Good Morning:  It's Sunday August 26, 2001!

BIRTHDAYS:  Joseph Michel Montgolfier (French balloonist), 1740; John Wilkes Booth (American actor who assassinated Abraham Lincoln), 1838; Inventor Lee DeForest, 1873; author Christopher Isherwood, 1904; Albert Sabin (Russian-American microbiologist who developed an oral polio vaccine), 1906; Ronny Graham, 1919; Ben Bradlee, 1921; Irving R. Levine, 1922; Geraldine Ferraro, 1935; Branford Marsalis, 1960.


On this date in 1498 Michelangelo was commissioned to create the PIETA.

On this date in 55 BC the original British Invasion occurred.  No, not by the Beatles or the Rolling Stones, but by the Romans!  When Julius Caesar became the ruler of Britain in 55 BC, his engineers shaped the landscape.  Much of their work remains to this day.  Roads, canals, aqueducts, even a bridge or two.  Talk about well built...

On this date in 1825 Engineer-inventor John Stevens, after having failed for years to get funding for a railroad using steam engines, proved its effectiveness by building a narrow-gauge railway with a small steam locomotive on his estate in Hoboken, New Jersey -- the first to operate in the United States.

On this date in 1873 the first U.S. Public School Kindergarten was established.

On this date in 1873 in Council Bluffs, Iowa one of a few brilliant men who developed Marconi's radio into the device that now transmits pictures as well as words (the TV), Lee DeForest, was born in Council Bluffs, Iowa.

On this day in 1883 the small island of Krakatau, located in Indonesia between Java and Sumatra, became the site of a volcanic eruption.  Considering the eruption, the island's collapse, and the subsequent tsunami, an estimated 36,000 people died.  The airborne smoke and ash quickly circled the globe, blocking out the sun in many places.

On this date in 1920 the 19th Amendment was enacted, giving women the right to vote.

On this date in 1939 "sports widows" were created as the first major league baseball game was broadcast on WZXBS-TV in New York.  The Cincinnati Reds played the Brooklyn Dodgers.

On this date in 1974 Russian cosmonaut Lev Demin became the first grandfather in space, aboard Soyuz 15.

On this date in 1986 Robert Chambers, 19, told police how 18-year-old Jennifer Levin came to be lying bruised and strangled to death in Central Part after the two of them left an Upper East Side bar together.  "She molested me in the park," says the hulking 6'4" youth of his considerably smaller victim.  Though he is charged with second-degree murder, the media treated him with amazing sympathy.  One reading the stories and/or watching the TV coverage was led to believe that she had it coming...

MEANINGLESS FACTS:  Benjamin Milam, noted Texas hero, was the only person to own a United States river.  In 1835 Congress granted him exclusive right to navigate the Colorado River... Dr. Timothy Bright of Cambridge (1551-1615) invented modern shorthand... Dr. Nicholas Barebon (d. 1698) of London invented fire insurance.  The Great London Fire of 1666 inspired the idea, and he opened a fire insurance office that did a flourishing business and established him as the world's first insurance agent.  Believe it, or not.

TRIVIA:  Who (in the Bible) had 10 housekeepers and put them all in prison for life?

     Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527), an Italian author and statesman, said, "The fact is that a man who wants to act virtuously in every way necessarily comes to grief among so many who are not virtuous."  May your Lord's Day be a nice one!


Thanks to JLH:  Swimming hole

Some years ago on a hot summer day in south Florida, a little boy decided to go for a swim in the old swimming hole behind his house. In a hurry to dive into the cool water, he ran out the back door, Leaving behind shoes, socks, and shirt as he went. He flew into the water, not realizing that as he swam toward the middle of the lake, an alligator was swimming toward the shore. His mother in the house was looking out the window saw the two as they got closer and closer together. In utter fear, she ran toward the water, yelling to her son as loudly as she could. Hearing her voice, the little boy became alarmed and made a U-turn to swim to his mother. It was too late. Just as he reached her, the alligator reached him.

From the dock, the mother grabbed her little boy by the arms just as the alligator snatched his legs. That began an incredible tug-of-war between the two. The alligator was much stronger than the mother, but the mother was much too passionate to let go. A farmer happened to drive by, heard her screams, raced from his truck, took aim and shot the alligator.

