Enterprise, The First Adventure by Vonda McIntyre
P17 Koronin, female, outlaw and fugitive, long copper hair, high forehead, brow ridges. Unfastened veil over shoulder. at Arcturan system. New, unique, ship - wide winged body, long slender midsection, spherical prow gave evidence of the ship's descent from the favored design of the Klingon military. Evolution in design. Key for complex electronic communication with locked hatchway. No one could steal the electronic key and come aboard, safeguards prevent that. Ownership transferred.
Koronin tried to maintain her philosophy of fatalism
Command balcony
Work pit, secured hatch. No place for a citizen of your position my lady
Serjeant, recovers or conceals surprise quickly. Blaster on his belt.
His brow ridges contracted and his bushy eyebrows bristled
Thread-thin gold chain, at its end a sharp edged life disk, colors already fading to the clarity of death. Worn on Koronin's belt
Crew turns from jaded curiosity to astonishment, terror, joy, relief.
Koronin has small chance of keeping the ship.
Lost to Koronin in a fair game of chance. Afterward he thought better of his bargain.
She deliberately turned her back on the serjeant
When the sergeant attacked she spun
Koronin disdained to use a powered weapon, drew her dueling blade. The glassy weapon absorbed the blood on its surface, the color of the blood-sword deepened.
He shrieked in agony, bleeding heavily but not from forearm's major circulatory paths
She pocketed the blaster
His brow ridges paled and shriveled, he was on the edge of shock
The ship belongs to me. The crew is mine. I will permit you to determine your own fate. You may swear yourself to me, or you may die
The serjeant's master had disgraced himself, the serjeant could accept the disgrace, or he could renounce it and accept Koronin
He did the honorable thing
I swear myself and the crew as I command it, to your service
He acknowledged her right to demand her tasks take precedence over his pain, the doctoring of his wounds
Koronin uses no title, such as my lady
He slowly sank to his knees before her
She turned her back on him and the crew. No one moved against her. She secured the work pit, sealing the crew at their stations but leaving the serjeant free
P33 bed with smuggled silks, satin, soft layers of thick fur pelts
Koronin had attacked an oligarchy transport, took cargo
Sell it deeper inside the boundaries of the Klingon Empire
Koronin liked profit, but preferred luxury
Command balcony overhung the whole length of the work pit. Floor ports, canted panels of one-way glass, armored sensors spy on the stations. Shipmaster could oversee each subordinate without vulnerability
None of the crew much regretted the loss of the government officer
The government officer had as much sold the future of his family when he lost the ship to Koronin. The government would ruin him - and all the members of his lineage, if necessary, to recover his losses.
Quundar, Koronin has renamed the ship. Speed and firepower to waste. Koronin excellent pilot
If she remained free long enough to succeed at 2 or 3 audacious raids against the Fed, the oligarchy would add her name to the select list of independents whom they overlooked.
Fragile agreements and tacit neutralities prevented official oligarchy forces from harrying the instruments of the Federation. Independents had more freedom
Koronin would amuse herself, increase her worth, fill her command balcony with luxuries approaching decadence, live outside the law, reap gratification for it.
The Federation had seen to it that Koronin had no family for the Klingon government to torment for her actions. Only Koronin had survived, barely past childhood, without friends or patrons to plead her cause. She had scores to settle with the oligarchy and the Federation. The Klingon government had let that outrage pass unanswered
Free floating Star map - Fed space glowed red. One long narrow vulnerable projection thrust into Klingon territory; the Federation Phalanx. 
Arcturan system,  where outcasts of both societies met on terms of indifferent neutrality
The Kumburanya lacked the morals to find Fed jokes about the Phalanx offensive
Koronin, a Rumaiy, found the jokes nearly intolerable
Kumburanya - the majority group in the Klingon Empire. Kumburan nobles formed the oligarchy, controlled resources and expansion, and discriminated against the Rumaiy minority
The denizens of the work pit had no way of knowing when they were being watched
The oligarchy conscripted ship's crew, made them legal possessions of the ship and whoever controlled it
Computer could be programmed to detect and punish crew errors at whatever level of cruelty she chose
Clothed herself in layers of silk and leather
Trophy fringe, length down to her knee
Gold ribbon across forehead to hold veil, as an outcast she declined to cover her face
Her family had possessed sufficient rank for all its members to veil themselves in public. But the family no longer existed and would not again unless she reestablished it
P70 Koronin has pet, little pink primate named Starfleet. Wears little black trousers and gold velour shirt, doesn't like the boots, looks like a type of human
She was determined eventually to break it to the boots
Among the species of the Federation, humans most earned her ire
Gold inlay traced filigree patterns on panels of translucent pink jade - the government officer had spent great sums of money or credit on the visual decoration of his command balcony
Cold sparseness of the personal area - hard bunk
She wondered how many loyal subjects of the empire knew the uses to which the oligarchy put their tithes
She wondered how many loyal subjects knew about the oligarchy in the first place
Koronin had been raised to revere the empress
Among the highest class it was an open secret that the oligarchs controlled a powerless, toothless, heirless sovereign
The outcasts knew the secret, and believed the oligarchy deliberately allowed the empress's brain to deteriorate to the vegetative state, then kept the body alive with machines and replacement therapy.
Koronin, to harry Phalanx shipping, can't strike too near Fed space would bring a patrol after her, too near the far tip there are the defense of Fed Starbase 13. but center seemed quite vulnerable
Spoken by a member of a bandit work crew, my lady was an insult
Koronin would not use the title my lady until she regained it in the eyes of the highest stratum of society
P92 director of the oversight committee of the Klingon Empire - aka the head of the oligarchy's secret police
Commander of the newest fighter ship in the fleet, a prototype and test vehicle for which everyone had high hopes
If the commanding officer had lost it - to mutiny, or accident, or sporting too close to the Federation - he could not be excused. If her had been so foolish as to lose it to capture rather than destruction - for the first time the director felt glad that the Federation took such scruples to return prisoners alive and undamaged
The director would take the responsibility for disciplining him
The director felt too much anger to experience grief
When another emotion did cut through his anger, it was fear
If the government determined fault, if it decided the officer had acted out of incompetence or malfeasance, the officer's family would be responsible for the tremendous value of the ship
The direct of the oversight committee had worked long and hard to get that particular ship for that particular officer
He had worked long and hard to amass great power and resources during his tenure
Now all his power, his work, and his resources would vanish between the requirements of the oligarchy and the mistakes of the officer, his son
He diverted all operatives to search
P114 young Amelinda Lukarian, general manager of the Warp-Speed Classic Vaudeville Company, imagines a cultural exchange with the Klingon Empire that would create goodwill not only between the people but between the governments
P125 the Phalanx was an immensely long tentacle of Federation space stretching to Starbase 13 at its far end. It lacked subspace relay stations. Any Klingon patrol that happened to come by would try to jam the signal that did get through. Starbase 13 guarded Fed territory of little worth and low population, a planetary system attached to the Fed by ill chance, in Kirk's opinion. Worst of all, the Phalanx made the oligarchy of the Klingon Empire particularly paranoid. And Jim could hardly blame them for their reaction. He would not like it is they extruded a narrow finger several hundred light years long into the Federation. Kirk must be scrupulous about remaining within the Phalanx, violating the borders of the Klingon Empire would be worth a court-martial and his career. If his ship survived the Guardians of the Empire. Abandoning Starbase 13 would be perceived as a retreat. Jim believes consolidation far less provocative than continuing to rub the empire's nose in the existence of the Phalanx, especially if the Klingons knew the jokes the name brought on, or if their customs suggested similar crude humor
P157 a drifter the Enterprise meets in the Phalanx - I don't want to pay ransom to the Klingons, either, if they stray into the Phalanx when I pass by. I might get out if it, but I'd never get my ship back. Venturing into the Phalanx unarmed and without a convoy could be risky
P188 Starfleet Command, Federation Survey, Klingon Empire, all choose different borders for the Phalanx. Starfleet borders overlap Imperial claim; territory is in dispute
P192 a spy for the director of the oversight committee brings him information. Mobilized his security fleet before the oligarchy had reason to notice that the prototype ship had been lost. The director had not personally commanded a mission in many years. He ascended to the command deck, oblivious to space and stars, intent only on his pursuit of Koronin, the renegade who could expose his son's unworthiness to the world. 
P195 Mr. Cockspur, of the Warp-Speed Classic Vaudeville Company,  has done his own translation of Shakespeare's Hamlet
P234 a Klingon ship is approaching the alien spacecraft. It is an armed cruiser of a design the Enterprise computer doesn't recognize. The owner claims it's been decommissioned. Within the realm of possibility,, but if it is obsolete the computer should recognize it. a million kilometers away. Well out of range of its weapons. Kirk wants Uhura to warn it off, misunderstandings might occur if it remains in Fed space, but Uhura reminds him there is some disagreement about where Fed space is. Both the Fed and the Klingon Empire claim certain volumes of space along the Phalanx. Since nothing of value exists within the disputed region, neither government has pressed its claim. But neither government had seen fit to withdraw, either. Kirk changes his message to suggest that the Klingons might be encroaching. See what reaction you get. Use tact. If they come within weapons range, raise shields. 
The owner of the Klingon ship prefers not to change course. The image that formed on the screen was no elderly, battered hulk, no irreparable, decommissioned military craft, but the most advanced technology of the Empire, so new that Spock had never seen a cruiser like it. it is very nearly beyond the range of possibility that this ship belongs to a civilian. 
Unlike any member of the Klingon military, this citizen of the Empire dressed in flamboyant garments of bright flowing fabric and silver-filigreed leather. Her coopery hair fanned over her shoulders, lose and wild beneath her headband, and she had highlighted her brow ridges with glittery gold makeup. She carried unique weapons; an old fashioned and overpowered blaster on one hip, an edged weapon - could it be a blood sword? Spock had heard of them, but had never seen one - on her other side. The sword and blaster depended from a belt inlaid with an intricate pattern of precious stones. A fringe of small mica disks also hung from the belt, as if to add to the decoration. But Spock recognized the crystal circles as something far more significant than tasteless excess. The disk formed a trophy fringe, a claim to all who could read it of the owner's exploits. Among the colored disks glistened an appalling number of clear ones: disks that represented lives taken in direct combat. She had acquired one quite recently, for its colors had not completely cleared.
I am Koronin, owner of the Quundar. The Empire might disagree with you about the boundaries.
Analyzing Koronin's dress, her physical form, her accent, Spock identified her as a member of the Rumaiy group, a political and ethnic minority of the Klingon home world. The highest class of Rumaiy often veiled themselves in public, and indeed Koronin carried a veil. But she wore it unfastened, draping from her headdress like a scarf, an announcement to all who could understand that she rejected the customs of her people. A renegade, then. Spock sensed difficulties ahead. 
Don't underestimate me, Federation captain. Or my ship. Were I representing the government, I would invite you to depart our space, and I would enforce the invitation. But I represent myself. I have no interest in scarring my ship's pretty new paint in a battle. We may each explore the interesting construct before us. 
I do not believe, Spock thought, that this renegade will prove overinterested in advances in scientific knowledge or in the opportunities inherent in peaceful interspecies contact
What is your earth phrase? You are from earth, I believe, captain? A human being? Ah yes, I wish you 'happy hunting.' She laughed.
Kirk wonders if Koronin is a undercover agent, with that ship
Spock - no undercover operative would advertise her position by flying a state of the art military vessel
Kirk - unless that's what they want us to think
Spock - we cannot guess the labyrinthine plots of the most secret minds of the Klingon oligarchy. That way lies madness
P243 aboard Quundar Koronin swore a dreadful curse. If the Fed believed she would stand by and do nothing while they tricked the new aliens into an alliance, they were worst fools than she thought. She strode from one end of command balcony to the other, her attention on the observation ports.
The work crew labored feverishly on the hyperspace engines. Dragged off course, warp drive blown caused by large alien worldship
N-space engines! She commanded
Quundar thundered into motion
Quundar hovers provocatively within range of Enterprise
P261 on the command platform of the Quundar Koronin pretended ignorance of the consternation traveling through the work pit. Her crew could not understand why she had done nothing, why she simply waited and watched
They have insufficient patience, she said to herself. It they had practiced waiting for 15 years they would comprehend its uses. If they survived
The crew wonders why she let the alien sailing craft pass, instead of capturing it, they wonder why she did not incapacitate the Enterprise. They believed the Imperial propaganda, that Quundar could conquer any ship of the Federation. Koronin had sufficient experience and sufficient knowledge to understand that while Quundar might destroy a constellation-class starship, the starship would destroy Quundar as well. Mutual destruction offered no profit
Amused by the distress of her subordinates, Koronin waited and watched
P281 Koronin watched the exquisitely detailed transmissions that appeared in her communications area. They fascinated her, for the longer she refrained from replying, the more complex the transmissions became. At first the image of an alien being had appeared, spreading its hands in a gesture she perceived as supplication. Later it had flown for her. Other flyers joined it, performing an eerie aerial dance. The transmission transmuted itself into patterns and three-dimensional graphics that could only have been produced by a powerful artificial intelligence. The transmissions continuously increased their control of her communications capabilities. She recorded everything. When she played back the segment in which the flyers changed to abstract patterns she began to wonder if every scene had been computer generated, and none taken from life. It was possible that the worldship inhabitants showed her only what they thought she wanted to see,
At the same time she reserved a portion of her communications area and used it to keep track of goings-on around the Enterprise. When the sailboat returned to the worldship, she thought of capturing it, but changed her mind and let it land.
Her serjeant, immensely flattered to be permitted on the command balcony
The limpet hatch will seal Quundar to the outer hull of the worldship
Fool, we have no reason to enter as invaders. We can arrive as guests.
Do they teach you nothing but force in the armada?
Do they beat your sense out of you?
Prepare for acceleration
Power can be the means to revenge. Power can be better than revenge
Quundar arced up and over and inside the wall
Koronin had wondered if the interior of the worldship would contain riches similar to the giant pearls outside.
The outthrust control chamber of Quundar, bubble viewport above
The aliens impressed her with their disregard of danger
She secured the work crew within their stations
She collected portable sensors, translator, recorder. 
She put on a purple silk shirt, and boots with gold tracings
Wouldn't it be better to break out more weapons?
You need no weapons when you're with me
What makes you think that I speak the Federation's degenerate tongue?
Koronin does not understand Vulcan, but she recognizes it when spoken
If the Federation thought they could invade empire space, claim the worldship, and subvert its inhabitants without a fight, they thought quiet wrong. 
The serjeant doesn't understand much Standard
She put one hand on the haft of her dueling blade. It gave her comfort
I claim this land in the name of the empress. Do you dispute my authority?
Her blade sang like crystal when she drew it. the aliens could not know that when she acquired it, it had been transparent and colorless. It had grown dark with spilled blood. 
Koronin stabs the fabric of the worldship, causing a blast that stuns her
So, she thought, the oligarchy caught up to me faster then I believed it would
The interrogation chamber of a dreadnought
The edge of her dueling blade is melted away
The empress's mercy is said to be expended. If the serjeant had killed Koronin and taken Quundar, who would forgive him? He's safer with Koronin. If she commands Quundar, he may remain a free renegade. If he commands it, he would soon be an imprisoned renegade, or dead
Koronin slid her blaster beneath her belt
She would accept the serjeant's story, until the moment he overstepped his position and demanded her gratitude
P295 the director of the oversight committee tossed aside the reports from his myriad of spy probes
In the future he might use the information to eliminate or co-opt the petty thieves and smugglers and minor traitors it had exposed
His adjutant
The captain begs your attendance
The Federation had broken all agreements, tacit and stated, signed and unsigned. This is no natural phenomenon! It can have no purpose but as a staging area for war!
The director had spent his career taking credit for whatever would benefit him, even when it meant disguising luck, or lies, or uncertain information as preternatural knowledge
I may not speak of state secrets
This is the sensor signature of Quundar, the new fighting ship - a small set of speckles among an enormous pattern, the display extended across the width of the command balcony. Its insubstantial edges flowed around the director, the captain and the adjutant like a flood around small islands, and still it could barely contain the image of the worldship
His brow ridges darkened with excitement
We'll soon punish the Fed for its arrogance
The director knew the Fed had nothing to match the worldship, nothing like it
The worldship drifted deeper into the Empire's realm
Starfleet invaders, retreat to your own territory!
The person who appeared on the viewscreen wore elaborate civilian attire.
A powerful jamming field settled around them, cutting off the Enterprise from the shuttlecraft and from its captain
One of the fleet battle cruisers dropped toward the worldship
P298 if Koronin wished to rule the worldship she must begin by asserting her authority upon individual inhabitants, soon they would reveal their leaders
She hoped she did not have to kill too many of the flying people before they surrendered. They intrigued her and she despised waste
She planned to demonstrate her power by shooting one down in view of the others
Make sense, Vulcan, or I'll rip the words out of you!
She already knew better than to threaten a Vulcan with pain
A threat was a challenge, and a challenge, if taken up, could be won
A Klingon renegade has abducted Spock, or arrested him as a spy
Other ways then pain could be found to distress him, sensory deprivation might be a good place to start
An image in the scanner
The serjeant - these Vulcans, they're clever, he's planning some escape
Quundar isn't designed to travel in the atmosphere, it has to move carefully
When I want you to do something I will tell you
The shockwaves of the battle cruiser's antigrav field pressed her fur cloak against her as the cruiser entered the worldship
She sprung into Quundar and started the launch sequence. The hatch rose. She heard the serjeant scrabbling on the stairs. The hatch sealed itself. Station! She shouted
She heard no activity on the transmission frequencies, no coordination of an attack formation, only the crackling patina of a jamming field. The jamming field faded briefly on a single channel.
Koronin, surrender the ship and I'll allow you to survive!
She hurried the preparations for liftoff.
