Swing Wide The Doors…

There I sat thinking of life after death,
 Wondering just what lies in store;
Thinking of heaven, and all my loved ones,
 Longing to meet them on that shore!
  Lord, hasten that day,
  Let me fly away,
 Show me Thy glory evermore.

Someday I’ll meet Him, His glory I’ll share,
 Leaving behind trouble and pain,
He’ll say to me then, “Well done… Enter in…”
 And then heaven’s crown I will gain!
  Lord, hasten that day,
  Let me fly away,
 Thy power my soul will sustain!

Over in glory with Him I will dwell,
 The saved of all ages I’ll see;
Leaving behind the things that here distract,
 Forever from them I’ll be free!
  Lord, hasten that day,
  Let me fly away,
 Lord swing wide the doors now for me!

H. L. Gradowith


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