None Will Know

There will come a time when this world shall end,
     Before Him an answer we’ll give;
Only on Him may we safely depend…
     Let’s live as He wants us to live!
        There’ll be no warning, none will know:
        O friend, are you ready to go?

The Lord in His Word promised to return,
    Someday we’ll see Him in the sky,
And for that morning the faithful all yearn,
    There we’ll live on and never die.
        There’ll be no warning, none will know:
        O friend, are you ready to go?

Our lives are so busy every day,
    And we all have so much to do…
Procrastination and endless delay:
    Let not these demons capture you!
        There’ll be no warning, none will know:
        O friend, are you ready to go?

All the things of this life that we hold dear --
     However dear to us they be --
Will fade away when the Lord shall appear
     To issue His final decree.
        There’ll be no warning, none will know:
        O friend, are you ready to go?

We’ll still have the same appointments that day,
     And the troubles that we now know,
And we will still have the same bills to pay,
     Life goes on unchanged here below.
        There’ll be no warning, none will know:
        O friend, are you ready to go?

We may be working when the trumpet sounds,
     Or perhaps we will be asleep,
But wherever we are, from earthen mounds
     The long dead with new life shall leap!
        There’ll be no warning, none will know:
        O friend, are you ready to go?

Should that day find us still lost in our sin,
     Oh, how tragic will be our end.
We’ll long to be saved, but it’s too late then:
     To damnation we shall descend.
        There’ll be no warning, none will know:
        O friend, are you ready to go?

The Lord wills not that any should perish,
     He proved it on Calvary’s Tree;
The gift of His love we all should cherish:
     Come now, and by Him be made free.
        There’ll be no warning, none will know:
        O friend, are you ready to go?

The day of salvation, friend, is today,
     Put it not off ‘til tomorrow;
Won’t you hear His word, believe and obey?
     To neglect leads but to sorrow.
        There’ll be no warning, none will know:
        O friend, are you ready to go?

There will come a time when this world shall end,
     Before Him an answer we’ll give;
Only on Him may we safely depend…
     Let’s live as He wants us to live!
        There’ll be no warning, none will know:
        O friend, are you ready to go?

H. L. Gradowith

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