Good Morning:  It's Monday November 19, 2001!

A Special Happy Birthday to Valerie Savage!

BIRTHDAYS:  George Rogers Clark, 1752; James A. Garfield, 1831; Tommy Dorsey, 1905; Roy Campanella, 1921; Jeane Kirkpatrick, 1926; Dick Cavett, 1936; Ted Turner, 1938; Calvin Klein, 1942; Jodie Foster, 1962.


On this date in 1620 the MAYFLOWER arrived off the coast of Cape Cod.

On this date in 1620 also Peregrine White was born aboard the Mayflower, the first English child born in New England.

On this date in 1745 the Earl of Chesterfield wrote, in a journal of suggestions to his son, "Be wiser than other people if you can, but do not tell them so."

On this date in 1861 Julia Ward Howe wrote "The Battle Hymn of the Republic."

On this date in 1863 President Abraham Lincoln gave his most famous speech, the Gettysburg Address.

On this date in 1917 Indira Gandhi was born.

On this date in 1942 the Alaska Highway was formally opened.

On this date in 1993 the U.S. Senate voted 61 to 38 in favor of NAFTA, passed 2 days earlier in the House.

MEANINGLESS FACTS:  Hummingbirds can't walk... A housefly beats its wings an average of 20,000 times a minute... A grasshopper can jump about 2 feet.

TRIVIA:  What was the name of the horse Paul Revere took on his midnight ride?  A - Midnight; B - Daylight; C - Black Beauty; D - Brown Beauty.

     Now here is a profound thought indeed:  "If you want a stable home, marry a horse" (anonymous).  I hope you enjoy these...


From our archive -- Thanks to L.M. for these:

If only we could forget our troubles as easily as we forget our blessings.

Steam engines don't run on lukewarm water.

The road that we're on may seem long but it leads to our final destination.

The most difficult job of all is trying to look busy when you're not.

There is no indigestion worse than that of trying to eat your own words.

Never miss a rainbow or a sunset because you're looking down.

It's not so much how I look as how others see me.

People who live beyond their means must be given a lot of credit.

Confidence is the feeling that you have before you know better.

If you want to launch a big ship, you have to go where the water is deep.

The man who never makes mistakes loses a great many chances to learn something.

It's better to prevent than to lament.

Don't just entertain ideas----put them to work.

Nothing is harder than gracefully getting down from your high horse.

I can keep a secret, but those I tell it to never can.

Temper gets us into trouble----pride keeps us there.

Once you get started doing nothing it's hard to quit.

Word processors should be combined with food processors in case we have to eat our words.

God doesn't always remove the darkness, but He will help us get through it.

He that graduated yesterday and stops learning today is uneducated tomorrow.

Those who make the worse use of their time are first to complain of its brevity.

Wear the shoes you want filled.    Proverbs 22:6

In speech, volume has a way of drowning out meaning.

Man said of his wife; We get along swimmingly, every time I say something she drowns me out.

If you see someone without a smile, give them yours.

Sometimes the best present you can give someone is just leave them alone.

People seldom get dizzy from doing good turns.

The time to make friends is before you need them.

Since there is no body like you, you can make a difference.

Blowing out the other fellow's candle won't make yours any brighter.

There may be a destiny that shapes our ends, but our middles are of our own choosing.

When some turn over a new leaf, it is likely to be pretty much a carbon copy of the last.

Middle age is when you've met so many people that every new person reminds you of someone else.

Progress involves can't steal second and keep your foot on first.

The luckiest people in the world are those who don't depend on good luck.

A man of words and not of deeds is like a garden full of weeds.

The life one lives speaks louder than the words he utters.

Self-satisfaction makes people fear the unknown, mistrust the untried and abhor the new.

Whatever your past has been, you can have a better future.

It's not enough to be busy...the question is, what are you busy about?

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

Doing what's right today means no regrets tomorrow.

To ease another's heartache is to forget your own.

The best way to kill time is to work it to death.

If you can't do great things, do small things in a great way.

Short visits make long friends.

The steam that blows the whistle isn't driving the wheels.

Don't let yesterday use up too much of today.

Tact is what a fellow has when he won't change his mind but can change the subject.

Many times you find the big apples on top of the basket, but you must remember that the little ones are holding them up.

