Date:  Apr 10 2000 21:07:02 EDT
Subject:  At The Close Of The Day

           .........At The Close Of The Day..........

           At the close of the day when my burdens have ceased
                I shall be welcomed home by the Lord;
           From the pains of this life I shall then be released
                If I've walked in the light of His word!

           Oh, to think of that place where there's no sin or strife
                In the presence of Jesus our King;
           Gives me strength to keep going through this painful life
                While all praises to Jesus I bring!

           When I'm footsore and weary from marching along,
                And my confidence starts to grow weak;
           I think of heaven and singing there the New Song,
                And it gives me the power I seek!

           What a happy reunion when I reach that shore
                And hear the Savior say, Welcome Home;
           There'll be no sad departings, we'll live evermore,
                From that Land we'll nevermore roam!

           ..........H. L. Gradowith..........



Date:   Apr 13 2000 07:36:40 EDT
Subject:  In Memory

           ..........In Memory..........

           In tears we come to bid adieu,
                And pay our last respect,
           Our hearts, in love, go out to you,
                We pray God to protect
           And keep alive the memory
                Of times so good and dear,
           And from the sorrow set you free:
                Drawing you ever near.

           Take comfort in the godly life
                She tried to live each day,
           A loving mother, precious wife,
                Who chased your cares away.
           At last, with time, her body ceased,
                The sickness overcame;
           Death from her illness has released:
                There is no one to blame.

           For one day all will come to die,
                Be sure to live and love
           The One who offers from on High
                The Home in Heav'n above.
           Then your friends, like the ones now here,
                Will find reason to hope
           To meet you in that Home so dear,
                Thus with your death to cope.

           ..........H. L. Gradowith..........

           This was written for the funeral service of a dear friend who was a member
           here at Enon.  It is easily adaptable to other female or male Christians
           who have departed this life.  I hope it proves useful to you, if not in a
           funeral service, at least in making us stop and think about the legacy we
           leave behind us.  The most difficult thing I have to do is stand before an
           audience and speak the "last words over" one who left this life without
           ever indicating a desire to be faithful to the Lord.  Perhaps this will
           speak to some who have not come to Christ and help them see the importance
           of doing so now.  Tim Smith


Date: Apr 14 2000 09:56:57 EDT
Subject:   The Land Of Rest

           ..........The Land Of Rest..........

           When I death's chilly waters cross,
                And stand on the peaceful shore;
           Made free by the Savior's great loss
                I'll suffer from sin no more.

           Washed clean in the Lamb's precious blood
                Redeemed from my sinful past;
           Rejoicing in the Crimson Flood:
                Safe in the Lord's Arms at last!

           No sorrow from loved ones deceased,
                No gray clouds to dim the sun;
           From all tribulation released:
                My suff'ring will then be done!

           I'll see all my loved ones up there
                In the land of endless day,
           No trouble or pain anywhere:
                The former things passed away!

           All life's myst'ries we shall see,
                And the answers we shall know;
           From ignorance we'll be made free:
                In the land to which we go!

           ..........H. L. Gradowith..........

Several of these are about Heaven, but I guess it should be that way.
NOTE:  Those of you reprinting these poems -- feel free to do so!  YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT THE TRAILER NOTES WHICH APPEAR BENEATH MOST OF THESE POEMS ON THE DOCUMENT TO WHICH YOU ARE PRINTING THEM.  IF you wish to add my comment you may, but it is not necessary. Thanks.  Tim Smith


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