Here you'll get to see all of the extremely cool and impressive Awards The Tall Man has won for all of his Terror and Carnage.
It's Never Over
Here's something interesting: the Award I won from It's Never Over is the very first Award I've ever won!!
Want to win this awesome Award from The Tall Man? If so, here's how!

Create a Phantasm site. If you already have one, creating another one isn't nesscessary.

E-mail me the URL of the site.

I will take a close look at the site and within a few days I'll let you know what I think of it. If I really like it, I'll Award you. If I don't like it, well... I got three words for you: Red Hot Planet (I think you know what I mean)...

And I'll also add it to my
Links Page if I already don't have it up and I like it :-)
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