Good Morning:  It's Saturday December 1, 2001!


BIRTHDAYS:  Minoru Yamasaki (American architect who designed the World Trade Center), 1912; Mary Martin, 1913; David Doyle, 1925; Woody Allen, 1935; Lee Trevino, 1939; Richard Pryor, 1940; Bette Midler, 1945; Jan Brett (children's author and illustrator), 1949; Carol Alt, 1960.


On this date in 1878 the first telephone was installed in the White House.

On this date in 1909 the first Christmas Club was started in Carlisle, PA.

On this date in 1913 the first drive-in gas station was opened in Pittsburgh by the Gulf Refining Company.

On this date in 1917 Boys Town was founded.

On this date in 1918 the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, later called Yugoslavia, was formed.

On this date in 1919 Lady Astor joined the British Parliament as the first female member.

On this date in 1922 Skywriting was introduced, as a pilot flew over New York City and spelled out the word "hello" in white smoke.

On this date in 1955 Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a city bus in Montgomery, AL.

On this date in 1956 the Army made the decision to retire its last combat mule troop.  Scuttlebutt has it that they just kicked them upstairs and they've been running the Pentagon ever since...

On this date in 1978 President Jimmy Carter placed more than 56 million acres of Alaska's federal lands into the national park system.

On this date in 1986 the National Archives released 1.5 million documents from the Nixon White House, among which are a memo from an aide describing Elvis Presley's 1970 meeting with Nixon.

MEANINGLESS FACTS:  Abraham's home (Ur of the Chaldees), was located on the Euphrates (probably) in what is today known as south Iraq... The embalming practices of the Egyptians required vast imports of spices and incense... Tyrians brought fish and merchandise into Jerusalem and distressed the prophet Nehemiah by trading and selling on the Sabbath.

TRIVIA:  Tomorrow is the birthday of the man who invented the long playing (LP) record and color television.  Who is he?

     Do you ever feel trapped?  All caged up?  Like no one will leave you alone?  Pursued?  Remember -- "It is the beautiful bird that gets caged" (Chinese proverb).



Dentists say not to worry even if a child's first teeth do protrude from thumb-sucking.  It won't affect the permanent teeth unless the thumb-sucking continues when they start to come in, around age 5 or 6.  So, for this wives' tale, we will say MAYBE -- the damage isn't done early on but if the habit is established and allowed to continue the damage will follow later.


From our archive -- Thanks to L.M. for this one:  Blondes

A policeman was interrogating 3 blondes who were training to become detectives. To test their skills in recognizing a suspect, he shows the first blonde a picture for 5 seconds and then hides it. "This is your suspect, how would you recognize him?"  The first blonde answers,  "That's easy, we'll catch him fast because he only has one eye!"  The policeman says, "Well...uh...that's because the picture shows his profile." Slightly flustered by this ridiculous response, he flashes the picture for 5 seconds at the second blonde and asks her, "This is your suspect, how would you recognize him?"  The second blonde giggles, flips her hair and says, "Ha! He'd be too easy to catch because he only has one ear!"

The policeman angrily responds, "What's the matter with you two? Of course only one eye and one ear are showing because it's a picture of his profile! Is that the best answer you can come up with?"

Extremely frustrated at this point, he shows the picture to the third blonde and in a very testy voice asks, "This is your suspect, how would you recognize him? He quickly adds, "Think hard before giving me a stupid answer."  The blonde looks at the picture intently for a moment and says, "The suspect wears contact lenses."  The policeman is surprised and speechless because he really doesn't know himself if the suspect wears contacts or not. "Well, that's an interesting answer. Wait here for a few minutes while I check his file and I'll get back to you on that."   He leaves the room and goes to his office, checks the suspect's file in his computer, and comes back with a beaming smile on his face.

"Wow! I can't believe it. It's TRUE! The suspect does in fact wear contact lenses. Good work! How were you able to make such an astute observation?"

"That's easy," the blonde replied. "He can't wear regular glasses because he only has one eye and one ear."


From a friend --  ANGELIC CHILDREN Source - Clean Hewmor

Bouncing out of her first day in nursery school at  Mount Moriah Presbyterian Church in Port Henry, N.Y., a three-year-old girl gleefully informed her mother, "We had juice and Billy Graham crackers!"


On vacation with her family in Montana, a mother drove her van past a church in a small town and pointing to it, told the children that it was St. Francis' Church.

