Good Morning:  It's Tuesday April 10, 2001!
BIRTHDAYS:  Joseph Pulitzer, 1847; Harry Morgan, 1915; Chuck Connors, 1924; Max Von Sydow, 1929; Michael Shalhoub (Omar Sharif), 1932; John Madden, 1936; "Dandy" Don Meredith, 1938.
On this date in 1790 the U.S. Patent law was approved.
On this date in 1849 the safety pin was patented.
On this date in 1866 the American Society for the prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) was chartered.
On this date in 1912 the "unsinkable" Titanic set sail on her ill-fated first and final voyage.
On this date in 1945 the Buchenwald concentration camp was liberated.
MEANINGLESS FACTS:  The Flintstones live at 345 Stone Cave Road in Bedrock... In "I Love Lucy" the Ricardos lived at 623 East 68th Street in Manhattan... 1 Cherry Street in New York City was home to George Washington as it was the first U.S. Presidential address.
TRIVIA:  Which of the following is false regarding the kangaroo?  A. If you hold a kangaroo by its tail, it cannot jump.  B. A group of kangaroos is known as a mob.  C. The leader of a group is referred to as the captain kangaroo.
     Here is an optimistic quote:  "Why torture yourself when life will do it for you?"  (Laura Walker).  OK, maybe optimistic was an exaggeration... On to the real material:
From a friend:  1. I Forget Often
The man looked a little worried when the doctor came in to administer his annual physical, so the first thing the doctor did was to ask whether anything was troubling him.
"Well, to tell the truth, Doc, yes," answered the patient.
"You see, I seem to be getting forgetful. No, it's actually worse than that. I'm never sure I can remember where I put the car, or whether I answered a letter, or where I'm going, or what it is I'm going to do once I get there - if I get there. So I really need your help. What can I do?"
The doctor mused for only one or two beats, then answered in his kindliest tones, "Pay me in advance."
A grandfather was walking past his young granddaughter's room one night when he saw her kneeling beside her bed, with head bowed and hands folded, repeating the alphabet.
"What are you doing?" he asked her.
She explained, "I'm saying my prayers, but I couldn't think of just what I wanted to say. So I'm just saying all the letters of the alphabet, and God can put them together however he thinks best."
3. Foolish Pilot
A young and foolish pilot wanted to sound cool and show who was boss on the aviation frequencies. So, this was his first time approaching a field during the nighttime. Instead of making any official requests to the tower, he said: "Guess who?"
The controller switched the field lights off and replied: "Guess where!"
Thanks to LBS:
1. An armed man is a citizen.  An unarmed man is a subject.
2. A gun in the hand is better than a cop on the phone.
3. Colt: the original point and click interface.
4. Gun control is not about guns; it's about control.
5. If guns are outlawed, can we use swords?
6. If guns cause crime, then pencils cause misspelled words.
7. Free men do not ask permission to bear arms.
8. If you don't know your rights, you don't have any.
9. Those who trade liberty for security have neither.
10. The United States Constitution (c) 1789.  All Rights Reserved.
11. What part of "shall not be infringed" do you not understand?
12. The second amendment is in place in case they ignore the others.
13. 64,999,987 firearms owners killed no one yesterday.
14. Guns only have two enemies: rust and politicians.
15. Know guns, know peace.  No guns, no peace.
16. You don't shoot to kill, you shoot to stay alive.
17. 911 - government sponsored Dial a Prayer.
18. Assault is a behavior, not a device.
19. Criminals love gun control - it makes their jobs safer.
20. If guns cause crime, then matches cause arson.
21. Only a government that is afraid of it's citizens tries to control them.
22. You only have the rights you are willing to fight for.
23. Enforce the "gun control laws" in place, don't make more.
24. When you remove the peoples right to bear arms, you create slaves.
25. The American Revolution would never have happened if the colonists had submitted to gun control laws.
Thanks to GB:
An unemployed man goes to try for a job with Microsoft as a cleaner. The manager there arranges for an aptitude test (Section: Floors, sweeping of).
After the test, the manager says: "You will be appointed on the scale of $30 per day. Let me have your e-mail address, so that I can send you a form to complete and advise you where to report for work on your first day."
Taken aback, the unemployed man protests that he is neither in possession of a computer nor of an e-mail address.
To this the MS manager replies: "Well, then, that really means that you virtually don't exist and can therefore hardly expect to be employed."
Stunned, the man leaves. Not knowing where to turn and only having about $10 left, he decides to buy a 10kg box of tomatoes at the supermarket.
Within less than 2 hours, he sells the tomatoes singly at 100% profit. Repeating the process several times more that day, he ends up with almost $100 before going to sleep that night.
And thus it dawns on the man that he could quite easily make a living selling tomatoes. Getting up early and earlier every day and going to bed later and later, he multiplies his hoard of profits in quite a short time.
Not too long thereafter, he acquires a cart to transport several dozen boxes of tomatoes, only to have to trade it in again shortly afterwards on a pick-up truck. By the end of the first year, he is the owner of a fleet of pick-up trucks and manages a staff of several hundred former unemployed people, all selling tomatoes.
Considering the future of his wife and children, he decides to buy some life insurance. Calling an insurance adviser, he picks an insurance plan to fit his new circumstances. At the end of the telephone conversation, the adviser asks him for his e-mail address in order that he might forward the documentation.
When the man replies that he has no e-mail, the adviser is stunned: "What, you don't even have e-mail? How on earth have you managed to amass such wealth without the Internet, e-mail and e-commerce? Just imagine where you would have been by now, if you had been connected from the very start!"
After a moment's silence, the tomato millionaire replied: "Sure! I would have been a cleaner at Microsoft!"
Morals of the story:
1: The Internet, e-mail, and e-commerce do not need to rule your life.
2: Get e-mail, if you want to be a cleaner at Microsoft.
3: If you don't have e-mail, but work hard, you can still become a millionaire.
4: Seeing that you got this story via e-mail, you're probably closer to becoming a cleaner than you are to becoming a millionaire.
5: If you do have a computer and e-mail, you're already being taken to the cleaners by Microsoft.
ANSWER:  C -- this was a gimme...
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