Coffee Talk With Nancy Russell - Editor of St. Louis Bride Magazine
by Wedding Club
July 7, 2002
Coffee Talk With Nancy Russell, editor of Saint Louis Bride Magazine.

As the current Editor of Saint Louis Bride Magazine, a sophisticated St. Louis bridal publication, Nancy Russell has a lot on her plate: helping coordinate Wedding Connection, gathering informative content for each issue, interviewing local planning couples, to name just a few. This month we had the pleasure of interviewing Nancy over a hot cup of coffee.

WC: As the editor of Saint Louis Bride Magazine, I'm sure you find yourself in the heart of the St. Louis wedding community. How did you get interested in weddings and what inspires you as you develop each issue?

NR: My interest in weddings began when I was just two years old -- the first time I was in a wedding. Being the youngest in my family, I was the perfect "flower girl" age for my siblings and their friends' weddings. As I graduated to the "bridesmaid" and "maid of honor" roles, I took a more specific interest in all the details that go into planning a wedding. My professional background was in special events and public relations -- so planning my own wedding came naturally. I received my first Saint Louis Bride Magazine in a "bridal survival kit" from my husband Evan the day we became engaged. Each issue was filled with great ideas and vendor contacts.

My inspiration comes from our readers, vendors, and the team at Saint Louis Bride. Our readers tell us what they want to know more about, the local wedding professionals offer their expertise when it comes to the latest tips and trends, and the magazine's staff are really up on what's new in the St. Louis community.

WC: As someone whose job is focused on staying on top of the latest wedding trends, what is currently en vogue for couples planning their weddings in St. Louis?

NR: Something I continue hearing from local wedding experts is that couples are incorporating their own unique touches in their wedding plans. It may be a bride wearing her mother's or grandmother's wedding gown, or a couple who honors a lost loved one during their ceremony.

WC: What are some of your favorite places to get married in St. Louis?

NR: This is a hard one -- our city is filled with such cool places. My personal favorites include the Missouri Botanical Garden, the Saint Louis Zoo, and The Conservatory in St. Charles.

WC: You've interviewed many couples during their wedding planning. What are some of your most memorable moments?

NR: Let me say first that meeting and interviewing people is one of things I enjoy most. I was a little bit star struck with our Spring/Summer 2002 issue because I had the opportunity to interview the wedding etiquette guru, Peggy Post; native St. Louisian and L.A. actor, Gregory Sporleder (Black Hawk Down, The Rock, Say Anything) and his wife Meghan; and Lauren Pronger, wife of St. Louis Blues captain Chris Pronger. Peggy was so down to earth and easy to talk to. That was a fun interview for me because I have used the Emily Post etiquette books for years. Greg and Meghan Sporleder were so nice. Greg is an awesome actor and I've been following his career since his first starring role in one of my all-time favorite movies, Say Anything with John Cusack. Lauren Pronger is really working hard to make a difference in the lives of kids through charitable organizations and volunteer work in conjunction with other St. Louis Blues wives.

Overall, every couple I've interviewed has inspired me in some way. I appreciate the time they take and their willingness to share some of the most intimate details of their engagement and wedding with me.

I have to say that some of the most memorable moments are the ones that take place behind the scenes. You know the show "America's Funniest Home Videos"? Well, put it this way: I think we have enough fun making this magazine that we could take home one of those silly awards.

WC: Since you answer many questions on the Saint Louis Bride Magazine web site, what are the most common questions couples ask regarding wedding planning?

NR: The most commonly asked questions are "Where can I get the newest issue of Saint Louis Bride Magazine?" and "Where's the best place to get our picture taken between the wedding and reception?"

To answer the first question - Saint Louis Bride can be purchased at the following locations: World News, Arcade News, Walden Books, Barnes & Noble, Dierberg's, Schnuck's, Straub's, Shop 'N Save, Borders, B. Dalton, Today's News, Doubleday Book Shop, Daily Planet News Bookstore, Faber, Inc., and Brides who register at Famous-Barr, Dillard's, Target, and Kohl's can pick up a complimentary copy at the bridal registry department.

As I mentioned earlier, St. Louis is filled with great parks and landmarks. Typically, I try to get more information about the couple, including the time and location of their wedding events and then match the information to some great St. Louis hot spots.

WC: Do you have any general advice for couples planning their wedding?

NR: Communicate and be open to suggestions. It's so easy to get caught up in all the hustle and bustle of planning the wedding. My advice for brides is this -- everyone will offer an opinion; although it's your wedding, be considerate of those around you who try to help. Even if you don't agree with something mom or dad says, be nice and take their suggestions into consideration. Be courteous to everyone involved in the planning whether it's your mother, the wedding consultant, or the caterer. My advice for grooms -- take a sincere interest in the wedding planning. Support your fianc�e when she needs a lift. Volunteer to do some errands and write thank you notes. She'll appreciate it more than you'll ever know.

WC: You also help coordinate Wedding Connection, Saint Louis Bride Magazine's spectacular wedding show. Can you tell us a little about it and what brides can expect?

NR: I attended my first Wedding Connection when I was planning my own wedding. It is the premier bridal fair in St. Louis and it truly lives up to its name. A bride-to-be can expect nearly one hundred of St. Louis' best wedding professionals available to consult with face-to-face; an exquisite professional fashion show featuring today's most beautiful wedding attire, music, champagne, hors d'oeuvres, and much more. Anything and everything a Saint Louis Bride needs for her wedding, she will find at Wedding Connection.
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