First Journal Part 4





Exercise 33:


a)     Assume lunging position.

Right leg bent at the knee; left leg stretched back as shown.

Feet riveted to the floor. Hold a bar at the shoulders as shown.



b)    Grip the bar with all your strength.

Raise it to the full length of your arms without bowing the head.  Raise the bar as high and as far as possible.  Stretch for three seconds.

Breathe Properly.  Inhale through the nose while raising the bar.  Hold your breath while stretching.  Exhale through the mouth while returning the bar to the shoulders.

When you have done a fixed number of exercises with the right leg bent, change the position of your legs and continue with your training, conscientiously.



Exercise 34:


a)     Upper body bent at the waist. Legs apart.

Fingers intertwined at the nape of the neck.


b)    Twist to the right.  Return to horizontal centre.  Then twist to the left.

As you continue to do this exercise, straighten up gradually and slowly to the vertical position.



Exercise 35:


a)     Stretch out completely on your stomach.

Can your fingers stretch out another centimetre?

How about your toes? Every millimetre counts.


b)    Raise both your arms and your legs simultaneously.

Stretch out both your arms and your legs for three (3) seconds.

Slowly lower your arms and legs.

Breathing: inhale while raising, hold your breath while stretching, exhale while lowering.


Exercise 36:


a)     Standing position. Legs rigid and well apart.

Arms raised above your head.

Stretch out fully (maximum height).


b)    Bend forward at the waist and push extended arms through your legs.  Stretch.

Exhale fully through the mouth as you bend.  Hold your breath as you stretch.  Inhale through the nose as you return to standing position.

Be true to your daily routine. What is important is Patience, Continuity and Perseverance. Don’t give up now!




Exercise 37:


a)     Standing position. Legs well apart.

Arms stretched over the head, hands clasped. Maximum Stretch!


b)    Bend at the waist exhaling fully.

Your arms must stay straight and taut.  In fact, your biceps stay constantly pressed against your ears.

The idea here, is to stretch your arms forwards as opposed to downwards.

Inhale through the nose as you return to standing position.

Concentrate and stretch as high as possible while clasping your hands as hard as possible.


Exercise 38:


a)     Supported solidly on the palms of your hands and on your toes as shown.

Legs very taut.  Chest and head arched back.

Arms taut in vertical position.


b)    Raise your buttocks as high as possible.

Hold this “A” position for three (3) seconds.

Return to initial position, remembering to arch the head and chest backwards.

As the days go by, this movement should become more and more pronounced.



Exercise 39:


a)     Propped on your shoulders as shown.

Support your hips with your hands.

Legs taut.  Feet pointing up. Stretch.


b)    This is the bicycle exercise, where you have to pedal.

Slowly make high and full circles.

Before ending the exercise, assume the initial position and stretch yourself for a few seconds.



Exercise 40:


a)     Stretched out on your back. Hands behind the neck.

Feet together. Deep concentration.


b)    Keeping your legs taut, raise them to a ninety (90) degree angle, toes pointing up.

Lower your legs Slowly, to about two (2) inches (about 5cm) from the floor and then stretch and stretch again….

Breathing: as you raise your legs, exhale fully.  As you lower your legs inhale through the nose.





Exercise 41:


a)     Legs apart and taut.

Holding no more than a 2lb. (1kg) weight, lean forward.


Look at the drawing.  Notice how the arms are in line with the head.  In other words, they form an extension of the upper body.  This will make the exercise more effective.


b)    With the weight well in hand, form a large circle.  Start from the right side.  When you reach centre lean backwards and stretch.  Then continue your circle.

To avoid getting dizzy, alternate.  After rotating counter clockwise, move clockwise.

This exercise should be done perfectly.  From day to day, perfect this great movement called “Circumduction”.

Hard work leads to success.



Exercise 42:


a)     Back riveted to the floor.

Keeping legs straight, grasp your ankles firmly with your hands.


b)    The object here is to rock yourself.

Try to keep your legs very straight.

As the days go by, try to improve and increase the rocking motion.

Work energetically and in rhythm.



Exercise 43:


a)     Standing position. Legs well apart. Long bar on the shoulders.

Perfect posture.


b)    Twist to the right then bend at the waist, exhaling fully.

Hold your position for three (3) full seconds.

Inhale while returning to centre position.

Repeat the movement to the left, while breathing correctly.

Avoid moving your legs.

Take the time to do your exercises perfectly.

Concentrate on your goal: TO GROW!



