Complete Listing Of
Daily Express Rupert Annual


1940 Rupert's Adventure Book

Rupert and Uncle Bruno
Rupert, Bill and the Bluebells
Rupert and the Silver Trowel
Rupert and the Iceberg
Rupert and the Air Smugglers
Rupert's Marvellous Bat
Rupert and King Frost
Rupert and the Pedlar

1941 The Rupert Book

Rupert and the Red Egg
Rupert and the Baby Badger
Rupert and the Mystery Pond
Rupert and the Forest Fire
Rupert and the Lost Boat
Rupert and the Little Woodman
Rupert and the Sugar Bird

1942 More Adventures of Rupert
Rupert and the Cartwheels
Rupert and the Odmedod
Rupert and the Wrong Presents
Rupert and the Old Ruin
Rupert and the Little Plane
Rupert and the Sea Serpent
Rupert and the Fire
Rupert at Sandy Bay

1943 More Rupert Adventures

Rupert and the Circus Dog
Rupert and the Piper
Rupert and the Banjo
Rupert's Good Turn
Rupert and Tiger Lily
Rupert's Birthday
Rupert and the Iron Key
Rupert and Golly
Rupert and the Black Moth
Rupert's Big Game Hunt
Rupert's River Adventure

1944 Rupert in More Adventures

Rupert and Rollo
Rupert and the Old Map
Rupert and the Tiny Flute
Rupert and the Mystery Voice
Rupert and the Yellow Cloak
Rupert and Snuffy
Rupert and Granny Goat
Rupert's Rainy Adventure
Rupert's Strange Party
Rupert and the Dutch Doll

1945 A New Rupert Book

Rupert and the Reindeer
Rupert and the Cuckoo
Rupert and the Turnips
Rupert and Jock
Rupert and Willie
Rupert's Fairy Cycle
Rupert and the Music Man
Rupert's Winter Journey
Rupert and Bingo's Trail

1946 New Rupert Book

Rupert on Coon Island
Rupert and Rastus
Rupert and the Blue Mountain
Rupert and the Prince of China
Rupert, Beppo and the Duck
Rupert and Podgy
Rupert and the Rocket Plane
Rupert and Bingo
Rupert and the Magic Dart

1947 More Adventures of Rupert

Rupert and the Top Hat
Rupert and the Black Cat
Rupert and the Young Dragon
Rupert, Bill and the Merboy
Rupert and the Paper Kettle
Rupert and the Woffle Fly
Rupert and Koko
Rupert and the Wavy Wand
Rupert's Christmas Tree

1948 The Rupert Book

Rupert and Jack Frost
Rupert and the Blue Balloon
Rupert and the Magic Stock
Rupert and the Sleepy Pears
Rupert and Rosalie
Rupert and the Rainbow
Rupert's Puppy Hunt
Rupert and Cedric
Rupert and the Hobby-Horse

1949 Rupert

Rupert and Ninky
Rupert and the Young Imp
Rupert's Magic Top
Rupert's Island Adventure
Rupert and Uncle Grizzly
Rupert and the Twins
Rupert and the New Pal
Rupert, Algy and the Bee
Rupert and Pong-Ping's Party

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