Hogan: You never said anything about jobbing!

Eric: It's so nice to see a friendly face.
Hogan: Eric, dude, there is something I've been meaning to tell you for a long time. You make me feel like the time I picked Andre the Giant up and lifted him above my head, every second I'm around you. You are my one and only hulkamaniac, brotha.
Eric: Give me the leg drop you big sweet heart.

Jericho: I'm the living legend. Who the hell are you?
Cena: I'm John........wait a minute! Are they taking a picture of my ass?

Cena: Kevin Nash's quad tear is contagious!

When getting head goes terribly wrong!

Cena: Oh my god! I left my iron on!

Eric: What you need kid is a cowboy hat and a horny Scotsman.

Rock: The Rock smells hair dye.

Rico: Normally I tell people to lose weight but a couple extra pound couldn't hurt you.
Eric: What?
Rico: Sorry I thought you were going for the pity look.

Hogan: DEEPER!

Vince: Welcome to the official "I screwed Bret Hart" club.

Steph: Daddy told me you suck.
Eric: Funny, he told me the same about you.

Kidman: Dude, you stepped in shit.

Coach: Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!

Why you should never climb a ladder without a spotter.


HHH: I never swallow, I spit!

Eric: Hi, I'm Eric Bischoff can I run your company?

Mr. Regal just show the WWE's current ratings.

Coach: Eric I like big guts and I can not lie.

The closest WWE will ever get to Austin/Goldberg.

Angle: I'll give you my gold medals if I can have just one night with the next big thing.

Shawn: So, Mr. H. Who will it be: the slutty bitch or the fat guy that helped ruin WCW?
HHH: I can't decide. They're both just that damn good.
Shawn: You must pick one of them or you don't go on the cruise to the Bahamas.
HHH: I'll take Eric then. He looks like a snuggler.

Eddie: You want to put him through the table, essa. This is why we can't have nice things.

This is how table companies test the durability of their product.

Eric: Matrats was a great idea. The kiddie pool full of glass and rusty nails match was not.

Cena: Quick pull my finger.

Christian: I can't believe you tore both your quads.
Storm: Lets get this baby to the back.

Christian doen't look happy at the position of Hogan's crotch.

Edge: OK, I'll buy your damn CD!

Brock: Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?
Angel: What?
Brock: It's just something I like to say before I pants someone.

Rey: Too much pyro!

Albert: Dude, did you eat garlic today?

Eric: Ok, I'm new at this: do I pay now or when you're done?

The last moments of D'Von's life was not kind to him.

Cole: Why can't Noble come on to me like this?

Hogan: This should knock the disc back in, brotha.

Brock: My quads!
Hogan: My back!
Vince: My money!

Rey: Hug me! Hug me! Hug me!
Angle: That's it. No more sugar for you, young man.

Hogan: Damn you orbiting Japanese laser satilites!

Cole: This is a disgrace. (a loud pop is heard) What was that?
Tazz: My pants just exploded.

Next of FOX when white trash attacks.

Eric: With this piece of paper I'll destroy Smackdown: Sho Funaki's contract!

Rock: (thinking) Mark has a nice ass.
Mark: (thinking) I hope Rocky isn't looking at my ass.

This picture was taken just seconds before Sho exploded.

Eric: Soon with help from the Subway diet I will rule the world!

Paul: This is my favorite porn: Wet my Mullet.

Eddie: I didn't want to have to do this the hard way, essa. But I have some literature for you.
Edge: You Jehovah Witnesses have gone too far!

Rock: I got to go so bad!
Beniot: Don't even think about it!

Cole: No, everytime a table is broken they take it out of my salary.

In the heat of the moment the ref hits the spinaroonie.

Beniot: (thinking) I know The Rock tells everyone that he's going to shove something up their asses but he was looking at me kind of funny while saying it. I'd be champ right now if it wasn't for the glass ceiling. Damn this is one long Rock Bottom.

Rock: The Rock just released the people's gas.

The Rock and Edge are shocked to see that Brock is wearing make-up.

Brock is pissed to see The Rock drank all the Juicy Juice.

Rock: No Brock is giving me the first horsey ride.

Tazz: Oh my god! They're trying to explode each others mind.
Cole: This is why Scanners shouldn't have been the in flight movie.

Brock uses the spear to save Rock from choking.

D-Von: I believe I can fly!
Tazz: I think D-Von is trying too hard to get over as a pedophile.

Edge: Did I get all the crap off?

Ref: You got to press harder.
Tajiri: (Japanese)
Ref: That's more like it.

Moore: Why is Brock taking his pants off?
Matt: This is why we shouldn't have borrowed a tape from Paul Heyman.

Eddie: I still can't see what's clogging you up.

Eddie: Now my stereotype posse is complete. I got a fat Samoan, a red neck biker, and a dumb blonde guy.

Rey: Sodomy shouldn't be a legal submission move.

Chuck: You're so cute. I must hug you!

Chuck: You, plus sign, me, equal sign, us.

Chuck: I don't care if I'm on TV: I must scratch balls!

Billy is shocked to see a woman with a "I love you Billy G" sign.

Jericho: Someone actually bought an HLA t-shirt.

HHH: Hey, I can smell the coffee in Brazil.

JR: My God Jazz has really let herself go while injuried.

Steph: Hey, fat chicks need loving too.

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