……….The Road……….
The Lord walked up the road to Calvary,
There He would shed His precious blood for me;
     No sins He’d known…
     And all alone
Christ the Lord gave His life to set me free.

In Gethsemane how His heart did break
When His friends couldn’t seem to stay awake,
     There they all slept
     While Jesus wept,
It was almost too much for Him to take.

Into court they took Him without a friend,
There was no one on whom He could depend;
     On that sad day
     They ran away…
A voice in His defense no one would lend.

False witnesses testified of His sin,
They were dishonest, vile, and wicked men;
     The truth was not
     What those men sought –
Oh, tell me where were His disciples then???

See Him, as He walks up that lonesome road,
And see Him as He stumbles ‘neath the load;
     So many tears…
     So many fears…
Soon He must leave this low lonely abode.

Over there the executioner stands,
He’s ready to drive the nails in His hands;
     The time draws nigh
     For Him to die
And pay the price Heaven’s Justice demands.

My sins led Him up to Calv’ry that day,
He bled and died to take them all away!
     The Crimson flood
     Of Jesus’ blood
He shed there the price of my sin to pay!

Because He walked the road to Calvary,
Because He shed His precious blood for me;
     I’ve been redeemed!
     I’ve been redeemed!
From all my sins I have now been set free!

Won’t it be grand when He comes in the sky
To take God’s faithful children home on high!
     The fare is paid,
     Be not afraid!
Oh! Be ready for the sweet by and by…

The Lord walked up the road to Calvary,
There He would shed His precious blood for me;
     No sins He’d known…
     And all alone
Christ the Lord gave His life to set me free.

H. L. Gradowith

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