
My Responsibility

No church will assume responsibility for any material found anywhere on my web site, as I do not intend it to represent any specific church.

I assume and accept full responsibility for all material found on my web site. I do not accept responsibility for, and I may not even agree with, other material found through links on my web site.

Others' Responsibility

My current home church, as well as some family and friends, may not agree with my views. In fact, in some specific cases, they likely disagree entirely. Other organizations or people may not agree either. Most importantly, the point is, if I link to my site to any material or site of any of the aforementioned, it does not mean the other person or site agrees with me. A link to another web site means that I found a connection with them in some way and that I thought those who visit my web site might find the linked material useful or helpful in some way.

Not Forcing Views

My web site is meant to challenge your thinking, or at the very least, allow you to see another point of view. However, it IS NOT meant to motivate you to be, think, or act exactly like me. Instead, let your own conscious, and the Spirit of God, direct you. While I am confident in what I believe, I am open to dialog, willing to listen to other ideas, consider other beliefs, and even willing to let other correct me when I am wrong. Although I may not agree with another person's ideas, beliefs, etc., I generally try to respect and accept the other person in spite of any differences. Of course, I have little tolerance for those who feel that they should have the only say in a matter, or who will not truly listen.

Truth is Uncompromising

When it comes to truth, you should be uncompromising. That is, when you discover a new truth, do not lies, or what seems like the norm, ruin your new understanding. Of course, the important thing is, make sure you have indeed discovered the truth. Additionally, while some truths are relevant only to a particular person, circumstance, etc., other truths are relevant to all people under any circumstance. These are absolute truths. These truths are non-negotiable, and everyone must accepted them. Those who do not accept these absolute truths live a lie, and they eventually find their lives limited and unfulfilled. For those who would say, "There are no absolutes," that is, that everything is relative, I ask, are you sure? Please consider, such a statement is in itself an absolute. Now, in no way do I pretend I have found ALL truth, but when I know (or believe) I have found it, I do try to share it with any who will listen.

Jesus said...

"I am The Truth and the Life..." and "...you will know The Truth [Jesus] and The Truth [Jesus] will set you free. ...So if the Son [Jesus] sets you free, you will be free indeed." - John 8:32, 36

Anyone who does not KNOW HIM does not know life, or true freedom.

All scriptures NIV unless otherwise noted.

Page last updated: Thursday, June 16, 2005
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