She did not believe the smooth promise
Survive? Yes, for  as long as the oligarchs could contrive to make her life last. They would drag it from her atom by atom. She preferred a blast of flame and vacuum
Quundar lifted off and accelerated at a dangerous rate. The bow ports glowed with the heat of friction and the structure groaned with the strain of  a full-power launch though the atmosphere. 
Your orders were not to fire!
She insulted me!
The empress gives no commendations for destroying our own prototypes
The renegade deserves to die! The captain growled, trying to excuse his rashness
She will beg for her death. She is not yet ready to beg
Slowly, ponderously, the enormous dreadnought rose from the worldship
Turbulent antigravity pulses
The Empire would get incredible propaganda out of a captured Vulcan Starfleet officer. Kirk doubted even a Vulcan could hold out against their methods of persuasion.
The backwash of Quundar's abrupt departure muddled the trail to its landing spot
An escape into hyperspace would be useless, as the larger craft could outdistance Quundar
Quundar had been designed for attack conditions: speed and agility and powerful acceleration in normal space
Two cruisers laced together a threatening forcefield net
Their actions told Koronin that  the fleet had no intention of destroying her. They would hunt her down and capture her
Quundar dodged and feinted, taunted and teased
If one weapons master decided he no longer cared if they took her alive -
The fleet pulled its net tight, contracting around Quundar
At Koronin's command Quundar decelerated and drifted, dead in space. She could power Quundar into the worldship wall. She could cause it to explode, wreak destruction through the center of the Klingon Empire, a path a hundred light years long of novaed stars and cindered planets
She began to understand the satisfaction of an unobserved revenge
The flicker of rocket ignition
When she rams Quundar into the worldship, she will take half the Klingon Empire with her!
Quundar hurtled toward the worldship
Firing on an Empire ship, even a renegade Empire ship, in Empire territory could too easily be misinterpreted as an act of war
P326 the Empire would have submitted Spock to coercion, and then tried him for espionage
A Klingon noble materialized in the shuttlecraft and loomed over Kirk and Uhura, blaster fastened to his sapphire belt, folding communicating device too
Koronin curses Kirk for stopping her. Captured by the director, she claims the worldship could destroy the Klingon Empire
We are enemies, our governments are opponents
The noble muttered something incomprehensible but unpleasant in a grudging tone
Noble - I have ordered a truce. I have given your starship and the unknown craft permission to remain in the realm of our revered empress
On board Quundar Koronin waited, relaxed and ready, blaster in one hand and blood sword in the other. She had considered overloading Quundar's engines and letting them go critical, but decided that if she had to die she would die striking with her dueling blade. She only wished for a chance to face the Fed captain who had frustrated her plans. She could always hope that some high-ranking fleet officer had a taste of blood sports, and would pit her against a captured Starfleet officer. She could always hope
Quundar shrieked like a trapped animal as the tractor beams ripped it from the Fed shuttlecraft. Metals had fused with the heat and force of their collision
A transporter beam penetrated her ship
She could destroy any number of invaders before they got their bearings after transporting
A silvery metal sphere appeared on the deck. It looked like no bomb she knew of. It burst with a soft gray puff, filling the command balcony with fog. Koronin backed away, but too late, she collapsed, not knowing if she would ever open her eyes again
The fleet flagship pulled Quundar inside itself
P336 Adm. Noguchi would have bet that any single Fed ship encountering the oversight committee's fleet would have been wiped out of space - or captured and its commander paraded as a spy. Instead they want to give Kirk a medal. He's got the governments talking to each other instead of trading insults
Kirk ad hoc ambassador to the Klingon frontier and to the worldship 
The director of the oversight committee has expressed interest in seeing Amelinda Lukarian's Warp-Speed Classic Vaudeville Company perform. Kirk is to arrange it
The performance is in a natural amphitheatre within the worldship
Mr. Cockspur cancels the dueling scene in his Hamlet performance - too arousing given the martial proclivities of the Klingon guests
Federation, Klingon and worldship people sat together on the natural stone terraces, at least 1000. 
The Empire fleet's transporter area shimmered. The director of the oversight committee transported into being, accompanied by his entourage. Jim and the director had agreed to prohibit weapons on the worldship. The director had kept the bargain. He brought bodyguards who could protect him without weapons. Each was nearly the size of Newland Rift. A mysterious veiled figure accompanied him, and a second figure wearing an unfastened veil draped across her shoulder
The director's bodyguards prodded Koronin forward. Her hands were shackled. She resisted moving only when continuing to resist would rob her of the last of her dignity.
The director comes to Kirk with a tooled leather box.
I hope you have prepared yourself for this honor.
This creature? Don't let her concern you. You will display your prize, I will display mine
Kirk - what you're displaying is uncivilized
The director exclaimed with mock distress. We had agreed to forbid fighting and name-calling among our subordinates. I took it on faith that the prohibition extended to you and me
This is Koronin's last glimpse of freedom. Her cell has no windows, no light at all, it had nothing
My magnanimity in bringing her with me will do my reputation no good whatever
Koronin sees pity in Kirk's eyes. I challenge you, Federation brigand! And if you decline, you're a coward!
Quiet! Traitor! No name-calling today.
Koronin sat rigid on the natural stone bench. I claimed this world, she thought, I own it. but I will never be permitted to present it to the empress, and for that, somehow, I will take my revenge
The director's people waited in silence. As soon as something pleased them, they would cry out their wild, eerie howl of approval. They certainly didn't feel like applauding after having been frightened
As representative of our revered empress I come to honor a member of the Federation who risked his life to thwart the miserable traitor Koronin - he went on for some while.
Koronin took pleasure in smiling at him the entire him he railed against her
The director opened the leather box, drew out a necklace, and lowered it over Kirk's head, a  chain of heavy gold-colored links supported a garish pendant made of blue and red stones. It looked like costume jewelry. 
I name you a Guard of the Empress 
An unearthly howl filled the amphitheater, overwhelming the applause of the Enterprise crew. Kirk had not thought of how people applauded in the empire. Now he knew. He was glad that shaking hands was not, apparently, a custom of the Empire
The director watched the magic show, his irritation increasing with each act of witchcraft. He wondered if the Feds expected him to leap onto the stage and attempt to cleanse away the diabolical presence or if they actually thought he would enjoy such a display. He decided to thwart their plans. He would do nothing. Since he did not react, neither did anyone else from his fleet
Unlike the director, Koronin knew it was all show. Rumaiy were not superstitious, at least not about diabolical presences. She had encountered slight of hand at Arcturus. Koronin howled in approval
P351 Enterprise personnel outnumbered 3 to 1 by fleet personnel
To the traditional 'break a leg' one of the troupe responds 'don't you mean, be sure the audience doesn't break my leg?'
The director did not applaud, therefore his subordinates did not applaud
The director has power of life or death over anyone on his ship
Director to Kirk - your civilization, if one may dignify it with the term, is in extreme decline
McCoy offers the director one of the high points of human civilization, a mint julep. The director vetted it out with an instrument like a tricorder. 
The director pronounces it Drinkable.
When McCoy comments that it'll put hair on your chest, the director flings the cup at McCoy's feet in horror and stomps back to his seat
The flaming torches juggling act does loosen up the crowd a bit
Only a few howls of approval trickled out of the director's people
Amelinda Lukarian is angry at Mr. Cockspur manipulating her. The audience will probably kill him for her. 
Cockspur could not help but admire the audience. They were the enemy, to be sure, but a worthy enemy. And clearly they understood the difference between art and mere escapism.
Cockspur's version of Hamlet's famous soliloquy -
Shall I kill myself or not? That's what I keep asking. I can't decided if it's better to be miserable, or to end it all. If I sleep, that is to say die, all my exquisitely painful sensitivity will end. That would be wonderful! I'd like to die, I'd like to sleep. But what if I dream? Now there's a real problem. That would keep anyone from saying 'so long' to life. Who wants to get old, who wants to put up with uppity troublemakers, who wants to listen to the ignorant bellyaching of illiterate critics, when he can end it all by stabbing himself with a dagger in his bare bodkin? Who would fardel a bear, and put up with all that grunting and sweating, if he wasn't scared of going straight to hell? What if hell means having to live it all over again, or maybe even something worse, like traveling through the undiscovered universe without insurance? We all have guilty consciences, so even if we do get sick and pale, and even if we cast and pitch and heave, we keep on sailing down the current of life, because eventually we're going to lose anyway.
Suddenly the director leaped to his feet and shrieked, full voiced and frenzied. Forgetting his dignity, he twirled around and howled. 
The fleet personnel followed his example. The amphitheater reverberated with the howls and shrieks and foot-stampings of the director's crew. The applause continued at its peak volume for several minutes. At first even Mr. Cockspur looked stunned; then he took it as his due. He made a stiff slight bow to his new followers. 
Never underestimate a mint julep, says McCoy
The audience made Cockspur come back a dozen times before their voices began to give out
The director fell to one knee before Kirk
Forgive me for impugning your civilization. It's clear that I misunderstood your culture profoundly. I cannot quite reconcile the witchcraft, but later you may do me the honor of explaining why you permit it. My mind now is overwhelmed by the sensitivity, the depth of feeling, the exquisite artistry! 
Overcome by emotion the director leaped and howled and screamed, until Mr. Cockspur returned once more and took another bow.
Backstage the director headed straight for Mr. Cockspur. He knelt before the actor, on both knees Kirk noted
Sir! I am dumbstruck with awe! Never has a performance affected me so deeply! He went on like this for some minutes.
Cockspur pointed out the subtleties in his performance, the particularly cleaver and appropriate word choices. 
Sir, would you condescend to be presented at the court of our empress? She is renowned as a patron of the arts. Her greatest pleasure is rewarding artists who please her
I believe I could arrange the time, Mr. Cockspur said
The director believes Amelinda Lukarian is concealing her diabolical powers under a pretense of fraud as an illusionist. No one could do what she did without arcane powers.
An obvious witch's ploy
The director turned to Cockspur - I will write you a visa for our realm, and we may complete arrangements for your visit
My bodyguards must accompany me
Amelinda Lukarian shows the director that she is no witch, that the trick is child's play
P369 there is some kind of disturbance in the fleet.
A tiny ship, an escape boat or a courier, sped away from the fleet and headed straight toward the Enterprise. It traveled quiet a distance before the battle cruisers reacted and opened fire on it. The battle cruisers accelerated. 
The director appeared on the viewscreen. His brow ridges had contracted and darkened, he was enraged
Koronin the traitor as escaped
The little ship evaded the photon torpedoes, veered toward the path the worldship and taken, blasted one of the wall spheres with its aft phaser, causing an explosion. With the spectral flash of a ship entering warp speed the courier vanished into warp space. The fleet ploughed forward. At the last moment the ships of the fleet veered aside from exploding wall spheres. They twisted into their transition to warp space, producing a wild clash of interacting spectra. 
Koronin stole Amelinda Lukarian's codepicker during the disappearing trick demonstration
Her immediate recapture is unlikely. She stole a courier, a craft designed for travel at high warp speeds. In addition, the destruction of the wall spheres formed a barrier to the larger ships. They could not follow her directly into warp space. By the time they discover her trail, she will have made her escape. 
  Strange New Worlds 9 Book of Fulfillment by Steven Costa
Maltos IV
Archer warned natives of Klingons
Klingons come and take over planet, enslave natives. Make ointment that gives health and life and strength
Kirk's Enterprise comes and drives Klingons away after battle
Natives eat dead Klingons

  Captain's Peril by William Shatner
P73 Klingon D6 battlecruiser heading toward Mandylion Rift SD 1003.0 along with Enterprise and Andorian corsair.
132 Klingons are not very vulnerable to subspace pulse. Not equipped for conducting extensive scientific studies. Much of a subspace signal will not be received by the Klingon D6 because it has no sensors capable of detecting it.
154 Kirk recalls Klingons employed fission weapons early in the initial colonization period. Atomics.
162 D6 cruiser slender neck - teardrop command and weapons center stretched out from a squat and solid propulsion unit to create the impression of a crouching predator ready to spring or a deadly snake about to strike. Pure Klingon.
Encountering Norinda, the Deltan-like woman with technically advanced ship.
Klingon shields at navigational strength only 
Andorian escape pod cut in two by a Klingon disruptor canon
Klingon - The sins of the father are visited upon the child
P218 Klingon and Kirk fight to control Norinda's ship, to protect it and her.
Small eyes narrowed, long thin mustache, wispy goatee. Gold battle sash.
P219  bath biHeghjaj! May you die bravely [also p239]
The Klingon has already played the Andorian for it, the Andorian lost
The Fed is not peaceful. That is a lie. They are mad butchers who plot to steal Klingon colony worlds.
P220 Kaul, son of Koth. Hero of Rytaka. Lord Commander of the I.S.S. Vengeance. Bound for the black Fleet. And eater of human entrails.
Obey rules, die with honor.
Klingon shuttlecraft resembling the shape of the battlecrusier's crouching propulsion hull. Pitted and corroded. Side airlock.
Bloodred Klingon environmental suit that resembled an anotomical model showing striated muscles.
P238 Heghle'neH QaQ jajvam, Kirk!
It is a good day to die
Klingons are a traditions minded people
Krik abnd Tanaka in mountain climbing contest for Norinda's ship.
Kaul jumps on Tanaka from behind, tries to pull off environment suit. Kills him. Wins Morinda's ship from Kirk and Enterprise. 
Kaul lost to Centurion Deimos. Goes back out of Milky Way galaxy.
No record of ship's technology being used.
Where No Man Has Gone Before
no Klingon content
  My Brother's Keeper: Republic by Michael Jan Friedman
P55 [2251] 18 year old second year cadet Lt. Jim Kirk moving in to claim his new office with all the determination of a Klingon commander seizing a planet
P108 [2251] eight years ago Captain Rollin Bannock of the Excalibur devised and led the flanking maneuver that cost the Klingons the Battle of Donatu V. Bannock’s strategy at Donatu V is considered one of the most brilliant gambits in modern military history. 
Bannock not a fatherly demeanor – wiry with deeply lined face and shock of thick gray hair, heavy browed pale blue eye stare could cut dilithium, bone dry sense of humor
P114 [2251] Republic, under Captain Bannock, long time first officer Ellen Mangione, on a simple training voyage to conduct at two-week sweep across the Fed side of the Neutral Zone, updating planetary surveys. By end of mission they’ll be skirting a sector claimed by neither the Klingons nor the Fed. Bannock and his senior officers beam down to a planet secretively.
P147 General Korrgar defeated at Donatu V. commander in chief of the Klingon forces. He cursed his inability to improvise on the field of battle, attributing it to the rigid principles he had been taught by his military elders. Korrgar said something to the effect of ‘I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it,’ just prior to issuing self-destruct order that annihilated his ship and crew. Korrgar’s comment was a powerful argument for taking chances. But the Klingon had been talking about life and death. 
P252 Lt. Kirk would rather be facing a room full of Klingon kidnappers, all of them in a bad mood, a very bad mood, than face Captain Bannock.
If Lt. Kirk and Cadet Mitchell had had more time perhaps they could have radioed Fed ship designs to the Klingon High Council
  My Brother's Keeper: Constitution by Michael Jan Friedman
P12 at Lee Kelso’s memorial service Lt. Dezago, Enterprise back-up communications officer, recalls being attacked beside a waterfall on Arronus VII by 6 Klingons coming through the jungle. A simple survey mission turned deadly. Mineral deposits coveted by the Klingons. A lot more Klingons than Enterprise crew. Kelso stayed by injured Dezago and kept firing until Kirk and Spock arrived with reinforcements. 
P116 [2257] Seven years after incident on Republic, on the Constitution, under Captain Augenthaler, under orders from Admiral Ellen Mangione, headed for the heart of the Klingon Neutral Zone, nothing noteworthy in the way, just a single star system with three unoccupied planets, outermost one barely class-M, bright red, a handful of light years from the Klingon Neutral Zone. 
P126 [2257] a Klingon battle cruiser D-7 class, lusterless blue, angular yet austere-looking, its very posture a statement of belligerence. Saucer-shaped bridge mounted on a round nodule, which projected proudly from the main hull on a long, almost fragile-looking neck. Broad flat wings flared out then tucked down and under to form small but efficient warp plasma nacelles, leaves ion trail. second officer Jim Kirk had seen its like before, if only in Academy training exercises. Everyone on the Constitution’s bridge had been exposed to it in some form or fashion. If they hadn’t, they should have been. 
Klingon D-7 orbiting a planet deep in Federation space. What for? Promoting another bloody conflict between Klingons and Fed like those that had marked their history for the last 40 years? Trying to bring the two galactic powers to the brink of war? In a matter of moments the Constitution was primed and ready for battle.
The Klingon vessel had begun wheeling about to face them. Slowly, almost elegantly, without any apparent urgency or animosity. Wasn’t activating its weapons banks or diverting any extra power to deflector shields. 
Adm. Mangione appears on viewscreen, tells Augenthaler no confrontation, power down weapons and withdraw. 
That ship is full of Klingons. The Klingons were unprincipled, barbaric, hostile, not at all the kind of people you wanted to give free rein on your home turf. Yet one of Starfleet’s highest ranking officers had ordered them to do that. Top priority Starfleet Command under General Order Nine. Permanent order of silence on all who had knowledge of the Klingon’s presence here.
P132 [2257] Lt. Kirk and Mitchell speculate it might be an exchange of hostages? A battle cruiser full of double agents? Or maybe a secret alliance with the Klingons stretching back who knows how many years? The Klingons are too vicious, too hungry for power. The Federation would never align itself with an entity it couldn’t trust. Who knows how many times this kind of thing has happened before?