Remarkably, after weeks and weeks in the hospital, the little boy survived. His legs were extremely scarred by the vicious attack of the animal, and on his arms, were deep scratches where his mother's fingernails dug into his flesh in her effort to hang on to the son she loved.

The newspaper reporter, who interviewed the boy after the trauma, asked if he would show him his scars.

The boy lifted his pant legs. And then, with obvious pride, he said to the reporter, "But look at my arms. I have great scars on my arms, too. I have them because my Mom wouldn't let go."



Shakespearean comedy aside, there are some not so funny ramifications that could occur should you spend that IRS Advance Withholding Payment (otherwise know as the "rebate").

Most people are under a misconception on the subject of the so-called "rebate." Everybody seems to think they are getting a free, no-strings-attached check for $300, $500, or $600. Not so! This money represents an advance payment of Federal tax withholding in the year 2001. The effect of lowering the tax rate from 15% to 10 % on the first $6,000 of income of a single person, $10,000 for a single parent, and $12,000 for married couples. Most taxpayers are going to be surprised when they file their 2001 tax return. There will be a new line on the tax return for entering the amount of the advance payment received. It will have the effect of reducing the withholding, or amount of estimated tax payments you show on the return. If a person's tax liability is $2,000, and they had withholding of $2,500, they would normally have a refund of $500. However, if they received a "rebate" of $300 they would now get a refund of only $200. If this is a joint return with a "rebate" of $600, they would now owe $100 with the return.

Individuals who often find themselves very close to owing tax on their return, or someone who always seems to owe tax, would be well advised to cash the "rebate" check, and send it back to the IRS as an estimated tax payment. Otherwise, you will be paying it back next April. And, it could result in an underpayment that is subject to a penalty.


ANSWER:  David (II Samuel 20:3) had 10 housekeepers and put them all in prison for life:  "And David came to his house at Jerusalem; and the king took the ten women his concubines, whom he had left to keep the house, and put them in ward, and fed them, but went not in unto them.  So they were shut up unto the day of their death, living in widowhood."  The reason for his doing so may be found in chapter 16:20-23.


Good Morning:  It's Monday August 27, 2001!

BIRTHDAYS:  Theodore Dreiser, 1871; Lyndon Baines Johnson, 1908; Martha Raye, 1916; Graham Oakley (children's author), 1919; Tommy Sands, 1937; Darryl Dragon, 1942; Tuesday Weld, 1943.


On this date in 1665 the first theatrical performance in the American Colonies took place at Accomac, VA.  A piece called YE BEAR AND YE CUB was performed.

On this date in 1783 the first hydrogen balloon was tested.

On this date in 1789 the French National Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of Man.

On this date in 1859 Colonel Edwin L. Drake struck oil in Pennsylvania, marking what scholars call the first oil well.  It was drilled near Titusville, PA.

On this date in 1876 Rutherford B. Hayes was declared the winner over Samuel Tolden in a fiercely contested presidential election.  Although Democrat Tilden won the "popular" vote, Hayes won the electoral vote.

On this date in 1882 Samuel Goldwyn (of MGM fame), was born.  Actually he was born (in Poland) as Samuel Goldfish, but when he met Edgar Selwyn and started a movie studio, they named it Goldwyn Studios.  People mistook that for his name and it stuck.  He and his partner hired a young man to direct picture shows, Cecil B. DeMille, and the rest is "talkie history".

On this date in 1904 the first automobile driver jailed for speeding was given a 5-day sentence in Newport County, R.I.

On this date in 1927 Bill Brock flew the PRIDE OF DETROIT over London, on the way to completing the first around the world flight in a hydrogen balloon.

On this date in 1938 George Eyston, a race-car-driver, set a new automobile land-speed record.  He went 345 miles-per-hour!

On this date in 1938 Captain Erich Warshitz flew the first jet plane.

On this date in 1954 the first white men crossed the Northwest passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

On this date in 1965 the Fab Four met the King as the Beatles had an audience with Elvis in his Los Angeles apartment.

On this date in 1979 SOYUZ 15, a manned Soviet spacecraft, went into orbit and rendezvoused with a space station.

On this date in 1984 President Reagan announced a search for a teacher to be the first citizen in space. He said, "When that shuttle lifts off, all of America will be reminded of the crucial role teachers and education play in the life of our nation."

