AUTHOR:  The title ascribes this psalm to David, and there is no reason to doubt that.  It is certainly similar to other compositions by David, and this, along with its placement in the midst of his writings, leads us to believe that it is his.

OCCASION:  Some attribute the iniquities of the psalm to the sinful actions of Absalom in his rebellion, and others to the events surrounding Saul's evil acts against David, but there is no indication within the psalm itself to definitively indicate one way or another.  It seems that the psalm may have reference to a sinful world in general, and the role of the righteous in it.

OUTLINE:  The psalm is best divided into 5 parts:  1. A statement of the prevailing conditions of wickedness (verses 1-2); 2. The fact that the Lord would interpose and help the righteous (verses 3-5); 3. The strong contrast between the words of the Lord and the language which was then in use (verse 6);  4. A deep conviction on the part of the psalmist that God would be the protector of the innocent (verse 7);  5. The closing verse is a restatement of the wickedness then prevalent (verse 8).  (Barnes -- summarized).

1     HELP, LORD  The Hebrew is, Save, Jehovah.  Human help being gone, facing great difficulties, the psalmist appeals to the God with whom he had an agreement for help and salvation.  The salvation was first from his present circumstance, but also from sin and wickedness in general, and finally in heaven.  FOR THE GODLY MAN  That is, him that renders obedience to Divine Dictates.  The man who is "like God" in that he is righteous and holy. The  word implies a merciful man.  CEASETH This points to a cessation of his righteous influence being exerted.  Because of the evil present in the world the holy man could no longer do as he should.  He found himself more closely affiliated with the wicked than the God he supposedly served.    FOR THE FAITHFUL FAIL  A restatement of the first phrase.  The godly ceasing was equal to the faithful failing.  This tells us that in order to be faithful, a man must be godly; and in order for a man to be godly, he must be faithful.  FROM AMONG THE CHILDREN OF MEN  Again, either they were unable to exert the proper influence.  The "children of men" referred to the race of man in general.

2     THEY   The godly.  SPEAK VANITY  This was the manner of the failing of the godly and faithful from above.  Their words were not to be depended upon.  They were filled with "vanity", properly as used here meaning empty or meaningless words, words with no substance.  It indicated words of falsehood.  EVERY ONE WITH HIS NEIGHBOUR  The whole of the words of the ones claiming to be pious, even those exchanged between friends and companions, were taken to be false.  WITH FLATTERING LIPS  Literally, with lips of smoothness.  Often men long to hear what pleases them, they long for confirmation.  These "godly" ones were telling themselves that all was "all right", despite their sins.  AND WITH A DOUBLE HEART DO THEY SPEAK  Literally, "with a heart and a heart do they speak".  Their words were one way, their convictions were another.  No confidence could be placed in what they said.

3     THE LORD SHALL CUT OFF  That is, God will bring to an end.  He would only tolerate such for so long.  It is taken as a warning.  ALL FLATTERING LIPS   This is not taken as a surgical removal of the lips of liars, but rather that the Lord will destroy, or withhold favors from, those who practice the sin under consideration.  AND THE TONGUE THAT SPEAKETH PROUD THINGS  This is in reference to one who boasts or brags.  Further, it applied to the one whose words could not be depended upon.

4     WHO HAVE SAID  Those with flattering lips, who spoke proud things, have said the following:  WITH OUR TONGUE WILL WE PREVAIL  We will say it, and it will therefore come to pass.  Our words are sufficient to determine right.  OUR LIPS ARE OUR OWN  We owe no explanation to another, we answer only to ourselves.  That being true (in the flawed reasoning of the liars), we will say what we will say without regard to "right" or "wrong".  WHO IS LORD OVER US?  We know the answer to this question, but they were not really asking a question.  They were implying that there is no Lord, no one to whom they would have to answer for their actions.  They were, in effect, their own Lord, or so they thought.

