set into the ceiling
p125 Kor feels caged
p128 Klingon S-Two Graph unit, roughly the equivalent of Starfleet warp drive, uses dilithium
p129 Kirk refers to a megalomaniac like Kor
p129  Spock's take on Klingon mentality: it concludes that the guiding law of life is that all laws are made to be violated. The Klingon’s treaties with the natural universe are as tenuous as those they make with other peoples. This is why Klingon advancement in the physical sciences was held back for so long
p129 Spock mentions that pride is everything to a Klingon - especially to a commanding officer like Kor
p129 Kor would do personal battle with a sun if his pride was at stake
p129 Kor could not live with his trampled ego without at least making an escape attempt
p130 Kor and officers ignore deck trembling and alarm lights flashing, deafening whine
p130 Kaas is prepared to die, he only wishes for a less indifferent opponent
p130 approaching maximum drive
p131 Kaas knocked unconscious, injured bridge personnel cry out
p131 mangled and dented Klothos comes to rest back where it started, some desperate engineer shuts the engines down completely
p131 frozen atmosphere bleeds from a broad crack near the rear of the tilted hull
p132 Uhura has more reason than any of the other Enterprise officers to dislike the Klingons
p133 Scotty disgusted at prospect of working with vipers, engine dregs, murderers. Scotty has little reason to love the Klingons
p134 Kirk knows Kor and his people will like working with Enterprise even less
p134 Klingons have a pathological hatred of non-Klingons
p134 McCoy calls Klingons backstabbers
p136 main briefing room on Klothos elaborately decorated - central table inlaid with rough-cut gemstones, spotted, striped, diamond patterned furs pad the seats. Archaic heraldic banners on the walls, sealed in transparent plastic.
p136 Kor screeching, Kaas aloof in meeting with Kirk and Spock
p136 fourteen natural objections leaped to the fore in Kor's mind
p137 Kor’s natural reaction to such intimate and uninvited personal contact would have been a fast stab to the throat with his nails 
p137 Spock hugs Kor and shakes hands with Kor and Kaas, to read their minds
p137 Kor and Kaas speculate that the stories of Spock being half human must be true
p138 Kaas wonders at Kor’s willingness to work closely with an old enemy like Kirk
p138 Kirk has thwarted so many thrusts of the Empire
p138 a Klingon chuckle - a sound as devoid of humor as a cobrra's hiss
p138 Kaas has been Kor’s first officer for a long time, can’t conceal much form him any longer
p138 Kaas would think his Commander had maneuvered brilliantly if the Enterprise blows up once they get out of the void
p138 Kaas runs clawed fingers over the polished wood of the briefing table
p138 Kor leaves the details of destroying Enterprise to Kaas
p138 the two Klingon officers exchanged vows
p139 Enterprise Second Engineer Gabler and drive tech Bell catch Klingon engineer around dilithium storage tanks
p140 the Klingon engineer couldn’t have been more shocked than if he'd been bitten by a malachite tree viper
p142 Kor objected to every suggestion made about working together
p144 as every good Klingon crew ought, the other members of the bridge complement ignore conversation of Kor, Kaas and female Lt Kali
p144 crew attend strictly to their assigned tasks, closing ears and eyes and minds to all that occurred around them that did not require personal concern
p144 Kaas has the device in his belt pouch
p144 Engineer Kanff on Klothos makes very small explosive device
p144 Kor always appreciates fine workmanship
p144 Kanff and his staff are due a decoration
p144 an admirable plan with an admirable end
p145 Kor looks at Kali - for a brief moment he considered virtues other than those of a top officer
p145 this evening-time
p145 Kali disgusted at mingling on a social basis with humans and other species
p145 Kali has a waistband pocket
p146 psychology staffs of both Klothos and Enterprise
p146 Klingon decorations clash on Enterprise
p147 Klingon library technician
p147 Klingon ever-present unsubtle sense of supercilious superiority
p147 McCoy thinks Kali, member of inimical race or not, was one of the most beautiful women
p149 McCoy and Kali dance
p149 Kaas drinking and trying to avoid contact with Enterprise crew
p149 Kor moves around talking to various people
p149 Kaas picks a fight with McCoy over Kali "She is my woman!"
p149 Kaas howls, not wanting to be distracted by facts
p150 a blow under the bridge of the nose, exceptionally painful
p150 the sight of his blood makes Kaas reach for his concealed disruptor pistol
p150 Kor’s frantic call "Khaba dej' , Kaas!"
p150 Kor curses, which translates as The idiot will ruin everything
p151 Kaas gets a killing bolt off at McCoy and Kirk, but the Elaysians neutralize it
p151 Kaas had been in a berserker frenzy, milky gaze in eyes
p151 what a time to let a little blood intervene
p151 not Kaas' fault, really, considering blood had been drawn
p151  Kali makes her way to central computer room, takes compact tools from another pocket, slides component into place
p151 schematics of Enterprise on board Klothos
p151 Kanff has calculated position
p152 it was not meet to question the actions of a superior officer
p154 Kirk and Kor regard each other with something less than brotherly affection
p154 Kor smiled toothily
p154 Kor forces himself to look nominally repentant
p154 better to sleep than be forced to endure an eternity of this repugnant civility
p154 humans and other Federation grass eaters
p154 a precision universal chronometer is mounted on Kor's commander chair
p157 the roar of escaping the void was never to be forgotten
p158 unrestrained cheering indicated the emotions on the Klothos' bridge
p159 anyone would have thought the crew had just won a major battle against overwhelming odds
p159 this is a great moment for the Empire
p159 may I have the honor of . . .
