Broken Bow
Written by Rick Berman and Brannon Braga.
Full forehead Klingon Klaang's ship crashes in Moore's cornfield in Oklahoma. He runs through stalks, up to silo, chased by Suliban, farmer Moore hears shots, sees smoke. 
Klaang runs to silo, pushes open door. 
The NRA is still going strong in 2151, farmer Moore has a plasma rifle just inside the door.
Suliban go in bottom of silo, Klaang jumps out second story. Stops not too far away and pulls small disruptor, green blob explodes silo. Methane explosion.
Klaang, long brown reptilian leather tunic, red leather holster wrapped around body. Short shelve undershirt, long sleeved long johns. High boots with bootspikes.
Klaang -to farmer Moore - Roqnuh, pagh qoH! Mang juH!
HIch ghaH! Qagh DoQ!
Shot with plasma rifle by farmer Moore. Ends up, without having regained consciousness, at Starfleet Medical, hooked up to instruments.
Vulcan ambassador Soval, aide Tos, with puny Starfleet brass, has already been in contact with the Klingons - they made it clear, they want us to expedite this.
Vulcans have been keeping in close contact with Kronos since the incident occurred. 
Humans, Starfleet Admirals, have never heard of Klingots, Qo'noS
Courier Klaang evidently was carrying crucial information back to his people. 
Soval - Sarcasm aside, the last thing your people need is to make an enemy of the Klingon people. 
Tos - If we hadn't convinced them to let us take Klaang's corpse back to Kronos you'd be facing a squadron of warbirds by the end of the week.
Klaang's redundant neural functions kicked in, not dead yet.
Soval - Klaang's culture finds honor in death. If they saw this, he'd be disgraced. 
Tos - They're a warrior race, they dream of dying in battle.
The Klingons have demanded that Klaang be returned immediately.
Captain Jonathan Archer proposes having his ship ready in three days and taking Klingon home, alive. Mission: Take sick man back to his homeworld, why do we need weapons?
Profile Report on Klingons - Apparently they sharpen their teeth beefoore they go into battle.
Ambassador Soval gave Starfleet a sampling of Klingon linguistic database. 
Poq volcha vaY Du bogh Q'apla!
so'wI chu'lu'ta sonchly yem Surgh
blmoHqu K'ntah
Klingons, an Empire of warriors, with 80 poly-guttural dialects constructed on an adaptive syntax.
Hoshi Sato would be the first human to talk to these people. 
Four days Earth to Kronos, Starfleet does not have the star charts to go there. Max speed warp 4.5
Dr. Phlox has never had the chance to examine a living one before. Human doctors had never heard of Klingons.
Klaang's feet have spinal ridge down center, small bone spur at small toe joint. 
Vulcans don't touch food with their hands.
Delirious Klaang - Pung ghap HoS! DujDaj Hegh! 
Hoshi's handheld translator is not locking on to Klaang's dialect. 
Hoshi's We're taking you home = Ingan Hoch, juH!
Klaang - Tujpa'qul Dun? [He wants to know who we are.]
Hoshi - Ou'ghewmey Enterprise. PugloD.
Klaang - Nentay lupHom! [lupHom, ship. He's asking for his ship back]
Hoshi - SonchIy. [It was destroyed]
Klaang - Vengen Sto'vo'kor Dos!
I'm not sure but something about eating the afterlife??
MajQa blmoHqu!
?? His wife has grown ugly??
Dr. Phlox - His prefrontal cortex is hyper stimulated, he probably doesn't have any idea what he's saying. 
HIjol OaOqu'nay!  OaOqu'nay!
??stinky boots??
Qa'rot bah chu'lu'ta!  SonchIy DaHjaj pung'gaP!  DaHjaj pung'gaP   Suliban
The Suliban comes and take mumbling Klaang off Enterprise.
He says their name, Suliban, knows, in his hyper stimulated state, who they were.
Archer doesn't contact Starfleet to tell them the Klingon has been snatched.
The word Earth is not even in the Klingon database. 
Rigel 15 ly from where Enterprise is now.
Navigational logs were salvaged, by Vulcans, from Klaang's ship, Rigel 10 was the last place he stopped before crashing on Earth. 
Klaang interrogated by Suliban, under drugs
Where is it? He doesn't know. He doesn't know what they're looking for. He was sent to Rigel Ten to meet someone. A Suliban female named Sarin. She gave him nothing. 
