First Journal Part 3       



100 Exercises to Grow


Spread over a six (6) month period


The Six (6) Levels of Growth






Number of Exercises Per Day


For A Duration of One Week

Number of Exercises Per Month



4 wks





4 wks





4 wks





4 wks





4 wks





4 wks






Exercise 1:


a)  Standing position. Feet together.

Rolled up towel or bar on the shoulders.

Stand very straight.

    b)  Raise the bar as high as Possible, while inhaling through the nose.

     Stretch for at least three (3) seconds.

     Return the bar to the shoulders, exhaling through the mouth. (Think EXterior)




Exercise 2:


a)     Standing Position Feet apart.

Fingers meshed at the nape of the neck.

     Elbows well back.

     Stretch upwards.


b)    Bend to the right, keeping the elbows well back and keeping the legs taut.

     Exhale through the mouth while bending.

Return to centre inhaling through the nose; stretch upwards for a few seconds.

Repeat the movement but to the left.

Gradually bend lower and lower.



Exercise 3:


a)     Standing position. Feet together.

Hands on hips. Stretch upwards.


b)    This exercise must be done slowly.   Bend head and chest backwards inhaling deeply through the nose.

Return to original position, exhaling through the mouth.

Stretch upwards for at least three (3) seconds before continuing the exercise.




Exercise 4:


a)     Lie down on your side. Completely stretch your body. 

Use an exercise ramp if you have one.


     b) Raise your right leg as high as you can, inhaling through the nose.

Stretch for as long as it takes you to say, “I am Growing”.

Lower your leg exhaling through the mouth.  Repeat any fixed number of times.

Now do the same with the left leg for the same number of times.






Exercise 5:


a)     Standing Position. Feet together. Hands on hips.

Stretch, stretch upwards.


b)    Bend forwards, exhaling deeply through the mouth.

Stay in this position for three (3) seconds.

Return to original position inhaling through the nose

Each day, try to bend down a little further.






Exercise 6:


a)     Standing position. Legs well apart.

Fingers meshed at the nape of the neck

Before bending backwards, stretch upwards as high as you can.


b)    Slowly bend backwards inhaling through the nose.

Return to original position exhaling through the mouth.

Before resuming the descent, don’t forget to stretch upwards for at least three (3) seconds.

This stretching principle is essential to the growth process.



Exercise 7:


a)     Standing position. Feet well apart.

Long bar resting on the shoulders. Chest out, stomach in.

Stretch upwards for three (3) seconds.


b)    Turn your chest to the right and your hips to the left, for the best results.

Notice that your feet stay in place, that your legs don’t move.

Return to centre, stretch upwards.

Now turn chest to the left and hips to the right.

Gradually increase the tension or twist a little more each day.


Exercise 8:


a)     Lie down on your back. Leave your arms at your sides.

Do this exercise on the floor if you don’t have an exercise ramp.


b)    Raise your right leg while you stretch the left leg as far as you can.

Your legs should be as taut as possible and your feet should never touch the floor.

Repeat for any fixed number of times and use alternate legs.





Exercise 9:


a)     Standing position.

Stand as straight as possible, arms along side the body, hands open.

Place feet at a forty-five degree angle, heels touching each other.


b)    Raise your arms sideways as you lift yourself to a tip-toe position.

Hold this position for at least three (3) seconds.

Notice the position of the hands and feet:

Thumbs and heels are touching tightly.

Don’t forget: INhale through the nose when lifting, EXhale through the mouth when lowering.



Exercise 10:


a)     Standing position. Feet well apart.

Long bar or hockey stick resting on the shoulders.

Stretch upwards as high as possible.



b)    Bend to the right side exhaling through the mouth.

Hold this position for at least three (3) seconds.

Return to centre inhaling through the nose.  Stretch for three (3) seconds.

Bend to the left as you did for right side.

N.B: Do not move your hips and keep your legs stiff during this exercise.





Exercise 11:


a)     Standing position. Feet apart.

Using a weight of not more than five (5) Lbs (2 Kg) or a dictionary.

IMPORTANT: Arms remain extended and upright.

Bend forward exhaling through the mouth.

REMEMBER: The forward stretch must last at least three (3) seconds.


b)    Return, stretching backwards inhaling deeply through the nose.

Stretch back further, saying “I AM GROWING”.


This is another excellent growth exercise which adds to your height, so long as you concentrate and execute the procedure PERFECTLY



Exercise 12:


a)     Lie down on your back.