p159 Kor’s predatory smile
p159 Kor heads for his home station, thinking Enterprise has been destroyed, trumpets his triumph all the way back to Klingon Imperial Headquarters
p160 Kor’s typical egocentrism
p160 try to visualize Kor’s face when the Empire's emissaries in the Federation send back word that Enterprise is still in excellent condition
Grillwork behind Kuri's chair
Green lights on side of Klingon bulb prow
Sulu calls Klothos a her
Nothing in front of captain's chair. Consoles on the side
Seated and standing officers
Markings on sections of wing
Klingon computer - sloping front panel, five vertical rows of 4 buttons each, red bar ten oval apparatus on squat pedestal. Front red triangle and dark side slit mirror upside down triangle in next lower panel
Walls green with white horizontal bands
Klingon conference room - triangle room, triangle table, point toward door, Klingon trefoil on table main spur red, pointing away from door. Smaller side spurs black, on orange circle. Two chairs each side, oval backs red upholstery with orange circle. Computer consoles on walls either side. One with white base thick legs to floor. Appears panel is very high. Dark panels of buttons, large dark display screens above each. Thick purple buttons. Grey smaller panel near door.
On wall by door the Klingon trefoil is longest point DOWN!
Hexagonal dark panel with three long white bars, top and sides, three rows of five white buttons between. Round button? speaker at base. Cord to the floor. Other side of door - white panel, three rows of more than 6 square buttons with top row of triangle buttons
Kaz instead of Kaas
Kali sports an afro hairdo
Tonight they entertain us, but the gift they receive will be their destruction
Enterprise mounted on Klothos
More Tribbles, More Troubles
p166 Federation farmers on Sherman's Planet in need of two robot ships of quinto-triticale seed
p168 small ship with Klingon battle cruiser ship of the line in close pursuit
p169 rumors from Federation agents that the Klingons have a new weapon, abilities unknown
p169 the Klothos didn't have it, or Kor would have used it in Timetrap
p169 multiple ripples of light flare from warship's prow as she fires secondary disruptor batteries
p169 Klingon gunners miss several times, warship's electronic predictors must be off
p169 disruptor fire could obliterate much larger prey
p170 Klingon ship far within Federation territory - no "navigational error"
p172 Klingon cruiser turns to head directly toward Enterprise
p173 silhouette and class identification from Enterprise computer Imperial battle cruiser Devisor, Captain Koloth commanding
p173 just before effective phaser range - strange blue halo forms at the ship's bow, faint at first but growing steadily in size. Thickens until it is like blue smoke, sharp flash, tenuous blob leaps from Devisor toward Enterprise. Four seconds to impact.
p173 new weapon projected stasis field, kills engines, phasers and lights, makes ship lurch 45 degrees, neutralize all high-order field and warp functions, all hand phasers
p174 energy drain on Klingon ship to send out weapon enormous
p174 Koloth smiles ingratiatingly, fighting natural instincts to achieve a patina of politeness
p174 this is Captain Koloth of the battlecruiser Devisor. Have I the honor of addressing the renowned Captain James Kirk who...
p175 Koloth will gladly, happily release Enterprise, after they turn over the pilot of the little ship the Klingons were escorting
p175 Klingon sensors recorded certain powerful energies on the small ship. Computer analysis IDs it as a transporter beam of constitution class cruiser
p175 sensors indicate probability of better than half that pilot successfully removed
p175 you lie about as well as you navigate, Captain Koloth
p175 Koloth's face turned the color of a bad apple, trembles
p175 the pilot has committed ecological sabotage against the Imperium.
p175 if he has to be taken by force, Koloth will
p175 Federation's archaic democratic principles
p177 Klingon laughter - hacking, unmelodious, unamusing
p177 Devisor shoots blue fogs at the two robot ships
p178 too much power drain, all three fields dissolve
p178 flashes of deeper blue from prow - main disruptor batteries
p178 Devisor shoots one robot ship, misses other badly
p178 missing a shot indicates a definite lack of offensive power for the moment at least
p178 power cells almost exhausted, minimal deflector capability
p178 Koloth knew what he was asking from his ship. He took a gamble and lost. The Enterprise could destroy him now
p178 Cyrano Jones was worth the loss of his ship and an interstellar incident bordering on act of war
p178 Jones made the Klingons awfully angry
p180 the Klingons place a great deal of importance on revenge
p180 Captain Koloth had been as angry as any Klingon Kirk had ever seen
p181 Cyrano Jones had tribbles with him on his ship
p183 Jones had tribbles genetically engineered for compatibility with humanoid ecologies
p183 Jones cleared Space Station K-Seven got a short parole found some help - the glommer
p184 the glommer, red, numerous arms or legs or both, looks decidedly unfriendly tribble predator, rumbles like toy volcano. Stiffens, creeps toward tribble, tenses, suddenly springs like a wolf spider, land on tribble. Spreads body surface, engulfing tribble, slurping sounds, violent quivering.