P133 [2257] youth Kang, son of K’naiah, on Stormwind. Captain Ibrach has summoned him
It was always good to get some inkling of the captain’s mood before one imposed oneself upon his presence
Men and women aboard ship
Kang had earned himself something of a reputation for arrogance, but that was hardly an offense among his people. In fact, some would say it was a quality well worth cultivating
Anyoqq -Single guard posted outside captain’s quarters – broad bony face, scarred thumb, very large, very powerful, with oversized disruptor tucked in his belt, and long deadly dagger hilt protruding from his boot top
Kang didn’t allow himself to be intimidated. The captain has summoned me.
Anyoqq gave hard rap with his knuckles on door. Intercom grid built into bulkhead beside door
Anteroom in Captain’s quarters. Heavy metal chair with furs strewn across it. Disruptor pistol on armrest. 
Life expectancy of a Klingon commander was directly proportional to the ambition of his officers, and the Stormwind was known to have some ambitious officers indeed
Ibrach – broad-shoulders, long, gray hair, thick drooping mustache. Scarred fist.
The young warrior slammed his fist against the left side of his chest, just above his hearts. ‘My Captain.’
Kang has been demanding things from his superiors. He has made it known he does not like traveling though Fed territory on a mission he knows nothing about
I ask permission of no one when my rights as a warrior have been trampled on
A warrior must hold his honor higher than anything, even higher than the predator who wheels in the heavens. But how can he know whether he follows the path of honor if his destination is shrouded in secrecy. 
I distrust nothing and everything until the facts are set before me
You are little more than a mewling child
You wish to be privy to that which is spoken of in a captain’s councils?
The younger warrior felt a flash of righteous anger
I am no child. I am a warrior, my lord.
Ibrach laughed, filling the room with its savage mirth
My officers told me about a whelp who yielded to no one, but I had to see him with my own eyes. I had to witness his bravado for himself
Kang dared to hope it was true
You are a warrior who will have a command of his own one day
  My Brother's Keeper: Enterprise by Michael Jan Friedman
P18 marble spire dedicated to those who had perished in Battle of Donatu V, several marble benches along perimeter of green. Names of Klingon's victims inscribed at base. On hill above Academy.
P59 Gary Mitchell joke about the Klingon prison camp. An Englishman is captured by the Klingons during a skirmish out near the neutral zone. They bring the poor bastard to a prison camp in some steamy, smelly jungle, where he meets the commandant of the place. he's expecting all manner of horrors at this place. but the commandant tells him it's not as bad as he thinks. After all, Klingons are a lot more sensitive than other species give them credit for. The prisoner says he doubts that. To prove his people aren't as vicious as they're made out to be, the commandant goes on to outline the prison camp's schedule of events. 'tell me,' he says, 'do you like good food?' the guy says 'of course I do.' And the commandant says, 'well, you're going to like Mondays. Every Monday, we have a picnic on the grounds of the prison, and we serve all kings of Klingon delicacies. But because we're sensitive to the needs of other races, we also serve Vulcan mollusks, Terran hot dogs, Orion wing slugs and Romulan ale. The prisoner is thinking it doesn't sound half bad. then the commandant asks him, 'Do you like listening to music?' the terran says  'Sure, I guess so.' And the Klingon tells him 'Then you're going to like Tuesdays. Every Tuesday, we perform a Klingon opera for all the prisoners. But because we know tastes can vary from planet to planet, we also bring in musicians from Earth and Vulcan and other Fed worlds to display their talents.' The prisoner says, 'You're kidding me.' And the commandant says, 'I wouldn't kid about something like that. We Klingons take our music very seriously. Then the commandant asks the guy, 'Do you like women?' and the guy says, 'Very much so.' And the Klingon says, 'Then you're going to like Wednesdays. You see, we know how lonely prison  life can be, so every Wednesday we bring in a ship full of women from one of our other prison camps - women of every species, I might add, so each prisoner can find his or her own soul mate to help pass the time.' The Terran can't believe all this. He asks the Klingon if it's all true, and the Klingon swears by his first ancestor that everything's just as he says it is. And the prisoner is beginning to think he's not going to have such a bad time at this place after all. Then the commandant claps him on the shoulder and says, 'Tell me, my friend, do you like being in an arena with a dozen strapping warriors, carving each other to pieces with razor-sharp blades until only one of you is left standing to bellow the praises of the Empire?' the Terran looks at him horrified, 'Uh, no,' he says, 'I don't think I'd like that at all.' And the Klingon says, in a sympathetic voice, 'In that case, you're not going to like Thursdays.'
P62 Mitchell asks Kirk if they're going to engage a Klingon battle cruiser.
P114 Fourteen years after incident on Republic, Kirk and Enterprise return with Adm. Mangione to outermost planet in three planet star system. Ion trail detected again. Angular, blue Klingon battle cruiser, nacelles extended like wings of some monstrous avian predator. This time the Klingon ship doesn't turn around, maintains attitude and orbit. 
Mangione - those Klingons don't like the sight of us any more than we like the sight of them.
What was so important to both the Klingons and the Federation that both sides were willing to suspend their customary hostilities for it? 
P128 Kirk - treachery seemed to be a Klingon specialty. Kirk hears snarls and guttural curses - the kind a pack of bloodthirsty Klingggoons might have made. 
P133 enhanced, stronger, quicker, Klingons, 5 - 6, wait until Mangione and party caught in transporter effect and then hitched a ride. Disabled Mangione in transporter room, brought up 10 friends, escaped into Enterprise. Very dangerous. 
P139 Klingons had been on planet for 14 years, unaware that a phaser had more than one setting. Hulking, wild-haired, leathery garb, brows jutted out over small, wild eyes, bony foreheads unlike anything Kirk had ever seen, receded well past what should have been their hairlines, teeth long and savage looking. Behemoths with good aim. Snarling with bloody intent. 
The Klingons have split up into at least 4 teams, making them a lot more difficult to find, and therefore a lot more dangerous. 
The Klingons seemed to come out of nowhere, catching the security teams unawares and raking them with phaser fire
A normal Klingon has a sense of smell superior to humans
The blow beneath his chin, snapping his head back, would have maimed a human being, but the Klingon just shook it off
His breath stinking of something foul, his eyes glittering with a hideous bloodlust
P156 Qadar, leader of M'tachtar Klingons, His eyes more malevolent over a cruel gash of a mouth, no facial hair, only a thick dark mane gathered in a long plaited pigtail. He had waited too long for this opportunity to leave the tiniest detail to chance. Qadar respected strength, admired dedication. 
Chi'ra. Rokh'ma. 
M'tachtar Klingons don't need much oxygen
The eager beating of his hearts
Chi'ra hoped for more opposition
Chi'ra wipes crimson spittle from the corner of his mouth
The sounds the Klingons made were deep throated, savage, more like rocks grinding together than actual language
Kirk had dealt with Klingons before, he knew that he had to maintain an air of bravado if he was to maximize his chances of survival. 
Qadar had heard humans were slow to learn
P167 according to Adm. Mangione the Klingons are renegades of some kind, they have reason to hate the High Council. 
P168 Klingon vessel Doj, communications officer J'likh. Tupogh, second in command.
Faint green glare of monitors
Hexagonal viewscreen
Orders prevent him from initiating any communications with the Fed ship
Deep guttural voice
Squad of five armed Klingons
The kind of Klingons Kirk had encountered before - tall, dark and lean, high cheekbones and upswept eyebrows, sharp predatory teeth
You say that because you don't know me, human
The Klingon leader removed a mechanism from his belt that looked vaguely like a Starfleet communicator
A rough acknowledgment came from the communications device
If you try any tricks, you'll regret them a thousand times over
No Starfleet officer had ever seen the inside of a working Klingon vessel. Whenever a Klingon commander lost a battle, he would destroy his ship rather than allow a conqueror to set foot in it
Kirk found himself in the cramped dark atmosphere of what appeared to be a Klingon transporter room
Half a dozen Klingon warriors gathered in front of the hexagonal transport grid with their disruptor pistols aimed at their guests
At the comment that Kirk and his people are harmless, the warriors grinned and exchanged amused glances. Some even chuckled at their superior's remark. 
Kirk didn't know a great deal about Klingons, but he knew one thing - it was required of him to take umbrage with the Klingon's comment
The Klingon's eyes flashed black fire and his lips pulled back in anger. For a moment it appeared he would reach for the weapon at his hip. Then his fury seemed to cool. 
I'll be glad to oblige you when my duty has been discharged, the Klingon growled. Spread the word, our guests are not to be harmed. That is the command of Kang, son of K'naiah. 
P175 broad hexagon-shaped portal , dark, brazen briefing room. Yellow glare of lighting. Hard metal chairs
Kang walked in accompanied by a trio of warriors, all wore disruptor pistols
If the stories were true, they fought among themselves more often than they fought their enemies
Qadar and his 14 followers, the M'tachtar
Kirk - I'm grateful
Kang - As you should be
Kang regarded him fiercely. For all Kirk knew he had pushed the Klingon leader too far and would pay the price of it - in blood, perhaps
Lt. Alden goes with Klingon male communications officer to send message 
Wolfish grin, a grin of respect, Kirk hoped
The M'tachtar were checked every six months, one of their graviton projectors malfunctioned
The Klingon leader scowled - Was there no back-up measure?
Obviously your Fed technology is untrustworthy and your technicians are sloppy
Kang's vessel was there as a precaution
The M'tachtar, he said it as if it were a curse. Ancient term for the ultimate Klingon warrior. 
16 years ago a scientist, Qadar, decided to dabble in previously forbidden arts. It would never have been permitted except he was the emperor Grannoch's ruustai-cousin. Qadar introduced certain substances into the blood of his experimental subjects, whom he selected from his house's retainers, causing changes in muscle mass, perception thresholds, and reaction times. Qadar become the ultimate of ultimate. A faster, stronger, more predatory Klingon than those the Fed had faced anytime before. Qadar not patient, had harbored lust for glory all his life. Qadar thirsted for blood, and hoped to spearhead an attack on the Fed. Emperor was in favor of idea, but he was working on plan of his own which hinged on nurturing certain alliances, powerful alliances. The idea of making alliances did not appeal to Qadar, so without emperor's support or even his knowledge Qadar secured a battlecruiser, on which he planned to deprive Starfleet of its head, by attacking Starfleet Command on the human homeworld. The emperor got wind of Qadar's plan, intrigued by it, but couldn't allow it to be carried out. Qadar's effort might have placed the emperor in a bad light. If the M'tachtar emerged victorious, what would that have said about the emperor and his supporters on the council? The people of the empire might have turned away from them and embraced Qadar's group instead. And if the M'tachtar had died in their quest, they might have been revered as heroes - and again the emperor and the council would have suffered in comparison. The emperor did something he thought he would never consider. To begin with he gave Qadar the impression that he was giving into his arguments - and dispatched the M'tachtar to an unpopulated planet in Fed space, where they would remain until they received further orders. Then he contacted Starfleet Command and sent a warning concerning the M'tachtar's arrival - effectively setting a trap for Qadar and his warriors. A trap for his own people. The emperor fully expected Starfleet to destroy the M'tachtar. That was what any Klingon would have done. He was taken aback when the return message asked him in what manner he wanted the M'tachtar returned to him. The emperor sent a second transmission, advising Starfleet of the danger presented by Qadar and his people. He recommended the M'tachtar be executed at the earliest opportunity. The return message wasn't long in coming. Citing some Fed code of honor, it said Fed wouldn't kill the M'tachtar under any circumstances, also refused to send the M'tachtar back, claiming to be concerned the Klingons would kill them. The spineless p'takh like Grannoch would no doubt have. Starfleet eventually proposed to catch the M'tachtar unaware and destroy their vessel, giving them barely enough time to beam down to the planet's surface, then energy barriers set up to contain them - along with handful of surveillance devices to warn when Qadar and his people made attempts to escape, also make sure they were all right. Moving them to a better planet didn't seem wise. 
If you wish to kill a serpent, you cut off its head
Tupogh - one of Kang's crew. Kang takes no apparent exception to his sneering interjection
Kang rapped the briefing room table with his knuckles
If I told you I would be forced to destroy you
Tupogh laughed again, even louder. Honor? Among humans? He growled derisively. He finds it impossible to imagine
Kang displayed little patience for the digression
P187 the Republic arrived after the M'tachtar had been forced to the planet, set up the forcefields and surveillance equipment. 
The Constitution was making scheduled visit, attended by a Klingon vessel as always, for the sake of protocol. A Klingon ship was allowed to slip through Fed defenses and attend each visit. At that time a vessel of renegade Klingons had gone through the neutral zone in an attempt to free the M'tachtar. Constitution almost engaged them, but the Klingon vessel jevSuS engaged them instead. Kang was a junior officer on that vessel
You were fortunate there were warriors in the vicinity to clean up your Federation mess.
The Constitution was ordered to withdraw at the request of the Klingons - so the renegades could be handled as an internal matter. There was mention of honor at stake
For the last 14 years the M'tachtar have been gnashing their teeth, longing for the day they can avenge themselves - on the Klingon emperor and his council. 
Kang's voice filled the briefing room like thunder.  Bickering will get us nowhere.
Grannoch cannot hide from the M'tachtar, it would be unseemly. If there is a challenge to be faced, he must face it head on - regardless of who brings it or why
Qadar and the Enterprise must be stopped before they reach Klingon space - or the empire is liable to have a mad dog on the throne. That wouldn't bode well for our survival as an empire. The next thing Qadar would do - attack Starfleet.
Strength greater, speed greater, eagerness for battle is greater
Weaknesses are for other races. Klingons have none
As Spock understands it, the Klingons have engaged in war with several other space going species. And in most every instance they have been beaten. Approximately 50 years ago Klingons encountered the Abbutan. An armed conflict ensued in which you were beaten back from 3 separate Abbutan colonies. Three years later the Empire clashed with the Renns'ala. There were hostilities, which culminated in the decisive Renns'alan victory at Romenthis III. Then the battle of Donatu V.
The Klingon's lips drew back like those of a Terran wolf. The muscles writhed in Kang's temples. Kang's nostrils flared and his complexion darkened.
Kang brought his fist down like a hammer on the end of the hexagonal conference table, the table splintered under the impact, sending tiny fragments of wood flying through the air.
I think we've identified the Klingons' weakness, at least in theory
Anger a weakness in a normal Klingon
Kang informed Kirk in a tone used to being obeyed
Tupogh takes Kirk & crew to quarters, Kang -  I will send for you when I again require your counsel.
The third Klingon came after them, hand on his weapon and a look of vigilance on his face
P193 Kang sat in the dark elevated center seat and pondered what the one called Spock had taught him. 
Hexagon-shaped viewscreen
Klingons didn't normally consider their anger a point of vulnerability. If anything they saw it as a tool to be honed and used in combat
Kang's senior officer swiveled in his chair, addresses Kang as Commander
Kang felt a surge of anticipation, an awakening of his peculiarly Klingon lust for battle. Keep it tamped down least he be disappointed
Sensor officer at control console, green, orange and blue graphic. Long blue oval the symbol for a Fed ship
At warp seven we may damage our engines
Then damage them, Kang snarled, not at all pleased the wisdom of his command had been questioned.
It is understood, Commander
I would not want to have to eject you through a torpedo tube due to a simple misunderstanding.
The other man's lip curled at the rebuke
He wasn't ready to challenge his superior's authority, but he would be someday.
Kang has been hardened by experience
Kirk's quarters - a space barely big enough to be a closet on the Enterprise, lurid red lighting, two hard blockish looking bunks
Spock finds the 3 surveillance devices
P196 Gary Mitchell has seen friendlier expressions on a Vicarian razorback, than the one he gets from Qadar
Qadar became so angry his eyes looked as if they would pop out of his skull, hand trembled with raw, naked fury
Qadar - Individual lives are meaningless compared to the triumph of the group
If I did not know better, I would suspect you were a Klingon in disguise
Kirk got his first look at a living working Klingon bridge. Has studied the operations of Klingon ships based on fragments recovered from military encounters. A cramped, dimly lit space, ghostly red or green glow of monitors, with high, dark chair looming over four freestanding console and a number of peripheral stations
Kang wants Kirk to tell him the vulnerabilities of the Constitution-class fleet.
So your worthy enemy doesn't witness the procedure
An auxiliary, dimly lit, tactical facility, block its ability to interface with the ship's other systems, disable the facility's connection to main computer, so there will be no trace. One control console, seat in front, large hexagonal screen, divided into orange, blue and green fields. Kirk established a link with the battle cruiser's external sensor grid. Schematic of the Enterprise appeared in brilliant white across the three colored fields. He assigned each color to an aspect of the data collected by the sensors. recording devices create feedback on the line
P206 Qadar had been picturing Grannoch's throat in his grasp
Splinter the bones of whoever was responsible
Lord Commander
Males and female M'tachtar
Her mouth twisted with hatred
I should have split his skull open and drunk his blood
His belly roiling like the fabled fire mountain at Kri-stak
Commander Kang busy giving orders to blow up the Enterprise after Kirk causes engine shut down via command codes. Kelso and Spock inform Kirk, and their Klingon guards try to silence them. Kelso gets shoved into a bulkhead, but Spock grabs his guard's wrist and bends him backward over a console
Kang had trained his disruptor on the Vulcan
Kirk - I thought Klingons prided themselves on how well they kept their word.
Kang looked as if he had been slapped in the face. 
Kang - this is not a matter of holding one's word. It is a matter of necessity. I must destroy the M'tachtar while I have the chance. Kang allowed Kirk to return to the bridge to see the successful end of their mission
Arraq - weapon's officer, a distinct note of eagerness in his voice
Kang - if I give the M'tachtar even the smallest opportunity to survive, they will make us regret it
Spock - it is said that 4000 throats can be cut in one night by a running man. 
Kang - you are familiar with our proverbs?
Spock - only some of them. Specifically, the ones mentioned in a tape to which your crew allowed me access. 'The Battle Cry of Kahless.'