"It must be a franchise," her eight-year-old son said. "We've got one of those in our town too!"


A Sunday school teacher challenged her children to take some time on Sunday afternoon to write to God.  They were to bring back their letter the following Sunday.

One little boy wrote, "Dear God, We had a good time at church today.  Wish you could have been there!"


From a friend -- Thank You, God

A woman received a phone call that her daughter was very sick with a fever.  She left work and stopped by the pharmacy for some medication for her daughter. When returning to her car to find she had locked her keys inside.  She had to get home to her sick daughter, and didn't know what to do. She called her home to the baby sitter, and was told her daughter was getting worse. She said, "You might find a coat hanger and use that to open the door."
The woman found an old rusty coat hanger on the ground, as if someone else had locked their keys in their car. Then she looked at the hanger and said, "I don't know how to use this."

She bowed her head and asked God for help.  An old rusty car pulled up, driven by a dirty, greasy, bearded man with a biker skull rag on his head. The woman thought, "This is what you sent to help me????" But she was desperate, and thankful.

The man got out of his car and asked if he could help. She said "Yes, my daughter is very sick. I must get home to her.  Please, can you use this hanger to unlock my car."  He said, "SURE."  He walked over to the car and in seconds the car was opened.  She hugged the man and through her tears she said, "THANK YOU SO MUCH..... You are a very nice man."

The man replied, "Lady, I ain't a nice man.  I just got out of prison for car theft." The woman hugged the man again and cried out loud..... THANK YOU GOD FOR SENDING ME A PROFESSIONAL!"


ANSWER:  Peter Carl Goldmark.


Good Morning:  It's Sunday December 2, 2001!

Happy Birthday Bertha Johnson!

BIRTHDAYS:  George Seurat, 1859; Charles Ringling (the circus guy), 1863; Peter Carl Goldmark (American inventor of long-playing records and color television), 1906; Adolph Green, 1915; Maria Callas, 1923; Alexander Haig Jr., 1924; Julie Harris, 1925; Ed Meese III, 1931; David Macaulay (children's author and illustrator), 1946; Cathy Lee Crosby, 1948; Randy Gardner, 1958.


On this date in 1804 Napoleon Bonaparte was crowned emperor of France.

On this date in 1816 the Philadelphia Savings Fund Society, the first mutual savings bank in the United States, opened for business.

On this date in 1823 President James Monroe told the European powers to stay out of the western Hemisphere in his declaration of the Monroe Doctrine.  He said, "In the wars of European powers, in matters relating to themselves, we have never taken part, nor does it comport with our policy to do so."

On this date in 1916 permanent all-over lighting of the Statue of Liberty began.

On this date in 1942 the Manhattan Project achieved the first man-made atomic chain-reaction.

On this date in 1949 Gene Autry hit the record charts with his song "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer".

On this date in 1954 Senator McCarthy was censured by the U.S. Senate.

On this date in 1960 the Archbishop of Canterbury (Ch. of England) visited Pope John XXIII (Catholic).

On this date in 1980 the Alaska Land Act was signed by President Jimmy Carter.

On this date in 1982 Barney Clark received the first permanent artificial heart.

MEANINGLESS FACTS:  The African bull elephant is the largest animal living today -- with ears that can measure up to four feet across and usually grows about ten feet tall at the shoulders and weighs about six tons... The common flea can jump more than 7 inches high and 13 inches long -- that is 130 times the height of its body... A rainbow is made up of millions of tiny raindrops reflecting the rays of the sun.

TRIVIA:  What animal had seven horns and seven eyes?

     Some George Harrison quotes --

[A dark horse is] the one who suddenly pulls out from behind the rest and barrels ahead to actually win the race. The one that nobody's bothered to put any money on. That's me, I guess. The very last one anyone would have ever expected to come out a winner.

Throughout much of our lives, our association with the temporary has risen. This transitory body, a sack of bones and flesh, is considered erroneously as our true body and we have accepted this temporary condition as conclusive.

With our love, we could save the world.

I think people who truly can live a life in music are telling the world, 'You can have my love, you can have my smiles. Forget the bad parts, you don't need them. Just take the music, the goodness, because it's the very best, and it's the part I give most willingly.'

The nicest thing is to open the newspapers and not to find yourself in them.

As far as I'm concerned, there won't be a Beatles reunion as long as John Lennon remains dead.