p184 glommer ravenous
p184 Klingons have notoriously bad tempers, everybody knows that
p184 Klingon mental state tends toward the bellicose, they still retain a sense of proportion when exercising their animosities - Spock
p185 liver was bothering him
p185 Jones sold tribbles on a planet he didn't know was a Klingon planet, mongrel world - Tellerites, Sironians, a few Romulans, and Klingons at the spaceport customs and reception station. Mostly Klingons outside the customs port
p186 while not preferring to be handed over to tender mercies of the Klingons, Jones not enamored of Federation criminal psychoengineers' mind-wipe techniques
p188 Jones' new tribbles just get fat
p188 Koloth was adamant about getting his hands on Jones, we may not have seen the last of him
p188 new weapon initial overwhelming effect, but leaves attacker helpless too
p188 if Captain Koloth has any ability in tactics he will destroy robot ships first, before attacking Enterprise again
p189 Klingons in the quadrant, its enough to ruin your whole day
p190 glommer stalks tribbles in Enterprise corridors, they are getting too big for it. Discharges another deposit of converted tribble
p190 Sherman's Planet five days from their current location
p190 damn the Klingons' persistence
p191 power cells can recharge in a matter of hours
p191 Devisor fires single powerful disruptor bolt at robot ship, disables it
p191 Sulu - only wrecked propulsion units, cargo pod intact. Maybe we should modify our opinion of Captain Koloth's marksman
p192 Devisor fires disruptors at Enterprise, several minutes of intership battle wheeling about a common center
p193 long phaser battle might convince Koloth Enterprise only has phasers, and adjust defenses accordingly
p193 Devisor runs from photon torpedoes
p193 Koloth's actions don't make sense to Kirk
p196 big tribbles eat a lot
p197 the Klingons have a lot of pride, Jones. No wonder they want you
p198 stasis field paralyze drive and detonation mechanisms of torpedoes
p198 Devisor back, with recharged stasis field
p198 Enterprise enveloped in rippling miasma of brilliant blue
p198 broadly grinning self-satisfied Captain Koloth
p199 Koloth barely controlled fury colors his cheeks
p199 control yourself Koloth or you'll burst a blood vessel
p199 for an unguarded moment he sounded almost regretful - for a Klingon
p199 Koloth - I regret any emotional upset it has caused you
p199 Koloth - Don't force me to take steps we will both regret
p200 Captain Koloth first officer deep in strategy conference
p200 First Officer Korax
p200 Initiate Boarding Plan C
p200 Korax's personal timer
p200 twenty-two kuvits have passed
p200 assemble forces necessary to implement assault plan
p200 chief transporter officer
p200 platoon of Klingon marines
p201 transporter alcove
p201 Kirk transports giant emotionally disturbed tribbles
p201 no self-respecting tribble would have anything to do with a Klingon
p202 Klingon junior officer
p202 Koloth - I am compelled by circumstances to reveal an Imperial scientific secret. When the full report of this incident is known, I shall probably be chastised for it. I may be broken. But under the circumstances I see no alternative
p202 the glommer is a Klingon genetic construct, Cyrano Jones stole it from a Klingon world. It was designed to be a tribble predator. It is the prototype, the only one to survive hundreds of attempts at cross breeding
p203 Klingons must have glommer back. Koloth authorized to use any means to secure its return. The Imperium is willing to chance war to gain its return
p203 the glommer was as much the result of chance as careful planning
p203 this glommer can reproduce asexually, only it can produce others
p203 glommers needed to save world Jones sold them on, before the world is completely overrun
p203 Koloth - I am prepared to forgo my demand for the return of Jones. But we must have the glommer
p204 Kirk transports glommer over
p204 Devisor moves away at high speed
p204 Jones genetic engineering slipshod - tribbles still reproduce, grow with little tribbles inside
p205 Koloth holds glommer and strokes it gently
p205 glommers share Klingon disposition
p205 frantic excited Korax
p205 Chief Engineer Kurr
p205 Devisor operating on automatic as engine room full of giant tribbles
p205 after they take care of the tribbles they are going back after the Enterprise
p205 glommer runs from giant tribble
p206 Kirk - that plated, overbearing excuse for a starship captain
p206 deep-throated pulsing horrible, ghastly tribble cooing
p206 even an Imperial board of inquiry would find reasons for absolving Koloth for an instinctive reaction
p206 Korax didn't stop to think. He whipped out his disruptor pistol and fired with admirable speed
p206 hip deep in normal sized tribbles
p206 "let us not panic, Korax." Koloth tells himself that he is calm, quite calm.
p206 "If you ever do that again I'll break you to sanitation engineer, twelfth class."
p207 McCoy, with a simple shot of neo-ethylene induces tribble colony to break down into individual members and still be sterile
Klingon side marking in white, trefoil pointing down the wing toward nacelle tip
Chair shaped to head and shoulders
Fire orange globs
Stasis field is white, cone funnel shape
Same golden grillwork behind chair, punched with circles
Dark green walls, horizontal lighter green lines
Red glommer in Jones' pocket, sits in his hand. Red body and four legs, 6 white boot spur like projections, two eyes on tall thin stalks
View along wall of series of control consoles and display screens in a dark green hue. Tapered column between. Round light fixtures. 