We search for beauty in distant lands while we crush the violets beneath our foot.



A man told his doctor that he wasn't able to do all the things around the house that he used to do.

When the exam was complete, he said, "Now, Doc, I can take it. Tell me in plain English what is wrong with me."

"Well, in plain English," the doctor said, "you're just lazy."

"Okay," said the man. "Now give me the medical term so I can tell my wife."


From JokesEveryDay:  In a Hurry

A woman was waiting in the check-out line at a shopping center. Her arms were laden with a mop and broom and other cleaning supplies. By her actions and deep sighs, it was obvious she was in an extreme hurry, and was not happy about the slowness of the line.

When the cashier called for a price check on a box of soap, the woman remarked indignantly, "Well, I'll be lucky to get out of here and home before Easter!"

"Don't worry, ma'am," replied the clerk. "With that wind kicking up out there and that brand new broom, you'll be home in no time."


From GCFL:  Animal Psychology

A fellow slid his car off a road and ended up in a ditch. A farmhouse was nearby so the motorist asked the owner if he had a tractor he could borrow to get his truck back on the road.

"Nope, but I got my mule, Blue," said the farmer.

"I doubt a mule is strong enough to pull my truck out."

"You don't know Blue," said the mule's proud owner.

So Blue was hitched to the truck. "Pull, Blue!" The truck didn't move. And the farmer then called out,

"Pull, Elmer!" The truck moved a little. Then the farmer yelled, "Pull, Biscuit," and the truck was free.

"Thank you so much," said the truck owner. "But I have a question. You called your mule by three different names. How is that?"

"Simple," said the farmer. "Blue is blind. And if he thought he was the only one pulling, your truck would still be in the ditch!"


ANSWER:  D - Brown Beauty.


Good Morning:  It's Tuesday November 20, 2001!

BIRTHDAYS:  George Rogers Clark (frontiersman and Revolutionary War military leader), 1752; Ferdinand Marie De Lessups (French diplomat who masterminded the Suez Canal), 1805; James Garfield (20th president of the United States), 1831;  Edwin Hubble, 1889; Chester Gould, 1900; Tommy Dorsey (American musician and bandleader), 1905; Alistair Cooke, 1908; Indira Gandhi (Indian prime minister), 1917; Roy Campanella (baseball star), 1921; Nadine Gordimer, 1923; Robert Kennedy, 1925; Kaye Ballard, 1926; Richard Dawson, 1932; Dick Smothers, 1938; Joseph Biden Jr., 1942; Veronica Hamel, 1943; Judy Woodruff, 1946; Bo Derek, 1956; Mark Gastineau, 1956.


On this date in 1493 Columbus, on his second voyage to the New World, landed on the island of Puerto Rico and claimed it for Spain.

On this date in 1850 the first insurance policy on a woman's life was issued.

On this date in 1863 Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address.

On this date in 1872 a patent for the adding machine was issued to E.D. Barbour of Boston.

On this date in 1888 the first timeclock was invented by William Bundy, and a lot of people have wanted to punch him out ever since!

On this date in 1945 the International War Crimes Tribunal trials began in Nuremberg, Germany.

On this date in 1969 the Brazilian soccer star Pele scored his 1,000th career goal, in Rio de Janeiro.

On this date in 1983 the movie "The Day After" premiered on ABC TV.

On this date in 1995 an awe-inspiring image was sent back to earth from the Hubble Space Telescope.  The image of the Eagle Nebula's towering mass expanding and taking shape reminds us of how powerful and majestic life truly is.

On this date in 1987 architect Robert Leathers met with Chicago elementary students to design a playground.

MEANINGLESS FACTS:  James Garfield, Harry Truman, Gerald Ford, George Bush (#41), and Bill Clinton were left-handed... Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Michelangelo, Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, and Leonardo da Vinci were also left-handed... Martina Navratilova, Boomer Esiason, and Will Clark were also left-handed.  I am not.

TRIVIA:  This being the date of the Gettysburg Address, how about a trivia question on that subject -- how many Union soldiers and Confederate soldiers died in the battle of Gettysburg?

     Here's one for congress... "Democracy means government by discussion, but it is only effective if you can stop people talking" (Clement Richard Attlee).


Thanks to L.M. for these:

The sin ye do two by two ye must pay for one by one.