On this date in 1989 pictures received from the U.S. space probe Voyager 2 showed signs of volcanoes in Triton, a moon of Neptune.

MEANINGLESS FACTS:  Dr. James Syme of Sctoland (1799-1870) invented the method -- later patented by Charles MacIntosh -- of coating cloth with a solution of rubber to make it waterproof.  Dr. Syme thereby became the father of the raincoat... Dr. John Gorrie of Florida (1803-1855) invented the principle of artificial refrigeration.  He first experimented with a device for cooling the air, and the principle he invented still underlies the methods of the modern ice making, cold storage and air-conditioning industry... Dr. Richard Gatling (1818-1903) of North Carolina invented the rapid-fire machine gun that is still associated with his name.  Believe it, or not.

TRIVIA:  In the Bible, whose dishes were all of gold?

     P. Godwin once said, "The true source of cheerfulness is benevolence."  Let's be nice to someone today!


What did the surprised hen say after laying a square egg?  "Ouch!!!"


Two old timers were nodding off in their chairs at the nursing home.  Their wives thought they'd play a little trick on them so they streaked by naked in front of the dozing men.  Opening one eye, the first old timer said, "Henry, did you see what I just saw?"  "I'm not quite sure," replied Henry, "but whatsoever it was sure needed ironing."


One day a man went to see his friend on a farm.  The friend showed him around, and when they came to the pigpen there was a pig with a wooden leg.

After a while the man asked his friend about the unusual pig.  He was told, "One night that pig woke us up, busting down the door, squealing.  The house was on fire.  He saved our lives.  Another time, my tractor overturned, pinning me to the ground.  Nobody was around; I thought I was a goner.  Well, here come that pig running.  He grunted and pushed till he got the tractor off me."

"Amazing", the man told his farmer-friend, "but why the wooden leg?"
The farmer replied, "You don't eat a great pig like that all at one time..."


Joe, while walking down a country road one time, saw a man struggling to hold a pig up in a tree.  Not wanting to appear nosey, he walked on by without saying a word.  Later that day he came back down the same road and there was the same man still struggling to hold that pig up to a tree.

"My dear man", Joe said, "Isn't that a dreadful waste of time?"

The man replied, "What's time to a pig?"


Two men, who were known for their "less-than-truthful" approach to reporting their lives, were bragging to each other one day.  One said that he'd been ocean fishing and caught a 500-pound fish.

The second one said that he too had been fishing.  He hooked what he thought was a big fish, but it turned out to be a lantern from the Titanic, and, he said, "It was still lit!"

The first one pondered this story for a minute and said, "I'll take 200 pounds off that fish I caught if you blow out the lantern."


A rural woman went into town to see if she could get a loan to build a bathroom in her house.  She had never been in a bank, so she was nervous.  She got right to the point with the bank president.  "I want to borrow a thousand dollars to put a bathroom in my house."

The president was cautious and responded, "I don't believe I know you.  Where have you done your business before?"

"Oh, out back in the pine thicket," she replied.


Young Politician:

A blacksmith was shaping red-hot horseshoes on his anvil and throwing them down on the ground to cool.  A local boy wandered up, reached down, and picked up one of the half-cooled shoes.  He quickly dropped it.

The blacksmith asked slyly, "Was it hot?" "No, it just dont take me long to look at a horseshoe."


The revenue officers came by this house in the mountains and asked a small boy where his daddy was.  "Making whiskey," the boy said.


"I'll show you for ten dollars," the boy said.

"Ok, let's go."

"Pay me first."

"No, we'll pay you when we get back," the revenuer said.

"You'll have to pay me now," the boy said, "'cause if you go up there, you ain't coming back!"


ANSWER:  Solomon's dishes were all of gold, (I Kings 10:21) -- "And all king Solomon's drinking vessels were of gold, and all the vessels of the house of the forest of Lebanon were of pure gold..."


Good Morning:  It's Tuesday August 28, 2001!

BIRTHDAYS:  Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749; Elizabeth Seton, 1774; Charles Boyer, 1889; Roger Duvoisin (children's illustrator), 1904; Donald O'Connor, 1925; Phyllis Krasilovsky (children's author), 1926;  Ben Gazzara, 1930; David Soul, 1946; Ron Guidry, 1950; Scott Hamilton, 1958; Emma Samms, 1960.