Stretch out your arms above your head as much as possible – face the palms of your hands upwards.

Bring in your right knee to your chest while stretching your left leg outwards as far forward as possible.


b)    Now bring in your left knee to your chest while stretching your right leg outwards as far forward as possible.

Repeat and alternate for any fixed number of times.

Notice that the legs never touch the floor and the toes are pointed outwards.




Exercise 13:


a)     Standing position. Heels together, feet at a forty-five degree angle.

Stomach in. Fingers meshed at the nape of the neck.

Elbows reaching backwards. Stand as straight as possible.


b)    Bend forward at the hip, exhaling through the mouth.

Return to original position, inhaling through the nose.

To be effective, you must keep your elbows well back and legs stiff.


Do your exercises every day and do them WELL.



Exercise 14:


a)     Standing position.

With your back about five (5) inches away from the wall.

Feet together. Arms extended in front of you at shoulder height.


b)    Keeping your arms extended, move them upwards and backwards until your fingers touch the wall lightly.  At the same time, lift yourself up to a tip-toe position.

Remember: Inhale through the nose when lifting, exhale through the mouth when lowering.

When doing this exercise, imagine you are reaching for something on a top shelf.

When you touch the wall, stretch for at least three (3) seconds.

VARIATION: Do the same exercise but with your body against the wall.



Exercise 15:


a)     Standing position. Right leg forward. Arms up at the side at shoulder level. Hold head up high.


b)    Reaching as far as possible each time, turn to the right.

Your legs and hips do not move and your feet stay in place.

When you have done this as often as you have decided, place your left leg forward and turn to the left in an equal number of movements.



Exercise 16:


a)     Lie down on your back.

Stretch out.  Place your arms above your head, palms up. 

Stretch your legs outwards, toes pointing out.

Stretch your whole body as much as possible.


b)    Alternative exercise.

Your right hand grasps your left foot.  Return to the floor position and stretch for at least three (3) seconds.

Now the left hand grasps the right foot.

Try to keep your legs straight.  Doing your best is doing well.






Exercise 17:


Stretch even higher. 


Walk along as though you are trying to reach for something on a high shelf.

It is important to remember breathe fully and well.  To refresh your memory go back and read chapter on breathing.

Always shoot for the stars.

To GROW is to surpass yourself. To GROW is to go beyond the norm.

To GROW is to aim high and to aim tall. Even higher, even taller.


Exercise 18:


a)     Standing position

Place your back to the wall about fifteen (15) inches (38 cm) away.

Feet together. Arms outstretched in front of you.


b)    Raise your arms and bend your head and torso backwards.

When your fingers touch the wall lightly, stretch.

Notice how your fingers slide up the wall.  Always try to go higher.

Inhale through the nose when you raise your arms; exhale through the mouth when you return to the starting position.

During the exercise your feet should stay glued to the floor.


Exercise 19:


a)     Standing position. Legs apart. Arms raised above your head.

Pull in your stomach; stick out your chest.

For at least three (3) seconds, stretch tall.


b)    Lean to the right, exhaling through the mouth.  Stretch your arms outwards for three (3) seconds.

Return to centre position, inhaling through the nose.

Stretch upwards for three (3) seconds.

Then lean to the left, meticulously repeating what was done for the right side.

The three second stretching principle is Fundamental.  Respect this principle to get the best results.

Always seek perfection.



Exercise 20:


a)     Lying on your stomach. Place hands behind the neck.

Stretch out.  Notice how your feet slide back.


b)    Your legs must stay straight and taut for this exercise.

Raise the right leg as high and as far back as possible.  Stretch for three (3) seconds.

Lower the leg slowly.  Now raise the left leg, repeating the exercise.  Good luck in your training.





Exercise 21:


a)     Standing position. Heels together. Arms stretched above the head.

Fingers stretched upwards. Stretch out FULLY (maximum height).


b)    Bend Over, exhaling through the mouth.  Touch your toes with your fingers.

Return to the standing position, inhaling through the nose, slowly.

Why not try placing your palms to the floor, gradually?

Don’t Forget! Enjoy doing your exercises.  Do them willingly, with liveliness and enthusiasm.

Congratulations for your perseverance! Success belongs to those who don’t quit.  Go on!



Exercise 22:


a)     Standing Position. Feet well apart.

Using a long bar, a broom handle etc.

A bar longer than the shoulder width.

Stand as straight as a statue.


b)    Raise the bar over your head.