Conversation between Adam and Eve must have been difficult at times because they had no one to talk about.

If life knocks you flat on your back, just tell yourself, "Things are looking up!"

The government solution to a problem is usually worst than the problem.

Lots of people live in beautiful apartments overlooking the rent.

According to U.S.A.  Financial analyst Rick Edleman; an American parent serving as a cook, financial manager,  psychologist and bus driver should receive a salary of $508,700.00 a year.

When some say that they want to serve God, they mean in an advisory capacity.

The early Christians, [by teaching God's word], turned the world upside down.  Now they will not all get on the same side.

The years seem to go by faster when you get older probably because you are going downhill.

Most human beings have an almost endless capacity for taking things for granted.

Know how to listen, and you will profit even from those who talk badly.

Twixt the optimist and pessimist, the difference is droll; The optimist sees the doughnut, but the pessimist sees the hole.

Aging is relative---in the time I went from 13 to 17, my mother aged twenty years!

You can tell you're getting older, when you have less drive and more park.

To always be ready, you must be able to cut a knot, for not everything can be untied.

Speak when you're angry and you'll make the best speech that you'll ever regret.

Pray for a good harvest------ but continue to hoe.

You can't get much done by starting tomorrow.  Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week.

A well-chosen word can speak volumes.

There are no two people alike and they are both glad of it.

The price of authority is responsibility.

No one is useless if he lightens the burden of someone else.

The only thing worse than repeating gossip is starting it.

Better to stumble with your toe than with your tongue.

Remember to forgive, then remember to forget.

The manner in which it is given is worth more than the gift.

It isn't necessary to put out the other fellow's light to make yours shine more brightly.

If we're unconcerned what the future holds for us then we have wasted our lives.

Be like the postage stamp----stick to your job until you get there.

If you don't wish to be shown up, don't show off.

Never lose a chance of saying a kind word.

Dedication and determination yield success and satisfaction. Reaching high keeps a man on his toes.

Experience is what causes people to make new mistakes instead old ones.

Better to trust a man who is frequently in error than the one who is never in doubt.

When you fail, call it learning and move on.

Gossip travels freely, but good news has to be helped along.

If you don't feel close to God, guess who moved.

A person who always says what they think is courageous ---and friendless.

Do the best that you can in this life----this is not a rehearsal.

In the old days no one locked their house, the most they feared might be a mouse.

When there was no Interstate---we just left early---and we weren't late.

The choice we make today affects tomorrow.

If you must make mistakes, it will be more to your credit if you make a new one each time.

Progress has little to do with speed and much to do with direction.

Others will follow your footsteps more easily than they will your advice.

Why can't all life's problems happen when we're teenagers, and know it all?

Love gives us strength---friends----and life.

Do not chose your friends by outward show, for the feather floats where the pearl lies low.

A smile is a language even a baby understands.


What does a turkey like to eat on Thanksgiving?
Nothing; they are already stuffed.

How are a turkey, a donkey, and a monkey the same?
They all have keys.

Why did the turkey cross the road?
To show that he wasn't chicken.

Why is a turkey similar to a ghost?
Because it's a-gobblin.

Did you hear about the one-legged turkey?
It went around saying "hobble-hobble."

Did you hear the one about the guest speaker who was introduced after a Thanksgiving dinner? The emcee said, "We have just enjoyed a turkey stuffed with sage. It is now my pleasure to introduce a sage stuffed with turkey."

Why did the Pilgrim kill the turkey?
Because he was in a fowl mood.

Why are turkeys so good at arithmetic?  Because they count the number of chopping days until Thanksgiving.

Did you hear about the conservative turkey? It has two right wings.

Did you hear about the waiter who dropped a Thanksgiving dinner on the floor and feared he had created an international incident?  It was the downfall of Turkey, the ruin of Greece, and the breaking up of China.

What is the traditional Thanksgiving menu?  Roast turkey, stuffing, candied yams, and pickled relatives.
Or, as we always say: Show us a man who throws Thanksgiving leftovers in the garbage, and we'll show you a man who quits cold turkey.

That reminds us of the hostess who served a delicious turkey dinner that tickled all of the guests. She forgot to remove the feathers.

