The War Of The Soul

In fury the battle rages
The strife never stops till the end;
We seek to o’ercome sin’s wages
God’s fortress of life we defend.

‘Tis not against people we fight,
With no ill will we press along;
We stand for such things as are right
And against such things as are wrong.

Our armor is proper and fit,
Our weapons are meet for the task;
Defeat only comes if we quit:
Deliverance to those who ask.

Our part is to be ever true,
The light He gives never grows dim;
In mercy He calls out to you
And bids you seek refuge in Him.

H. L. Gradowith

This poem was originally written to accompany my comments on Psalm 56 and the date of its composition is lost to me.  I hope you enjoy it!  Tim

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