Good Morning:  It's Friday March 9, 2001!
BIRTHDAYS:  Amerigo Vespucci, 1451; Frank Morrison (Mickey Spillane), 1918; Yuri Gagarin, 1934; Marty Ingels, 1936; Bobby Fischer, 1943; Brian Bosworth, 1965; "Webster" Emmanuel Lewis, 1971.
On this date in 1790 Benjamin Franklin wrote his creed:  "I believe in one God, Creator of the Universe.  That He governs it by his Providence.  That he ought to be worshipped.  That the most acceptable Service we render to his is doing good to his other children."
On this date in 1822 the first U.S. patent for artificial teeth was issued to Charles Graham of NYC.
On this date in 1844 the U.S. Supreme Court, in the Amistad incedent, ruled that Negroes are free.
On this date in 1860 Japanese ambassador Niimi Buzennokami arrived in San Francisco, CA to establish diplomatic relations with the US.
On this date in 1862 the MONITOR and the MERRIMAC fought a furious battle in the harbor near Hampton Roads, VA -- the first battle of the ironclads.
On this date in 1975 construction on the Alaskan pipeline began.
MEANINGLESS FACTS:  U.S. Patent Office records show that Thomas Jefferson invented the first hideaway bed... The name James Ritty should ring a bell -- he invented the cash register in 1884... Nathan Ames invented the escalator in 1859.
TRIVIA:  What was the name of the king who put Vashti away and chose Esther in her stead?
     Here is a real heavy thought from Sanford Mims:  "An economic downturn is when THEY don't have money.  A recession is when YOU don't have money and a depression is when I don's have money."  Sounds right...
Thanks to G&JK:    After Church Services
A friend was in front of me coming out of church one day, and as always the preacher was standing at the door shaking hands as the congregation departed.  He grabbed my friend by the hand and pulled him aside.
The preacher said to him, "You need to join the Army of the Lord!"
My friend replied, "I'm already in the Army of the Lord, Preacher."
The preacher questioned, "How come I don't see you except for Christmas and Easter?"
He whispered back, "I'm in the secret service."
From a friend:  Organ Humor
The minister was preoccupied with thoughts of how he was going to, at the end of the worship service, ask the congregation to come up with more money than they were expecting for repairs to the church building. Therefore, he was annoyed to find that the regular organist was sick and a substitute had been brought in at the last minute. The substitute wanted to know what to play.
"Here's a copy of the service," he said impatiently. "But you'll have to think of something to play after I make the announcement about the finances."
During the service, the minister paused and said, "Brothers and sisters, we are in great difficulty; the roof repairs cost twice as much as we expected, and we need $4,000 more. Any of you who can pledge $100 or more, please stand up."
At that moment, the substitute organist played "The Star-Spangled Banner."
And that is how the substitute became the regular...
Thanks to AB:  For with God nothing shall be impossible. Luke 1:37
A young man was running a race and he found himself falling further and further behind his competitors. His friends cheered him on from the sidelines, but seemingly to no avail. Then suddenly his lips began to move with great regularity, his legs picked up speed, and to the amazement and cheers of the entire crowd watching the race, he passed his competitors one by one...and won the race!
After he had been given a blue ribbon and received the congratulations of his coach and teammates, he turned to his friends. One of them asked, "We could see your lips moving but we couldn't hear what you were saying. What were you mumbling out there?"
The young man replied, "Oh, I was talking to God. I told Him, 'Lord, You pick 'em up, and I'll put 'em down.....You pick 'em up, and I'll put 'em down!"
When we do the things we know to do, live our lives the way we know God's Word commands us, and we are believing to the best of our ability that the Lord will help us, we are then in a position to know with certainty what the Apostle Paul knew: "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me" (Philippians 4:13).
This is a satiric look at life today... thanks to a friend... The Dangers of Bread (and all grain products)
1. More than 98 percent of convicted felons are bread users.
2. Fully HALF of all children who grow up in bread-consuming households score below average on standardized tests.
3. In the 18th century, when virtually all bread was baked in the home, the average life expectancy was less than 50 years; infant mortality rates were unacceptably high; many women died in childbirth; and diseases such as typhoid, yellow fever, and influenza ravaged whole nations.
4. Every piece of bread you eat brings you nearer to death.
5. Bread is associated with all the major diseases of the body. For example, nearly all sick people have eaten bread. The effects are obviously cumulative:
     99.9% of all people who die from cancer have eaten bread.
     99.7% of the people involved in air and auto accidents ate bread within 6 months preceding the accident.
     93.1% of juvenile delinquents came from homes where bread is served frequently.
6. Evidence points to the long-term effects of bread eating: Of all the people born since 1839 who later dined on bread, there has been a 100% mortality rate.
7. Bread is made from a substance called "dough." It has been proven that as little as a teaspoon of dough can be used to suffocate a lab rat. The average American eats more bread than that in one day!
8. Primitive tribal societies that have no bread exhibit a low incidence of cancer, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, and osteoporosis.
9. Bread has been proven to be addictive. Subjects deprived of bread and given only water to eat begged for bread after as little as two days.
10. Bread is often a "gateway" food item, leading the user to "harder" items such as butter, jelly, peanut butter, and even cold cuts.
11. Bread has been proven to absorb water. Since the human body is more than 80 percent water, it follows that eating bread could lead to your body being taken over by this absorptive food product, turning you into a soggy, gooey bread-pudding person.
12. Newborn babies can choke on bread.
13. Bread is baked at temperatures as high as 400 degrees Fahrenheit! That kind of heat can kill an adult in less than one minute.
14. Most bread eaters are utterly unable to distinguish between significant scientific fact and meaningless statistical babbling.
In light of these frightening statistics, we propose the following bread restrictions:
1. No sale of bread to minors.
2. A nationwide "Just Say No To Toast" campaign, complete celebrity TV spots and bumper stickers.
3. A 300 percent federal tax on all bread to pay for all the societal ills we might associate with bread.
4. No animal or human images, nor any primary colors (which may appeal to children) may be used to promote bread usage.
5. The establishment of "Bread-free" zones around schools.
ANSWER:  The king was Ahasuerus, and the story is in the Old Testament Book of Esther.
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