ANSWER:  There were 3,100 Union soldiers and 3,900 Confederate soldiers killed in the Battle of Gettysburg.  As an aside, newspaper editors throughout the country failed to see the importance of Lincoln's 270-word address, relegating it to inside pages in their publications while giving front-page coverage to former Massachusetts governor and then current secretary of state Edward Everett's 2-hour speech.


Good Morning:  It's Wednesday November 21, 2001!

BIRTHDAYS:  Voltaire, 1694; William Beaumont (American surgeon and pioneer in research on digestion), 1785;  Sir Samuel Cunard, 1787; Elizabeth George Speare (children's author), 1908; Stan Musial, 1920; Juliet Mills, 1941; Marlo Thomas, 1943; Goldie Hawn, 1945; Lorna Luft, 1952; Mariel Hemingway, 1961.


On this date in 1620 the Mayflower Compact, recognizing what the signers called "a civil body politic".

On this date in 1783 the first manned balloon flight took place.

On this date in 1789 North Carolina became the 12th State to enter the Union.

On this date in 1864 President Lincoln wrote a letter of condolence to Mrs. Lydia Bixby, whose 5 sons had been killed in the Civil War.

On this date in 1877 Thomas Edison announced his invention of the phonograph.

On this date in 1922 the first cruise ship to circumnavigate the world, the LACONIA, departed from New York City.

On this date in 1946 Harry S. Truman became the first president to travel underwater on a submarine.

On this date in 1964 the world's longest suspension bridge opened over the Verrazano Narrows between Brooklyn and Staten Island.

On this date in 1988 the Reagan's broke ground on his Presidential Library.

MEANINGLESS FACTS:  During the first manned balloon flight, Frenchmen Pilatre de Rozier and Marquis Francois d'Arlandes drifted 8 kilometers over Paris before landing.  The trip lasted 25 minutes.  Parisians got so excited by the news of the event that 300,000 people -- half the population of the entire city -- showed up 10 days later to watch the second flight... One of today's birthday celebrants, Elizabeth George Speare, received Newbery Awards for her books THE WITCH OF BLACKBIRD POND and THE BRONZE BOW... The submarine on which Harry Truman wrote was U-2513, a captured German submarine.

TRIVIA:  How many horses did the Jews bring back from Babylon?

     A nice quote for the optimists -- "Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory" (George Smith Patton, 1885 - 1945).


From our archive -- Thanks to L.M. for these:

Nothing is as irritating as the fellow that chats pleasantly while he's overcharging you.

It is often easier to hide something than to hide the fact that you are hiding something.

The best way to make a small fortune is to start with a big one.

Good instincts usually tell you what to do long before your head has figured it out.

The best way to make a fire with two sticks is to be sure that one of them is a match.

A house may be too small for one family, but it can never be big enough for two.

You've heard of the three ages of man:  Youth, Middle age, and "you are looking wonderful".

What is more enchanting than the voices of young people when you can't hear what they say?

Seldom is anyone so spiritual as to strip himself entirely of self-love.

It is difficult to see why lace should be so costly; it is mostly holes.

RESOLVED for year 2002:  Remember, DIET has a big fat D because I ET too much.

Better a thousand enemies outside the house than one inside.

Could've been ark trouble:  Have you ever stopped to consider what would have happened if Noah had allowed same-sex couples to represent their species when he was marching the animals aboard the ark two by two?

There's nothing that takes a fellow down a notch or two faster than a bad haircut.

There's another advantage to being poor----A doctor will cure you faster.

Worry is like riding a roller coaster---It scares you and you always end up right where you started.

True friends are those who, when you've made a fool of yourself, don't think you've done a permanent job.

Don't live in the've already been there.

You can't sell from an empty wagon.

Although the tongue weighs very little, few people are able to hold it.

When friendship costs something, then you can count your friends.

I never can do what I want to do for having to do what I have to do.

Some folks are wise and some are otherwise.

In a human being, the wishbone is located just under the hat.

Shadows fall behind you when you face the sun.

A candle loses nothing when it lights another.

A humble man never blows his 'knows' in public.

Children can usually repeat word for word those things you shouldn't have said.

Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.

The only person more obnoxious than a wise guy, is a wise guy who turns out to be right.

Inspiration + Aspiration + Perspiration =  SUCCESS

The average child learns to walk at 17 months.   The average mother learns soon after.

