Navigating the Lower Saint Lawrence in the 19th Century.

Quebec Gazette #5332 29/10/1838
     Captain Caldwell, of the schooner Pheonix arrived on Saturday, says that a ship is wrecked at the entrance of the Bay Chaleur, and it is feared that the master, mate, and the 43 of the crew and passengers are lost; nine only saved. The melancholy accident occured about twelve days since.

     Captain Ray, of the schooner Albion, arrived this morning, reports that he heard that the ship lost at the entrance of Bay Chaleur is a new ship, from London, and that she was built in Montreal.

     We are afraid that the above vessel is the Colborne, Captain Kent, which sailed from London for Quebec on the 30th August, with a general cargo for Montreal, and the last from that place this season. The Colborne was built in Montreal last winter.

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G.R. Bossé©1998.

Posted Nov. 1, 1998.

Updated November 7, 2002.

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