On this date in 1609 English navigator Henry Hudson discovered the Deleware Bay.

On this date in 1830 the first American-built Locomotive, the TOM THUMB, lost a race with a horse-drawn stagecoach.

On this date in 1845, with its admission to the Union as the twenty-eighth state, Texas flew the fifth national banner in its history from its flagpoles.  The Stars and Stripes had been preceded by the flags of Spain, France, Mexico, and the Lone Star Republic.  The state acquired its sixth flag when it joined the Confederacy in 1861.

On this date in 1922, on WEAF (a New York Radio station), the first "commercial message" was aired.

On this date in 1957 Senator Strom Thurmond of South Carolina set a filibuster record by talking for 24 hours and 18 minutes.

On this date in 1958 the New York Times broke the TV quiz-show scandal story.  The producers of the popular quiz show "21" had routinely given contestants the answers in advance.

On this date in 1963 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. made his "I have a dream..." speech in Washington, D.C. It was part of a "Civil Rights" march that took place in the nation's capitol.

On this date in 1968 an antiwar demonstration held in Chicago during the Democratic National Convention ended in violence between protesters and police.

On this date in 1968 British scientists using sonar detected several huge objects moving through the water of Loch Ness in Scotland.  They were not, however, able to identify just what they were...

On this date in 1987 the Arcadia, Florida home of Clifford and Louise Ray, who have gone to court to get their 3 boys -- all of whom contracted AIDS from contaminated blood-clotting drugs -- admitted to public school, was destroyed by arson.

On this date in 1989 Disney Productions purchased the Muppets for $100 million.

MEANINGLESS FACTS:  Dr. William Francis Channing of Boston (1820-1901) invented the electrical fire alarm that is still universally in use... A kangaroo cannot jump is its tail is lifted off the ground... The Chateau De Malmaison near Paris, long inhabited by the Empress Josephine, is said to still exude the strong odor of musk with which the empress used to douse her person in life.  The castle, now a museum, changed hands many times after Napoleon's wife died in it in 1814.  But no effort of the subsequent owners has ever succeeded in eradicating the strong and penetrating scent that clings to the walls, imprinting the empress's personality on her residence forever.  Believe it, or not.

TRIVIA:  What Bible verse mentions the oven, frying pan, and griddle?

     Here is an old German proverb to start our Tuesday of right... "Nothing weighs lighter than a promise."  May your promises be few and all kept!  Have a nice day.


A man came home rather late and intoxicated with a jar of "moonshine" in his hand.  His wife was waiting for him at the door.  She grabbed the jar and said, "I'm going to see what there is in this stuff that you like so much."

She took two or three big swallows, lost her breath, coughed, turned red, and sputtered, "This stuff is terrible!"

Her husband gazed her into focus and said, "And all this time you thought I was enjoying it..."


A teacher was having trouble teaching arithmetic to one little boy.  She said, "If you reached in your right pocket and found a nickel, and you reached in your left pocket and found another one, what would you have?"

"Somebody else's pants," said the little boy.


Joe said:  Did you hear about Jerry Falwell's accident?

Phil:  No, what happened?

Joe:  He was out walking his pet duck and a motorboat ran over him.


An old lady went to church and heard a young minister preach.  When she got out, somebody asked her what she thought of his preaching.

She said, "He spoke in true apostolic style.  He took a text and went everywhere preaching the gospel." (Sen. Sam J. Ervin, Jr. Morganton, North Carolina).


A priest went home with a family of new converts to Catholicism for dinner.  He was received cordially by all but the small daughter in the family, who stared at him unblinkingly throughout the meal.  The priest, somewhat uncomfortable, tried to to put the little girl at ease.

"Is it my collar you are staring at?" he asked, taking it off and holding it up.  When he did so he saw the cleaning instructions on the inside of the collar, and to make conversation, he asked, "Do you know what it says here?"

"Yes," responded the little girl.  "It says, 'Kills fleas for six months."