Take nothing on its looks; take everything on evidence.

Living a Christian Life is not the most popular thing that you may do, but it is the most important thing that you will ever do!

It is always easy to add a word, but sometimes hard to withdraw one.

It's all right to have a train of thought; if you have a terminal.

A man who is master of himself can end a sorrow as  easily as he can invent one.

The best way to appreciate life is to imagine yourself without it.

If you wouldn't write it and sign it,  don't say it.

You'll never strain your eyes by looking at the bright side of things.

Etiquette means behaving yourself a little better than is absolutely necessary.

Even good steel loses its temper when it gets  overheated.

If you live in harmony with yourself, you are apt to live in harmony with others.

Living on a budget is the same as living beyond your means,  except you have a record of it.

The wise judge by what they see, the foolish by what they hear.

When we are defeated, it should stimulate us to try harder the next time.

What a man needs in gardening is a cast-iron back with a hinge in it.


Thanks to G.B. -- Geezers

Geezers" are easy to spot; this is slang for an old man. But, at sporting events, during the playing of the National Anthem, they hold their caps over their hearts and sing without embarrassment. They know the words and believe in them.

They remember World War I, the Depression, World War II, Pearl Harbor, Guadalcanal, Normandy and Hitler. They remember the Atomic Age, the Korean War, The Cold War, the Jet Age and the Moon Landing, not to mention Vietnam.

If you bump into a "Geezer" on the sidewalk, he'll apologize, pass a Geezer on the street, he'll nod, or tip his cap to a lady. "Geezers" trust strangers and are courtly to women. They hold the door for the next person and always when walking, make sure the lady is on the inside for protection.

"Geezers" get embarrassed if someone curses in front of women and children and they don't like violence and filth on TV and in movies. Geezers have moral courage. Geezers seldom brag unless it's about the grandchildren in Little League or music recitals. This country needs "Geezers" with their decent values and common sense. We need them now more than ever. It's the "Geezers" who know our great country is protected, not by politicians or police, but by the young men and women in the military serving their country in foreign lands, just as they did, without a thought except to do a good job, the best you can and to get home to loved ones.

Thank God for "OLD GEEZERS"!  They love like there is no tomorrow.


ANSWER:  The Jews brought 736 horses with them upon their return from Babylonian captivity, Nehemiah 7:68.


Good Morning:  It's Thursday November 22, 2001!


BIRTHDAYS:  Sieur de la Salle (French explorer), 1643; Abigail Adams (wife of President John Adams and mother of President John Quincy Adams), 1744; Geroge Eliot, 1819; Charles de Gaulle, 1890; Wiley Post, 1898; Hoagy Carmichael, 1899; Rodney Dangerfield, 1921; Geraldine Page, 1924; Robert Vaughn, 1932; Tom Conti, 1941; Billie Jean King, 1943; Jamie Lee Curtis, 1958; Boris Becker, 1967.


On this date in 1718 the pirate, Blackbeard, went down fighting in a battle with a British Navy ship.  It took 25 serious wounds to finally finish him off.

On this date in 1842 the first volcanic eruption recorded in the United States occurred at Mt. Lassen, CA.

On this date in 1906 S-O-S was adopted as the international distress signal.

On this date in 1917 the National Hockey League was established.

On this date in 1927 the first snowmobile patent was issued to Carl J.E. Elason.

On this date in 1931 Ferde Grofe's GRAND CANYON SUITE premiered in Chicago.

On this date in 1935 the flying boat, THE CHINA CLIPPER, left San Francisco on the first transpacific air-mail flight.

On this date in 1963 President John F. Kennedy was killed in a motorcade in Dallas, TX.

On this date in 1963 the Dick Van Dyke show taped it's pilot episode.

On this date in 1977 the supersonic Concorde jet began service to New York from London and Paris.

On this date in 1986 Mike Tyson, 20, defeated Trevor Berbick in Las Vegas to become the youngest heavyweight boxing champion in history.  He said, "Look at me, I'm just a boy, and I got this belt on my waist."

