Oh, The Tears Here You Shed

Oh, the tears here you shed
Oh, the fears here you dread,
All because to the devil you give heed;
Jesus offers the cure
For the good and the pure:
He will give you ev’rything that you need.
When your heart fills with doubt,
And you wander about,
Not knowing what tomorrow holds for you;
He will stand by your side
Whatever may betide:
You will find in Him a Friend that is true.
When you stand all alone
For the good seed you’ve sown
And no man will help you do what is right,
On Him you may depend,
He’ll always be your friend,
He will bless you as you walk in heaven’s light.
When death draws near to you,
And your time here is through,
He’ll give you comfort and consolation;
When the dark clouds descend
And you meet your life’s end,
He’ll greet you in the land of salvation!

H. L. Gradowith

August 2, 2001

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