..........The Place..........

There's a place to which I retreat,
When the storm around me rages;
With great comfort there I do meet
Till the storm, at last, assuages.

There I find no tribulation,
How sweet is the feeling of peace;
I find strength over temptation,
From all troubles I find release.

That place belongs only to me,
And no one can visit me there;
Only the ones I wish to see
Can with me that special place share.

I beckon them at my desire,
And then in thought only they come;
O The place to which I retire
When my life becomes burdensome!

There I'm able with friends to meet,
Who flew from this life long ago,
I recall with them times so sweet,
(If you have such a place, you know...)

They're all so happy and carefree,
Untouched by the cares of this life;
I love each visit so dearly,
In that special place free from strife.

I've no great riches or treasures,
Fame and fortune I'll never see;
And this world has many pleasures
That won't come to the likes of me.

But in that place much more have I
Than riches and honor can buy;
So to it I'll forever fly
Till at long last I come to die.

..........H. L. Gradowith..........


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