Recently a well-known actress married an equally well-known actor.  2 hours later she was in a lawyers office discussing divorce.  The lawyer was amazed.  He asked, "What in the world could have happened in that little time to cause such an irreparable breach?"  The bride sobbed bitterly, "It was at the church.  He signed his name in the register in bigger letters than mine."


DON'T GO OUT WITH WET HAIR; YOU'LL CATCH A COLD.  This one sounds right -- especially if it is cold outside.  Practical tests demonstrate that wet hair (and sitting in drafts, etc.) does not contribute to the catching of a cold.  There are over 200 known viruses.  There is no way to catch a cold without coming into contact with a cold virus.  (Once you have had a cold, you're immune to that particular virus and will not catch it again -- that explains why children generally catch more colds than adults).  Why do people get more colds in winter than summer?  Mainly because people are indoors more in winter.  You may feel bad by going outside with wet hair, but there is no evidence that it will actually make you sick.  If someone coughs on you, or if you shake the hand of someone who covered his/her mouth and then didn't wash...  you may well get sick.  Doctors say that they best way to avoid colds is to keep your hands clean and away from your nose.  This one is NOT TRUE.


From our archive --

BOOK is a revolutionary breakthrough in technology:  no wires, no electric circuits, no batteries, nothing to be connected or switched on. It's so easy to use, even a child can operate it.

Compact and portable, it can be used anywhere -- even sitting in an armchair by the fire -- yet it is powerful enough to hold as much information as a CD-ROM disc.

Here's how it works:

BOOK is constructed of sequentially numbered sheets of paper (recyclable), each capable of holding thousands of bits of information. The pages are locked together with a custom-fit device called a binder which keeps the sheets in their correct sequence.

Opaque Paper Technology (OPT) allows manufacturers to use both sides of the sheet, doubling the information density and cutting costs. Experts are divided on the prospects for further increases in information density; for now, BOOKS with more information simply use more pages. Each sheet is scanned optically, registering information directly into your brain.
A flick of the finger takes you to the next sheet.

BOOK may be taken up at any time and used merely by opening it.

BOOK never crashes or requires rebooting, though, like other devices, it can become damaged if coffee is spilled on it and it becomes unusable if dropped too many times on a hard surface. The "browse" feature allows you to move instantly to any sheet, and move forward or backward as you wish. Many come with an "index" feature, which pin-points the exact location of any selected information for instant retrireview.

An optional "BOOKmark" accessory allows you to open BOOK to the exact place you left it in a previous session -- even if the BOOK has been closed. BOOK marks fit universal design standards; thus, a single BOOKmark can be used in BOOKs by various manufacturers. Conversely, numerous BOOK markers can be used in a single BOOK if the user wants to store numerous views at once. The number is limited only by the number of pages in the BOOK. You can also make personal notes next to BOOK text entries with optional programming tools, Portable Erasable Nib Cryptic Intercommunication Language Style


Portable, durable, and affordable, BOOK is being hailed as a precursor of a new entertainment wave. BOOK's appeal seems so certain that thousands of content creators have committed to the platform and  investors are reportedly flocking to invest. Look for a flood of new titles soon.


ANSWER:  The apocalyptic "Lamb" of Revelation 5:6 had seven horns and seven eyes.


Good Morning:  It's Monday December 3, 2001!

BIRTHDAYS:  Gilbert Stuart, 1755; George B. McClellan, (U.S. Civil War general and 1864 Democrat presidential nominee), 1826; Cleveland Abbe (American meteorologist who was the first weather forcaster for the U.S. Weather Service), 1838; Joseph Conrad, 1857; Ferlin Husky, 1927; Jean-Luc Godard, 1930; Andy Williams, 1930; Jaye P. Morgan, 1932; Ozzy Osbourne, 1948; Rick Mears, 1951.


On this date in 1621 Galileo perfected the telescope.

On this date in 1775 John Paul Jones hoisted the first seagoing American Flag.

On this date in 1818 Illinois became the 21st State.

On this date in 1833 Oberlin College in Ohio became the first coed college.

On this date in 1888 the longest lease on record -- 10 million years -- was signed in Columb Barracks, Ireland.  It was for a plot of land.

On this date in 1948 the first female U.S. Army officer not in the medical corps was sworn in.

On this date in 1960 CAMELOT opened on Broadway.

On this date in 1967 a team led by Dr. Christian Barnard in Capetown, South Africa performed the first successful human heart transplant.  The patient survived 18 days.

