What Is It That He Cannot Do?

He Who tints the heav’nly hue,
He Who stretched the azure blue,
He Who saw creation through:
What is it that He cannot do?

He Who bade the demons flee,
He Who set the suff’ring free,
He Who calmed the stormy sea:
What is it that He cannot do?

He Whose power made all things,
He Whose praise all nature sings,
He Who is the King of kings:
What is it that He cannot do?

He Whose word is always right,
He Who only gives us light,
He Who holds us by His might:
What is it that He cannot do?

He before Whom devils fell,
He Who conquered death and hell,
He Who doeth all things well:
What is it that He cannot do?

He Who wears the grandest Name,
He Who loves us all the same,
He Who to this poor world came:
What is it that He cannot do?

He Who washes sin away,
He Who offers endless day,
He Who bids us now obey:
What is it that He cannot do?

He Who broken hearts relieves,
He Who broken men receives,
He in Whom wise men believe:
What is it that He cannot do?

He before Whom sinners fall,
He Who died to save us all,
He Who bids you not forestall:
What is it that He cannot do?

He Whose life was pure and sweet,
He Whose suff’ring was complete,
He Whom someday we shall meet:
What is it that He cannot do?

H. L. Gradowith


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