Kang grunted - I am familiar with it.
Spock - to deprive Kirk of chance to regain his ship would be dishonorable. 
Kang's lips spread into a thin, grudging smile. Clearly Spock's words had struck a chord.
Kang gives Kirk a disruptor pistol and a Klingon handheld sensor device, and a  number of Klingon incapacitors, designed to temporarily inhibit certain brain functions. According to Kang's supply officer, the thing was best applied behind the right ear. The sensor device has a chronometer
Freestanding console at opposite end from transporter pads in transporter room
The transporter pads spawned spirals of green energy that gradually enveloped them in emerald brilliance. 
Klingon machismo wouldn't have allowed them to use sick-bay
One would never have known the M'tachtar had absorbed half a dozen disruptor blasts. He was still as strong as a bull and twice as fast. Even Vulcan strength proved no match for the Klingon muscle
With an almost bestial cry of triumph the M'tachtar flung Spock away
Dark blue disruptor beam
Chi'ra refers to Qadar as the master
Bony-headed tormentor. His lips pulled back to reveal long sharp canines, his eyes bulged with bloodthirsty anticipation
Entire minutes had passed
Was it possible Starfleet targs were refusing to talk?
Had the M'tachtar somehow underestimated their stubbornness?
The Klingon felt his lips pulling back from his teeth. Something was wrong, he could feel it
P227 Molta, Drabbak, Yarruq, Mezarch. Other M'tachtar
Qadar's fist puts a significant dent in the Enterprise center seat armrest
Qadar decided, as he tried not to choke on his fury
A short fuse was a weakness in a normal, unenhanced Klingon
I'll tear your eyes from their sockets and stuff them down your throat
Kirk - coward. You don't have the guts to show your face! You can't hide there like a frightened child! You are nothing! You are less than nothing! Your craven, misshapen head will adorn my bridge before I sit down to eat my dinner tonight! He was laying it on a bit thick, but that was the way he had heard Klingons speak to one another. 
Qadar reached out and knocked the disruptor from his grasp. Clearly Qadar had amplified his own abilities even more than those of his followers 
The Klingon's long sharp fingernails
Qadar struck the duranium bulkhead with enough force to shatter the skull of an ordinary Klingon
Long coarse hair whipping about his head
Qadar screamed his defiance at the stars
Kirk blows Qadar out into the vacuum of space
He set his disruptor pistol on a kill setting
Kang leaves Kirk thinking he might still destroy the Enterprise to the last second
A deep but by then familiar voice rang out imperiously across the bridge
Kang, having given the matter some thought, decided he wasn't so eager to destroy the Enterprise after all. It is a matter of honor. No matter what the M'tachtar have done, they are Klingons - and formidable Klingons at that. A warrior hates to destroy a worthy opponent without first looking into his eyes.
Having already looked into Kirk's eyes, Kirk's death would not have pained me in the least
Kang has been told Enterprise personnel have been beamed to Kang's ship, to be safe from the M'tachtar. They are being held in his cargo bays
Crewmen Corbet and Swift the only fatalities of the M'tachtar occupation
Kang and four of his security officers join Kirk in the Enterprise briefing room. 
Looking around, the Klingon made a derisive sound. So much wasted space. If I had this much room at my disposal I would have filled it with additional armaments
Kang sat, his men didn't. they stood at the corners of the room, their hands on their blades - since they had been forced to beam ovvveer without their disruptors
P245 Molta, M'tachtar female, high bony cheekbones and a long thick braid down her back. She spoke for all the enhanced Klingons. She stared straight ahead, her eyes dark and dangerous looking under her distinctive brow ridge
She wanted to speak to Kirk and Kang
Kang made a sound of disgust. You are the vanquished. You dare to make requests of your conquerors?
I am a Klingon. I dare anything.
The remark seemed to catch Kang off guard. New respect showed in his expression.
Go ahead, he said in a more reasonable voice
Molta - We are the vanquished. But among warriors, even the vanquished have rights. For instance, the right to choose the manner in which they may die. We have already died - and not just once, but many times. Evvveery morning when we woke between your forcefields, caged like animals, every night, when we went to sleep hoping to dream of a quick end in battle. Those were deaths, human. You may not understand the Klingon heart, but those were deaths. The M'tachtar would welcome returning to Qo'noS.
Kang - do you understand what will happen to you on Qo'noS? do you appreciate what the emperor's position must be? 
Molta - he will have us executed as an example to all who might consider defying him, we will die for who we are and what we have done. And in the end we will join Kahless the Unforgettable and the heroes who attend him in Sto-Vo-Kor.
The M'tachtar want to die at the hands of their fellow Klingons
Kirk to Kang - do you think there's any hope for them?
Kang frowned - you mean in Sto-Vo-Kor?
Kang - they will die. Yet there is much in them that can be admired. Perhaps someday the technology that made them can be modulated. And then -
His eyes seemed to glaze over
In his next report to Starfleet Command Kirk would tell them not to be too surprised if they encountered a stronger, more aggressive breed of Klingon somewhere in the not so distant future. 
The surviving M'tachtar transported to Kang's vessel
Kang - honesty, from a human?
Kirk - always, whether you chose to believe it or not
Kang - if any other Starfleet captain told me that, I would laugh in his face
Kang bared his teeth. I will laugh later, when I speak of it with my comrades over a goblet of bloodwine
Kang - my people and yours will never be allies
Kang signaled to his guards, got up, and departed the briefing room
Kirk to Scotty - nicest coldhearted conqueror I ever met
P251 the thought of sending the M'tachtar off to their deaths will haunt Kirk for a long time
The Corbomite Maneuver
no Klingon content
Mudd's Women
no Klingon content
The Enemy Within
no Klingon content
The Man Trap
no Klingon content
The Naked Time
no Klingon content
  Janus Gate Book Two by L.A. Graf 
P10 Humans, Vulcans, Klingons never fired antispacecraft weapons if there were more of their own fighters than enemies aloft.
33 Battle of Donatu V 2242 last major run in with Klingons
Klingon claw-shaped fighters
ALT timeline
Gorn vs Fed, of 17 years. Klingons part of Gorn Hegemony. Signed a war powers pact.
P156 Klingon warship the Kerzhat captured by Alt Sulu after battle at Mirk’s World. The Klingons chased after to destroy it but Hotspur caught up
P169 The bright clashing reds oranges and purple Sulu recognized as the colors of the great Klingon fighting houses.
Klingons wore elaborate armor and tied their hair in wilder more barbaric fashion than the taut Klingon space officers he had met on stations in the Alpha Quad. 
Neither Gorn nor Klingons could match Vulcans when it comes to strategy and tactics
  The Brave and The Bold Book 1 by Keith R.A. DeCandido
Before Balance of Terror
P54 Decker remembered a skirmish with a Klingon patrol several years earlier. The Klingon transporters were almost totally silent. That had almost got Decker killed
P74 as excitable as a Klingon
P142 the third planet in the Narendra system was class-M, located in territory proximate to Klingon space, the empire had been eyeing the planet as a possible base for some time. Buried deep under the ground of the smallest of Narendra III's twelve landmasses lay a metal box.
Charlie X
no Klingon content
Balance of Terror
no Klingon content
  The Truth Machine by Sharon Lerner and Christopher Cerf
no Klingon content
  Prisoner of Vega by Sharon Lerner and Christopher Cerf
Enterprise on its way to Vega III to sign mining treaty for Korium, a rare metal used to build starships. Queen Vanadala, old friend of Kirk. The Vegans do not like war, don't have weapons.
Three guards stand outside the gates of the palace on Vega III.
Halt in the name of the Klingon Empire.
Kirk and co. stun the guards and take their gym outfits.
Everywhere on Vega III there are Klingon soldiers with weapons. The soldiers were making the people of Vega III work for them. Loading Korium into a Klingon space craft. The Klingons use Korium to build warships.
p22 Kalor, Commander, a huge fierce-looking Klingon. The meanest Klingon of them all. Spock has met him before. Likes a good spread of food.
Kalor recognizes and remembers Spock of the Enterprise. He knows Kirk and McCoy.
Take off your helmet when you face your leader!
Lock these busybodies up with the queen. In exactly one hour they will all be shot to death!
The Vegans were getting ready for the Enterprise when they received a phony signal from the Klingons. Thought their ship was the Enterprise so let them beam down. Klingons attacked the peaceful Vegans, took over the palace. 
I am glad you are all good friends. You can all die together. Long live the Klingon Empire.
If Kalor kills the Enterprise people, it will be breaking the treaty.
Kalor - Who cares about your silly treaty? The Klingons are a fighting people. We love war.
Kalor - I know you Earth people. If I let you go you will do everything you can to stop us. You must die.
Kalor - No more waiting, I will shoot you all myself.
Scotty beams up Kalor and saves the day. Kalor is put in the brig, to be dropped off at the prison on Star Base II.
The Vegans free themselves from the Klingons and sign Korium treaty with Fed.
  Shadow Lord by Laurence Yep
no Klingon content
What Are Little Girls Made Of?
no Klingon content
  Errand of Vengeance Book One  The Edge of the Sword by Kevin Ryan
page 1 Kell Klingon undercover agent, Enterprise security officer Jon Anderson, assigned to kill Kirk
older brother Karel. Father died Donatu V 25 years before
Klingon ships about ¾ the length of Enterprise, large crew
Growing Fed a treat to Klingon Empire
Klingons don’t have blond people or even a term for it
The Blade of the Bat’leth  weaken our foe with a thousand cuts before the point of the weapon delivers the killing blow
Ethan Matthews killed on Exo III Klingon undercover agent
No Klingon commander would turn his back on the door especially if his crew was on the other side
Kell’s father a follower of Kahless
Kahless – A battle should be face to face. Anything less is an insult to a Klingon’s own honor
Kell rejected by KDF, assigned Intelligence work, volunteered for Infiltrator program. Previously at encryption / decryption post on Qo’noS
Starfleet fought the Klingons to a standstill at the Battle of Donatu V
Outcome inconclusive. No serious conflicts since then
Starfleet intelligence has reason to believe Klingons planning major offensive
Massive military buildup
Two new facilities to build warships near Kronos
Large scale maneuvers
Meet spirit of father and Kahless in the afterlife at River of blood that stood at the entrance of Sto-vo-Kor
Kahless – Only a fool never feels fear. A true warrior uses his fear, then conquers it as he conquers his foe
Direct hit with a Klingon disruptor: instant disintegration
Page 42 Karel  junior weapons officer, ship D’k Tahg, older brother to intelligence agent Kell. Tall
43 Gash  weapons officer. ship D’k Tahg.  Large. A harsh commander. Not a follower of Kahless
no true warrior would lie and Gash had worn the untruth in his eyes
Kahless – A warrior’s honor demanded truthfulness
Klingon exercise philosophy - Heavy often binding clothing that maddde the challenge of  physical activity greater
Mok’bara legends back to the days of Kahless. Few now practice it. Discipline of mind and body, focus of spirit
Fed neural neutralizer info gathered by Matthews would revolutionize Klingon interrogation techniques
Kahless – Only an enemy without honor refuses to show himself in battle.
Without the spirit the body was an empty shell
Fed Diplomatic Corps three communications with Klingons, no talks, Ambassador busy, usually talk in neutral territory
Klingon cultural database studied at Starfleet Academy
Klingons have hundreds of words in their language for conflict, war, violence
Conflict is the context through which they see much of their lives
Every communication can be seen as a form of combat
An equal would challenge, not ask, demand, not request
Succession is a violent and challenge-driven process
Kahless had a growing cult of followers
Page 80  second officer Klak ship D’k Tahg
System 1324 near Klingon – Fed boarder. 37.48 ly from Klingon space
No sanctioned Fed settlement or outpost on that planet, 4th planet
Anti-Federation League settlement – political group that opposes UFP as a military force. Attacked by Orions
Kahless – A warrior defends his principles with his own blood
Klingon colonies defensively placed
A Klingon commander would face the threat first then effect a rescue
The most experienced people would have the honor of going first into danger
Snarl of a targ, targ tusks and spikes, golden retrievers bigger than targs
Cooling system for main port disruptor bank
Seven junior weapons officers in disruptor control room ship D’k Tahg
Only weapons officer actually fires the weapons
Something warm and alive for dinner
Page 180  Torg  junior weapons officer manning secondary console ship D’k Tahg
Manual override
Proverb – Brute strength is not the most important asset in a battle but it does not hurt
Extra duty cycle as punishment
Keeping officers pitted against each other insured that superior officer’s authority would not be challenged
For the Klingon Defense Force to maintain its full power, a warrior’s first concern had to be his duty to the Empire, his second had to be his duty to his ship, and this third had to be his duty to his own fighting force
Primary port weapons console housed firing circuits themselves
Insult the son of a female targ!
As mad as wild targs
Gash never studied mok’bara
The warrior knew he was nearly at the end of his usefulness
He had to wait for his eyes to tell him what his blood should have been screaming
Mok’bara could be an awesome weapons and allow a warrior to deflect much bigger and stronger foes. But the fighting art required room for its most devastating blows
A good commanding officer could expect some help from his subordinates in a duel. That was just. Loyalty was a kind of strength
Gash, defeated, eye poked out. Good fighters, useful among the troops
Kahless – Honor did not demand victory but it did demand a warrior’s best effort
Page 228  ship D’k Tahg
Six to a room in bunk beds
Senior officers 2 to a room
Page 229  M’bac, weapons room most experienced weapons officer ship D’k Tahg, ran primary firing console, forfeits his knife in duel at Karel
A very small battlefield where the combatants would be able to feel each other’s breath. It was what the Klingons called a killing box
Move with the confidence of a targ who had already tasted a prey’s blood and was preparing fro the kill
The only victory was a victory
A hunting targ
Proper Klingon blood – lavender
Klingon blood carried more oxygen and nutrients. It carried the call of a Klingon’s ancestors and some said his very honor
Adolescent Klingons used the term “bloodless” as a taunt, almost as bad as “Earther” or an insult to one’s mother
Klingons were interested in Donatu V
The battle fought there kept the Klingons from trying to expand toward Fed space for 25 years
now Admiral Justman took opportunity to stop the fight at Donatu V
Klingons fight to enrich the spirit
Readily understood defeat and victory
Negotiated truce they don’t understand
Being defeated by Fed would have earned Fed respect in Klingon opinion
Unfinished battle and 25 years of peace are a stain on their honor
Few commanders would admit being indebted to an inferior officer for fear of appearing weak
Proverb – The best witness is a Klingon’s own eyes
Klingons would make no effort on behalf of so badly injured a warrior. Instead when a warrior was unable to face his enemies he would be allowed to die so his spirit would be freed
Even those Klingons who did not follow Kahless’s path to honor had their pride
Sang Klingon dirge for fallen warriors
Manhood trials
  Errand of Vengeance  Killing Blow  by Kevin Ryan
Preface bItuHluHbe’chugh  blquvlaHbe’  typo
Kell 8, Karel 12
Family home of Qo’noS,  Family farm, near woods
Karel was 8 when he went on his first hunt
She was their father’s wife and would not let fear rule her
Let your foe know the strength of your blood
P3 Mourl, small, but best tracker, young hunting companion of Kell and Karel on Qo’noS
Wild targs never docile, less aggressive after large meal
Mok’bara hyper alert and ready to move
Kahless is forgiving today
Usually a targ would not hunt if it was not hungry
All Klingon hunts ended with such a confrontation between the two combatants only one survivor
Targ nest, targ young a litter
Targs nit particularly intelligent but efficient hunters and fierce protectors of offspring
Mouth tusks
Asked Kahless and the spirit of his father for strength to prevail
A charging targ would not stop until it had reached its target or had died
Targs hunted by groups using pincer formation
A mok’bara cry, a cry of battle
One of the targ’s tusks had burrowed deeply into Kell’s shoulder
Honor demanded truthfulness
In Klingon intelligence, a call to meet privately with a superior almost always meant an unpleasant encounter
Most Klingons would see human trustfulness as a weakness, a fatal one that could be exploited
Honor and courage were worthy of a true follower of Kahless
In the empire Kirk was known as a treacherous and deceitful coward, a great betrayer
Kell owed Kirk an honor debt for saving his life. To kill the human meant Kell would forfeit his honor
P24 basis of SF Klingon cultural information is Vulcan database
Growing cult around Klingon religious warrior figure named Kahless. His teachings codified many of the Klingon cultural beliefs about honor and personal behavior. An aggressive philosophy provides framework of rules
Growing cult but not yet dominant
P33 Ambassador Fox received forehead wound in meeting with Klingon ambassador. Illuminating. Some progress on trade agreements and other small matters. Klingon Ambassador not practiced or  accomplished liar
Kahless taught that a warrior fought best when his blood was tested and put to good use
Klingon often put their ambition ahead of their duty
Torg offers suggestion for improvement to the junior officer who ran back up system next to him
As the day officer Karel held the superior position
Karel walked ahead of the men assigned to escort him, an insult
He was determined to seek out his own fate, he would not be led to it
P39 second officer Klak
It was a direct question and deserved a direct response
Most Klingons looked down on intelligence service
Kahless quotes – They are truths whether or not I believe it
Commander watches surveillance records
Koloth is weapons commander of D’k tahg
Personal relationship gossip was of no interest to warriors
His own blood was burning and roaring in his ears at the sight of her
Klingon proverb – The victor is always right
Kahless – It is better to have strong friends than strong enemies
Warriors of KDF derided Enterprise design
The Klingon caught his stare and answered the challenge he saw in it
P58 nutlhej SuvwI’  A warrior is among us
Benitez speaks Klingon
P59 ngem lopwI’ vIrI’  I great a forest reveler
P60 wa’ luHIv jav ‘e’ lumaS tera’ nuchpu’ net Sov
Six against one, typical cowardly Earther odds
Klingon trader on starbase, no English
Kell humiliates the trader with backhand slap in bar
jImob. veQSoH. ngeDqu’ HeghlIj. quvbe’pu’ yInlIj; lI’be’ 
I need no help to take your honorless, worthless life
chocaDqa’chugh vaj bIHegh  Test me again and die
there was only one way to drink Romulan ale and that was quickly – dallying risked injury. the burning faded into a pleasant warmth
Benetiz studies at the Klingon Language Institute in High School to earn Starfleet scout merit badge for galactic culture
Klak was standing, a sign of respect
Live gagh for breakfast
Unusual for officer to offer praise so casually
His blood continued its warning
Orions mining dilithium on planet in System 7348 less than ten lightyears from Klingon space. Thriving indigenous pretech population. Deep core mining with warp reactor destroys planet environment
Klingon trader sends Nausicaans over to Kell’s Enterprise security team on leave in starbase bar
P70 Klingon axiom – The best attack is a direct attack
Mok’bara relied heavily on powerful strikes with less attention paid to defensive maneuvers
Kell felt as if he had disappointed his own father in a matter of honor
Orions were dishonorable creatures. Any mission that helped put a stop to one of their cowardly plots would be a mission filled with honor
Klingons did not hide behind tricks and subterfuge.
