..........Over In Glory..........

Over in glory with Jesus we'll stand,
     Far from this world's trouble and strife;
We'll know no sadness, just love in that land...
     Joy and peace and eternal life.

Here in this low land our hearts oft are torn,
     Often our eyes shed bitter tears;
Here oft by the graves of loved ones we mourn,
     Tossed to and fro by doubts and fears.
Here with the questions of life we oft fight,
     Confused, bewildered, filled with pain;
We study and pray and seek heaven's light,
     Hoping a crown someday to gain.

Over in glory with Jesus we'll stand,
     Far from this world's trouble and strife;
We'll know no sadness, just love in that land...
     Joy and peace and eternal life.

Carelessly here we oft turn from the Way,
     Wasting our time, living in sin;
Thinking not of the price that we must pay
     Forgetting the frailty of men.

Thinking we'll always have time to repent,
     We foolishly drift from the shore;
Forgetting that soon our lives will be spent,
     Then grace will call to us no more.

Over in glory with Jesus we'll stand,
     Far from this world's trouble and strife;
We'll know no sadness, just love in that land...
     Joy and peace and eternal life.

What hope you to gain by endless delays?
     No better offer will be made.
No other Savior is worthy of praise,
     For none paid the price that He paid.
Are you prepared for that great Judgment Day?
     Get ready -- it's coming, my friend;
Now let the Savior wash your sins away,
     Who knows, friend, when cometh the end?

Over in glory with Jesus we'll stand,
     Far from this world's trouble and strife;
We'll know no sadness, just love in that land...
     Joy and peace and eternal life.

..........H. L. Gradowith..........


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