30 Ships Sank
90,080 Tons
14 Damaged
14 War Patrols
12 Battle Stars
4 Presidential
Unit Citations
30 Ships Sank
90,080 Tons
14 Damaged
14 War Patrols
12 Battle Stars
4 Presidential
Unit Citations
  In the last war, the Kaiser's submarine service had already shed less than honorable blood. After the fashion of the "Hun", as Emperor Wilhelm of Germany would have had his forces believe, all that treads beneath the enemies banner, whether soldier or civilian, or man, woman, or child, is subject to force of arms.
    So the maritime tradition of providing for the safety of the crews of sinking vessels ended at  the dawn of the 20th century. Henceforth, as a weapon of war, the submarine would never shed its dastardly reputation.
    During WWI Germany also led the world to a second dark age with the invention of mustard gas. The age of the chemical weapon had come. Germany also introduced the aerial bombing of civilian populations. The incredible image of airborne armadas of airplanes and derrigibles raining death down on London began under the banner of the Kaiser.
     During the Spanish civil war they continued the tradition with the infamous bombing of Guernica, Spain. Their Japanese soon-to-be allies were bombing some of the most populace cities on Earth in China. The axis powers had by now established a long traditon of waging war against the defenseless. Our only hope, was savagery in kind.
   With a cruel mandate the Silversides was among the first to engage the enemy at sea, and dragged us to the edge of a second dark age. But she and her sisters did her task to well to allow that to happen. First and foremosdt among all sea going men-o-war, the fleet boats of WWII delivered civilization from disaster.
    The Silversides with less than 250 counterparts at sea at any given time, drove the mighty Imperial Japanese Navy from the Pacific Ocean, freeing in a years time a third of the surface of the planet. No other weapon in history even comes close.
    Silversides served from the opening days of the war until the last. She  was the third highest scoring submarine of WWII (tonnage), making her third among giants. She is now the highest scoring fleetboat that remains as an historical artifact.
  When Silversides took to sea, the week after the attack on Pearl Harbor, she was at the point of the sword being thrust at the heart of Japan. The age of the surface fleet was drawing rapidly to a close. Pearl Harbor was to become the watershed event that would  push the United States into the great barbaric age of mankind.
   Japan had already demonstrated that she had no regard for civilian or surrendered foe. All that fell under her influence were subject not only to  tyranny, but subject to the cruel whims of the Empire.
   Admiral Nimitz understood immediately that this was no age of chivalry, and he would be fighting a desparate fight for the very lives and freedom of the American people. Japan must be beaten and starved into submission.
"Against the Empire of Japan,
execute unrestricted submarine warfare"

                       -- Adm. Chester W. Nimitz
                                          Order of 8 december  1941
Great Lakes Naval Memorial and Museum
Surgery Under the Sea
War Patrols of the USS Silversides
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