..........The Winding Road..........

­I once walked a winding road

Carrying a heavy load

Seeking a peaceful abode

But no rest was there for me.

There was no way to be free,

No moment's relief to see,

Just trouble at ev'ry turn,

Yet for peace did I still yearn,

But I never seemed to learn:

For each chance I longed to take

Hoping the right choice to make

Praying my spirit not break

Knowing my days were but few

Endeavoring to be true

Desiring to start anew

But knowing there was no way

To live again the day

I hoped to somehow delay

What was quickly rushing on

As sure as the setting sun

For then I knew would be done

This walk on the winding road,

I'd lay down my heavy load

But still, no peaceful abode...

I know I must make my peace,

I know death does not release,

My troubles will not then cease;

For the winding course is so

That, as I walk here below

I'm given a chance to show

How much I love Christ the Lord

Who's worthy to be adored:

A time to follow His Word.

To follow in times of mirth,

In joy or sadness from birth,

To prove or disprove my worth:

Though difficult it may be

Still in order to be free

And from all my troubles flee

The walking is up to me.

..........H. L. Gradowith..........

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