Hallway, arching tapered columns with Klingon trefoil at shoulder height, on walls, alternating with flattened hexagonal yellow shape. arched engine room doors, rise vertically. square ceiling panels. Lines on floor
Kirk, you are monotonous
Koloth orders Korax to shot the thing
The Ambergris Element
no Klingon content
The Pirates of Orion
p326 barrage from Orion ship wasn’t anything on the order of what a Klingon battle cruiser could put out
p326 Orion, an isolated, humanoid race from system of three inhabited worlds, not interested in joining Federation or Klingon Empire, or anyone else. 
P343 Orion neutral piracy exposed, Klingons and Romulans lose a potentially mischievous ally
The Jihad
P396 Spock warns Tchar of Skorr that his planned revitalization of his warrior race will be defeated by the warrior races of the Federation as well as the empires of the Klingons and Romulans, and all the others
P433 McCoy visited Draymian system 20 years ago, during medical crisis. Starfleet felt that if they did not respond to request for assistance at that time, someone else might be only too happy to oblige. The Klingons for example.
The Practical Joker
P488 Enterprise survives attack by three Romulan cruisers. Romulan discipline had a way of breaking down when a large measure of glory was at stake. The Enterprise is lucky it hadn’t been a Klingon attack. By now a Klingon commander would have executed the entire Fire-Control section for jumping the gun.
How Sharper Than A Serpent's Tooth
P545 a measure of the importance attached to the enigmatic probe was the readiness with which the Klingons and Romulans cooperated. Both opponents of the Federation had been surveyed by the probe before it approached earth. A few zealots warned that it might be an elaborate plot concocted by the Klingons and/or Romulans, to obtain military information. Impartial engineering experts pointed out neither Klingon nor adaptive physics were close to producing something as advanced as the probe, and if they could, they would use it more effectively than surveillance
P550 try every hailing frequency, Federation, special Klingon, Romulan and lesser alliance levels
P596 Federation working to bring about multiracial civilization in which everyone can live in peace. A few persistent throwbacks like the Klingons and Romulans will come around in time.
The Counter-Clock Incident
P10 Robert April, when he is being assigned first captain of the Enterprise "give me to the Klingons . . . "
P73 Klingon cruiser suddenly appears above Theta Draconis V while Enterprise picking up Van and Char Delminnen
P74 tall, relaxed in his chair, bushy eyebrows, tight lips, Klingon Commander Kumara. Old friend of Jim Kirk.
P74 Theta Draconis far from Imperial trade routes, but not claimed by Federation
P74 Kumara has been instructed by the Imperial Resources Bureau to survey this system for salvageable resources
P75 there is practically nothing here worthy of Imperial attention, doubly true when you consider the distance to the nearest Imperial world
P75 Kumara invites Jim to share a container of Gellian vitz with him. In ten of your minutes
P75 Red alert with Klingon cruiser in the area. All Enterprise personnel are to beam down with one hand on their sidearms
P75 Kirk - Kumara may be the best starship commander the Klingons have. The Emperor didn't send him this far from base to play prospector. Klingon intelligence got wind of Fed prospector's report - mine scientist Van Delminnen for all he's worth.  And they won't be too concerned about putting him back together when they're finished
P76 Kumara and Kirk knew each other on an informal basis in the FEA - Friendship Exchange Action. Set up during brief friendly period between Fed and Klingons. Academy command cadets from both cultures spend time together. Roommates.
P76 Kumara sharpest, smartest, only Klingon not so puffed up with his own importance that he ignores opponent's capabilities
P76 firefight on moon surface between Fed and Klingon landing parties
P78 Kumara usually doesn't take defensive posture and engage in fire fights, he won't hesitate to destroy the Delminnen device
P79 Kumara beams to Delminnen complex, grabs Van Delminnen
P79 "Up fool, Beam us up or it's your head."
P83 Kumara's techs
P84 Kumara and ship depart with Van Delminnen
P84 Kumara's trying to get into shadow of gas giant then move to maximum speed
P85 traveling at their maximum safe speed
P85 Delminnen complex completely destroyed by timed device planted by Klingons
P85 Kumara never liked to take chances. Having captured one major piece, he opted to blow up the board
P86 Klingons can be most persuasive
P86 nearest Klingon military base of importance in the region is a naval base of considerable size on Shahkur Nine, about 100 hours away
P87 interstellar war possible if Enterprise calls for reinforcements to meet 3 or 4 reinforcements Kumara has called in
P87 Kumara not your normal, belligerent, cocky commander
P87 Kumara will laugh fit to split his collar
P87 he's go on emergency power and run until overload
P87 charred converters
P88 jubilation on Klingon bridge for partly successful mission
P88 elder officers grumble at not turning to confront Enterprise, running away is alien to the soul of any Klingon warrior
P8 younger officers realize Commander Kumara's order best for the Empire, ship and themselves
P88 Lt. Kritt, helmsman/navigator, reports smartly, abases himself
P88 restrain from public exhibition of foolishness
P88 this area of space would one day be a part of the Empire, as the Great Gods intended it should be
P89 most Klingons prefer to languish in contempt of anything not Klingon
P89 chess like bagap, though bagap is much faster and played with live slaves
P89 Kumara is difficult to surprise, but his subordinates are the usual Klingon ratings - contemptuous, secure, overconfident, lazy
P91 Kumara has not contacted Shahkur Base for reinforcements yet
P91 Prepare to go on emergency power
P91 Kumara mutters into a pickup
P92 Exalted Commander
P93 sometimes Kumara could be as impassive as a Vulcan
P93 Kirk should know better than to try to panic Kumara
P93 Fah! I am assisted by blind men
P93 close enough to read our registration numbers, to sense our smiles
P94 Kumara's ship the Klathas
P94 mechanicals are immune to insult
P94 electing to tempt the gods
P94 Korreg, scanner-control officer
P95 he turned a light purple
P95 Kanndad, Engineer
P95 I'll personally pull your eyes from your head
P95 full emergency power, maximum thrust
P96 exploding Enterprise shuttlecraft damages Klathas
P96 I need this ship back up to speed in ten aines or I'll have you all fed to the converters!
