But Then I Repented

This morning I failed to do as I should
 As Jesus stood weeping for me;
I thought I’d do better, I thought I would…
 I just wasn’t all I should be.
But then I repented and asked for grace
 My many sins to take away,
The blood He shed all my sins did erase
 Preparing me for Judgment Day.

So many times I neglected His love,
 And lived my life wholly in vain;
Giving no thought to the Savior above,
 I thought only of earthly gain.
But then I repented and asked for grace
 My many sins to take away,
The blood He shed all my sins did erase
 Preparing me for Judgment Day.

I was offended by a weak brother
 Whose speech to me was most unkind;
I thought I’d been treated like no other…
 The hatred took root in my mind.
But then I repented and asked for grace
 My many sins to take away,
The blood He shed all my sins did erase
 Preparing me for Judgment Day.

I was convinced, and I knew I was right,
 I simply had to have my way;
I fought His Salvation with all my might
 In my sins I wanted to stay.
But then I repented and asked for grace
 My many sins to take away,
The blood He shed all my sins did erase
 Preparing me for Judgment Day.

Someday this flesh shall lie lifeless and cold,
 And I’ll pass to Heaven’s fair shore;
Then I shall walk on the Street paved with gold
 And there I will live evermore.
The victory won by His matchless grace,
 His blood takes all my sins away;
This sinful man will then look on His face
 In the Land of eternal day.

H.L. Gradowith
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