The Circumstances

I did my best when at first I chose
To walk in the pathway of His light,
Each struggle I face the Savior knows
And ever helps me do what is right.

I have not had the finest down here
But I’ve always had just what I need;
In faith I walk, there’s no place for fear
For in His blood from sin I am freed!

Though other folks have had so much more
It did not seem to do much for them,
At death, though they had great wealth in store,
What they needed came only from Him…

At times, my weakness led me to sin,
Denying the One Who died for me;
His mercy gave me strength to begin
Once more the journey to victory.

I’ll press along come whatever may,
Until I leave the pathways of men;
Beside Him here I shall ever stay
Until to me He says, “Enter in…”

Some things I’ve done I wish I could change,
I’ve not been all I wanted to be;
The past, I know, I can’t rearrange…
But Jesus from that has set me free!

Though weary and sore as here I live,
And often tempted to turn aside;
I’ll trust Him Who will my sins forgive –
In His Will I shall ever abide!

I’ll stay the course until Judgment Day,
Then all my burdens I will lay down;
If here on earth I’ll trust and obey
He’s promised me a robe and a crown!

H. L. Gradowith


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