A seven foot Klingon doesn't go unnoticed. Find out what the courier was conveying, find who gave it to him, why he was taken.
Rigel Ten polygot trading culture, snowy, chilly. Authorities tell T'Pol something about live food, level 19, to direct them in their searching, no record of Klaang.
Klingons walk by at a distance.
Hoshi calls out - Ha'quj jeg!
We were just taking him home.
Klaang was carrying a message to his people. Given to him by Sarin. The Suliban have been staging attacks within the Klingon Empire, making it appear that one faction is attacking another. Klaang was bringing proof of this to his High Council. Without that proof the Empire could be thrown into chaos. The Suliban are simply soldiers fighting a temporal cold war, taking orders from the distant future to attack Klingons. 
Sarin dies, final words - Find Klaang
April 16, 2151
Archer doesn't believe Klaang could still be alive.
Temporal war director - Klaang's message cannot be allowed to reeach Kronos. Stop the humans.
Archer and Commander Tucker come to rescue Klaang, strapped in chair. He attacks them once freed, yelling. Archer points phaser at Klaang, which subdues him. Klaang allows Commander Tucker to help direct him down the hallway. Instead of being quiet, Klaang mouths off down the corridor as they try to make their escape. 
Qu'taw boh!  Borat! Borat! Muh tok!  Dajvo tagh! Borat!
When attacked, Klaang left hooks Suliban. 
Commander Tucker doesn't particularly like the way Klaang smells.
Temporal war director - Klaang knows nothing about what he's ccarrrying
Dark overcast skies. Looks cratered or canyons. One squat round building amidst low brown stone structures. Colonnade around base of tower building, no windows. 
Jagged snowy Paramount peaks behind city. 
Klingons, wearing leather but not typical uniform or long cloaks, no sashes, mill about council chamber shouting. 
Pung ghap HoS! Ram Meqmey!  Vubpu'; jon nuchpa!  Malja'gor. 
Furry sleeves, rather ornate rolled golden sleeve cuffs for Klaang, Leader and young guy with test tube. Fire pit, hanging burning lanterns. Flickering light from being grills 
Older Leader sits behind table. Another council leader sits either side of him. Cloak over back of bench leaders sit on.
Double manual sliding door, Klingon writing above, gold letters. Straight sword above letters, bat'leth, tips pointing downward, above straight sword.
Two warriors pull doors open inward.
Klaang, Archer, Hoshi, T'Pol in ante chamber, red lit wall.
Klaang - Wo'migh Qagh!  Q'apla! [something about disgracing the Empire. he says he's ready to die]
Leader walks up to Klaang. Pulls short straight knife, serrated point but not d'k tahg. Slices Klaang's right palm quickly.  Poq!
Young Klingon [?Poq] with test tube at the ready steps up to gather red blood sample. Goes over to Klingon wall computer. Red, yellow, green displays. Klingon symbol in center, stylized bat'leth, Klingon writing. Pours blood on to circular raised analyzer. A few beep beeps on the computer touch pads goes to DNA level to reveal information, occasion for much shouting and hurrahing.
Leader goes over to Archer, raises knife near Archer's throat. 
Speaks - ChugDah hegh . . . volcha vay. 
Walks away.
Archer will take that as a thank you.
Hoshi - I don't think they have a word for thank you. You don't want to know what he said.
Enterprise still in orbit over Kronos, light green and white cloud atmosphere. Makes repairs.
Archer understands there's an inhabited planet a few light years from Kronos, nitrogen sulfide atmosphere, probably not humanoid. They go check it out. No life bigger than a slug.
Novelization by Diane Carey
9 Okl'hma
I have smashed my craft and now I flee to live. Die here? In rows of weeds and seeds? Escape is not cowardice. Smelly wreck of a noble craft that had carried him so far. He had not been able to mend flawed intakes. The wreck was Klingon to its core and would serve till the end. 
Stalks into rows as tidy as a mOghklyk's spine plait
Earth gravity lighter than on Qo'noS
Klaang big even for a Klingon.
A good death in battle for a good old craft, to go ferociously into the dust and flame. The future would know about it.
If there was no escape he wanted to die boldly. He was running to save the mission, not himself. His conscience and his duty were in conflict.
Klaang had seen Suliban morph before
Klaang wondered why a simple tower would get a noble death just for hiding volatiles.
English spoken by farmer Moore seemed to have some Klingon inflections
Klaang - Rogauh pagh goH! Mang juH!  A warning
In a rage of insult and irritation Klaang slapped his thighs and ranted. 