On this date in 1973 Pioneer 10 made the first flyby of Jupiter and transmitted close-up pictures to Earth.

On this date in 1984 a gas leak at a Union Carbide pesticides plant in Bhopal, India killed 2,000 people in one night, with an eventual death toll of 3,329.

On this date in 1987 King Kong welcomed the two millionth visitor of the year to the Empire State Building.

MEANINGLESS FACTS:  The little Old World harvest mouse is only five inches from its nose to its tail... The pygmy shrew is a very fierce fighter, but it is only three inches long and weighs about as much as a penny... The chihuahua is the smallest dog -- it weighs only two or three pounds and a chihuahua puppy can sit in a teacup.

TRIVIA:  Who (in the Bible) had thirty sons who rode on thirty ass colts?

     One from Samuel Clements (Mark Twain) -- "Keep away from people who belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."


DON'T GO SWIMMING RIGHT AFTER EATING; YOU'LL GET CRAMPS AND DROWN.  I can't think of a more disappointing saying than this one -- at least it was when I was a kid... The reasoning behind the statement goes something like this:  The blood supply the muscles would normally use for swimming is needed to digest the food.  Therefore, the resulting lack of oxygen would increase the tendency for muscles to cramp...  Well, what about it?

Bev Hoover, Health and Safety Specialist at the national office of the American Red Cross, says that cramps can and do occur while swimming.  But they have little or nothing to do with how soon after eating you take the plunge.  They occur, for the most part, in one of your muscles -- either in your arm or your calf.  These cramps can be caused by fatigue, cold, overexertion, or simply by being out of shape.  Stomach cramps, which are better defined as abdominal or gastrointestinal cramps, can result from the same factors.  More likely, they can be attributed to overeating, or eating food that may have spoiled from the heat.

But these cramps will appear whether you go swimming or not.  The old saying here considered appears to be NOT TRUE.


Art Baker, the noted news commentator and philosopher, once told this story that he claimed was true from the files of a Massachusetts town.  It seems there was a man who owned a tobacco store.  One day he laid in a supply of expensive cigars.  Then he got a bright idea.  He loved cigars himself and smoked a great many of them.  So he decided to get fire insurance on the stock of cigars.  When they were all gone -- he smoked most of them himself -- he went to the fire insurance company, presented the cigar ashes as evidence, and claimed the insurance!"

"These cigars were insured by you against fire.  And they most certainly were consumed by fire.  And you owe me the insurance," this man insisted.  "If you don't pay my claim, I'll take it to court."

The officials of the insurance company at first thought he was joking, then that he was mad.  Then they raged that he was a crook, and would never get away with it.  But when the case came to court, the judge awarded the judgment to the storekeeper.  Said the judge:  "I'm convinced, of course, that you're a fraud, but I'm unable to do anything about it -- with that agreement, you are inside the law."

The infuriated fire insurance officials took the case to a higher court, and hired a new legal counsel.  At this trial the decision was reached that the tobacconist, when he had smoked those cigars, had set fire to property which he knew was insured and with the knowledge and purpose of collecting the insurance on the same; and that therefore he was guilty of arson, and of intent to defraud, and etc. -- and they put him in jail for five years and fined him five thousand dollars!


From our archive -- ** Work VS Prison **

Just in case you ever get mixed up between the two, this should make things a bit clearer:

IN spend the majority of your time in an 8x10 cell
AT spend most of your time in a 6x8 cubicle.

IN PRISON... you get three meals a day.
AT only get a break for one meal and you have to pay for it.

IN get time off for good behavior.
AT get rewarded for good behavior with more work.

IN PRISON...a guard locks and unlocks all the doors for you.
AT must carry around a security card and unlock and open all the doors yourself.

IN can watch TV and play games.
AT get fired for watching TV and playing games.

IN get your own toilet.
AT have to share.

IN PRISON...they allow your family and friends to visit.
AT cannot even speak to your family and friends.

IN PRISON...all expenses are paid by taxpayers with no work required.
AT get to pay all the expenses to go to work and then they deduct taxes from your salary to pay for prisoners.

IN spend most of your life looking through bars from the inside wanting to get out.
AT spend most of your time wanting to get out and go inside bars.

IN PRISON...there are wardens who are often sadistic.
AT WORK............they are called managers.