Klingons did their own fighting
Klingon principles above Kahless path to honor
He saw Kahless’ spirit alive in the group of humans
A Klingon warrior did not fear the consequences of a just battle
Klak takes Karel as his personal guard
Koloth’s weapons station on the bridge showed status of port and starboard disruptor rooms as well as surveillance images from each room
Second officer’s position just behind Captain’s chair. Surveillance all areas of ship.
Captain’s chair most forward. Captain was the first to enter battle or face danger or seize victory
Captain with two personal guards. The guards allowed captain and Second officer to concentrate on their work
P94 Captain Kran. Graying veteran of many successful campaigns, protect Empire from incursion, expand borders through conquest. 20 years as Captain
Klak challenges Kran after poor  performance in drill
There is no excuse for this failure of leadership
What ever happened would happen quickly now, while everyone’s blood was hot
Kran’s guard turns on captain. Klak rushes in and stabs him to death
His service to the Empire was ended
An open challenge when true warriors used strength and cunning to determine leadership
Worst kind of betrayal – where warrior’s trusted protector helped murder him
A warrior defeated a foe face to face
P119 I serve the Empire with my blood and with my honor
The warrior who seeks favor over victory will usually find neither – Kahless
Koloth quotes Kahless
Orion flying weapons platform – 2 or 3 meters off the ground, oval shape, 2 meters wide, armored console in front, cannon
Orions did most killing from behind their masks and protected weapons
Klingon axiom – the enemy of my enemy is my friend
I seek to follow Kahless’s path to honor and to victory
P141 Kahless was murdered. As so often happens to Klingons of vision
Natives on System 7348 Klingon bony ridge in appearance and speaks Klingon. Archaic usage and accents. Don’t recognize the term Empire.
Kirk does not understand Klingon
P146 Gorath. Primitive Klingon on System 7348
The uniform of a High Commander
Mek’leth precursor of bat’leth forged by Kahless
One does not fight fire with grass
P171 Ranc, large, crewman on D’k tahg, personal guard to Captain Klak after betraying Captain Kran, honorless
Guards honor bound to protect guardee
P185 Kahless and his great love Lady Lukura [typo] fighting back to back defeating 500 warriors in the Great Hall on Qam-Chee
Ancient armies of Qo’noS fought with mek’leths
Klingon ship with adequate shielding can operate within atmosphere of red super giant. The Red giant maneuver had been used before to great effect allowing a Klingon ship to hide and surprise an enemy. Never used to cover an escape or retreat
Koloth challenges Klak and his two guards Ranc and Karel
Karel backhands Ranc
Karel has his father’s d’k tahg
Withdraw your challenge or die
I will withdraw nothing but my blade from your lifeless body
Koloth kills Klak. Klak wounds Koloth in shoulder
Koloth becomes Captain. Karel Bridge weapons officer
P256 batleH ‘etlh SoH  You are the Blade of the Bat’leth
The High Commader had inspected all of the Infiltrators in his group. Kell was one.
High Commander finds Kell on planet orions were mining
Klingon Empire forged when Kahless forged first bat’leth. Its path had been set when Kahless slew the tyrant Molor. Destiny sealed with the blood of every Klingon who died with honor and met Kahless on the other side of River of Blood in Sto-Vo-Kor
Klingon eyes have no tear ducts
Klingon infiltrator as female Yeoman Ensign Sarah Hatcher tries to assassinate Adm Justman at SF command, stabs Lt. Patrick West. She kills herself when attack fails
Donatu V details:
P48 Captain Rodriguez of Yorkshire, had gotten out of tight spots before and won a number of impossible victories
Colony on Donatu V, blue green planet
Endeavor, Captain Shannon, and two Klingon battle cruisers
Two other starfleet ships coming in four hours
Two more Klingon ships coming from Klingon space
P78 Endeavor separated hull and saucer before warp core breach. Battle must have been intense and damage very bad
100 human survivors, 20 Klingons aboard, small arms fire aboard
p80 Commander Maarcs at Donatu V mustache and short beard
I claim this system in the name of the Klingon Empire. Surrender your ship and I will grant you and your crew quick deaths – to Yorkshire
In violation of treaty.
Klingon ships have radiation damage, weak shields. Endeavor hit them pretty hard
Maarc has some Endeavor crew expelled live out airlock
Klingon ship fires at SF officers in space, other ship fires torpedoes at Yorkshire
Donatu V Klingon captain releases several groups from Endeavor into space. Yorkshire retrieves small numbers of them, under fire. Yorkshire bridge destroyed. Lt. Cmdr Justman damages Klingon nacelle
Captain Shannon from severely damaged Endeavor, manages phaser shot at Klingon ship. Severing nacelle starboard then explodes ship. Shannon killed
Justman destroys second Klingon cruiser over Donatu V
Five survivors of Endeavor. Klingon boarders neutralized
Three Klingon ships arrive in hour
Three hours to SF ships
Adm Jefferies, USS Constitution, NX-1701, warp six to Donatu V. Constitution and Yorkshire hold Klingons until other SF ship arrive. Long battle. Constitution destroyed
  Errand of Vengeance  River of Blood by Kevin Ryan
Kahless – There are many roads to Sto-Vo-Kor but only one path 
Third planet of System 7348  has 100 thousand primitive Klingons
Kahless – A terrible secret cannot be kept
Shame would carry through three generations
Honored dead remembered in songs and stories
Kahless – Better an honorable defeat than dishonorable victory
All too often, Kell had seen, wars were fought because peoples understood each other too well
Kahless fought Morath to protect the family honor
Kirk served with Justman and Fleet Captain Garth at Battle of Axanar, and Lt. West’s father
Nothing but death or incapacitation can stop a charging targ
“The targ’s charge has begun”
Klingons have recalled their ambassador. Mobilization of fleet
Klingons prevented from getting System 7348 dilithium
Old starbase 42 orbits agricultural planet near Klingon boarder, dilithium found on planet
Most commanders summoned officers to them to point up the superiority of their position
Koloth not like any commander Karel had ever seen
Koloth valued efficiency, expediency and honor. Koloth lacked scheming and duplicity.
Koloth knows Kahless’ teachings well
Koloth – those who pass up a victory invite a defeat
A leader he would follow all the way to the River of Blood
Klingon wisdom – Do not seek revenge unless you are prepared to dig more than one grave. One for object of your vengeance and many more for those who would stand in your way
P47 Klingon graves ??
Koloth does not use personal guards on the bridge
Vulcan database has long Klingon military history
KDF high risk shock-troop units
His blood was burning for her. And his blood would not be denied
Commodore Williams of SB 42 killed by infiltrator. Ens Alan Port, communications and/or security active in transporter
I would have the Earthers taste my blade
Karel has his father’s mek’leth and his d’k tahg
He made the vow to his honored father and to his honored brother. He made it to Kahless and made it on his own honor
 Gash’s right eye covered by metal patch bolted in place
Klingons serious social taboos against being taken  prisoner themselves
D’k tahg a D-7 battlecruiser
2nd saboteur disables Enterprise warp engines then jumps into plasma stream
Klingons little regard for foes who voluntarily gave themselves up
Green flash disruptor fire
Future glory of the Empire could only come from Kahless’s path to honor. Followers of Kahless were growing in number every day. They were the Empire’s future
Cowardly is the biggest Klingon insult
Bloodless coward
Klingons high losses attacking SB 42 for dilithium
Kirk made mental note to learn a few words of Klingon
Klingons were taught that the only victory was victory
P213 Lady Lukara
Koloth requests permission to begin beaming his people back to the D’k tahg after Scotty disables ship’s weapons and shields with precision fire
Another Klingon cruiser coming in an hour
Klingon command is disavowing any knowledge of the actions of the Klingon battle cruiser D’k tahg
Cease fire agreed to by both governments
Release D’k tahg to the Klingon ship on its way
Brother, son of our father
Kell hoped that when he stood at the River of Blood he would catch a glimpse of his father and friends though he had no doubt that Sto-Vo-Kor would be denied him he hoped that he would be granted that glimpse and a chance to call to them
He heard the wail and its sound carried him
Second Klingon ship engaged its tractor beam on D’k tahg and warped out of the system
Adm Justman dead on SB 42 fighting back Klingons
A defeat. Something Klingons would never have expected but something they understood. As a warrior culture they lived for victory but they did understand defeat
Kell, as Jon Anderson, killed by his brother Karel. Bone marrow altered, gene therapy make red Klingon blood
Karel returns to D’k tahg
Klingons haggle
Kahless spoke of truth as a road to honor
Kahless taught there was but one path to honor
P263 Kell and Karel of the Gorkon family
Dagger of the Mind
no Klingon content
no Klingon content
The Conscience of the King
no Klingon content [but did the Karidian company hide out in Klingon space doing the Shakespearean classics?]
  Mission to Horatius by Mack Reynolds
P35 Starfleet Command not yet ready to expand in direction of Horatian planets. If either the Romulan Confederation or the Klingon Empire thought that they were doing so, they might hurry their own exploration.
The Galileo Seven
no Klingon content
Court Martial
no Klingon content
  Avenger, Enterprise Logs
no Klingon content
The Menagerie
no Klingon content
  Devil World by Gordon Eklund
P23 Miss Gilla Dupree, the most talented senso-artist, a synthesis of symphonic music and holographic storytelling, Spock considers her work the most sustained achievement along side Shakespeare and Tolstoy. Her father is Jacob Kell, Kell the Traitor. Kell’s name a curse word throughout the Federation. Turncoat a more accurate term. Kell left the Federation and went to live among Klingons, but as far as anyone knows he’s never compromised his past loyalties, never violated the Federation’s trust. Commodore Wilhelm Schang of Starbase 13, once captain of the Tresher, knew Kell fairly well at the time, he was a fine officer. Kell was a man who got eaten by space.  Now word Kell, a big man, bald, living on planet NC513-II, Heartland.
P39 Kell was in an accident while captain of a large starship, investigating a quasar like object, in a shuttle accident he jettisoned himself in a space suit to save others in shuttle. Alone in the vastness of the void 27 days. Total sensory deprivation caused him to find close contact unbearable. Resigned Starfleet, lived with daughter Gilla for a while, the Klingons heard about his condition. Gilla doesn’t know how they found out, probably they monitor communication channels. An agent visited her father and made him an offer. If he would agree to forsake the Federation, the Klingons would give him an M-type planet of his own and sufficient means and materials to survive. Kirk dislikes that Kell accepted their offer. Actually he refused, Kell knew what the Klingons’ motivation was: the Klingons wanted to use him for their own propaganda purposes. Gilla begged, pleaded, forced her father to go, to save his life. The federation never made public that there was a good reason for Kell to choose to live among the Klingons. The Federation treated him horribly, so they branded him a traitor. A diplomat friend told Gilla that her father had left the Klingon Empire. They had lied to him, as he figured they were. 
P74 Kell angry that he is the arch type of traitor in the Federation. The Prime Directive can go to hell. Kell sold out the Federation years ago. Heartland is his planet, now.  Crisp military bearing.
P99 Kell painted hundreds of pictures of space when he was with the Klingons. Experience the exhilaration of deep space vertigo. The truth about Kell was always there for anyone who wanted to look. Kell's trip to Heartland took two years in a Klingon shuttle. It wasn’t the Klingons’ decision to let him go. He owed them nothing. They’d lied to him, gave him none of the things they’d promised. As Kell knew would happen. After Kell’s value to the Klingons had ended they put him to work in their ministry of space exploration, not a military position, Kell told them he wouldn’t do anything like that. Worked in the archives, came across reference to Heartland. A Klingon ship had landed here five years before the first Federation survey team landed. They made no effort to found a colony, that was not what they were after, not this close to the center of the Federation. They came to grab whatever they could take. There were a couple dozen Klingons on the ship. They went mad after moving in to native village. Klingons rarely suffer from mental disorders. Unlike humans, they possess too many easily available outlets for their naturally aggressive impulses. They keep nothing bottled up inside to later go rotten. Kell tracked down two survivors from the original Klingon mission. Both were still insane, confined to prisons. Kell spoke to them and realized they were speaking sense. Not good sense but Kell discovered what had driven them mad – on Heartland a man can become immortal, but if they try to enter the whole and fail they go mad.  Surrendering one’s individual nature, learning to exist as one part of a whole, goes against everything humans and Klingons believe. If Kell had died on Heartland, it would have been no worse than dying among the Klingons, considered a loathsome traitor in the Federation. The Klingons couldn’t catch him in the shuttle. It’s a big galaxy and they had no way of guessing where he was headed or why. 
P148 Gilla Dupree dies, Kell leaves Heartland with the Enterprise for Starbase 13. 
Shore Leave
no Klingon content
  Star Trek Constellations Official Record by Howard Weinstein
Tenkara, planet. Abundant natural resources. Asked for Federation help in developing resources. Federation saw opportunity to build regional stability and block Klingon expansion. After two years, dissent, sabotage, outsiders. Federation council decided to get involved to send Klingons a message. Small Starfleet presence for a year. No planet in the sector has the strength to resist the Klingons.
  Heart of the Sun by Pamela Sargent & George Zebrowski
P5 the Vulcans, unlike the Klingons – and unlike some humans – had come to understand that violence was not something to glorify and celebrate. That was the way of the galaxy’s intelligent life-forms
The Squire of Gothos
no Klingon content
no Klingon content
The Alternative Factor
no Klingon content
Tomorrow is Yesterday
no Klingon content
  Web of the Romulans by M.S. Murdock
P33 Commodore Yang of Starbase Eight - Neither the Romulans nor the Federation can handle a war. It would mean destruction for both sides, with the Klingons picking up the pieces. 
Spock - The Romulans are a violent, warrior race, and their sense of disciple serves their militaristic purpose. Their one desire is the expansion of the empire. The recent Romulan/Klingon alliance may have given them the impetus they needed to attack the Federation.
Kirk – that possibility is what the Federation Council fears. The Romulans seem to have withdrawn from the Klingons. They may be allies, but neither one trusts the other. An offensive against the Federation might allow the Klingons an inordinate amount of freedom. The Klingons could be supplying the Romulans with fuel.
P63 Romulan Centurion S’Tarleya informs Romulan Commander S’Talon that the Klingons seem to like Kirk. Of all the officers of Star Fleet it is Kirk they wish to fight. Like the Romulans, they see him as a worthy opponent. Perhaps they both see a kinship in him – a joy in contest
P78 Romulan Supreme Commander of the Fleet Tiercellus lets his eyes roam lovingly over the ships of the line he was to command. The Klingon design was superior, he knew, to the old space schooners. Their sleek, streamlined contours enticed him. 
P114 the larger, more dramatic Klingon-designed cruisers of the Romulan fleet would head the expedition, at it was in them the Praetor placed the most confidence. There was a simplicity and cleanliness of design the Klingon vessels lacked. 
P148 Federation Chief of Intelligence Admiral Jake Iota, member of the Defense council  - the Klingons were dangerous, but distttrressingly repetitious, and the Andorians too flighty for a real contest. Only the Romulans a worthy foe.
P155 Commander S’Talon on Spock’s mental torture of Centurion S’Tarleya – Even Klingons would not have done this!
The Canarans, of Canara, in Federation space, a major source of gran, are a warrior race, simple but dangerous, severe and violent, prone to extremes, also intensely loyal to the Federation, stubborn, once committed to a line of action they are not easily swayed. Romm Joramm, current head of council of elders, brought Canara into the Federation. Immense dignity in elderly frail body, pale golden eyes.  Gran used to medicinal purposes
P161 Mr. Farrell on the Potemkin sights enemy vessels ahead, they appear to be Klingon design, but I’ll wager they’re Romulan. The alliance -
Those ships, Romulan or Klingon – have not crossed the neutral zone
 P186 Romm Joramm – the Romulans are enemies of the Federation. Why not allow them to die? The life of the planet of Canara would not be too high a price to pay for the survival of the whole federation, unmolested by this outside menace. Place what we would like to do behind the welfare of the people. Esaan – name of a month on Canara. Canarans will have to curb their headstrong impulse, selfish sense of injury
  Star Trek: The New Voyages 2  Surprise!
P6 The planet Arcos is of strategic importance between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. It’s been standoffish to both sides except for limited visitation rights. The Enterprise rescues Mori, a grandson of Triumvir Moraan, one of the three rulers of Arcos, possibly giving the Feds an edge.