HIch ghaH! Oagh DoO!
The human proved him completely wrong by opening fire.
He silently thanked the interesting alien for a wound in front. At least future ages would know he hadn't died running.
44 what a language. Sounded like this guy was throwing up
73 To Vulcans, humans are unenlightened but Klingons are diverse
Klaang, loud growling of the Klingon, like some kind of werewolf on the prowl.
78 DujDaj Hegh!
79 Hoshi - Ingan . . . Hoch . . . juH
Klaang - Tujpa'qul Dun?   He wants to know who we are
Hoshi - Qu'ghewmey Enterprise PuqloD
Klaang - Nentay lupHom!  He's asking for his ship back
Hoshi says it was destroyed - SonchIy
Klaang - Vengen Sto'Vo'Kor Dos!   Something about the after life
Klaang - MajOa blmoHqu!   His wife has grown ugly
80  Hljol OaOqu'nay!  Stinky boots
Klaang has spiked leg bands
107 Seven days ago Klaang on Rigel X. 
a k'toch-class vessel
he arrived at docking port six and was given a level one biohazard clearance
116 Hoshi - Ha'quj jeg
173 Klaang - Qu'taw boh! Muh tok! Dajvo Tagh!  Borat!
Klaang joyously pounded Suliban attacker unconscious.
176 RaQpo jadICH!
191 the gnarled towers of the Klingon High Council chamber rose above a smoggy yellow haze in the capital city. Inside the chambers an ancient room of stone and wooden beams was hung with ceremonial banners and echoes of conquests stemming back through the pages of alien time
guards stood everywhere dressed in regalia and armed with archaic weapons
council members seated at a serpentine table, pounded and shouted.
There was great strife here today.
Klaang was calm now, majestic
192 Klaang - Wo'migh Qagh! Q'apla!  Something about disgracing the empire, ready to die.
Chancellor wide shouldered
Great stone steps
Drew a jagged dagger from its sheath
Aide approached with a vial, large apparatus, sensor padd. Large screen came to life. Highly magnified cluster of lavender blood cells
Maps and text, schedules, coordinates.
The entire chamber erupted in a rumble of approval
193 Chancellor - ChugDah hegh . . .  volcha vay.
The meeting broke up and the Council adored its DNA treasure. 
Their neighbors the Suliban.
Now they knew their internal structure was being tampered with
Fight or Flight
May 2151, first contact with Axanar, two weeks at warp 5 from Kronos
Strange New World
no Klingon content
  By The Book by Dean Smith & Katherine Rusch
no Klingon content
Written by Rick Berman and Brannon Braga.
First contact Klingon and Xyrillian. Xyrillian ship attaches itself to Klingon battle cruiser when engines fail six days after Tucker repaired them. For two days the Klingon ship experiences various minor malfunctions, unexplained.
Enterprise picks up Xyrillian signature, but not the Klingon ship. [?]
The Vulcans gave Starfleet starship profiles, including Klingon battle cruiser, K't'inga class.
T'Pol is not relaxed at encountering Klingon ship.
Malcolm warns about contacting Klingons not being a wise idea.
Klingon ship responds to Archer's introductory remarks by turning toward Enterprise and firing a salvo of two spiked blobs of light.
T'Pol - They're not attacking, if they wanted to destroy Enterprise they would have done it.
Captain Vorok responds to second hail - What gives you the right to approach a Klingon warship?
Captain Vorok in wide chair with armrests, ?laptop back panel in front, Klingon glyph behind his head, red light spots on wall. First Officer tends consol to Captain's left, with his back to the captain so he has to keep twisting around to report. The Klingon ship has been experiencing various malfunctions. They wear loose jackets, slightly metallic shirts, three slashes on upper left sleeve.
Captain Vorok - You've been monitoring our systems! For how long?
Archer explains about Xyrillians riding in their wake.
Captain Vorok to First Officer - Find this vessel!
Klingon vessel fire several shots aft, green plasma field, reveals Xyrillians. Establish tractor beam.
First Officer - There are 36 aboard.
Captain Vorok - Bring their captain to me, execute the others. [no decompression?]
Archer protests that he needs them alive.
Captain Vorok leans into viewer - What you need is to turn your puny ship around and leave. These aliens violated our security and disrupted our systems. Both are considered acts of war against the Empire! They won't get home, but I'm more then willing to hasten their journey to Sto-Vo-Kor. You're wasting my time!