An actress, applying for a job, was asked, "Are you married?"  "Yes," she answered.  "Have you been married before?"  "Yes." "To whom?" "Say," she burst out, "what's the big idea?  Humph! To whom have I been married?  What is this, a memory test?"  Then she showed the lawyer her necklace.  "Take a look at this necklace made up entirely of my wedding rings..."


Richard Drummond tells of the circus coming to town when he was a boy.  "How I did love circuses when I was a kid!  A small circus came to our town when I was a mite too small to go galavantin' off to it all by myself.  So I just sort of sneaked off in the evening and walked to the other side of town.  I came to a large tent.  I didn't have any money, so I crawled under the tent.  It must have been the wrong tent.  There was a revival meeting going on inside... A number of years later I attended a real circus.  I met the India rubber man.  I had heard much in those day about the India rubber man who could twist himself into every shape imaginable.  I said to him, "How do you like this kind of work?"  The India rubber man said, "Just fine except for one thing.  Every time the strong man writes a letter he uses me to erase the mistakes."  The last I ever heard of the India rubber man, he was sent up for a stretch for writing checks that bounced..."


ANSWER:  Jair (Judges 10:3-4) had 20 sons who rode on 30 ass colts.


Good Morning:  It's Tuesday December 4, 2001!

BIRTHDAYS:  Wassily Kaninsky (Russian artist considered the first abstract painter), 1866; Rainer Maria Rilke, 1879; Lillian Russell, 1881; Francisco Franco, 1892; Munro Leaf (children's author and creator of Ferdinand the bull), 1905; Deanna Durbin, 1921; Horst Bucholz, 1933; Max (Jethro Bodine) Baer Jr., 1937; Chris Hillman, 1942; Jeff Bridges, 1949.

Today is also the "birthday" of Miles, Sesame Street character.


On this date in 1619 the first Thanksgiving celebration took place in America.

On this date in 1674 French Jesuit missionary Jacques Marquette erected a mission on the shores of Lake Michigan.

On this date in 1776 Benjamin Franklin left for France to seek support for the American Revolution.

On this date in 1783 General George Washington bade farewell to his officers at Fraunces Tavern in New York City.

On this date in 1839 the Whig Party held its first national convention in Harrisburg, PA, and nominated William Henry Harrison.

On this date in 1843 Manila Paper was patented.

On this date in 1877 Thomas A. Edison's co-workers sat up until the wee dawn hours in his New Jersey laboratory at Melno Park playing with a new device he had just completed -- the phonograph.

On this date in 1942 President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered the dismantling of the Works Progress Administration (WPA).

On this date in 1945 Congress approved U.S. participation in the United Nations.

On this date in 1950 Polish track star Stella Walsh, the 1932 Olympic gold medallist in the 100-yard dash, died during an armed robbery in which "she" was an innocent bystander.  After the autopsy in Cleveland, Ohio the coroner announced that "she" was a "he"!

On this date in 1990 a cockatiel named Coco helped "blow the whistle" on a burglar.  A burglar broke into a home in Fort Walton, FL and stole equipment, cash, and a cockatiel named Coco.  The burglar left the squawking bird in a nearby shop.  When a local police officer entered the shop, the bird started whistling a TV theme song and the officer recalled a burglary report mentioning a bird with this special talent.  Thanks to Coco, the burglar was arrested.

MEANINGLESS FACTS:  The striped newt grows up to two inches long... The smallest butterfly in the world is the dwarf blue... The smallest pouched mammal in the world is the planigale, found only in Australia.

TRIVIA:  Tomorrow is the birthday of this person -- she led an active, adventurous life; flew over San Francisco Bay strapped to the wing of an airplane; at the age of 78 she flew in helicopters as a foreign correspondent during the Vietnam War; and it was this woman who first encouraged her now-famous mother to write a series of books about life in young America.  Her mother was Laura Ingalls Wilder.  Who was she?

     "It is the beautiful bird that gets caged" (Chinese proverb).


SHAVING MAKES YOUR HAIR, OR BEARD, GROW BACK THICKER.  According to THE SKIN BOOK (dermatologists Arnold Klein and James Steinberg), there is absolutely no truth whatsoever to this commonly believed wives' tale.  This one, though widely held, is FALSE.


From our Archive -- Thanks to A.C. for this one:  TEN INCHES OF WATER

A boy was sitting on a park bench with one hand resting on an open Bible. He was loudly exclaiming his praise to God. "Hallelujah! Hallelujah! God is great!" he yelled without worrying whether anyone heard him or not.

