Select Magazine was my favourite music magazine of the 90's. Starting as a downmarket "Q" copyist it eventually blossomed into a Student Rag thanks to some excellent journalistic skills. It went through a peak during the Britpop boom in the mid 90's , since then it has tried to reinvent itself several times but due to the collapse of Britpop and rise of American 2nd rate grunge genre Nu Metal, Selects Image has sadly changed.
This page is created here to list every Select since it began, featuring cover stars, images and selected albums that were reviewed of my choice.
Select magazines have become collectable over recent years, and I have noticed that certain issues have been selling for high values due to certain interviews in them. Hopefully this web page will build up into a complete reference, and never again will you have to think twice before purchasing a particular issue on Ebay again!

Issue Index

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