AUTHOR:  The title to this Psalm, along with history and general opinion indicate that the author is David, and with that consensus we concur.

OCCASION:  There is no specific indication of the occasion of the psalm, but it would appear to have been written in a time of persecution, and many believe it to be the specific persecution suffered by David at the hands of Saul.

OUTLINE:  Barnes offers the following (abbreviated) outline: I.A  complaint as of one who was forsaken by God; who was persecuted, and who saw no means of deliverance; who took counsel with his own heart how he might be delivered, but who found no way in which it could be done, verses 1-2;  II.An earnest prayer to God that He would interpose; that He would attend to the cry of the sufferer; that He would enlighten his mind; that his enemy might not be allowed to prevail against him, and rejoice over his fall, verses 2-3;  III.A cheerful confidence in God that he would grant this favor, and interpose on his behalf, verses 5-6.

1     HOW LONG WILT THOU FORGET ME, O LORD?  Literally, UNTIL WHEN WILT...  The feeling of the psalmist is that God has forgotten, or left off helping, him.  His troubles were great and seemingly endless.  He has turned to himself seeking an end to his troubles and found no solution, now he turns back to the God whom he supposes has failed to protect him for the solution.  FOR EVER?  Will I be forced to endure such things as I have forever?  Will there never come a time when deliverance is mine?  Have not we all felt this way at one time or another?  We find ourselves surrounded with suffering, troubles everywhere we look, and no solution in sight; and we, like the psalmist, sometimes wonder if there will ever come a better day.  HOW LONG WILT THOU HIDE THY FACE FROM ME?  In the first question, it is implied that God had forgotten about David, so as to indicate (metaphorically) that God had merely accidentally overlooked the author; in this question God is said to have intentionally withheld favor and help from him.  God looks on the ones whom He favors (I Peter 3:12), and away from those He has forsaken.  David feels as though he has been forsaken by the Lord and asks how long this will last.

2     HOW LONG SHALL I TAKE COUNSEL IN MY SOUL   In this, the third, question, the psalmist is inquiring as to how long he would be forced to look within himself for an answer to his troubles, for he had already realized that he would find no answer there.  He felt, being perplexed and confused at his plight, that God had forsaken him and he was therefore left no choice but to solve his own problems.  HAVING SORROW IN MY HEART DAILY  Finding no solution within, he was left with the natural response:  sorrow.  He found himself helpless in the face of a great persecution.  HOW LONG SHALL MY ENEMY BE EXALTED OVER ME  This is the fourth phase of his trouble, having (at least in his mind) been forgotten by the Lord, forsaken by the Lord, forced to look within himself for "unfindable" help, he now points to his enemies and their seeming victory over him.  He here, as before, inquires as to how long this condition would endure.  This seems to be the culmination of the three formerly mentioned problems; that is, this is the result of them.  Because he was forgotten, forsaken, and left to himself he considered his enemies to be victorious over him.

3     CONSIDER AND HEAR ME  Literally, Look upon me in my trouble and hear my cry.  He continues the thought introduced above, that God had overlooked and ignored him.  O LORD, MY GOD  To whom else could he turn?  He acknowledges more than the Divine realities concerning God here, he seems to be indicating his own allegiance to the Lord God.  He is saying that as God is his Lord, he has the right to ask for and expect to be heard concerning this requested deliverance.  LIGHTEN MINE EYES  Many commentators take this to be a reference to the dimming of the eyes as death approaches, and there is no indication to the contrary to be found in the text itself.  If that is so, David is praying that God would deliver him from the death he foresaw by the dimming of his eyes.  LEST I SLEEP THE SLEEP OF DEATH  Don't let me die at the hands of my enemies!

4     LEST MINE ENEMY SAY, I HAVE PREVAILED AGAINST HIM  He is concerned about the boasts of his enemies.  We must remember that David is the king chosen by God, and he appeals on behalf of the appearance his seeming defeat gives to those who viewed his condition.  AND THOSE THAT TROUBLE ME REJOICE There is more in the word "rejoice" than just joy, it is a joy sparked by seeming triumph.  David is asking that God stop his enemies before they claim a victory over him.  WHEN I AM MOVED  That is, WHEN I AM OVERCOME, DEFEATED.

5     BUT I HAVE TRUSTED IN THY MERCY  The word "but" indicates a change in attitude:  The enemies think they have won the battle, but I place my confidence in thy power to conquer them.  The use of the word "mercy" indicates favor, grace, companionship.  The enemies could not prevail because their might was not greater than God's power.  MY HEART SHALL REJOICE IN THY SALVATION  In confidence he now turns from despair to victory.  He is sure that God will deliver him.

6     I WILL SING UNTO THE LORD  This is the reaction of one who has been delivered by the Lord.  He is confident that God will deliver him.  BECAUSE HE HATH DEALT BOUNTIFULLY WITH ME  The occasion of his "singing unto the Lord" is the "dealing with" he received of the Lord.  God had, in this illustration, delivered him and was therefore worthy of the praise sent His way.


 1.To whom is this Psalm attributed? _________________________

2.Is there a specific occasion cited? _________________________

3.What supposition had the Psalmist made about God and the care he sought in his troubles? ________________________________

4.What did David say God had "hidden" from him? ______________

5.Where had David "taken counsel"? _________________________

6.What was daily in David's heart? ___________________________

7.Who was exalted over him? ______________________________

8.Literally, what does the phrase "consider and hear me" mean? ___

9.What did David request concerning his "eyes"? _______________

10.What "sleep" did David fear? _____________________________

11.What does "moved" as used in v 4 mean? ___________________

12.In what would David's heart rejoice? _______________________

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