P97 Kanndad responds sarcastically to Kumara's demands
P97 you offspring of a worm's slave
P97 arm all rearward projectors and fire at will
P97 Korreg, gunner
P98 rear projector banks
P98 running battle for an hour
P99 glancing phaser shot off Klingon engine nacelle kills twenty technicians and wounds many others
P99 secondary engineering
P99 left converter potential
P99 engineering reports that unless total engine shutdown occurs within five du-aines, all light-multiple drive capability will be lost
P99 forced to surrender or ship-suicide
P100 Auxiliary Landing Craft Hanger
P100 Life Support Station
P100 wrist chronometer
P100 in three-quarters du-aines [time]
P100 your commander and officers salute you, warriors of Klingon!
P101 I am depending on Kirk to act like a human
P106 I abase myself, my head is yours
P106 within a hundred aines
P106 human scientist Delminnen kept in the restraining chamber
P106 for the Sequa's sake
P106 the feel of the soft human difficult for the burly guards to stomach
P106 bow in the presence of the commander, weak one
P107 how many times do I have to tell you to utilize your head for something other than shoulder ballast?
P107 one can not coerce a corpse
P107 executing an earnest grin - no mean feat for a Klingon
P107 the empire has learned of Van Delminnen's device capable of reducing worlds to debris
P107 Officers of the Klathas, attend to your duties!
P108 I swear on my ancestors
P108 infirmary chambers, chief medical officer
P109 infuriating example of a lower order
P109 the persuasion chamber
P110 Karau, officer in Humanoid Psychology, perhaps they can figure Delminnen out
P120 report yourself
P120 Korreg restores partial drive capability [?bad editor should be Kanndad]
P121 a shrill battle cry broke out on the bridge
P121 worm's offspring; product of a misaligned mating
P123 Shahkur is at the extreme fringe of the Empire
P123 Klingons do not normally patrol this region of space
P128 the ships drift for several days
P134 all this unnatural courtesy and politeness must be upsetting your liver
P134 Kumara proposes a contest on the non-system planet Gypsy the ships have come across
P136 lifted his arms in a peculiar salute that was half military, half religious in origin
P136 I swear as commander of a warship of the Imperial Fleet, as a Klingon lord, by the sacred warrior's soul of his Imperial Majesty Emperor Karhammur the Fortieth, and by the God of Gods, Great Kinkuthanza
P136 exchange of ship's nadas
P136 can you recall a Klingon officer's breaking an oath sworn on the Emperor’s soul and on Kinkuthanza? To do so would be the equivalent of murdering one's honor, and the honor of one's line back to the first generation. One of the few things binding on a Klingon
P139 young Kirk found young Kumara would steal you blind at the first opportunity, stab you in the back if he could get away with it, lie, cheat, anything for an advantage. But not break an oath, or violate his own guidelines
P140 Nada - Klingon god-patron of medicine. Klingons never harm physicians. Part of their warrior-tainted cultural pattern.
P142 Kumara's SIB, Surgeon-in-Battle Kattrun dek Prenn, exchanged for McCoy
P153 Kumara would beam down, find a nice hotel, hire local cut-throats to do his dirty work for him
P153 Kumara's an atypical Klingon, but he's still a Klingon
P157 Kirk and Kumara sword fight
P158 Kritt killed by Spock
P161 what a way for a Klingon officer to die - helpless among my enemies, doomed to die via some no doubt unimaginative method
P161 fighting with advanced weaponry could have stimulated latent cowardice
P163 I will sell it to you for two pahds and a good killing joke
P168 Kirk and Kumara have been victims of the Wanderers Who Play, Those Who Meddle, energy beings
P170 the experimental animals offer their apologies
P170 Kumara experienced a negative universe two tri-aines ago. Named Nognilk.
P171 Imperial Sector Headquarters
P171 the Delminnens are part of the energy beings' game
P171 I'd hit it if I could be sure of contacting something
The Eye of the Beholder
P356 The Boqu joining the Federation would be extremely discomforting to the Klingons and the Romulans
P368 both the Klingons and the Romulans had expressed interest in deepening their ties with the Pandronians
P415 delicate negotiations between planet Pandro and Federation, and Pandro and Klingon Empire
P480 the source of the weapons, and probably the explanation for a great many other occurrences, was found in the middle of the Pandronian rebels – three Klingons
P481 Captain Kor of the Imperial Science Division. “Captain James Kirk, I presume?”