Archer doesn't recall Sto-Vo-Kor, Hoshi reminds him it's the Afterlife. Archer being nice doesn't cut it with the Klingons, T'Pol has to step forward.
T'Pol - Less then one month ago Captain Archer stood in the High Council chamber in Kronos, the Chancellor himself called him a man of honor, a brother. Enterprise is the ship that found Klaang and returned him to the Empire. Without Klaang your Houses would be at war with each other. Jonathan Archer is the man who carried out that rescue. You are in his debt. You would be demonstrating both honor and wisdom to grant his request.
Tucker tells Captain Vorok the Xyrillians have amazing technology.
Captain Vorok - What kind of technology?
Tucker - Holographic. Press a few buttons and you'll be standing on a hillside overlooking Kronos. Couldn't hurt to take a look, unless the decompression cycle frightens ya.
Captain - I am frightened by nothing, p'tok! Tucker talks to much to go with Klingon boarding party. I'll bring a security team. If their technology amuses me, I may spare their lives. I don't need your engineer to help me make that decision. I am not interested in your engineer's business.
Archer - There's a pregnancy involved.
Captain Vorok - I thought you said you were there to fix their warp reactor not to impregnate one of their females. This should be a lesson to you. Forget it happened.
The Klingons crew laughs at Tucker's delicate condition.
After touring the Xyrillian ship with Tucker and First Officer, Captain Vorok agrees to release the ship in exchange for one or two of their holographic simulators. It would be a good idea to cooperate. Vorok hands Xyrillian a cylinder topographical survey of our capital. They go off for a demonstration. Vorok can see his house in the holo program the Xyrillians make. Council chamber tower, clear flat plaza before steep canyon, city continues on other side of canyon. High peaks all around. Vorok lives on the correct side of the canyon.
Vorok - Can this technology be adapted to our power matrix?
The Xyrillians will make it so.
Vorok, back in his captain's chair - As soon as the installation is complete, the Xyrillians will be free to go.
Archer - I hope the next time we meet we can be of some help to you.
Vorok leans in close to viewer - Listen to me very carefully. Our debt is repaid. We have no interest in meeting you again. if we do, I promise you'll regret it.
Lucky Captain Vorok and First Officer got to spend three hours in decompression chamber with talkative Tucker, going over and coming back. Tucker smelled things in there he hopes he never smells again. Third Klingon Tucker has smelled.
Archer asks T'Pol is what she said about Klingon Chancellor calling Archer a brother was true.
T'Pol - Klingons are known to exaggerate. I saw nothing wrong with doing the same.
Terra Nova
no Klingon content
The Andorian Incident
no Klingon content
Breaking The Ice
no Klingon content
no Klingon content
Fortunate Son
no Klingon content
Cold Front
Silik failed in his last mission. The Klingon Empire is intact. Forces from some 900 years in the future are involved in the Temporal Cold War, desiring the demise of the Klingon Empire in 2151.
Silent Enemy
no Klingon content
Dear Doctor
no Klingon content
Sleeping Dogs
written by Fred Dekker
Class 9 gas giant, reddish. A lot of EM interference. Intense magnetic fields. 
Somraw, a Raptor class scout vessel drifting. At least 12 weak biosigns. Gravity is pulling it deeper. A hour until crushing pressure.
Hatch on port side, Deck Two, Red Sector
Light above door switches from white to red. Hatch doors slide apart. Nitrogen oxygen atmosphere. Carbon dioxide levels are high. Terrible smell, to humans and Vulcans. Warm to hot interior.
pIqaD ID on bulkhead. Deck Two, Red Sector.
There are many classes of ship, Vulcan Sub-commander T'Pol does not recognize this one as Klingon.
Bridge, One Klingon over consol. One on floor. Various dark ragged clothing, no apparent uniform.
All lights, power, off. Some panels still with green lights. Doors operate by pushing button to right.
T'Pol consuls leaving before the Klingons regain consciousness. They don't want our help. To die at their post assures them a path to the afterlife. If we rescued them, they'd be dishonored. If they awake and find us on their ship, they'll kill us. 
Galley - deck four, blue sector. Several Targ hanging on hooks, hooves tied. Bowl of gagh on thin legged metal stand. Open weave basket of potato chips. Metal tankard. Tall tripod bowl. Deep pot of skull stew, with ladle. Walk-in Cold storage locker. Three live targs chained in another locker pen.