The Return of the Archons
no Klingon content
A Taste of Armageddon
no Klingon content
Space Seed
no Klingon content
  The Joy Machine by James Gunn
no Klingon content
This Side of Paradise
no Klingon content
  Star Trek: The New Voyages 2  Marginal Existence
p134 a supernova is about to happen. Even a Klingon ship is racing to the safety-perimeter to observe the phenomenon, though the general opinion was that the Klingons’ motives were probably less than wholly scientific.
The Devil in the Dark
no Klingon content
  SNW VII Guardians by Brett Hudgins
Horta mined pergium and dilithium
Even the Klingons were happy, in their own surly fashion

  Errand of Vengeance Seeds of Rage by Kevin Ryan
Klingon-Federation border 48ly away from Earth
System 1324 Incident with Orions
Kraetian Space station orbits Kraetia, near Fed-Klingon border, Kraetia a trading partner of both Federation and Klingons. Not aligned.
Ambassador Fox trying to meet with Klingon Ambassador
The key to preventing war between Federation and Klingons was to get the Klingons talking
This crisis brewing on the Klingon side fro 25 years, since inconclusive Battle of Donatu V
Martial cultures like Klingons depended on precise coordination
Fox has settled a Tellarite-Andorian conflict
Page 10 Kreg diplomatic aide
I challenge you to find the ambassador
Are you refusing my challenge?
Page 11 Ambassador Wolt
You will meet my challenge now if you have the courage
Xeno-studies, SF xeno-studies report on Klingons
Starfleet fought the Klingons to a draw at Donatu V
Klingon diplomatic groups operated in groups of five because of some obscure custom related to small fighting groups in their distant past
The Klingon Empire has never beaten a Federation force
We Klingons live for all-out conflict, you live in fear of war, we do not
Kahless – Better a strong ally than a strong enemy
War was weeks away, teetering on the brink
Starfleet reports Klingons were culturally unsuited to settling differences through discussion
Fairness. Like history, is decided by the victor
I have given your aide a gift, an honorable death
Klingon saying – Negotiations are best begun when the blood of the fallen is still warm.
SF reports – Earther is considered an insult
Negotiate on trade, but not on borders, 100 years old
Lt Leslie Parrish pregnant with Klingon agent Jon Anderson's child
Donatu V draw worse than a defeat. It was a stain on their pride and had to be expunged, avenged
Federation President Westcott, age 46, youngest
Previous Klingon Ambassador [to Wolt] had sent aides to meet with West. Waste of time, stalling
Klingons have agreed to stand down
Federation agreed to trade talks for routes through disputed territory
Klingons see themselves as a conquering aggressive people who occasionally have to resort to peace
The Klingons want to annex System 7348. Dilithium on the third planet. An excellent staging area for invasion. The people on the system are biological Klingons.
Ambassador Wolt alluded to dissent in the High Council
SF security studies Klingon military history, aware of martial nature of their empire but not much about their culture, their history apart from warfare
The SF database had a fair amount of Klingon info, little of it useful to know them as a people
Constitution-class vessels being turned into true warships for a very specific purpose; fighting Klingons. Given the current crisis in the Klingon Empire
Klingons don't take prisoners
Few people now in Starfleet had seen conflict with Klingons
Michael Fuller, 52, plenty of experience against Klingons. He had been at Donatu V. his first real mission, aboard USS Endeavor, Icarus-class. He knew from experience that Klingons were very unforgiving of mistakes.
Page 81 IKS D'k'tahg. Captain Koloth, First Officer Faal, m. Karel, bridge weapons officer.
Bridge weapons officer spends time making schedules, monitoring equipment and subordinates, mundane administrative tasks.
Junior officers have no reason to go to the bridge on a Klingon ship
With command came opportunities for battle and great deeds in the service of the empire.
There is honor in any service to the empire
Karel questions any honor in serving empire since he killed his brother
The empire was no longer the one forged by Kahless the Unforgettable with his own blood and strength
Klingons had been told lies about Earthers. Not the cowardly dishonorable foe as told
Assassins, hitting from behind, dishonor Kahless' teachings and themselves because they never show their true faces in battle
No honor in a victory won by stabbing an opponent in the back
If an enemy could not be beaten face-to-face, blood for blood, there was no real victory
Do my veins carry nothing but the shame?
Most crew take transports to Qo'noS from space station. Bekks would not be permitted to use transporter
Bridge officers can use transporter
Mok'bara require room to maneuver, to strike
Faal makes a move against Koloth, by attempting to kill Karel first. Clever to move when the ship docked and crew lax preparing for shore leave
Karel survives Faal's two assassins and helps Koloth against 5, including Faal.
Forgetting the pain he felt his blood run hot
If Karel killed Fall, the insult to Koloth would be great and Koloth would have to answer it.
Do you wish to formally challenge my command of this vessel?
Your strength will add to the glory of our people
First Officer Karel
Do not bleed to death, that is an order
The House Gorkon estate, on hill, named by Karel's grandfather
Page 93 Dev'ghot, means chieftain
Kahless taught that a warrior's body was merely a shell. His strength came from his heart and his blood
Karel accepted the pain as a small measure of punishment fro his crimes
petaQ lie rotting in their graves
Is your father's last son afraid of a fight?
Mother gave long open sobs at death of child
Klingon diplomatic team wants proto-Klingon race in System 7348 to make their own choice about continuing as Fed protectorate, joining Federation, or becoming part of the Klingon Empire.
System 7348 excellent launching point for invasion of Federation
System 7348 37.358 hours at max warp from SB 56
Ships Phasers upgraded, more energy but only within a fairly narrow frequency range, a frequency range that would be most effective against Klingon shields. Less effective against other threats.
In close fighting, on ship or starbase, Klingons favor bladed hand weapons, smaller risk of damage to the hull that might lead to decompression. Klingons can take ships virtually intact
Bat'leth – part of what made the weapon deadly was its mass which helped make its blows more powerful. The weapon is heavy even for a strong person
Haggle on Qo'noS
Half a year's pay as a junior weapons officer
A data spike
Do not doubt another Klingon's honor unless there is reason to. If they look like a warrior or an information clerk
Could a follower of Kahless walk the path of honor while trading in secrets and stolen truths?
Trace family vehicles; track movements via communicator locator beacon
Ship not refueled in a day
Captain and first officer carefully chose replacement fighters
Councillor Duras, his own security forces. In command of the mission. Members of High Council often maintain large security forces. Often attacked by political rivals. Private forces not technically active warriors in KDF. Probably never served on ship before.
Secrecy made any Klingon of honor uncomfortable
Kahless - Battle should be direct
Kahless - A warrior who hid his true face was no warrior at all
One of Kahless' teachings, one of his many gifts to the Klingon people
Make no mistake, we are in the nest of a Denebian slime devil
You have my blade and the blades of the Klingons you command
Gash, QaS DevwI' leader of the troops on board IKS D'k'tahg
Krav Maga, martial art developed by Israeli Defense Force 20th century, excellent for speed and coordination. Finish a fight fast by disabling opponent
Klingons average taller than humans
Duras containers had security seals and were impervious to scans
Ship has more than a week's supply of food. Acquire additional food from appropriate planets on the way
Now his blood was screaming its message
They had their orders and their duty to the empire
Crowding warriors on board meant more fighting among crew, waste of energy and focus that wrecked havoc with efficiency
Honored guests were usually greeted on arrival by the commander or at least a member of the senior crew. At worst they would be escorted to the bridge
Showing such disrespect to a councilor was a dangerous business
Klingons in KDF had a familiar saying "There are no fat warriors."
Councillor Duras, fat. Cassok of the High Council
There were audible clicks as the moorings and supply lines were released
Subtle shift in the hum of the ship as impulse engines were engaged
Donatu V a stain on the empire, treachery of humans, empire forced to accept the cessation of hostilities without a clear victor.
Pounding on consoles in reaction to stirring words
Fed agreed to allow Klingons to send a delegation to the planet in System 7348, to begin talks with the genetic Klingons. They sent a warship. Fed is alarmed. It is irregular and Ambassador Fox had lodged a formal protect with the Klingons. The agreement was quite specifically for a civilian transport. Ambassador Wolt says there was a miscommunication somewhere in their chain of command.
The Fed is sending a starship themselves.
As far as the Klingons are concerned the hostilities that began 25 years ago at Donatu V have not ended. They consider the empire and the Federation to be in a state of war that has only a temporary pause
If a Klingon were engaged in a hand-to-hand duel with an enemy, it would be an initial blow designed to test the opponent's reactions
There are a few case histories on colony worlds of Klingon-Human pregnancies. Possible but not easy. Complications in second trimester.
Federation has very little reason to believe the Klingons have anything but hostile intent. That they have entered Fed space in a battlecruiser is a serious breach of protocol.
Warriors facing battle ate to satisfy their hunger but not so much that it would slow them in actual fighting.
Only captain and first officer have private quarters
Duras served with Karel's father at Donatu V.
We all serve as best we can
Kahless – Not all blows are struck by the hand
I intend to destroy the empire's enemies for as long as I am able
I only state the simple truths we both know. Anything less would be dishonorable
I will serve my captain until it is clear that he is no longer fit to command this ship
Kahless – A warrior may be known by the enemies he keeps
Karel proud to know Duras was his enemy
Commodore Zier, Starbase 56
A faction of the Klingon High council wanted war
Page 285 Ambassador Wolt has been relieved. Ambassador Morg. Wolt overstepped his authority in his dealing with Ambassador Fox. Morg authorized to come to a new arrangement
Fox sends message to Fed that Klingons are using talks as delaying tactic to cover preparations for war
Donatu V details - Donatu V - Michael Fuller, 52 in 2267, plenty of experience against Klingons. He had been at Donatu V. his first real mission, aboard USS Endeavor, Icarus-class. He knew from experience that Klingons were very unforgiving of mistakes. Endeavor, Klingons boarded, Michael Fuller's tactics defending the ship taught at SF Academy. no names, but you can read the original logs and reports.
Donatu V details - Donatu V – Endeavor, Klingons expelled some officers out an airlock.
Donatu V details - Donatu a border colony
Donatu V details - Endeavor 2242 Captain Shannon
Donatu V details - Lt Commander Derek Woods, chief engineer
Donatu V details - Donatu V rich in resources. First colony in this sector
Donatu V details - SF personnel trained to recognize Klingon ship silhouettes
Donatu V details - Two Klingon battle cruisers come out of north pole orbit of Donatu V and fire at arriving Endeavor. Take off port nacelle. Emergency saucer separation.
Donatu V details - Whatever happens don't let the Klingons take you alive
Donatu V details - Klingons do not fire at Endeavor again. Wait for ship to explode.
Donatu V details - two Klingon ships in battle formation waiting with a patient menace
Donatu V details - Endeavor separates. Hull starts spinning, reactor exploding, creates shockwave, energy blasts along plane of the hull's rotation, damaging nearby Klingon ships but not very much. Klingons not critically damaged by explosion
Donatu V details - Saucer section of Icarus-class ship operates at reasonably fast impulse speed, has shields and phasers. Limited power
Donatu V details - If this was an expeditionary force testing SF, make them think twice about attacking Fed
Donatu V details - Klingon war party beams over and attacks saucer's primary power source.
Donatu V details - Fuller recognized the color of Klingon disruptor fire
Donatu V details - From what he knew of Klingons they were brutal and ruthless fighters who advanced quickly in battle by using overwhelming force
Donatu V details - It was more clever then he would have given the Klingons credit for
Donatu V details - Of all the hostile races in known space Klingons were perhaps the least forgiving of error in warfare
Donatu V details - Conventional wisdom was that Klingons had only one setting on their disruptors: kill. [incorrect]
Donatu V details - In SF one of the most frequently repeated notions about Klingons was that they did not take prisoners
Donatu V details - Klingons do kill wounded
Donatu V details - Weaklings, if you wish you may challenge me now and I will take your lives in combat
Donatu V details - Both a taunt and a challenge in his eyes
Donatu V details - You are all sniveling bloodless cowards and it will be my duty and my pleasure to rid the galaxy of you.
Donatu V details - SF vessel comes to distress call of Endeavor at Donatu. Another Icarus-class ship. USS Yorkshire.
Donatu V details - Klingons toss 20 Endeavor crew out airlock
Donatu V details - Yorkshire lowers shields to try to rescue them, while fighting two Klingon ships. Klingons fire at Yorkshire. High speed impulse maneuvers as Yorktown battles Klingon ships and tries to beam aboard those ejected into apace by Klingon on Endeavor saucer.
Donatu V details - You have earned the right to choose your death and end the indignity of your captivity
Donatu V details - Donatu V a stain on the empire, treachery of humans, empire forced to accept the cessation of hostilities without a clear victor.
Donatu V details - Starfleet training teaches that Klingons have a strong martial tradition and many rules and cultural norms regarding fighting. Such as not using disruptors against unarmed people.
Donatu V details - The Klingon's fury had gone cold, showing only in his eyes now. This Klingon wasn't going to lose his head and his calm indicated that he had just become more dangerous.
Donatu V details - A Fed high-torque maintenance wrench about the same size and weight as bat'leth
Donatu V details - The Klingons were arrogant and overconfident and they didn't think much of humans
Donatu V details - Yorkshire has hurt one of the Klingon ships in the port nacelle
Donatu V details - Damaged Endeavor saucer rotates and fires single phaser shot. Klingon's warp core breaches.
Donatu V details - 36 survivors of Endeavor out of 162 crew, plus 18 saved from those ejected into space
Donatu V details - Yorkshire takes out other Klingon ship. Lt. Robert Justman.
Donatu V details - Sensors show three Klingon battlecruisers headed to Donatu, arrive in less than an hour.
Donatu V details - No Starfleet vessels close enough.
Donatu V details - The bridge of the Yorkshire took a direct hit, lost captain and all bridge crew.
Donatu V details - Justman commanding from Auxiliary control room, Justman and junior officers waged and won battle.
Donatu V details - Yorkshire had had shields down, rescuing Endeavor crew from space
Donatu V details - Warp 6.5 nearly impossible in 2242
Donatu V details - USS Constitution NX-1700. Admiral William M. Jefferies. Not due to launch for a year. No weapons.
Donatu V details - The Three Klingon ships do not respond to hails
Donatu V details - Three Klingon battlecruisers in attack formation, classic attack formation – the two outside ships started to break away and fan out. When distant enough they all suddenly increased speed and leap toward Constitution. Center ship fired torpedoes, others disruptors
Donatu V details - Icarus-class shields would have fallen
Donatu V details - Constitution-class shields hold strong
Donatu V details - Klingon ships break off attack and move away
Donatu V details - Yorkshire fires torpedoes and hit near shields of one, repeated torpedoes and phasers weakened shields, eventually get through and cause warp core breach
Donatu V details - Remaining two Klingon ships regroup out of weapons range
Donatu V details - One Klingon ship fires test disruptor bolts at Constitution
Donatu V details - Endeavor runs at Klingon ships, retreats to Constitution. Constitution extends shields around Endeavor and repulses one Klingon ship with navigational deflectors.
Donatu V details - Klingon ship hit by navigational deflectors has no shields, no power to disruptors
Donatu V details - Klingons have asked for a temporary cease fire
Donatu V details - Klingons ask for permanent cease fire
Donatu V details - Both Klingon vessels have weapons but Constitution can maintain shields indefinitely
Donatu V details - Yorkshire too badly damaged to survive any more fighting
Donatu V details - Jefferies inclined to end engagement but can the Klingons be trusted?
Donatu V details - Justman and Michael Fuller concur with Truce.
Donatu V details - Jeffries negotiates terms of truce, calls Starfleet, has diplomats begin formal talks with Empire
Donatu V details - The Klingon ships were gone within hours

Errand of Mercy
- Blish
The Klingon scout ship must have known it was no match whatsoever for the Enterprise – after all, the Klingons were experts in such matters. But it fired on the Enterprise as it approached Organia anyway 
The Enterprise phasers promptly blew the scout into very small fragments, but the attack was a measure of the Klingons’ determination to bar the Feds from using Organia as a base.
Organia of no intrinsic value to either side, but strategically it was the only Class M planet in the disputed zone, over which negotiations had already broken down. 
The scout ship had plenty of time to get off a message before opening fire. It had to be assumed that a Klingon fleet was now on the way, if there hadn’t been one on the way already. Very little time for Feds to negotiate with Organians
Sulu left in charge of Enterprise with strict orders to cut and run if any Klingon fleet showed up
Kirk has been informed by his government that the Klingons are expected to move against Organia, to make it a base of operations against the Federation.
With the Klingons Organia will have no choice – they are a military dictatorship, to which war is a way of life.
The Klingons will move in, just as surely as your sun sets, if you don’t move to prevent it
Kirk has seen what the Klingons do to planets like Organia. They are organized into vast slave labor camps. No freedom whatsoever. Goods confiscated. Hostages taken and killed. Leaders confined. Better off on a penal planet in Kirk’s opinion.
Sulu reports a large number of Klingon vessels just popped out of subspace around Enterprise. He didn’t get a count before they opened fire but there must be at least twenty. The Enterprise moves off to contact the fleet
Trefayne says they are aware of Klingon fleet, there are eight more such vessels now assuming orbit around Organia. Several hundred armed men just appeared near the citadel. Not just standard weapons, 3 or 4 pieces of heavy-duty equipment, too.
Kirk and Spock stranded right in the middle of Klingon occupation army, not a pleasant prospect.
Klingons hard faced, hard muscled men, originally of Oriental stock. Heavily armed and wore what looked like vests of mail. Move purposefully and efficiently through streets, posting guards as they go. 
Kirk knows the Organians concealing himself and Spock entails colossal risks
Klingons are aware Vulcan is a member of the Federation, but harmless to Klingons. 
The door flew open and two Klingon soldiers burst in, gesture with handguns for everyone to back up. They were followed by a third Klingon, an erect, proud man, who did not need his commander’s insignia to show who he was. He looked quickly around the room.
