The Interview with Scott Steiner Legacy

The Interview with Scott Steiner Legacy

People are always trying to fool others on the Internet. Some people tell you that they can make your penis bigger or your breast bigger or both your penis and breast. Others toss around false information in order to fool all those that read it. I am now one of those tricksters but not by trying.

I was reading the mail section of Wrestlecrap when I came upon a letter that contained some very familiar things. The person talked about an interview with the ever-incoherent Scott Steiner in which he got his muscles from praying to the elder god Talsum and said his mission was to �squash cruiserweights and put on long boring matches�. This interview was on Scott Steiner�s official site Booty Daddy dot com and the one giving it was me: Brandon Downard. It seams that someone from that website took my comedy piece and passed it off as a real interview. I just had to know the truth so I e-mailed the site and this is the e-mail I got back.

Very interesting. We recently (January 2004) took over the hosting ofScott's site from the company that has done it for years (very poorly) andwith all of the pictures and video and audio and info about Scott, that wasin it so our web designers used it for he public interviews section of thesite since it was so colorful of an interview. So you are saying this is noteven an actual interview that Scott gave, it is just made up? You aretalented! You should write for TV or the movies! Did you have a ScottSteiner tribute site or something like that. What did you make it fororiginally? If you would like we will take it down but it seems to beentertaining people. Scott must have not looked at it close enough tonotice that he didn't do it. I am sure he has given so many interviews, hecan't keep track of all he has said.Let us know some more information.Thanks!Chad

[email protected]

The Official Website of Scott Steiner

If I read this e-mail correctly, Scott Steiner himself thought that my fake interview with him was real. Now if only Vince McMahon would find this site and steal my �Test�s mortal enemies are the Toronto Maple Leafs� idea.
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