September 24, 2003
Well guys, I finally have a functioning keyboard...and now it's time to catch up on alot...I'll do my best to remember all the good drunken times I was unable to document...Sept. 24th started out to be a normal day...worked, as usual...On the net...talking to Jamie...I finally told her my secret of knowing that Shuback was back...oh boy did I open the floodgates...we just had to find him...and we the Riverside Grill...he was playing pool with his league...we had a couple beers...went back to his "Mom's" to chill...and boy does she love Sambuca, more than I do...unfortunately she has a habit of making people drink til they puke...which I've never done, cuz I know when to cut myself off, and I hate to puke...well I don't really remember how many shots I had...but Jamie had to escort me to her car and take me home...I could hardly walk (worse than the usual drunken nite)...I talked to ppl on the puter...was kinda hanging over my bed and swaying...then what stupid ass thing do I do?? Sit down on the floor, and puke allll it was weird, I didn't die puking...It just came out like someone turned on the faucet...but fuck did it smell...So I went in the did it feel good, I swear I had to have been in there for hours...well, if felt like hours...I even forgot to take my tube top off before I went in...I made it to bed and passed out...woke up with a towel, and tube top on...and what sucks is that I had to get my hair done...dye does not smell good when you're hungover...I swear to god I was hungover for 2 lie...and shit did it suck to clean up licorice scented puke...with little pieces of mozzarella sticks and jalapeno poppers in it...and it was black from the Sambuca...and know what else is shitty? Can't even touch my fave liquor anymore...

October 18, 2003
Manic was back! I saw my baby, Todd...but...stupid ass me...get's a lil too drunk and starts confessing how much I like him...bitching at him for not calling, for him making up shit...blah blah blah...I think I totally embarassed him...When I told him I liked him he just looked away and was like "don't say that!"...he wouldn't even look at me...but he hasn't mentioned it since...maybe he didn't take me seriously? lol and I kept molesting him...touching his ass...stomach, etc...yeah I was badddd...but it's all good tho...that's what alcohol does to me...makes me do shit I wouldn't have the balls to do when I'm sober...i'm sure there's more that went on, but I seriously don't remember since that was like over a month ago...

November 1, 2003. After Halloween But It's Still a Halloween Party I even need to make an entry about this party? Hell yeah! 2 people went to the hospital (even tho the one didn't need to)...grain alcohol...200 jello shots...over 22 bottles of liquor...condoms and motion lotion (provided by our lovely Sex Faery, Bekki)...and 40 people...Where do I begin? I was the first one toasted...I'll admit to that...hey I can't help it...I drank on an empty stomach...and then Bekki shows up with 200 jello shots...which I thought I didn't like, but I ended up eatting lord knows how many cuz they were so good! Then Jon shows up with his grain alcohol...which Jen shoulda stayed away from...she ended up freaking out cuz she couldn't puke so they all took her ass to the hospital...I bawled cuz I thought she was dying...Jeremy is trahsed...ends up doing some landscaping down my bank...Eric and Brandon (who's dressed as a woman) builds a fire pit in my yard, which I must say looked damn good...til Bob starts tearing poison shumack branches and starts burning house reeks like alcohol...Here's what my one friend, Deanna, experienced when she stopped by my house to warn us of cops: her husband and her pulled into the driveway to see me in the window "stripping" on the living room table (I was really just dancing)...she runs into Brandon, who's "Brandy" for the nite cuz he's a woman...then she walks into my house and all she could think was "this house smells like a damn brewery"...I can't really remember what else happened...lots of shit was spilled...lots of good times...the hospital trip I guess was interesting...Bekki walked into the ER in her lingerie, Jen in her cancan girl outfit, and Andrea in her bridal Bek's words "a sex party gone wrong"...I had 6 cameras, of which I only took 10 pics...the rest were filled, but one is now missing, so if anyone has it, please give it back!...And I'll leave on this note...want to know what's classic? I woke up the next day, looked out on my porch, and found a beer bottle shoved in the plastic skeleton's that's a wild time..
Take me back home!
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