Good Morning:  It's Thursday April 5, 2001!
BIRTHDAYS:  Spencer Tracy, 1900; Bette Davis, 1908; Gregory Peck, 1916; Arthur Hailey, 1920; Gale Storm, 1922; Frank Gorshin, 1934; General Colin Powell, 1937; Eric Burdon, 1941; Max (Wojo) Gail, 1943; Judy Resnik, 1949.
On this date in 1242 Alexander Nevsky defeated the Teutons and Livonians as they advanced on the Russian city of Novgorod.
On this date in 1614 John Rolfe and Pocahontas were married in Virginia.
On this date in 1792 the first Presidential veto took place as George Washington vetoed a measure apportioning the number of representative districts.
On this date in 1972 Howard Hughes, legendary businessman, film maker and recluse, died.
On this date in 1974 the (then) tallest building in the world opened for business -- The World Trade Center.
MEANINGLESS FACTS:  Nero, the fiddling Roman Emperor, was said to have never worn the same clothes twice... Loaded dice were found in the ruins of Pompeii... In the days of King Henry VIII, knitting was the specialty of men, not women.
TRIVIA:  Who was Melvin Dummar and for what did he briefly become famous in the 70's?
     I never saw his program, so far as I can recall, but here is a Jerry Seinfeld quote to start us off:  "Where lipstick is concerned, the important thing is not the color, but to accept God's final decision on where your lips end."  I'll buy that...  On to the real stuff...
Thanks to a friend:
Bob and the Lord stood by to observe a baseball game.  The Lord's team was playing Satan's team.  The Lord's team was at bat, the score was tied zero to zero. It was the bottom of the 9th inning with two outs. They continued to watch as a batter stepped up to the plate whose name was Love.  Love swung at the first pitch and hit a single, because Love never fails.  The next batter was named Faith, who also got a single, because Faith works with Love.
The next batter up was named Godly Wisdom.  Satan wound up and threw the first pitch.  Godly Wisdom looked it over and let it pass; Ball one.  Three more pitches and Godly Wisdom walked, because Godly
Wisdom never swings at what Satan throws.  The bases were now loaded.  The Lord turned to Bob and told him He was now going to bring in His star player.   Up to the plate stepped Grace. Bob said, "He sure doesn't look like much!"
Satan's whole team relaxed when they saw Grace.   Thinking he had won the game, Satan wound up and fired his first pitch.  To the shock of everyone, Grace hit the ball harder than anyone had ever seen.  But Satan wasn't worried; his center fielder let very few fly by. He went up for the ball, but it went right through his glove, hit him on the head and sent him crashing on the ground; then it continued over the fence for a home run!
The Lord's team won.  The Lord then asked Bob if he knew why Love, Faith, and Godly Wisdom could get on base but could not win the game.  Bob answered that he didn't know why.  The Lord explained, "If your love, faith, and wisdom had won the game you would think you had done it by yourself.  Love, faith, and wisdom will get you on base, but only My Grace can get you home."
Thanks to AB:
 ** On a Plumbers truck : "We repair what your husband fixed."
 ** Pizza shop slogan: "7 days without pizza makes one weak."
 ** At a tire shop in Milwaukee: "Invite us to your next blowout."
 ** At a towing company: "We don't charge an arm and a leg. We want tows."
 ** In a non-smoking area: "If we see smoke, we will assume you are on fire and take appropriate action."
 ** On a maternity room door: "Push. Push. Push."
 ** At an optometrist's office: "If you don't see what you're looking for, you've come to the right place."
 ** On a fence: "Salesmen welcome! Dog food is  expensive."
 ** In a veterinarian's waiting room : "Be back in 5 minutes. Sit! Stay!"
 ** At the electric company: "We would be delighted if you send in your bill. However, if you don't, you will be."
 ** In the front yard of a funeral home: "Drive carefully. We'll wait."
Thanks to AB:  This is a test of the Emergency Friendship System
....... A Friend....
(A)ccepts you as you are
(B)elieves in "you"
(C)alls you just to say "HI"
(D)oesn't give up on you
(E)nvisions the whole of you (even the unfinished parts)
(F)orgives your mistakes
(G)ives unconditionally
(H)elps you
(I)nvites you over
(J)ust "be" with you
(K)eeps you close at heart
(L)oves you for who you are
(M)akes a difference in your life
(N)ever Judges
(O)ffers support
(P)icks you up
(Q)uiets your fears
(R)aises your spirits
(S)ays nice things about you
(T)ells you the truth when you need to hear it
(U)nderstands you
(V)alues you
(W)alks beside you
(X)-plains things you don't understand
(Y)ells when you won't listen and
(Z)aps you back to reality
IMPORTANT RECALL NOTICE! The maker of all human beings is recalling all units manufactured, regardless of make or year, due to the serious defect in the primary and central component of the heart. This is due to a malfunction in the original prototype units code named Adam and Eve, resulting in the reproduction of the same defect in all subsequent units. This defect has been technically termed, Subsequential Internal Non-Morality,' or more commonly known as S-I-N, as it is primarily symptomized by loss of moral judgment. Some other symptoms (a) Loss of direction (b) Foul vocal emissions (c) Amnesia of origin (d) Lack of peace and joy (e) Selfish, or violent, behavior (f) Depression or confusion in the mental component (g) Fearfulness (h) Idolatry. The manufacturer, who is neither liable or at fault for this defect, is providing factory authorized repair and service, free of charge to correct this SIN defect. The number to call for the recall station in your area is P-R-A-Y-E-R. Once connected, please upload your burden of SIN by pressing R-E-P-E-N-T-A-N-C-E. Next, download J-E-S-U-S into the heart. No matter how big or small the SIN defect is,  JESUS repair will replace it with (a) Love (b) Joy (c) Peace (d) Long-suffering (e) Gentleness (f) Goodness (g) Faith (h) Meekness (i) Temperance...
Please see operating manual, HOLY BIBLE, for further details on the use of these fixes. WARNING - Continuing to operate the human unit without correction, voids the manufacturer's warranty, exposing owner to dangers and problems too numerous to list and will result in the human unit being permanently impounded. For free emergency service, call on J-E-S-U-S. DANGER – The human units not receiving this recall action will have to be scrapped in the furnace. The SIN defect must not enter heaven or heaven will be infected. Author -- The Creator.
ANSWER:  Dummar was a gas station attendant in Willard, Utah who claimed that Howard Hughes had left his fortune to him.
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