Life is pretty hard for Michael Pearson and his older brother Jody.
Mike is only thirteen years of age and his parents passed away.
He follows Jody just about everywhere.
Mike has a fear that Jody will be gone one day.
When one of Jody's friends, Tommy, is found mysteriously dead in Morningside Cemetery, Jody attends Tommy's funeral, along with a great friend of Mike & Jody's, Reggie, who is the town's ice cream vendor. Mike follows Jody to the funeral and spies on him and Reggie with a pair of binoculars. After everyone leaves Tommy's funeral, Mike sees Morningside Mortuary's very tall and creepy Mortician known as "The Tall Man" lift up Tommy's casket all by himself as well as load it into his Hearse and drive off.� Mike becomes suspicious of the sight he has witnessed and even has a terrifying nightmare including The Tall Man and the Morningside Cemetery. He tells Jody he's been seeing weird things around, but Jody just thinks Mike is crazy. Desperate to prove that something weird is going on at Morningside Mortuary and Cemetery and to get proof, Mike sneaks off into the night to Morningside, and enters a terrifying world that is much more than just a Mortuary.
Corpses are stolen and are transformed into Hooded Dwarves, severed limbs transform into Mutant Insects, and flying silver Spheres roam the Mortuary's hallways and love to suck the life out of their victims. Mike manages to grab a finger he severed off The Tall Man and shows it to Jody as proof.
Jody believes him, and the two along with Reggie get to work.
Together, the trio set out to put an end to The Tall Man's wrath, but The Tall Man has plans for them. Will Mike, Reggie & Jody overthrow The Tall Man and his Minions and save their town?
Or will The Tall Man do them in and turn their town into his city of the Living Dead?��
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