Exercise 44:


a)     Stretched out on your back. Feet hooked under a support as shown.

Legs bent at the knee. Fingers intertwined at the nape of the neck.


b)    Sit up Briskly, exhaling fully through the mouth.

Your shoulders come up to your knees.  Raise your elbows.  Examine the drawing.

Lower yourself slowly, while inhaling.

Enjoy your exercises! Enjoy your efforts! Enjoy Life!





Exercise 45:


a)     Legs well apart. Upper body bent over to a ninety degree angle.

Arms extended forwards; hands clasped.

Stretch forwards and not downwards.

Arms in line with the upper body.


b)    Swing your arms to the right and stretch.

Return to centre position and stretch forwards.

Swing your arms to the left and stretch.

Clasp your hands tightly while thinking of your goal.

Your legs shouldn’t move.

Remember to keep your biceps pressed against your head.

An excellent exercise.



Exercise 46:


a)     Palms flat on the floor and feet resting on a bench or foot stool.

Head well back as shown.  Arms straight and taut.

Form an arch with your body.


b)    Raise your buttocks (bum) as high as possible.

Your body assumes an “A” frame position.  Hold this position for a few seconds. Slowly return to the initial position.

Breathe with regularity.  Exhale while raising your buttocks; inhale when lowering.



Exercise 47:


a)     Standing Position. Hands on hips. Feet together. Perfect posture.


b)    Raise your right leg and keep it very rigid; stretch it forwards as if you were reaching for an imaginary wall.

Then repeat the movement with the left leg.

Warning:  Be careful not to fall backwards.


Exercise 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 I don’t have, as the assholes gave me less information.





Exercise 52:


a)     Stretch out on your back. Legs well apart.

Arms extended over your head; hands together; stretch!

b)    In a brisk and energetic motion, come up and touch your right foot with both hands, exhaling through the mouth.

Slowly, return to the floor; stretch your body.

In a brisk motion come up and touch your left foot.

From week to week, your body is becoming more supple, your shape and form is improving.  You feel good about yourself.




Exercise 53:


a)     Standing position. Legs apart and taut. Arms raised over the head.

Concentrate very hard and do your exercises perfectly.


b)    Read the directions carefully, and re-read them if need be.

First of all, twist far to the right.  Then bend from the waist, exhaling through the mouth.

Return to centre while stretching upwards to standing position.  Never ever do your exercises routinely.  Do them with intensity and concentration.

Now, twist to the left and bend as you did for the right side.



Exercise 54:


a)     Sit on a foot stool and board as shown; legs stretched out.

Stick your feet under a piece of furniture or have someone hold your ankles securely. 

Arms crossed.


b)    Inhaling through the nose, slowly lean your head back as far as you can. Hold your breathe and stretch counting 1-2-3.

Return to sitting position, exhaling through the mouth.


Think Positively! By working on a regular basis, you improve in strength and agility.  As for me, I’d like to congratulate you for your enthusiasm and tenacity.


Exercise 55:


a)     Standing position. Stand tall.

Right arm outstretched in from of you.

Legs together and taut. For safety, stand close to a wall.


b)    Try to reach your right hand with your right foot, as shown.

Keep your right leg very straight. Raise your hand a bit every day.

Work your right leg, then do the same number of exercises with the left leg.

REMINDER: Don’t fall over… it can easily happen.



Exercise 56:


a)     Lying on your back.

Place feet on a high stool or bench as shown; legs apart.

Hold a light weight, a book at the nape of the neck.

Elbows close together.


b)    Sit up briskly, exhaling fully through the mouth.

Push your elbows between your knees.  Give a few jerks to increase the stretch.

Slowly, return to the floor, but before sitting up again, stretch your spinal column, that tree of life.

Don’t stop repeating your goal. To Grow! A noble yet demanding objective.





Exercise 57:


a)     Standing position. Legs straight and well apart.

Hold a small weight in each hand, parallel to each other.

Arms high above your head.

Stick in your stomach and stretch completely.  This is important.


b)    Lean forward pushing your outstretched arms between your legs and stretch as far back as possible for at least three seconds.

Return to standing position and stretch upwards for a few precious seconds.

Breathing: Exhale while bending; Inhale while straightening.



Exercise 58:


a)     Standing position. Legs apart.

Back to a wall, feet about twenty (20) inches (50cm) away.

Lean head and chest backwards.

Fingers touching the wall slightly.

Keep your arms parallel.


b)    Bend towards the right, sliding your fingers along the wall.