5     FOR THE OPPRESSION OF THE POOR  This is in reference to the statement that follows, and gives a reason for the uprising of the Lord.  Oppression here means evil treatment, harm when no harm is called for.  The poor indicated those who were unable to defend themselves against the oppressors.  FOR THE SIGHING OF THE NEEDY  The almost silent cries of those who were needy, or poor.  They could do nothing to help themselves, and there was no  one  on earth to whom they could turn for help.  To cry aloud was to risk retribution, therefore they "sighed".  NOW WILL I ARISE, SAITH THE LORD  This is the action, the oppression of the poor and the sighing of the needy were the causes of the action.  God would remain still no longer, He would spring into action.  I WILL SET HIM IN SAFETY   That is, God would remove him from harms way and place him in a safe place.  FROM HIM THAT PUFFETH AT HIM  This refers to those who thought they were their own lord, and that their words simply spoken were equivalent to the deeds coming to pass.  God would remove the righteous from the wicked, despite what they said.

6     THE WORDS OF THE LORD ARE PURE WORDS:  As opposed to the empty, vain, flattering words of the pseudo-pious, when God spoke, it happened.  His words were directed to right causes, and certain and sure to come to pass.  AS SILVER TRIED IN A FURNACE OF EARTH,  The word "furnace" literally meant "workshop", and most closely corresponds to our word "laboratory".  This laboratory was erected in or on or of the earth.  The process under consideration was that of separating impurities from the silver.  PURIFIED SEVEN TIMES  Or, to the ultimate degree.  Seven was a number of completeness or perfection among Hebrews.  The idea is that the words of the Lord were so far above all that these evil ones said that they were considered to be purified to the ultimate degree.  Being so purified, certainly what the Lord said would come to pass.  This posed a certain problem for those whose lives were not in accord with the scriptures!

7     THOU SHALT KEEP THEM, O LORD  That is, God would preserve, guard, and defend the poor and needy ones mentioned above.  Despite what these wicked ones said, God's words were true and could not fail.  His words on this matter indicated that He intended to deliver those wrongly oppressed.  THOU SHALT PRESERVE THEM  The intent of the evil was to destroy or consume the innocent; God's intent  was to prevent this.  FROM THIS GENERATION  This is indicative of two things:  chiefly those living at that time, specifically the evil ones.  Secondly, it indicates that the people who were oppressing the innocent were human, they were mortal, they would die.  God, on the other hand, would never die!  FOR EVER  There would never come a time when these men, or their predecessors, could gain the victory over God.  His counsel was set for ever.

8     THE   WICKED   WALK   ON  EVERY  SIDE     That  is,  they  go everywhere, seemingly unrestrained.  They appear to have free reign on earth.  The idea is that they conducted themselves as though there were no consequences or limits to their actions.  WHEN THE VILEST MEN ARE EXALTED  Things were described as being such as to allow for the exaltation of the wicked at the expense of the righteous.  The psalmist points to the prevalence of sin.


1.To whom does the title attribute this psalm? _________________

2.Do we know definitively the occasion? ______________________

3.Into how many parts is this psalm best divided? ______________

4.What does "help", as used in verse 1, mean? ________________

5.To what relationship does "Jehovah" refer? _________________

6.What "ceased" about the "godly man"? _____________________

7.To what does "children of men" refer? ______________________

8.Who were the "they" of verse 2? __________________________

9.What does "vanity" as used here mean? ____________________

10.What does "flattering lips" mean? __________________________

11.Literally, what was one with a double heart? _________________

12.What will the Lord do to the flattering lips? __________________

13.Does this mean that He would surgically remove them?  If not, then to what does it refer? _______________________________

14.To what does the "tongue that speaketh proud things" refer? ___

15.Who was the "who" who had spoken in verse 4? _____________

16.With what did they think they would prevail? _________________

17.Having said things to be a certain way, what did they assume? __

18.To whom did they think their lips belong? ___________________

19.What did they think this meant? ___________________________

20.Whom did they think their Lord to be? ______________________

21.Who was their Lord, in reality? ____________________________

22.What does "oppression" in verse 5 mean? __________________

23.What does "poor" mean? ________________________________

24.Why did the needy sigh? ________________________________

25.Why did they not cry aloud? ______________________________

26.What was the Lord to do because of the poor and needy and their oppression and sighs? ______________________________

27.Who was to be set in safety? _____________________________

28.How are the Lord's words described? ______________________

29.In what were they "tried"? _______________________________

30.What did "seven times" indicate? __________________________

31.Who was to be kept by the Lord? _________________________

32.Who were those of "this generation"? ______________________

33.What two things did this indicate about the people? ___________

34.For how long would God afford the righteous protection? _______

35.Where do the wicked walk? ______________________________

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