Drugs are stupid. Strike that a lot of drug are stupid. Whoever invented Meth, Speed, Heroin, and Cocaine needs to be shot in the face! Unless they’re already dead, in that case I hope they o.d.ed on their own drugs! Stoners are ok by me; the ones who only smoke weed and don’t think they’re cool just for smoking weed. Hearing kids talk about how “blowed” they got, or are, or are going to be makes me laugh because they really do think they’re cool for it. I like the stoners who are like “yeah it’s 4/20 but how is that different from any other day?” Like the gangster stoners who come to class, and I quote “High as a motha” they just sit down, lean back a little in their chair, do all their work, and don’t give lip, maybe fall asleep every once in a while, and the only time they even acknowledge themselves as being high is when someone taps them on the shoulder and asks, " dude are you high?" Then they turn toward them and give them that squinty-eyed, toothy grin head bob.

Junkies, however, are a completely different breed. Speed freaks, Meth-heads and Coc addicts. These are people who put drugs above everything else, including themselves, which makes them selflessly selfish in a way I guess. People who make their friends watch them slowly die are almost as selfish as those who commit suicide.

When I think back to eighth grade it almost makes me yearn for the days when all anyone ever did was smoke weed and maybe have the occasional brewskie. Here we are senior year though and things have gotten a lot more complicated since then. If someone wasn’t in school in eighth grade they probably were sick, and only maybe too high to be there. Now if someone doesn’t come to school they might just be having a bad trip, but there’s always the gut wrenching possibility that they have o.d.ed and are either dead or at the hospital being treated for a drug overdose.

It makes me sad to think how much potential Those Junkies have. These are kids who could easily graduate top 10% and get into college with those scholarships they give out just for having high enough grades. The only real reason they fail their classes is because they have too many absences. They won’t show up until the day of the test, ace the test, then make a B or an A on their report card. It makes me mad knowing that I'm going to have a hard time getting accepted into a college with my grades, especially since I know what I want to do, and that they can get accepted into any college they want and have absolutely no ambitions toward life. All they care about in the end is when they're going to get their next shipment, and how much they can set aside as their own supply, and still be able to make decent profit off the rest.

The excuses they make and arguments they try to use against me are another annoying characteristic of the junkie. “Your not my mother” is a favourite. “How can you be addicted if your not paying for it?” is another. The best one yet though “Well I’ve only grown up around it and it’s all that I know so I have a reason.” NO! YOU DON’T! That does not give anyone an excuse for anything. If you were abused as a child and grew up and had children of your own would it be ok to beat them? NO, because you should know how that feels. Same thing with drugs, you should know what that stuff does to people and learn from your family’s mistakes and realize “I don’t want to put my loved ones through this hell”. Just because you personally don’t pay for it doesn’t mean you’re not an addict. When you’re doing it everyday and freaking out when the person you’re mooching off of runs out then you’re a fucking addict! And no, I'm not your mother, but if she knew you were doing this she’d probably react in the same way, and if she didn’t then she probably doesn’t need to be a mother because either she doesn’t care enough about whether her child dies or not, or she’s on the drugs too.

The Junkie has got to be one of the most selfish creatures on the planet. And what are we supposed to do? Have an intervention? Who would go? All their friends are on it too. Tell a teacher? All they’ll do is have them searched and if they find anything on them they’re sent to Gateway and your labeled a snitch even though that was never your intention. If they don’t find anything on them your still labeled a snitch. All you can do while still in high school is beg them to quit and pray to God they’ll get their act together by graduation or very soon after. Or even in the back of your mind hope that maybe they’ll get busted and sent to prison and realize how stupid they were.

Until then you’ll just have to beg and plead and worry that your going to get that phone call that starts out “Dude…umm…so-and-so o.d.ed last night on whatever drug, and I thought you should know…” So again I say people who make their friends watch them slowly die are almost as selfish as those who commit suicide.
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