P481 Kor did not acknowledge the introductions – after all the officers were prisoners
P482 the presence of armed Klingons on a world of high sentience like Pandro, without the knowledge and consent of the Pandronian government, is strictly forbidden by all Federation-Klingon treaties. Your presence here constitutes a violation of the most serious order, Captain Kor
P482 that depends on who you chose to recognize as the official government
P482 a question of figures, mere quibbling
P483 Kor has aided the brave Pandronian patriots every step of the way
P483 Lub eb Riss, Pandronian, Klingon operative
P484 a cluster of fairly large prefabricated structures of Klingon style, convey an impression of solidity, a barracks for Klingon regulars, interconnected science labs, well camouflaged from the air, extremely powerful energy barriers, a radiation source detectable from space, chemical type fuel tanks
P485 Kor’s threats were hardly idle – given the severity of the treaty violation he couldn’t chance releasing the Enterprise officers alive
P485 widespread use of the frequency modulator might bring in busybodies like the Organians – parties that might frown on aid to one group of dissidents on an independent world. And there is that awkward treaty.
P486 the Klingons would step in as selfless benefactors and commence restoring Klingon order amid the chaos they themselves helped bring about
P486 the Klingons have assured the Pandronian rebels that they will leave them in free disassociation. The Klingons only want a base or two, and to count Pandro among their worlds of influence
P487 “It will get worse,” Kor said, without a trace of compassion
P487 Kor coldly ignored Pandronians writhing in pain and turned a deaf ear to McCoy’s entreaties
P488 weighs many thousands of qons
P488 there as an evil pride in his voice as he enumerated the virtues of his crime against nature
P489 the universe is full of weapons. Not all need to be inorganic.
P489 Pandro will be an organic arsenal for the Empire!
P491 “Would I lie to you?” grinned Kor
P492 The Pandronians’ natural bellicosity will come to fore and cusim – no more planetary government
P492 arrow-straight Klingon guards – chamber guards
P492 electronic key turned to electron levels of the lock alloy
P493 eight fluas ago [time]
P493 Kirk, Spock and McCoy understand Klingon language reasonably well
P493 rest period
P493 would you like your head separated from its shoulders like a Pandronian? You’ll find reattaching it not so simple
P493 kicked at a cabinet as if it were personally responsible for his troubles
P493 you lower-grade moron
P494 Security Central
P494 voice dripping with venom
P494 bring him back, to know the exquisite refinements of Klingon justice
P494 Kor referred to as Honored One
P495 standard naval issue Imperial energy weapon
P498 Lub eb Riss working for himself, Klingon station reduced to rubble. 
P501 the Klingons will be lucky to get off the island alive
P502 suffice it to say the Klingons had some typical Klingon ideas about exploiting the peculiar Pandronian ecology for their own uses
P503 watch for Klingon warships, the base had to be supplied periodically from outside
P503 Klingon cruiser escorting a cargo ship
P509 took Klingon scientists a considerable period of time to accomplish
P514 Klingons puzzle over what happened to their secret ground installation
P526 organic weapon - it was only the Klingon hormones andd frequency controller that induced the component integrals to combine into huge, unnatural associations, hormone broken down by dissolution chemicals
P530 the Klingons have methods of handling anything, no matter how corrosive, supplied rebels who stole Tam Paupa with everything they needed, advanced medical technology
P535 Pandro application for associate member status with United Federation of Planets ought to make the Klingons happy
P535 Klingons have experienced a severe case of diplomatic foot-in-mouth disease
P536 Klingons Pandronian allies were so unstable and unpredictable that they couldn’t be trusted with really dangerous weapons
P537 the Klingons are going to feel particularly hostile when they find out what happen to their secret installation on Pandro
P538 Kor and his people like children playing with building blocks that got out of hand, didn’t understand their toys
Slaver Weapon
ani - Spock speculates that the powerful Slaver Weapon would never have made it to a museum. If not the Kzinti, the Klingons or some other species would have tried to possess it.
Foster -
P197 planet Briamos holding conference to decide whether or not they will enter into preliminary alliance, social, cultural and military, with either the Fed or the Klingon Empire. Observers and representatives of both the Fed and the Klingon Empire have been invited to participate in the conference and to present their respective positions regarding the Briamosites’ intentions.  Briamosites noted for their impatience. Guilty of insult if not arrive on time.
With the Romulans on one side and the Klingons on the other, plus assorted bellicose organizations in between, the United Federation of Planets had special need of men like logistical tactical expert Commodore Musashi. 
The Briamosites could become a powerful ally of the Klingons. Their natural temperament, which borders on brusqueness at times, could blend in well with the Klingons
Should the Briamosites decide to link themselves with the Klingon Empire, and should the relationship be cemented in the future, it would do much more than simply gain the Klingons a powerful friend. Because of their position on the flank of the Empire, the Briamosites could be counted on by the Klingons to anchor that portion of their empire and protect it from attack. Doing so would free their ships immediately to create considerably more mischief elsewhere.