Shortly after, along came a man who had recently completed some studies at a local university. Feeling himself very enlightened in the ways of truth and very eager to show this enlightenment, he asked the boy about the source of his joy.

"Hey" asked the boy in return with a bright laugh, "Don't you have any idea what God is able to do? I just read that God opened up the waves of the Red Sea and led the whole nation of Israel right through the middle."

The enlightened man laughed lightly, sat down next to the boy and began to try to open his eyes to the "realities" of the miracles of the Bible. "That can all be very easily explained. Modern scholarship has shown that the Red Sea in that area was only 10 inches deep at that time. It was no problem for the Israelites to wade across."

The boy was stumped. His eyes wandered from the man back to the Bible laying open in his lap. The man, content that he had enlightened a poor, naive young person to the finer points of scientific insight, turned to go. Scarcely had he taken two steps when the boy began to rejoice and praise louder than before. The man turned to ask the reason for this resumed jubilation.

"Wow!" exclaimed the boy happily, "God is greater than I thought! Not only did He lead the whole nation of Israel through the Red Sea, He topped it off by drowning the whole Egyptian army in 10 inches of water!"


Thanks to AB:  Bill Collector

Well, if you don't want to pay your bills, here's a good reason for that.

Dear Mr. Bill Collector:

     I have not opened the bills that you sent me because I saw some white Powder on the envelope. I fear that it may be anthrax. I am sorry that your Payment will be late. Until the president says that we have caught Usama Bin Laden and that it is safe to open my mail, I have no idea what to pay you.



Forward this on to any poor souls who are up to their neck in debt also.



One man has enthusiasm for 30 minutes, another for 30 days, but it is the man who has it for 30 years who  makes a success of his life. - Edward B. Butler


The way you see people is the way you treat them. And the way you treat them is what they become.  ~~~~--Johann Von Goethe  **


Don't forget to encourage others..."If you can learn from hard knocks, you can also learn from soft touches." -- Carolyn Gilmore  **


Someone asked Albert Schweitzer to name the greatest person alive in the world at that moment. The good doctor, whom many would have named as deserving the honor, replied quietly: "The greatest person alive in the world at this moment is some unknown individual in some obscure place who, at this hour, has gone in love to be with another person in need."  **


Fear is like fire. If controlled it will help you; if uncontrolled, it will rise up and destroy you. Men's actions depend to a great extent upon fear. We do things either because we enjoy doing them or because we are afraid not to do them. ~John F Milburn  **


Normal fear protects us; abnormal fear paralyses us. Normal fear motivates us to improve our individual and collective welfare; abnormal fear constantly poisons and distorts our inner lives. Our problem is not to be rid of fear but, rather to harness and master it.  ~~~Martin Luther King  **


ANSWER:  Rose Wilder Lane.


Good Morning:  It's Wednesday December 5, 2001!

Happy Birthday Ryan Adams!

BIRTHDAYS:  Martin Van Buren, 1782; poet Christina Rassetti, 1830; General George Armstrong Custer, 1839; Rose Wilder Lane (American Journalist, daughter of Laura Ingalls Wilder of 'Little House on the Prairie' fame), 1886; Fritz Lang, 1890; Walk Disney, 1901; Strom Thurmond, 1902; Otto Preminger, 1906; Joan Didion, 1934; Calvin Trillin, 1935; Chad Mitchell, 1936; Morgan Brittany, 1950; Art Monk, 1957; Carrie Hamilton, 1963.


On this date in 1776 Phi Beta Kappa was organized.

On this date in 1791 the Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart died in poverty.

On this date in 1848 President James K. Polk announced the discovery of gold in California.

On this date in 1868 the first school to teach bicycle riding opened in New York City.

On this date in 1933 Prohibition formally ended with the repeal of the 18th amendment by the 21st.

On this date in 1955 blacks in Montgomery, AL began a boycott of city buses as a protest to racial segregation.

On this date in 1962 the United States and the Soviet Union agreed to the peaceful use of outer space.

On this date in 1984 BEVERLY HILLS COP premiered.

MEANINGLESS FACTS:  The Chihuahua is the smallest dog in the world... The smallest fish is the goby... Walt Disney created such characters as Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Cinderella, Snow White, Peter Pan, Pinocchio, and Balloo the bear, to name a few.

TRIVIA:  A two-parter -- How far is the moon from the earth (approximately), and -- What is the diameter of the moon?