Bu'kaH hides cold storage locker. Rather low neckline frilly red reptile leather shirt. Wide tan leather belt wrapped around waist. High boots.
Carbon dioxide based neurotoxin, now dissipated
T'Pol doubts there is a distress beacon. Klingons don't call for help.
Bu'kaH creeps up. Listens to Enterprise crew. Makes airlock door noise. Reed goes stomping down the corridor to investigate. Bu'kaH jumps Reed from above. Punches him out, first to stomach, then to head. Pilots Enterprise shuttlepod away.
Narrow corridor, bulkhead projecting into it. from bridge to room on left.
Archer recognizes Klingon when he hears it.
Bu'kaH - Duj-to! Chak wa kah Deesh paklah! . . . kah Deesh paklah! Chak wa kah Deesh paklah! . . . 'kiv Duj. in range. Respond. We've been attacked by an unknown ship, designation Enterprise NX-01 [she knows English letters and numbers??] any warships in range, respond. 
Archer snags shuttlepod as Bu'kaH tries to get to open space. Has 2 security meet her. 
She leaps out on security guy 1. throws him down, ?into other security guy. Goes for his phaser. Tucker shoots her in the back. She's still able to turn, stand and prepare to fire. Archer gets her in the back, a second time. Reluctantly down.
Reed doubtful about the structural integrity of Klingon escape pods.
T'Pol - Klingons don't use escape pods. It would be considered an act of cowardice to abandon ship. 
Many bridge panels green lit now. Circular. Helm station to far right of horseshoe.
Hoshi - Reading Klingon is a lot different than speaking it. 
Hoshi - Kolat chack tabak. Plasma containment, maybe
Pu'DaH dak cha. Photon torpedoes. Reed very interested, never heard of anything like that before. Weapons systems display - torpedoes, tactical sensors, disruptor arrays. To the left of plasma containment station. Hull integrity station across bridge. Helm station to the right of hull integrity. T'Pol knows enough to recognize it by appearance. Last station to right.
Ka'tahl - that can mean wall, barrier, or hull.
Quee nagah - impulse drive. 
Pressure is falling in the J'khat bah, the fusion manifold.
Bu'kaH wakes up in restraints on Klaang's fav biobed - Release me! Cowards! Let me die on my feet! I demand to speak to your captain. I've never seen your kind before, but you have made an enemy of the Klingon Empire. 
Archer - From what I've noticed that's not hard to do.
Bu'kaH - You raided my vessel. Infected my crew! Better ship be destroyed than let it fall into your hands. Fly it back to your world to steal our secrets? When our birds of prey arrive your ship will be destroyed.
There is a neurotoxin in her bloodstream. Untreated it could kill her in a day or two. She's showing effects of hypothermia. Took refuge in cold storage locker, cold delayed effects of toxin.
Tucker read if Klingons sense that a leader is weak they'll try to kill him and take command. 
Schematics of Klingon ship in Vulcan database. A Raptor class scout vessel. Hull at least twice as thick as Enterprise. Reinforced with some kind of coherent molecular alloy. Tough little ship. 
Captain ancestor of Korris from Heart of Glory
Captain's log - OonoS Thrott! Naj joS mIch ka Xanant 'ach pagh . . . Q'tahL class planet.
We destroyed their ship but we've sustained damage in our port fusion injector. We've descended into the outer atmosphere of a Q'tahL class planet to make repairs, in case there are other Xarantine ships in the area. 
Q'tahL - Outer Gas Giant, composition - Silicates, atmosphere - Layered Frozen Gasses, comments - Tectonically Unstable. This classification is broken-down into nine sub classifications, which serve to identify the degree to which a planet varies from the standard norm
Takes a swig from bottle !!while log is recording.
My crew is falling ill and I have been unable to determine why. If we had died when the Xarantine attacked, our honor would be secure. But to fall victim to some disease, to be crushed into nothing, in the depths of this miserable planet,
port fusion reactor, one deck below bridge. In the reactor pit
reactor pit = engineering.
Fallen Klingons in reactor pit, too. On floor, across consoles. Reed burns his hand touching strut in engineering.
Third Enterprise encounter with Klingons, every time Klingons have wanted to destroy Enterprise. A thousand generations of instinct telling her not to trust Archer. 
Galley - deck four, blue sector.
Gagh, a Klingon delicacy, but only when they're alive. T'Pol familiar with it. 
Targs, T'Pol recognizes them, too. 
Klingons prefer their food freshly slaughtered. 