This is the ruling council, he said contemptuously. I am Kor, military governor of Organia. When I address you you will answer. The stupid, idiotic smile everyone else seems to be wearing. 
Kor swung on Spock. A Vulcan. You don’t look like a storekeeper. What is trillium?
Trillium a medicinal plant.
Kor says trillium not a medicinal plant on Organia. Spock obviously a Federation spy. Take him to the examination room
Kor says Baroner acts like a ram among the sheep. Why object to Spock being taken? He’s not even human.
Kor says Baroner practically an act of rebellion, very good. Most Organians have welcomed the Klingons
Good honest hatred. Very refreshing
It makes no difference if you welcome him or not. Kor is here and here he will stay. Organia now subjects of the Klingon Empire. There are many rules and regulations, which will be posted. Violation of the smallest of them will be punished by death; we will have no time for justice just now.
Kor saw Baroner’s mouth tighten, apparently he missed very little
I need your obedience, nothing more. Kor said softly.
Kor began to pace. He will need a representative to liaison between forces of occupation and civilians. He doesn’t trust men who smile too much. Baroner appointed.
Have I asked you whether or not you want it? We Klingons have a reputation for ruthlessness. You will find that it is deserved. 
One Klingon solider killed, a thousand Organians will die. Kor will have order.
You have poor taste in friends. Spock will be examined. If he is lying he will die. If telling the truth, well, he will find business has taken a turn for the worse. 
The guards cover Spock with their weapons and gesture him out the door. 
Kirk shoved back by Kor himself. You do not like to be pushed. Good. At least you are a man I can understand.
Kor set up in the citadel, furnished one room with a large Klingon insignia, a desk, one chair, nothing else. Kor signed a document and thrust it across the desk
No public assemblages of more than three people. All publications cleared thought Kor’s office. Neighborhood controls will be established. Hostages selected. A somewhat lengthy list of crimes against the state. 
Kor as usual was watching him closely. Kor only grinned.
Spock was followed by a Klingon lieutenant.
Lieutenant reports to Kor Spock is what he claims to be, a trader. Really is trading in trillium. Spock exhibited the usual apprehension. His mind is so undisciplined that he could hold nothing back.
Would Baroner like to try our little truth-finder? It is a mind-sifter, or a mind-ripper, depending on how much force is used. If necessary, can empty a man’s mind as if opening a spigot, what is left is more vegetable than human [or Klingon]
Kor not proud of mind-sifter, all war weapons are unpleasant, otherwise they would be useless. 
Spock says it was a remarkable sensation
That’s enough, Kor said, with a trace of suspicion in his voice. Enemy aliens will be under scrutiny at all times. I see that you understand me very well.
Spock advises Kirk not to underestimate the mind-sifter. Spock resisted partly with a little Vulcan discipline, partly by misdirection. But the next higher setting  he would not have been able to protect himself. Kirk wouldn’t even last that long. 
Kirk and Spock want to knock the Klingons off balance until the Fed fleet arrives. 
Klingon munitions dump near the citadel. The guards there tough and highly trained.  But typical Organians lulled them, not prepared for Kirk and Spock. Two went quickly to sleep on duty and were relieved of their phasers and locked in an empty storeroom, tied in baling wire. 
Crates contain some form of chemical explosive. Sonic grenades, possible to rig delayed-action fuse.
Giant explosions, subsidiary explosions, missiles fly in all directions. Immense cloud forms over the city.
Organia could be made useless to the Klingons, if you can’t fight them directly
Kor will not believe the Organians did this
One or both of them should have anticipated Kor’s next move. Two hours later sound of a lot of Klingon phasers being fired at once. Armored vehicle, loudspeaker on top, recorded Kor’s voice bellows:
Attention all subjects! This is the military governor. In the courtyard of my headquarters two hundred Organian hostages have just been killed. In two hours more, two hundred more will die, and two hundred more after that – until the two Federation spies are turned over to us. The blood of the hostages is on your hands. The executions will be carried on until the saboteurs are surrendered. This is the order of Kor.
Spock – Commander Kor may be a mass murderer, but he is clearly also a soldier. Unlikely to force Kor to call the killings off.  The odds against making it all the way to Kor’s office approximately 7,824.7 to one. Surprise and the phasers, set to heavy stun force, get Kirk and Spock to Kor’s door. It is open and no alarm had sounded. Kor inside, seated at desk, hands over his face, brooding. It seemed almost possible that he did not relish butchering unarmed civilians. When he looked up and saw Spock and Kirk before him, phasers leveled, a look of interest and appreciation appeared on his face.
You have done well to get this far, though my guards.
Many of the guards are no longer in perfect operating condition.
Kor - The fortunes of war. 
Kirk and Spock have to surrender, drop weapons and Kor will call off the executions.
Kirk – we can kill you. You’re the Klingon governor. That might put a crimp in your operations.
Kor – you will be interested in knowing that a Federation fleet is due within the hour. Klingon fleet prepared to meet them. Shall we wait and see the results before you pull the trigger?
Kirk doesn’t plan to kill Kor at all unless Kor forces him to.
Kor – sheer sentimentality, or at best, mercy. A useless emotion in wartime. It is not a Klingon weakness. 
Kor smiled.
Think of it, in space above us the destiny of the galaxy will be decided for the next ten thousand years. May I offer you a drink? We can toast the victory of the Klingon fleet.
Kirk tells Kor about Spartans on earth. The Spartans, the finest warriors, had their hour of conquest over Athens, but Athens survived and fostered all the arts.
Kor – a consoling analogy, but a little out of date. There is always some element of chance in a major war. Today we conquer, someday we may be defeated. But I am inclined to doubt it. Do you know why we are so strong? Because we are a unit. Each of us is part of the greater whole. Always under surveillance. Even a commander like Kor – always under surveillance.
Kor points out scanner in ceiling.
Kor ignores phaser in Kirk’s hand. At the first disturbance Kirk will fire.
The door burst open and two Klingon soldiers charged in
The phaser turned red hot in Kirk’s hand
Kor – shoot, shoot, you blockheads!
There were at least five soldiers in the room now, but one after another they dropped their weapons, which lay glowing quietly against the stone floor. After a moment of dismay the guards charged. A Klingon grabbed Kirk from behind – then let go with a howl.
Their bodies are hot! One of the soldiers gasped. He was almost drowned out by a roar from Kor, who had tried to pick up a paper knife. 
For an eternal ten seconds they simply glared at each other incredulously. Only the sound of heavy breathing
Organians could not permit them to harm one another.
Kor - What are you talking about you sheep?
All instruments of destruction now 350 degrees. Same conditions on both opposing Starfleets. There will be no battle.
Ridiculous, Kor growled
Sulu and Enterprise were just closing with the Klingon fleet when every control became too hot to handle. All except the communications board. If this is some new Klingon weapon, why didn’t it disable that too?
Ayelborne describes himself as standing on the bridge of every ship, upon the home planet of the Klingon Empire. We are putting a stop to this insane war
How dare you, Kor shouted. What happens in space is none of your business.
The Fed has legitimate grievances against the Klingons, they’ve invaded our territory, killed our citizens
Kor rages that the disputed areas are not Fed territory. The Fed is trying to hem Klingons in, cut off vital supplies, strangle our trade.
Ayelborne says that eventually Fed and Klingons would have made peace. They are bringing it about now. The fact is, in the future you and the Klingons will become fast friends. You will work together in great harmony.
Nonsense! Kor says. Kirk realizes he has been standing next to the Klingon and moves hastily away.
The mere presence of discordant beings like humans and Klingons acutely painful to Organians
Kor cries  – Hypnosis! The weapons may never have been hot at all! Grab them!
Finally Kirk turned toward Kor. Well commander, I guess that takes care of the war. Since the Organians aren’t going to let us fight, we might as well get started on being friends. 
Kor – Yes. He thrust out his hand. Still, in a way, Captain, it’s all rather saddening. I’m only sorry they wouldn’t let us fight. It would have been glorious!
  SNW VII Indomitable by Kevin Killiany
Chekov had been in auxiliary control during Organia Crisis. Fed on brink of war with the Klingons. At start of crisis Chekov was put on damage control team. No burned hands.
The City on the Edge of Forever
no Klingon content
  Triptych, Strange New Worlds II
no Klingon content
  Final Frontier by Diane Carey
39 Romulan Commander Idrys thinks sarcastically that Romulan Primus Kilyle probably craves eating roast butterflies with the Klingons
42 Idrys' bronze color skin is closer to some Klingon races than to Romulan, a trait that had made her rise to command more difficult
68 with the new constitution class starship the Fed will be able to intimidate the Romulans, the Klingons, and everyone else into leaving them alone
148 the Romulans are still out there, the Klingons are still out there, half the Federation doesn't trust the other half yet, and that's because there's no base of protection
  Star Trek Constellations The Leader by Dave Galanter
Page 227 D'Kar, son of Kor. late teens, early 20s. D'Kar damages Enterprise shuttle, which crashes on class-M planetoid. D'Kar capturing Kirk as a prize for his father. I am D'Kar son of Kor and I mean to avenge his dishonor at your hand. His father's disgrace at Organia, all of Qo'noS spoke of the treaty. Few outwardly blamed Kor for the disaster but unspoken censure laced every greeting. D'Kar's first assignment, to the finest cruiser, had fallen away. Dishonor brought on his house by Kirk. Kirk was a trickster. The Organians have Kor's lost honor, not Kirk.
Small ship, not his own, Klingon design but not imperial, maybe clan or private.
Enterprise rendezvous with Kor's battlecruiser to deliver D'Kar in accordance with Organian Peace Treaty.
Kor – If my blood has been mistreated I will see your ship is dismantled by my disruptor banks.
Tracking Earthers was little different then tracking wild Qaj. Both were sloppy animals
D'Kar paid handsomely to sabotage Kirk's shuttle.
If frustration were corporeal D'Kar would have gutted it by now and made its skin into a sheath of his knife
Were they part of Kirk's clan? Would they die for him?
He could smell the Earther from where he was
Other Klingons Kirk had been up against would have sought to breed terror among innocents
Klingon culture is concerned with particular honor rites and taboos

Operation: Annihilate!
no Klingon content
  World Without End by Joe Haldeman
P36 wreckage of ship on airless planetoid’s surface by general lines it looks Klingon, a primitive design. Ship looks bent out of shape, crumpled inward, as if a large hand had closed over it. Lies upside down, held down by net on low gravity planetoid. The hull is aluminum and magnesium. Inside the deck is covered with layer of bluish frost, dark corridors, sealed doors. One Klingon had evidently survived to the very end. He was in a space suit similar in design to the Enterprise team, seated. Just before death he had removed the helmet, his mouth and eyes were full of ice, his skin frozen leather. 11 other crew evidently committed suicide together, the cold preserved them in an advanced state of decomposition.  The Enterprise team takes pictures and measurements of vessel to pass on to Star Fleet Command. They found no other Klingon bodies, though the dormitory space indicated the normal crew was 113. Captured Klingon data do not reveal designs of vessels more than 114 years old. The vessel bears a superficial resemblance to a long-range cruiser of that period, which it could predate by several centuries, if our understanding of Klingon history is accurate. Lt. Sydny, Enterprise ethnologist, a young dark woman of arresting beauty, has most knowledge of Klingon society. Deciphers control board well enough to find ship’s log. The lettering is strange, but the language seems about the same as modern Klingon. The Klingons don’t have a log as such, but there is a computer entry mode that translates as lessons or teaching pains, literally. 
P42 partial transcript of Klingon Log: suddenly our situation is quiet desperate. None of the soldiers had been able to communicate from inside the planetoid, and attempts to call them back only result in overheating the transport crystal. 
In our extremity we have condescended to attempt communication with (the worms). We have sent 50 more soldiers down. 
Mortifying failure! I have given two fingers to the alter and still cannot find peace.  My subcaptain has offered his head, good soldier. I cannot bear to record. 
Only we priests are left
In recording failure I risk blasphemy. I command all (not translatable) curse upon the putrid souls of any foreign curs who may see this, and pray (bitter) deliverance for future brothers who might learn from it.
To purify this act, I call for the heads of all surviving priests, now. I live to watch them rot, my own most terrible penance. The facts are as follows. 
We have been unable to contact the Father Ship because of the heathens’ magnetic field. Over a period of (several days) we transported both companies of soldiers into the planetoid. Only then would the captain undertake the embarrassment of asking for reinforcements.
When we tried to leave the planetoid to call the Father Ship we found we had been entrapped in indestructible gauze. Attempting to pull free from gauze holding the ship only resulted in deforming the ship, almost crushing it. the netting drained power from the ship. When we touched the surface of the planetoid we tried to abandon the vessel, wanting to die fighting, but no power to transport. Captain tried to explode the ship by warp overload but nothing happened. The captain and remaining crew, all except the priests, delivered themselves to space. We remain to savor the terrible pain of defeat. as the heat leaves the ship we have moved into the control room. It should stay warm here long enough for my brothers’ heads to mortify, which is as it must be. 
If any future brothers find this record, heed me! This world is a bane! Do not attempt conquest – destroy it!
Turn our rot to ashes. Send us home to hell.
Spock – a remarkable document. They do not appear to have changed much over the centuries. 
P46 the natives inside the artificial planetoid Chatalia speak Klingon
P50 the natives experience with the Klingons can not have been pleasant
Enterprise linguist Lt. Larousse had studied Klingon for one semester, twenty years before. Klingon didn’t have a word for ‘please.’
McCoy comments that if the Chatalians are killed for speaking the truth, they ought to get along well with Klingons. 
The Klingons killed thousands when they were at Chatalia, via long range weapons
The humans look just like Klingons to the Chatalians. There are basic physiological and anatomical differences between Klingons and human. 
Klingons have two livers. 
P67 Klingons do not perspire, or at least a sodium solution
P82 the Klingon cruiser attacked Chatalia several centuries ago. 
Klingon cruiser involved in a benchmark survey, following the Enterprise at a discreet distance, picks up Enterprise distress call from Chatalia.
Captain Kulain of the warship Korezima
The first lieutenant raised a fist. Survive and succeed. The captain raised a fist
Priest Kal. He hummed the first four notes of a religious anthem. about the captain of the cruiser a century ago – a pious man, that one. His memory will be revered, when we bring this log home.
Kulain dumps the paper transcript of the Enterprise distress call on his desk and starts to pace. 
Kal - There are limits to brotherhood. You are skirting blasphemy
Kulain – I am a realistic man, practical. That is why I am a captain and you, old friend, are a priest. This stinks of death.
Kal – So? We all die.
Kulain – what better way. Avenge the memory of a lost ship and rid the universe of Kirk. 
The Organian treaty forbids armed hostilities, though either group might wage war against a third party. 
Kal – human psychology is very strange. It’s possible they didn’t try to fight
Kulain fought those devils the Feds before the Organian Treaty. They worship soft and stupid words, but underneath they are ferocious. Mark me, they tried
Kal – So we die. We die fighting.
Kulain – good philosophy but bad tactics. Kulain wants to send for reinforcements, one ship try attacking the planetoid, others stand back . the loss of a ship then would be an investment, not a sacrifice and the ship might  be rescued. And the crew denied the opportunity to die in battle
It sounds more like dying of disease
A warrior who is not killed can fight again. all right, I retract that.
You have studied humans too closely, you begin  to think like one. 
The way Kulain stated his order was less than forceful
An animal sound growled up from Kulain’s throat, he jerked a ceremonial sword from its scabbard on the wall. 
Kal - Go ahead, kill your only friend on this ship
Kulain launches a nova bomb from a distance to destroy the planetoid
Spock – if the bomb malfunctions the Klingons will only try again. it is possible that the Klingons will be satisfied and go away, confident that life inside the planetoid has been destroyed, or at least desirous of reporting so. However, it is more likely they will transport a fighting force inside. The Chatalia were evidently able to vanquish them before, unaided. It is unlikely any Klingon will allow himself to survive
Can't know for certain how powerful the Klingon nova bomb is, or how vulnerable it is to phaser fire. 
P107 Karez, science officer on Korezima will get a medal for his evasive maneuvers, he bases it on possible course of action if he were cowardly human
Scott, alone on the Enterprise, bases his firing projections on a ‘random walk’ evasion pattern which the Klingons had used in the past. Enterprise phaser power too depleted to damage the nova bomb. It was still possible that a Fed ship would come to the rescue and save at lest him from the Klingon attack
The Chatalia cloning machine killed every Klingon without making a replacement, the machine killed them because they endangered the order of things
P130 Kulain sits tensely in the command chair, and viewed the crystal showing the nova bomb
The communications officer controls the speed of the nova bomb. 
The ordinance officer
A nova bomb become a painfully bright white dot, begins to grow, the fireball grows to envelope a planet, then ten times more, many hours to dissipate
Lieutenant ordinance officer addresses Kulain as  sire
The laws of heat dynamics are at the root of all Klingon science
The nova bomb disappears without doing any damage
Perhaps the Enterprise is luring the Klingons in, to test a new weapon, and put Klingons in a situation that might prove embarrassing in terms of the Organian treaty. 
Magic an offensive word
Perhaps I lack imagination but all I can think of is direct assault, via transporter, force the secret out of them before wiping them out
Kulain smiles thinly. You are fortunate your post does not require imagination
The Klingons have another nova bomb
Detonate the bomb inside the planetoid
Bomb too large to be transported, but it can be sent in piecemeal with a team of experts to reassemble and detonate it, such as Lt. ordinance officer. 
Would you trust the cooks with it?
ordinance officer stands rather slowly and saluted. 
Survive and succeed
Flee – a distressingly human thought, obscene. But there’s dark pleasure in thinking it.
Assembly area adjacent to the transporter room
Kulain inspects his troops – ordnance team, with a heavy-weapons squad for protection, and a group of priests and scientists (heavily armed, for tradition’s sake) beaming down to ruin of ancient Klingon vessel. 