A young preacher was invited into a church to preach a "trial sermon", with the understanding that he might be hired as the full-time preacher.  He liked the looks of the church, and he liked the people.  Everything was fine at the beginning of the service, with the hymns and the prayer.  As the young preacher mounted the pulpit, however, an old man came in, followed by a huge Redbone hound.  He sat down on the front row, and his dog plopped down beside him.  The young preacher thought this was unusual, but he read his text and launched his sermon, at which point the hound let out a huge yawn with a yip at the end.  This interrupted the preacher, but he began again.  The dog began to scratch a flea, his leg whacking the floor with each lick, and the preacher stopped again and asked if someone would take the dog outside.  Neither the old man nor anyone else moved, so the preacher started in again.  The dog let out a growl and a deep bark, disturbed at something he heard outside.  Again the preacher stopped and again asked if someone would take the dog outside.  When no one responded, he got down from the pulpit, took the dog by the collar, led him outside, and closed the door behind him.  Returning to the pulpit, he preached a pretty good sermon. After the service he asked the elders how he had done.

"Well," one of them said, "You preached a right good sermon.  I believe you're all right there, but you really shouldn't have taken Old Man Johnson's dog out.  I know the dog disturbed you, but you know, Mr. Johnson is a faithful member of this church and a very good giver.  He always brings his dog to church.  He loves that dog, and we're used to it, and it don't bother us to have him here.  I think you ought to apologize to Mr. Johnson for throwing his dog out like that.  I believe you better do that."

So the young preacher approached the old man outside and said, "I'm sorry I put your dog out.  The elders told me how much you think of your dog and how you always bring him to church.  I'm real sorry I did that, and I hope you'll accept my apology."

"Oh, that's all right," the old man said.  "I wouldn't have wanted my dog to hear that sermon anyhow..."  (Dr. Lee Morris, Berea, KY).


ANSWER:  Leviticus 7:9 is the Bible verse that mentions the oven, frying pan, and griddle:  "And all the meat offering that is baken in the oven, and all that is dressed in the fryingpan, and in the pan, shall be the priest's that offereth it."  For the last utensil mentioned, the marginal note has "on the flat plate, or slice"; the RV has "baking pan"; but Moffatt has "griddle," which is probably correct, as the Hebrew word, "macha-bath," meant "thin plate."


Good Morning:  It's Wednesday August 29, 2001!

BIRTHDAYS:  John Locke (English philosopher), 1632; Oliver Wendell Holmes, 1809; Henry Bergh (founder of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals [ASPCA], 1811; Ingrid Bergman, 1915; Charlie Parker (American jazz saxophonist considered a founder of the bebop style), 1920; Richard Attenborough, 1923; Jim Florio, 1937; Elliott Gould, 1938; William Friedkin, 1939; Michael Jackson, 1958; Carl Banks, 1962.


One tradition holds that on this day c. AD 29 John the baptist was killed for preaching against unscriptural divorce and remarriage (among other things).

On this date in 1835 the city of Melbourne, Australia was founded.

On this date in 1884 H.J. Webb completed an 898-mile tricycle ride across Scotland.

On this date in 1885 Gottlieb Daimler became the first "biker" when he got a patent on the world's original motorcycle.

On this date in 1896 a truly American Chinese dish was invented -- Chop Suey.  It isn't Chinese, despite it's appearance and the food with which it is usually served.  Of all places, Chinese ambassador Li Huang-Chang's chef put it together at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York.

On this date in 1901 Carry Nation, anti-alcohol crusader was in New York City.  She was said to have visited a saloon run by John L. Sullivan, the former heavyweight-boxing champion.  Though much publicized, Mr. Sullivan sent a note saying that he was sick and would therefore not be able to meet with her.  It might be that her crusade would have ended sooner had he been there...

On this date in 1929 the airship Graf Zeppelin completed a circumnavigation of the globe in record time:  21 days, 7 hours, 26 minutes.

On this date in 1965 Astronaut Scott Carpenter turned aquanaut and explored the world beneath the ocean's Sealab 2.  During the 45-day Navy experiment -- a test of man's ability to live and work underwater for extended periods of time -- Carpenter and his fellow aquanauts were aided by a trained bottle-nosed porpoise named Tuffy, who delivered their mail, handled hoses and other equipment, and guided them back to their sea capsule.

On this date in 1966 the Beatles gave their last live performance, at Candlestick Park in San Francisco.

On this date in 1971 Hank Aaron became the first National League Baseball player to drive in 100 runs in each of 11 seasons.

On this date in 1982 British explorers Sir Ranulph Fiennes and Charles Burton successfully completed the first aerial circumnavigation of the globe by way of the North and South Poles.

