……….Even So……….

Now, I don’t know
Just when I’ll go,
But go, I know, I must;
Then comes for me
The victory:
This flesh shall turn to dust.

Even so, Come, Lord Jesus, and take me
I’m troubled and tried with sin and despair;
How I now long for the sweet victory,
How I now long for that City so fair!

Angels await,
Beyond the Gate,
My sweet Homecoming Day;
So I’ll press on,
‘Till set of sun,
I’ll trust Him and obey!

Even so, Come, Lord Jesus, and take me
I’m troubled and tried with sin and despair;
How I now long for the sweet victory,
How I now long for that City so fair!

My Lord I’ll see
Coming for me,
He’ll then say, “Welcome home,”
For Him I long,
He is my song,
From Him I’ll ne’er more roam!

Even so, Come, Lord Jesus, and take me
I’m troubled and tried with sin and despair;
How I now long for the sweet victory,
How I now long for that City so fair!

……….H. L. Gradowith……….


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