Kirk – I wish we didn’t have to be civil to a bunch of Klingons at the same time.
P249 most of Kzinti technology was derivative of Federation or Klingon engineering. The Treaty of Sirius does not permit the belligerent Kzinti any weapons capabilities at all.
P294 it was as silent as a Klingon consulate on Federation Day. 
P329 Kirk is willing to be deceitful when something as vital as an interstellar alliance with a race as important as the Briamosites is at stake, and especially when the matter also involves Klingons
Kirk - Barbarous is the right word when negotiating with Klingons. You know the Klingon watch phrase when it comes to diplomacy. That which is expedient rather than that which is truthful.
Spock – we must show ourselves as adaptable as the Klingons
Both the Feds and the Klingons could offer Briamos high-speed FTL technology [faster than light]
The Klingons have been on Briamos for 3 days before the Enterprise arrives
P343 Klingon cruiser analog to the Fed’s Constitution class, an immaculate technological vision, every centimeter of its surface shone brilliant and mirror bright. The winged shape looked as if it had rested in a vacuum dock for months. The Klingons must have polished her hull.
The Klingons scan the Enterprise, have a hailing signal out
Kirk recognizes the ship. 
Kumara – dignified, impressive, with a very un-Klingon bent toward humor, dangerously familiar. The Klingon Kirk went to the old experimental Interspecies Academy with.
The Klingons have clearly chosen their best to represent them.
The Klingon captain’s eyebrows lifted in recognition. James Kirk, twice in one year.
It too quite an effort for Kumara to stay diplomatic in the face of the Briamosites arrogant reception. There were 4 warships boxing his ship. The Briamosites vessels and civilization are impressive for a primitive race. Kumara tested secure communications with a shuttlecraft several days ago. The Briamosites do not possess the equipment to break in to this particular frequency. 
Kumara – to say that my ship was responsible for the destruction of an interstellar navigation beacon is inflammatory besides being personally insulting
While finding something of extreme interest in the underside of his fingernails
We were however, patrolling routinely on our way to this conference through the fringes of the disputed territories. We did encounter a couple of malfunctioning fragments of space debris, hazards to navigation, actually, which we promptly eliminated so as to prevent the possibility of an accident to any vessel
The destruction of Fed property, in particular something of a nonmilitary nature such as a navigational beacon, is in direct violation of the Klingon-Federation subsidiary articles of peace as appended to the Treaty of Organia
We of Klingon always seek ways to improve the space lanes and make them safer for travel by any ship
Kumara’s veneer of good fellowship, never thicker than need be, abruptly vanished
He had turned thoroughly Klingon in expression and manner, although his reply was still more controlled than the average Klingon captain would have managed, considering the implications of the threat Kirk had just made
If it’s a fight you’re looking for, Jim, we’ll be most happy to oblige you
Kirk – I was just getting tired of that oily grin of yours
Kumara had a real sense of humor, a genuine rarity among Klingons, making him all the more dangerous
Once our fiends and allies the Briamosites learn first hand of the natural, ingrained duplicity of the Federation 
Without giving Kirk a chance to reply the transmission from the Klingon cruiser terminated
Kirk – Klingons have an excellent intelligence service. Undoubtedly they knew Enterprise was coming from Starbase 25. 
McCoy – Klingons have a built-in aversion to diplomacy that will eventually undo their standing in the eyes of the Briamosites
Kumara not a typical Klingon. He appears capable of subtlety and even courtesy. 
Briamosites attach a good deal of importance to personal appearance. A detail Kumara and crew have clearly paid much attention to. 
None of the Klingon delegation is likely to be lugging a nullifier of the Slaver stasis box field around
Klingons have enough familiarity with stasis fields to construct a stasis nullifier
P365 Klingons think all humans are a little crazy in their behavior anyhow
P374 Captain Kumara was flanked by four officers, in dress uniforms, a blaze of barbaric design and color
Kumara made a Klingon sign of greeting.
A derisive snort sounded from the knot of Klingon officers around Kumara
One of the Klingon officers bridled at the hidden insult, but was restrained by a dour Kumara.
One of the officers was smiling the particularly unhumorous Klingon smile
Kumara was always more dangerous when relaxed
Humor was one area where the Klingons couldn’t hope to compete, lacking much of any kind of humor other than the sadistic.
The inflexible Klingons were beginning to twitch noticeably. Kirk knew the sight of inferior beings passing in seemingly endless parade before them was enough to crack even Klingon self-control, and only a harsh, single word whispered by Kumara kept them from fighting on the stand
After two hours Kumara looked ready to scream
Very impressive, Kumara lied quickly, always first to flatter
Why haul an old bottle or some such relic into as critically balanced a conference as this?
Kumara was worried about the mysterious artifact, the more it troubled him the less ordered his dangerously fertile mind would be and the fewer opportunities for creating mischief of his own
Klingon has encountered only one stasis box in its entire history of stellar exploration, and that was several hundred years ago. They are not as familiar with the artifacts as we are and so are unlikely to know enough to expose the fraud
P394 Kumara’s executive officer loudly proclaimed the Klingon’s hopes and intentions. Kirk bristled at some of the claims and outright falsehoods. Looking smug and satisfied Kumara’s first officer concluded his speech in a burst of fiery rhetoric accusing the Fed of intending everything for Briamos from childstealing to slavery, and resumed his seat. 