Be sure to keep your arms parallel and outstretched.

Return to centre position and take the time to stretch again.  Then slide over to the left.

Everyday you should try to lower the height of which you touch the wall, without compromising the quality of your training.

Remember: To achieve Great things, one must make Great efforts.



Exercise 59:


For this exercise, use a Swedish rib-stall.  Failing this, use a horizontal bar.

Suspend your body in such a way that it forms an eighty (80) degree angle. Place your feet on a bench so that they are higher than your buttocks.

Swing your pelvis to the right, return to centre and remain suspended.  Then swing to the left.

When you have completed your exercise, let yourself hang for a while.  See how long you remain suspended and try to improve your time each day.



Exercise 60:


a)     Propped on your shoulders. Hands on your hips as shown.

Keep legs in a vertical position. Point toes upwards.


b)    Keeping your legs very straight, bring your feet to the floor.  Reach as far back as possible behind your head.

Give a few jerks and slide your toes a little further back.

Exhale while lowering your legs and inhale while raising them to the intial position.

Concentrate on stretching both upwards and towards the back.





Exercise 61:


a)     Standing position. Legs well apart.

Arms outstretched at shoulder height and to the side as shown.  Stretch your body upwards; raise your head.


b)    Lean forward to touch your left foot with your right hand.  Return to standing position.  Then touch the right foot, with your left hand. Breathe very deeply.

Exhale while bending and inhale while standing.

With practice you can eventually touch the floor with your fist or your hand.

This week do your training with enthusiasm and conviction.



Exercise 62:


a)     Sitting on a bench and board as shown with legs outstretched.

Feet firmly secured or held.

Arms above your head, thumbs linked. Stretch tightly upwards.


b)    Lean your chest and head backwards, Inhaling through the nose.  Stretch back as much as you can.

Notice! Your hands do not touch the floor.

Return to sitting position.  Take time to rest because this exercise is very demanding of you.  An Excellent Exercise!


Exercise 63:


Hang on to horizontal bar or Swedish rib-stall.

Arms parallel and toes pointing to the floor.

Stretch the right foot.  Then stretch the left foot.  Now stretch both feet.  Imagine you are pushing on an imaginary box.

To make this exercise more effective, put on specially made ankle bracelets which weigh a few pounds.

See how long you remain suspended and try to improve your time every day.



Exercise 64:


a)     Using an exercise bench.

Upper body is on the bench while your legs are outstretched off the bench as shown. Hang on to the bench securely.

Stretch tightly and don’t let your feet touch the floor.

For better results, use metal soles or ankle bracelets for weight.


b)    Keeping your legs straight, pull your feet up and over to the back of your head.  Once there, stretch and exhale fully.  Prop yourself up on your shoulders if need be.

Slowly return your feet towards the floor.

As an added measure of effort, stretch out in the bent position and in the initial position.





Exercise 65:


a)     Sitting on a chair or stool. Arms raised over your head.

Hands holding a bar. Head up straight. Feet apart.


b)    Bend forwards at the waist, exhaling through the mouth.

Stretch for a few seconds and hold your breath.

Straighten up, inhaling through the nose.

Think about what you are doing.

Remind yourself about your goal.  Repeat it with every movement.



Exercise 66:


a)     Standing position. Legs apart.

Arms stretched upwards, holding no more than a 3kg weight.

Stretch upwards, as hard as you can, for three (3) seconds.


b)    Attention: To get full benefit from this exercise, it must be done correctly.

First, twist your torso to the right without moving the pelvic region.  Then, bend at the waist exhaling fully.

Return to centre and stretch for three seconds.

Twist and Bend to the left. Reminder: Keep legs straight and taut.



Exercise 67:


a)     Hang on to a horizontal bar. Palms turned outwards.

Thumbs wrapped aroung the bar. Toes pointing to the floor.



a)     Bend your arms at the elbow and do a chin-up.  This exercise requires a lot of strength and power.

Once you have done your exercises, remain suspended for a full minute.

You can vary the distance between your hands;

. 45 centimeters;

. 65 centimeters;

.1 meter.



Exercise 68:


a)     Upper body stretched out on a bench.

Feet securely hooked or held as shown. Legs stretched.

Hold a bar at the shoulders.


b)    Lean your torso forwards briskly, and bring your forehead to your knees.

While leaning forward, exhale through the mouth; inhale while returning slowly to the initial position.

Give a few jerks to bend a bit more.

Put all your energy into your exercises.



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