     One to think about... "Woe to the man whose heart has not learned while young to hope, to love - and to put its trust in life" (Joseph Conrad, 1857 - 1924).


It is time for our daily Wives' Tale -- today let's see if there is any truth to this one:  SHAVING AGAINST THE GRAIN WILL MAKE YOUR HAIR TOUGHER.  Historically, shaving seems to have come from the same place as cutting the hair from the rest of the head -- it was done for convenience.  In fact, certain warriors began to notice early on that in battle the hair and the beard were pretty easy "handles" for enemy forces to hold on to while killing you...  (So much for the history of shaving.)  Most "shaving experts" recommend that we shave "with the grain" and not against it -- not because shaving against the grain will make ones' hair tougher, but -- because it will prevent "ingrown hairs".

Hairs don't grow straight out from the skin, but rather at an angle ranging from 30 to 60 degrees.  If the hair 'gets cut against the grain', or against this angle, it is left with a sharp point which can pierce the skin and grow back into the follicle as it curls back.  Because of this problem, it is also not a good idea to shave too closely.  Interestingly, this is more of a problem for African American men because of their naturally curly hair, which can too easily curl back into the follicle.

Drs. Klein and Steinberg offer this simple, surefire strategy for men who have a problem with ingrown facial hairs -- "Grow a beard."  Then just make sure you don't get into any hand-to-hand combat.  That makes this old wives’ tale FALSE.


A number of years ago a certain actor played the part of Lincoln for so long that he actually came to think that he was Lincoln.  He walked and talked and even dressed like Lincoln all the time.  One day he was walking down the street, clothed in the cape and high hat of Lincoln's period.  Someone pointed him out and remarked, "That man will never be satisfied until he's assassinated."


From our Archive -- From JokeOfTheDay:  SCIENCE FARE

5th and 6th grade responses to science questions on tests:

- There are 26 vitamins in all, but some of the letters are yet to be discovered.

- Genetics explains why you look like your father, and if you don't, why you should.

- Vacuums are nothings. We only mention them to let them know we know they're there.

- The cause of perfume disappearing is evaporation. Evaporation gets blamed for a lot of things people forget to put the top on.

- Water vapor gets together in a cloud. When it is big enough to be called a drop, it does.

- Mushrooms always grow in damp places, which is why they look like umbrellas.

- Momentum is something you give a person when they go away.

- A monsoon is a French gentleman.

- The word "trousers" is an uncommon noun because it is singular at the top and plural at the bottom.

- To keep milk from turning sour, keep it in the cow.

- When planets run around and around in circles, we say they are orbiting. When people do it, we say they are crazy.

- For asphyxiation, apply artificial respiration until the patient is dead.

- Thunder is a rich source of loudness.

- One of the main causes of dust is janitors.


One time a would-be mimic stopped a very distinguished actor, and said, "Pardon me, but I have been practicing impersonating you.  Could I have your attention for just a minute?"  Her thereupon went through some facial grimaces and gestures.  "There," he said.  "What do you think of my ability as shown by my impersonations of you?"  "Well," said the actor, "one of us is awful."


From HOUSEHOLD OF FAITH EZINE, published by J. Hendon, to receive this good publication write him at [email protected] and ask for it.

Parting Shots From Joel:

If you were to take a taxicab from New York City to Los Angeles, it would cost you $8,325. But your chances of flying into a tall building would be virtually nil.

(Two supposedly true notes from parents to teachers)

My son is under a doctor's care and should not take P.E. today. Please execute him.

Please excuse Lisa for being absent. She was sick and I had her shot.


Thanks to M/M Riverrats for an old favorite -- A Fairy Godmother Story

A couple had been married for 40 years and also celebrated their 60th birthdays. During the celebration, a fairy godmother appeared and said that because they had been such a loving couple all those years, she would give them one wish each.

Being the faithful, loving spouse for all these years, naturally the wife wanted for her and her husband to have a romantic vacation together, so she wished for them to travel around the world.  The fairy godmother waved her wand and boom!   She had the tickets in her hand.

Next, it was the husband's turn and the fairy godmother assured him he could have any wish he wanted, all he needed to do was ask for his heart's desire.  He paused for a moment, then said, "Well, honestly, I'd like to have a woman 30 years younger than I."  The fairy godmother picked up her wand and boom!  He was 90!!


ANSWER:  The moon is approximately 225,000 miles from the earth, and the diameter of the moon is 2,160 miles.


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