Once, another Klingon officer replied to a question when the executive officer seemed at a loss for words
Even the Klingons appeared impressed by the literate, thorough responses the Fed provided in response to certain difficult questions
Once a particularly unsubtle inquiry was made in reference to something the Klingon executive officer had mentioned in his speech.
Kumara’s knowledge of the removal of the starship group monitoring Starbase 14 two months ago showed the extent and efficiency of Klingon intelligence. Normal maintenance and overhauling, will return in another 2 months
P398 Kumara eyed his subordinate Kaldin, carries standard issue imperial science ‘corder
Sulu took the compact instrument from the glaring officer who proffered it
Kaldin read the readouts on the device, performed a few hasty calculations with a separate instrument, conferred with the other subofficer on his left and turned a grim solemn gaze on his captain
Kaldin knows Slaver metal cannot be faked, read over a billion years old
Kumara wrenched the small instrument away from the officer
Among Klingons, who were familiar with stasis boxes and their properties the reaction was they were all on their feet, staring in disbelief except for one officer who was hunting frantically for a place to hide
All of Kumara’s usual poise temporarily deserted him. He was waving both hands wildly his gaze switching nervously 
The two Klingon subofficers yelped despairingly and dove behind their seats when the Slaver stasis box was pushed to the floor. Kumara’s executive officer winced visibly.
Kumara was wholly Klingon now, his veneer of carefully cultivated gentility obliterated by the brusque finality of the Briamosite decision to ally itself with the Federation
The irrational obstinacy of so many of the more primitive races
Kumara touched a switch at his waist
Kumara beams the Fed delegates to his ship
This is a direct violation of the Federation-Klingon treaty. Such an action is tantamount to a declaration of war.
The Federation-Imperial treaties have power only within Federation-Imperial space. The systems of Briamos lie within the areas covered by the treaty. However, within a inhabited, intelligence-dominated, technologically advanced system, the treaties have no force. System independence takes precedence over outside agreements. Local jurisdiction has precedence.
Kumara seemed less apoplectic now that he was safely aboard his own ship and once more in control of events
The prisoners were escorted down a corridor and into an elevator shaft, the elevator doors slid aside onto the bridge of Kumara’s ship.
Several Klingon officers looked back briefly from their respective stations.
Honored Captain
Give me an open channel Kumara instructed his communications operator
A few adjustments to his instrumentation and the Klingon nodded to his captain
A report came from the Klingon science station
P408 calm down, Kivord. reports Enterprise raising defensive screens. Energy readings indicate that she is activating her phasers
Whatever chance the Klingon Empire might have retained for future assignations with Briamos has been obliterated forever by Kumara’s action of kidnapping Leader Sarvus and Enterprise officers
Kumara wants Briamos to declare itself permanently neutral.
Kumara executed the Klingon equivalent of a shrug
I can see that in order to convince you to see clearly, some persuasion beyond mere logic is going to be necessary
The Klingon bridge was silent save for the steady thrumming of instruments
Kumara  - one of our respective moral codes is not necessarily better than the other, simply different.
Kumara – I think we can demonstrate the sniveling sentimentality of the Federation races in the face of danger.
Kumara – Humans are absurdly irrational when it comes to threats to females of their species, threaten one of their females and they will rapidly capitulate to the most unreasonable demands
P411 Kora, one of the guards on the bridge, a young massive tall Klingon ensign
Kora, present yourself! Kora grinned wickedly
Kirk – this is barbaric
Kumara – Sometimes old methods are best.
Kora would change Uhura’s attitude fast enough, and perhaps her face as well
Kumara – I don’t want her killed. Rearranged convincingly, yes.
Kora – I will be careful, Honored Captain
The Klingon’s solar plexus
If it had been Spock, Kora would not be getting off the deck.
Doubly embarrassed now in front of his crewmates and captain, the ensign had turned an apparently routine assignment into a personal vendetta.
Uhura defeated Kora fairly by Klingon standards and by Klingon law Uhura can’t be forced to fight again
The honor of Klingon had suffered in the eyes of an inferior race. That was embarrassing.
Klingon – one of the most militaristic societies in galactic history, you have no room for honest feelings, for the good things of civilization such as art and poetry and song.
I am not a believer in useless causes
I will not kill you when there is no benefit to it
P416 Klaythia, Kumara’s chief science officer, male
Perhaps the Slaver stasis box will contain the final weapon, the device which will enable us to achieve our destiny and wipe the decadent Federation from this part of the galaxy, so that we may expand as was intended for us in the Great Scheme of Things.
Scott has less tolerance for the Klingons than other Enterprise officers. Scotty’s well-known dislike for the Klingons
Kumara and his science staff adjourned to a sealed, double walled room
Behind a portable shield, superdense but transparent viewspace
Lower ranking science specialist
Even with Slaver box threatening to explode, Klaythia was more afraid of his commander’s wrath than of what the box might do
Kumara recognized the Federation script – Federation forever! Down Klingon!
Imbecile! Kumara belted his science chief hard across the mouth
That wailing that passes for music among humans
Let this always remain in your memory, Klaythia, as an indication of the fiendish way in which the human mind works
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