Kulain plans to beam aboard Enterprise. Sensors say only one man is aboard. Kulain wants to meet him, to indulge his interest in human psychology, perhaps kill him, in an appropriate way. Some way that would not be ‘aggression’ in Organian terms. The parts of the nova bomb will follow.
Klingons have slightly better tolerance to low temperatures than humans
He unsnapped the flap of his holster
Kulain said something in Klingon, loudly. He flickered slightly with a transporter effect, but didn’t go away
He slowly drew his weapon and put it against his forehead, when he pulled the trigger it made a sound like a tired kitten
Scott – you’re welcome to share the fire with me
Kulain – I’d rather die
Scott – fat lot of good you did your fatherland
Kulain – I’ve never been so close to a human that I could smell him
Scott – you ain’t no bloody bunch of posies, yerself
P138 the cloning machine of the Chatalians - Klingons taste good, have unpleasant minds. It is hungry for Klingons.
Nova bomb a blocky piece of gray metal about the size of a shuttlecraft. Moved along with back-pack rockets in low gravity. 
Nine Klingons in funereal spacesuits accompany bomb. The Klingons floated with stiff dignity, expecting to be vaporized any second. 
When the nova bomb crunched harmlessly into the sand they had a swift conference
Eight of them formed a Klingon Square, blasters out. The Klingons found out their blasters didn’t function. Then they drew knives and formed a line
Chatalians prepare to attack Klingons from behind
The Klingons, getting ready for futile combat
A drunk Kulain – Captain Quirk, I prezhume? 
His brow furrowed. Can’t think of the word, ah, Thank you.
Scott – they’re not such bad folks, once you get to know them. Can’t hold their liquor, though.
Kirk – how did you get him to take a drink? I thought they didn’t do anything for pleasure.
This is Kal, temporarily in command. Who calls?
The cloning machine of the Chatalia has issued a challenge – he wishes to consume every Klingon. No weapons work in his domain and he can prevent transport back to their ship.
Knives will work, though, and bare hands, no?
True, but you will be greatly outnumbered.
Kal had a smug smile. Good. He switched off. 
Chatalia a week from Starbase 3
  Ishmael by Barbara Hambly
P9 Kirk knows the Klingons are very skillful 
Starbase 12, in free space on planetoid near Tau Eridani Cloud, a vast amorphous region of ion storms and unexplained gravitational anomalies with dwarf star. Formerly part of long-vanished Karsid Empire. Base Commander Maria Kellogg. 
Klingons already have two legitimate research teams working on the base. 
Kirk noted Klingon ore transport on the base manifest, as a possible source of crew conflicts. Ore transports are gigantic but few crew. An unwieldy black giant of a ship. The ore transporter is scheduled to depart at 1800 hours.
The Klingon cruiser Rapache is due within eight hours, ETA 1800, departure two hours later, no shore leaves.
Who else but Spock had knowledge of Klingon computer systems and the workings of the Klingon military mind?
Spock goes aboard Klingon ore transport vessel in espionage mission. 
The populated heart of the Federation was not so far away as to be out of danger if the Klingons had achieved some kind of major breakthrough. The Klingons had gone to a deal of trouble to keep secret whatever it was they had on the transport.
The deadly silver angularity of the Klingon battle cruiser Rapache, which had arrived at the base inexplicably early. a heavily armed fighting ship, capable of mauling the Enterprise badly. Slightly smaller in size.
The ore transport lumbered out of orbit and heads in direction of the Tau Eridani Cloud. The Enterprise on a parallel course for Alpha Eridani III. The Rapache peels out of orbit behind them at farthest limits of scanners.
Kirk wondered how important that weapon aboard the transport was to the Klingons. Important enough to risk breaking the Organian Peace Treaty by attempting to prevent the Enterprise from reporting back to base? Powerful enough to let them break the treaty with impunity? Or did they think they would be able to justify their action on the grounds of the Enterprise’s having started the trouble by sending a spy aboard in the first place?
If Spock was caught, the Klingons would use the Mind-Sifter, and then it would only be a matter of time before they knew who had sent him.
Klingon battle cruiser accelerating to maximum sublight. Enterprise goes to battle stations, yellow alert. Klingons decelerating, still coming on medium slow. Klingon shields raised. The ore transporter moves to warp five and accelerating. Ore transports normally cannot make warp seven. Disappears.
In theory even a cloaked ship would leave an antimatter residue, and a cloak would suck off so much power that they shouldn’t be able to break lightspeed. The Enterprise continues on to Alpha Eridani III, the Rapache follows them never coming within hailing range. At the edge of that star system, then a showy roll had fallen abruptly away and headed back in the general direction of the distant Klingon Empire. 
P56 Kirk had detailed for the record his own minor infringement of the Organian Peace Treaty, the disappearance of the Klingon ore transport.
Could the Klingons have found out about the Guardian? Guardian planet far from Starbase 12. 
The Klingon imperial representative on Starbase 12 never reported that transport missing, in spite of the fact that the Rapache passed within hailing distance on its way back to it s home turf. The imp rep might not like dealing with a woman BC but he follows the regs like they were his hope of Heaven. 
The Klingons’ goal was not to tamper with the Guardian per se, but to accomplish the same thing in another fashion, the retroactive readjustment of history.
The Klingons might have used a white dwarf star to create a temporary time slip
P60 Khlaru is a place, a province on Klinzhai itself.
McCoy’s history is about nil. So is Kirk’s. all Kirk knows is that the Klingons were taken over by the Karsids about six hundred years ago, and went from a feudal society to a space-flight one, albeit as mercenaries of the Karsid Empire, without any interim development. It was their rebellions that hastened the downfall of the Karsids. The Klingon Empire is founded directly on Karsid technology and Karsid ruling systems. The Klingons simply stepped into the power vacuum when the Karsid Empire crumbled. But about individual events of Klingon history, particularly before the takeover, Kirk is ignorant. 
Khlaru isn’t just a place on Klinzhai. About 10 years ago cache of old Karsid records was dug out of the rock here, the only ones found outside the Klingon Empire. there’s been a couple of research teams going through them for years. One of them’s funded through the Vulcan Academy of Archives, the other one’s Klingon. The head of the Klingon team is a man named Khlaru.
The fact that the Klingons are attempting to change history, have taken as much trouble as it appears they have, indicates that they are working to gain some specific and by a specific act. 
Klin Khlaru was engaged in the cataloging of Karsid records, same as Vulcan colleague Trae of Vulcanis, for this sector covering the last fifty years of the Karsid Empire’s occupancy of this asteroid. Copies of official correspondence, technical readouts from the base, reports regarding the shifts within the Tau Eridani Cloud, shipping cost indexes. The information is only valuable to those with an interest in the final days of the empire’s hegemony, and in the effect of the first Orion revolts upon outpost stations. Klin Khlaru is first and foremost a historian, a man of honor and intelligence. As a military man Kirk has become accustomed to regarding all Klingons as unquestioning servants of their emperor. this is an error in Khlaru’s case. Khlaru is no fool. Nor is he any man’s puppet. 
The planet Klinzhai had no standard system of dates before Karsid takeover. Most areas used reign dating by the name of the local ruler, sometimes in conjunction with two or even three simultaneous cycles of identifying years. Old realm of Khlaru was one of those areas.
Dating system in the realm of Khlaru just prior to Karsid first contact was a triple cycle of reign dates; the Arastphrid System common to the Gharhuil Continent in that era, and a longer cycle based on the variable star Algol. The first Karsid contacts were of course in their usual form of traders from another land, as they never disclosed that they were alien until their hold on the economy was virtually unbreakable, was recorded as In the Year of the Gashkrith in the reign of Khorad son of N’gar in the five-hundredth cycle of Algol, or Shen as they sometimes called that star. After the Karsid’s had established economic influence over the entire planet, not difficult to do, considering that Klinzhai was just entering into the early phases of industrialization and there was constant rivalry between the semi-industrial cloth-manufacturing towns and the land-based patriarchate, to the point where the Klingons could not do without them, the Karsids imposed cultural unity, wiped out recalcitrant minorities, dissidents and splinter-groups and adopted Klinzhai into full tributary status in Karsid Imperial Year 930. 
Karsid first contact with the rulers of Thersach, the most warlike and socially flexible of the industrial federations, correlates to earthdate 1486. induction to full tributary status 1540. Karsids knew how to play on inner rivalries within the culture. The Karsids took over in a single generation, new weapons, new luxury goods. 
New drugs, suggests Kellogg, who had seen Klingon methods of takeover.
Karsids wanted intact, semi-industrial economies that they could develop and exploit, not herds of opiated slaves. Civilizations under their rule tended to be physically healthier and more puritanical than their self-governing forebears. The Karsids used drugs in specific incidents, a technique which the Klingons have adapted to their own use. 
Whether Khlaru himself is a man of honor or not, he’s obligated to report questions to his superiors. If the Klingons even get a hint that the Feds are on to them, God knows what could happen.
P103 at Starbase 12’s main cafeteria a tight-knit group of Klingons huddled standoffishly over megacaffeinated coffee, looking like they were discussing studied trivialities and each privately wondering who in the group would report their words back to the imperial representative. 
Khlaru, A tall Klingon had just joined the group. A man in his middle sixties, his thickly curling black hair and beard shot with white. His face had a closed, uncompromising look to it, a craggy face. A faded tattoo, like a castle-mark, was visible on his forehead and the cut of his clothing was noticeably less military than those of the scientists at the table.
You don’t see many Klingon scholastics around. They’re a sub-caste of Klingon society and they’re not allowed off the home world much. Khlaru’s some kind of big noise in Klingon historical circles.
Even when Klingons are on R and R, they never look like they’re having any real fun. Hard to have fun if you knew everything you said was likely to end up on file somewhere.
Cafeteria coffee was said to be much worse in the Klingon Empire.
P122 Uhura had a glimpse of swarthy, bearded faces, Klingons, out of uniform, two dark forms half-dragging and half-carrying a third, Vulcan scholar Trae. Drugged with zedrox, in an inch long soft plastic oval capsule with a single thornlike needle projecting from one side. illegal as hell, but easy to smuggle in if you have official connections, like the Klingon imperial representative. 
There are some 75 Klingon male civilians in the private sector of Starbase 12. the imp rep has jurisdiction but no direct control. 
Khlaru was recalled to Klinzhai at 1500 hours yesterday. He was kept incommunicado in the Klingon sector of the base and left on a shuttle when the Klingon cruiser Schin’char came through at 0300. 
Khlaru had been assigned to Starbase 12 for five years, all of his obligations upon his homeworld were nullified for that time. The recall must be on the authority of the imperial representative himself, no time for message to go from SB 12 back to Klinzhai itself.
P138 Khlaru was working on translating and cataloging the Karsid outpost records discovered on SB 12 ten years ago. The data had not been put in order even by its original compilers. It is a random assortment of intelligence reports, captains’ logs, scientific studies of the Tau Eridani cloud, trade invoices and data readouts from the base computers. Khlaru and Trae both filed periodic reports on their findings. it would take the Klingons at least two years to evolve the mathematical theory and the hardware to implement their plans. Roughly 20 reports, 60 thousand words each, filed over 7 years.
P143 if Klingons are taking the trouble to create a time warp and send someone back on a retrohistorical mission, they’re going to be damn certain that it will benefit them. 
It’s a trap. The Klingons have a store of convincing arguments
The next time you speak of the subservience of the Klingons to their imperial masters, Kirk, and their lack of personal honor and integrity, please remember that it is inconceivable that Khlaru was not asked to identify this flimsiplast translation of the original Karsid document, and he did not.
It must have been at that point that Khlaru had been sent back to his homeworld, to what fate Kirk could only guess. 
Trae had spoken of Khlaru as his friend. There was nothing any of them could do for the Klingon historian, now that he had been called back to his home to face the consequences of his stubbornness. 
Khlaru was the one who did most of the work on Karsid intelligence documents. A report on one man who led an almost fanatical campaign against Karsid offers at the start of their infiltration on earth. 
P199 the carrying case bore labels: Live Tribbles. Do not feed.
Most of the Klingon Imperial Representative’s agents are amateurs. They’re aren’t a lot of Klingon civilians outside the empire, ordinary civilians, not defectors, but there are some. The Fed files on them are all impeccable.
Colonel Nch’rth, name pronounced with glottal rasp, dark, haughty gaze. Slender, nervous-looking man in the black-and-gold uniform of Klingon Imperial Service. His formal black beard was and showed signs of both implants and dye, as did his hair, Klingon males being worse even than human males on that subject. He wore the harried expression of a man for whom it has long ago become second nature to glance over his shoulder, common to Klingon civil servants even of the highest degree. 
Like any Klingon, he unconsciously turned to speak to a man rather than a woman. 
A man on the maintenance crew, a man who owes his allegiance to the empire and is thus under Colonel Nch’rth’s protection, was badly bitten by a pelz that was being transported by Enterprise in improperly labeled box. The bite of a pelz is a truly savage thing – the man could have lost a finger. The animal should have been sedated. The man should not have been tampering with sealed boxes. One of the imperial representative’s amateur agents.
If such negligence had been on the part of a member of the Klingon military Fed reaction would be different.
Colonel Nch’rth called furiously – You shall receive a memo. 
Klingons tend to prefer their solutions simple. Are the Klingons out to kill Aaron Stemple in 1867 Seattle, or to prevent whatever incident made him oppose Karsid infiltration of Earth?
P219 Klingons show up at Candy’s wedding dance. They must have been searching for Spock along the entire Pacific Coast in 1867. they had missed Spock the first time in San Francisco. Joshua Bolt must have broken very quickly when the Klingons put the Mind-Sifter on him. But they did not kill him afterward. Non-interference in the past. The Klingons would never have risked a ripple effect. The historian Khlaru might not have been able to dissuade the imperial representative from the plan, but he had at least convinced them of risk of ripple effect. The two Klingons were told not to kill any humans. One tall, one short. Taller one toys with thought of momentarily disregarding the stricture against tempering with more than one element of the time-stream and making sure of Aaron and Spock as well. How typically Klingon, Spock thought.
The two Klingons had been in the Seattle area back in September
A glaring flash of greenish light. Klingon disruptors are messy weapons, designed to hurt, and cow by fear, as well as to kill. The side of his face was a spreading ruin of ruptured tissue. His whole body must be torn that way, inside and out.
Aaron hadn’t caught the main bolt, but been caught in the blast nimbus.
If the Klingons had not dared kill Joshua in San Francisco, they would not kill anyone they assumed was human and not a temporal anomaly like themselves. 
Klingons disguised as frontiersmen, with long straggly hair and some minimal plastic surgery on the ears and brow. 
Klingons had questioned Spock on board transport. Tapes were made of interrogations. 
In the harsh dialect of Klinzhai
He is fool enough with his loyalties and life that his own place on this world cannot be a long one.
The Klingons moved swiftly away, then there was the silvery whine of a transporter beam. The Klingons had accomplished their mission to kill Aaron Stemple and departed. 
Minor injuries from disruptors, grazes and flash-cuts, would begin to heal in eight to a hundred hours, untended. This was epidermal tissue only. there was no recent report on untended internal human injuries, except of course, somewhere in the files of some mercilessly curious Klingon laboratory. Wounds don’t heal, blood doesn’t clot.
Spock has fain squares of residual scar tissue on his temples, from mind-sifter. The Klingons had strapped Spock’s hands down, high-density flexiplast, and had cut like metal into his wrists when he’d struggled.
Joshua lost an hour or two of memory. Spock lost memory for a while. 
P234 Black, snake-headed ships of the Karsid Empire. the Karsids had known its economics well. Klinzhai was a culture ripe for takeover, reaching out to the first potentials of science and industry, a developing machine-culture with a prosperous economy. 
Traces of antimatter exhaust of a ship in parking orbit, within four days. There is no telling when in 1867 the Klingon ship arrived. 
P245 Tillman’s Factor, combined with the gravitational fields of the Tau Eridani Cloud and the wandering dwarf star, would create a gravitational vector which would in turn cause a temporary timeslip if a ship of sufficient mass were accelerated through it at high warp speeds. An extremely rare phenomenon and one the Klingons would probably not utilize again, given the null and possibly deleterious results of the experiment.
Spock remembers his interview with the Klingon captain up to a point. He has no recollection of leaving the ship. A power outage may have happened, opening his room door, knifed in the knee by Klingon while making way to transporter room. The Klingon transport was a jury-rigged ship, they had two auxiliary systems failures while Spock was aboard before he was captured. The gravitational stresses of going through the time warp. The ship was not a proper battle cruiser, did not have a special brig with independent door circuits. 
Klingons traditionally go armed with bladed weapons
The Klingons planted their own seeds of suspicion that was the Karsids’ and their own undoing. 
Khlaru succeeded in defecting from the Klingon Empire on his way back to the home planet.
The Klingons were orbiting earth, on earth searching for Aaron Stemple for four months. The Klingon hunters missed him the first time through Seattle owing largely to chance. It took them almost that long to locate him. 
Spock’s only way to block the Mind-Sifter was self-induced amnesia and catatonia. At the power levels they were using Spock could never have withstood it for an extended period of time.
The Klingons’ experiment in retroactive tampering with history was not only a failure but a warning. When their mission logs are analyzed they will come to realize that not only did they not achieve their ends, but in attempting to achieve them, they in fact precipitated the very chain of events they sought to stop. The Klingons were attempting to prevent the tampering caused by Spock’s presence, but as they were not aware they were looking for an alien, they made Stemple their target. 
Trae and Klin Khlaru departed Starbase 12 for Vulcanis, where the Klingon historian was applying for Federation citizenship. Imperial representative Colonel Nch’rth had been recalled to Klinzhai, where he would have a lot of explaining to do.
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