On this date in 1990 CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG made his debut in Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

MEANINGLESS FACTS:  The SOS means -- not save or ship, save our souls, or stop other signals, but -- the Morse code signal for 3 short dots, 3 long dashes, and 3 short dots.  It was adopted by international agreement as a universal call for help because it was easy to understand... Norman Bridwell, creator of CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG, believes that it is reassuring for kids to see that everyone -- even big red dogs -- makes a mistake along the way.  I agree... My family sincerely hopes that your day today will be a great one -- whether that is "meaningless" or not I don't know, but it is true.  Happy Thanksgiving.

TRIVIA:  A real tricky one -- what was the name of the National Hockey League team that used to reside in Hartford, CT?

     A quote serving to remind us of our freedoms and their cost -- "In war there is no substitute for victory" (Douglas MacArthur).


From our archive -- Thanks to L.M. for these:

When I was a child, my family's menu consisted of two choices:  take it or leave it.

Cheer up; birds have bills too, but they keep on singing.

We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.

No one is more unhappy than he who never had bad luck, He could never test himself.

Everything now seems to be under Federal control except the National debt and the budget.

Eventually every woman reaches the age when she doesn't want any birthdays but still wants the presents.

There are times that parenthood seems like nothing but feeding the mouth that bites you.

It is better to nobly remembered than to be nobly born.

Life is a play;  tis not its length,  but its  performance that counts.

A man that doesn't make mistakes doesn't do anything.

Is a scholarly debate feud for thought?

The only time that a woman really changes a man is when he is a baby.

Some people don't tolerate intolerance.

Children have more need for models than critics.

Mosquitoes remind us that we are not as high on the food chain as we think.

We live in an age where people would rather be envied than esteemed and when that happens,  God help us.

There is many a tear in the heart that never reaches that eye. Most people spread more gossip than they dig up.

There is none so blind than he who will not see.

Light is the task when many share the toil.

We can't all be heroes because somebody has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by.

A man is no better than his word and no bigger than what it takes to make him mad.

There are days when it takes all you've got just to keep up with the losers.

Many people lose their tempers merely from seeing you keep yours.

Pay no attention to what the critics say.  A Statue has never been erected in honor of a critic.

Most failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.

There's one thing no nation can accuse us of---that is secret diplomacy.  Our foreign dealings are an open book---generally a checkbook.

We have killed more people celebrating our Independence Day, than we lost fighting for it.

We should never blame the government for not doing something, it's when they do something is when they become dangerous.

Last year we said, Things can't go on like this, and they didn't.  They got worse.

The news that's not fit to print is what makes the newspapers.

A horse that can count to ten is a remarkable horse, not a remarkable mathematician.

Two quick ways to disaster are to take nobody's advice and to take everybody's advice.

Strength is the capacity to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands and then just eat one piece.

When love adorns the home, other decorations are secondary.

Make your life a prayer.

To stay on a diet, you need to follow the path of feast resistance.

Beware of the person that likes to have their cake ---and yours, too.

Be yourself----who is better qualified ?

Getting along with someone is 98% attitude.

Teamwork divides the effort and multiplies the effect.

Some folks won't ask for advice for fear they will leave the impression they need it.

In life, as in football, you won't go far unless you know which way the goal-post is.

Some people who are looking for jobs are not  necessarily looking for work.

A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back to the crowd.

Tact is the ability to make a person see the lightning without letting him feel the jolt.

Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects.

The person who is always finding fault seldom finds anything else. Success usually comes to those who are too busy to look for it.

The one thing worse than being alone is wishing you were.

An optimist laughs to forget; a pessimist forgets to laugh.

Better to be rebuked by God than to be entertained by the devil.

There are some people who wind up on third base and never make it home.

In life, you can never do a kindness too soon because you never know when it will be to late.

Gossip is like spreading butter on bread, it is hard to unspread it.

An atheist is a man who has no invisible means of support.

If you want to be near to God in prayer, don't get far away in between times.

Don't count your years; make your years count!

Faults are thick where love is thin.

We usually admire the other fellow more, after we have tried to do his job.


If God gave us the same amount of time and attention that we devote to Him?
If God put as many things ahead of us as we put ahead of Him?
If God offered as many excuses as we do? And if the excuses were no more justifiable than ours?
If God's promises were no more certain than ours?
If God withheld His blessings from us as we withhold our offerings from Him?
If God loved Himself as much as we love ourselves and gave as little thought to us as we give to Him?


ANSWER:  That former Hartford team was known as The Whalers.


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