Klingon blaring alarm as ship about to be crushed
Archer - Qapla' Success! The Vulcan database has about 900 pages on Klingons. They're driven by a warrior mentality. They tend to view anyone they meet as a potential enemy. They also have a strong sense of duty. 
Archer - Heh CHo mruak tah.
Death before dishonor.
Phlox has developed an antidote to the neurotoxin. 
Bu'kaH - Is this how you plan to gain my trust. First poison me, then miraculously cure me?
The bioagent was in alcohol they drank. Molecule unique to Xarantine ale. 
Bu'kaH - There was a raid. The Xarantines are no match for us! We attacked their outpost and took what we wanted. The triumph belonged to all. They all drank.
To not allow her crew the cure would be letting them die a very dishonorable death, when she could have saved them. Can she live with that?
Bu'kaH goes with Archer in reinforced shuttlepod. Phlox has enough vaccine to cure all.
[Hoshi should have read distance off in kellicams, "whatever they are"]
Bu'kaH - This was your plan? To grope in the darkness and hope to stumble across my ship?
A compartment collapses, deck three, green sector.
At least nine torpedoes.
At least six torpedo ports
Officer Bu'kaH. Engineer.
The Klingon crew made most of the necessary engine repairs before they were overcome. Port fusion injector still damaged.
Bu'kaH - I will tend to my own ship.
Two Klingon ships approaching at high warp. Detectable 16 minutes away.
This is Klingon raptor Somraw 
Captain calls Enterprise - Prepare to surrender your vessel. You viiolated our ship, accessed our weapons. Disruptors!
Archer - You wouldn't last ten seconds in battle against Enterprise. Multiple hull breaches. Shields are down. Out of torpedoes. If I were you I'd take what little honor I have left and go home. Fire one shot and I'll blast you back to where we found you.
Captain frustrated growl. Punches comm. off button right armrest. Makes quite a squeak. They move off, Enterprise departs, before other Klingon ships show up. 
 Star Trek The Magazine   June 2002  Vol 3 Issue 2
 p42 Designing the Klingon Raptor
 Raptor, small scout, crew of 12
 Same basic layout as the larger D-7 battle cruiser
 Heavier and more clunky
 Klingon symbol on wing, pointing in toward body of ship. Red main, black left, green right, yellow circle behind.
 Three periods of Klingon design; exposed piping etc. Coloration is metallic; then smooth panels, gray tones; heavy panel break up because of giant scale, rusty green.
 D-7 had more body than wings.
 Older stuff wings were kind of state of the art, not aerodynamic
 Exposed cabling that holds everything together
Star Trek The Magazine  January 2003  Vol. 3 Issue 09
Raptor, small Klingon scout vessel, crew of approximately 12. In use in mid-22 century. Compact dimensions. Tough. Robust ship, packed with weaponry including photon torpedoes and multiple disruptor banks. Suitable for raiding alien outposts. Powerful offensive weapons. Strong defenses. Thick hull. Reinforce with coherent molecular alloy, withstand pressure of 15,000 g.s.c. interior atmosphere higher carbon dioxide levels than humans. Bridge helm navigation engineering and tactical. Captain's chair in the center. Large wall monitor displayed layout and schematics of the vessel.  
Areas inside the Raptor-class were identified by colored sectors. Galley on deck 4, blue sector. Galley steel chopping counter, meat hooks
Power fed to twin warp nacelles from reactor pit. Extremely cramped. Leaking lubricant and plasma coolant.
Not a common class of Klingon ship, not recognized immediately by Vulcans
Xarantine outpost, Xarantine ale, laced with biotoxin
Somraw chased after raiding Xarantine outpost. Destroyed pursuers, suffered damage to port fusion injector.
Raptor-class had exposed cabling on exterior and warp engines were parallel with wing sections, not below. Metallic gray, no escape pods.act of a coward to abandon ship
Illustration of targs from Sleeping dogs
Snout, two tusks either side, pink mouth, small white teeth. Four tusks along lower jaw line. Spikes along back spine ridge.
Shadows of P'Jem
no Klingon content
Shuttlepod One
no Klingon content
no Klingon content
Rogue Planet
no Klingon content
no Klingon content
no Klingon content
no Klingon content
Vox Solis
no Klingon content
Fallen Hero
no Klingon content
Desert Crossing
no Klingon content
Two Days And Two Nights
no Klingon content
  What Price Honor by Dave Stern
no Klingon content
The Suliban futuristic database has designs of Klingon ships
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