Contributed by cousin Kedoe the Bambi killer
The nice thing about having moved from upstate New York to Illinois is that I married Allen. The bad thing is, nobody here hunts. Deer parade through my back yard daily, but my cats are afraid of them, and my son's BB gun only makes them laugh at me. So I miss cousins Kedoe, John and Chris even more than I expected to. There's noone here to hustle for venison. This stuff keeps, though, so I'll expect Kedoe to lay some aside for me. Mom's coming Thanksgiving, and I'm sure she'll have room in her bags! - This recipe is being transcribed as Kedoe sent it... and if there are typos, it's because I'm giggling...
Stew meat or steaks that have overstayed their welcome in the freezer.
Low-sodium soy sauce: 1 bottle = about 8 ounces
16 ounces water to dilute that stuff
Red pepper, about a couple of tablespoons full is enough
Some onion salt (1 tsp)
Some garlic powder (1 tsp)
Liquid Hickory Smoke, about 4 ounces is enough

None of these measurements have to be accurate. "It's a man thing." Cut your venison meat into strips no more than 1/4 inch thick. Length doesn't matter *shrugging* we are all endowed anyway. Anyway, soak the meat in the juice mix for about 12 hours. There are two ways to dehydrate. One is to put aluminum foil on the bottom of the oven to catch the drippings. I use metal paper clips as hangers and hang them up in the oven. The oven is on low, 200, and it takes about 8 hours for a good batch. Otherwise, use the Ronco dehydrator; rotate your shelves on the Ronco every two hours, and it seems to take about the same amount of time. The difference being will use aluminum and have you got paper clips and do you even own a Ronco Food Dehydrator. The jerky is stored in a zip lock. After about a week it will start to show white spots. The white is salt coming out. Most jerky won't be around after a week anyway. It's too good to last that long....
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