On this date in 1985 ABC's 20/20 played a hard news story -- featuring Geraldo Rivera running with the bulls in Pamplona, Spain.  A rating never affects content on news programs...

On this date in 1986 Sean Penn, noted troublemaker of Hollywood, got into a fight with 2 photographers.  Why? They objected when he spat on them.  Imagine that...

On this date in 1988 Jessica Hahn, of PTL fame, started a new job at Phoenix's KOY-FM radio as "Morning Zoo Y95 and Prize Bunny."  This was shortly after her photos in Playboy appeared.  My source records a name she was called by one of the first "callers" to the show, but I have chosen to omit it...

MEANINGLESS FACTS:  In December 1940, Mrs. A. E. Gadsby of Niagara Falls, Canada, mailed a Christmas parcel to her daughter in Prestwick, Scotland.  The ship carrying the mails was torpedoes off the west coast of Ireland, but a favorable tide floated the package and unerringly cast it ashore on the beach of Prestwick.  The contents were soaked but perfectly usable.  The address was still legible and the package reached the addressee two days after Christmas... The Physician's symbol does not mean "recipe."  It is an evolution of the astrological sign of Jupiter -- an ancient invocation... The shortest distance across the United States is 2,150 miles -- from Charleston, S.C., to San Diego, CA.  Believe it, or not.

TRIVIA:  Who (in the Bible) was too vile to be cleansed even with lye and soap?

     Arthur Miller said, "A good newspaper is a nation talking to itself."  I agree!  Have a nice Wednesday.


A preacher stayed with a farm couple on a Saturday night before preaching on Sunday.  The wife got up early to cook a huge breakfast, and then called her husband and the preacher.  The preacher came down but said, "I never eat before I preach."

The man and woman ate, and then the woman and the preacher went on to church.  The man stayed home.  When the wife returned her husband asked how the sermon was.

"He could have et first..." the woman said.


A man got up in the middle of the preacher's sermon and walked out.  After services, his embarrassed wife sought to explain to the preacher.

"I hope you don't think he disagreed with what you said.  He just has a tendency to walk in his sleep."


The preacher was waxing eloquent at the funeral of a departed church member.  He concluded by saying, "What we have here is just the shell.  The nut has gone on." I think that might have been an illustration that got out of hand.


A bunch of "men of leisure" were sitting around a country store discussing the selection of a new pope, which was then in process.  One old fellow listened for a while and then said, "Well, I think the Catholics have had it long enough.  I hope a Baptist gets it this time."


Two fishermen were out in a boat on a Sunday morning, not having too much luck.  One of them got to thinking about what they were doing and said, "I feel bad being out here fishing when I ought to be in church."

"Yes, I know how you feel," the other said, "but I couldn't have gone anyway.  My wife's sick."


One man reported that his grandmother was so hooked on the TV soap operas that when one of the characters got sick, she'd stand up in church and ask for prayers for them...


This preacher had delivered what he thought was a great sermon, and he was feeling good on the way home.

"How many great preachers do you think there are preaching today?" he asked his wife.

"One less than you think," she answered.


From:  a friend -- (it is only humor and I hope that you are not easily offended...)  "Church Service"

A minister decided to do something a little different one Sunday morning.?

He said, "Today, in church, I am going to say a single word and you are going to help me preach".

Whatever single word I say, I want you to sing whatever hymn comes to your mind. The preacher shouted out, "Cross" !

Immediately the congregation started singing in unison, "The Old Rugged Cross".

The preacher hollered out "Grace". The congregation began to sing "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound."

The preacher said, "Power". The congregation sang "There is Power in the Blood".

The Preacher said, "Sex". The congregation fell into total silence.

Everyone was in shock. They all nervously began to look around at each other afraid to say anything.

Then all of a sudden from way in the back of the church a little 87 year old grandmother stood up and began to sing " Precious Memories."


ANSWER:  Israel was too vile to be cleansed even with lye and soap:  Jeremiah 2:22 (RV) -- "For though thou wash thee with lye, and take thee much soap, yet thine iniquity is marked before me, saith the Lord Jehovah."  AV has "wash thee with nitre, and take thee much sope," Jeremiah is referring to the nation's idolatry and wickedness.

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