Stretch, stretch again. Still further. Turn to the right.

Return to centre, Stretch.Turn to the left.

Return to centre and lower the bar to your thighs.

Try to avoid moving your hips.

Every day, try to increase these movements a little.

Don’t be abrupt in your movements.

Work carefully, meticulously and gracefully.



Exercise 23:


a)     Standing position. Feet together.

Arms placed along the body; palms turned to the back.

Execute perfect posture.


b)    Raise your hands forwards and upwards as far back as possible; inhaling through the nose, move your right leg back as shown.

Stretch for three (3) seconds.

Return to initial position, exhaling through the mouth.

Keep your legs and arms straight and taut.

Work the right leg a number of times before changing to the left leg.



Exercise 24:


a)     A very good exercise for growing!

Lying on your stomach.

Place arms forwards; palms facing the floor.



b)    Raise your right arm and your left leg simultaneously.

Stretch and count up to three, holding your breath.

Slowly lower your leg and arm while exhaling.

Alternate: raise the left arm and the right leg, inhaling deeply.

Take note: always keep legs and arms taut.




Exercise 25:


a)     Squatting position. Standing on the tip of your toes.

Feet together, heels touching.

Palms of your hands facing forwards.

Concentrate on what you are about to do.


b)    To be beneficial, it is important to follow the directions closely.

As you stand up, raise your arms along the side of your body, inhaling through the nose.  Keep your arms straight.

When your hands and heels are touching tightly, stretch upwards as shown.

Hold your breath while stretching for the regulation three (3) seconds.

Return to the squat position, exhaling through the mouth.



Exercise 26:


a)     Lying on your stomach.

Fingers intertwined at the nape of the neck. Legs together.


b)    Raise your chest and elbows, inhaling through the nose.

Stretch forwards and hold your breath repeating to yourself: “I am growing, I am growing, I am growing”. 

Lower yourself very slowly, exhaling through the mouth.

Take a few seconds to relax so you can better raise yourself and stretch more.



Exercise 27:


a)     Standing position. Legs apart.

Elbows bent so fingers touch the top of the head.

Push elbows back and raise shoulders.


b)    Bend to the right as shown, stretching the left arm as far as possible.  Your stretch must last three (3) seconds.  Don’t forget!

Return to centre.  Before you bend to the left, push your elbows back and raise your shoulders once again.

As you bend to the right or to the left, exhale through the mouth.  Inhale through the nose as you return to centre.

This is an excellent exercise to do with effort and concentration.

For Big results, Big efforts are needed.



Exercise 28:


a)     Lying on your stomach.

Arms slightly bent at the elbows, as shown. Palms down.


b)    By pushing with your ten (10) fingers raise your legs.

Stretch your legs tightly for the regulation three (3) seconds.

Lower your legs slowly. Stretch again.

Concentrate to get better results.




Exercise 29:


a)     Standing position. Legs apart.

Arms outstretched over your head.

Don’t start the exercise before being Fully stretched out.


b)    Bend forward exhaling fully through the mouth.

NOTE: You aren’t trying to touch your toes in this exercise.  The object here is to try to reach for an imaginary box placed far in front of you.

Return to the standing position, inhaling through the nose.

IMPORTANT: Your arms must remain extended so your biceps touch your head.

Have a good week of training.



Exercise 30:


a)     Standing position. Legs apart.

Fingers intertwined at the nape of the neck.

Elbows pushed back.


b)    Starting on the right, twist to the side then bend down at the waist, exhaling fully through the mouth.

Return to the standing position.  Stretch again.

Continue and exercise by twisting and bending to the left.

Strive for perfection! Nothing less! Excelsior! Always higher!

This should be your motto!


Exercise 31:


a)     Stretch out on your stomach.

Arms extended forward and palms facing down.

Legs and heels together.

Stretch out completely.  Fingers creeping forwards and toes creeping backwards.


b)    Raise your arms as high as possible, inhaling through the nose.

Stretch your arms forwards and hold your breath for three seconds.

Lower your arms slowly, exhaling through the mouth.

Everyday you should try to carry out your exercises with more vigour and more perfection.



Exercise 32:


a)     Standing position. Legs apart. Right arm down at the side.

Left arm encircling your head as shown. Stomach in.

Pull yourself up as high as possible.  Go for 1/8” (about 3mm) more.


b)    Bend to the right, exhaling through the mouth.  Try to reach the floor.

Always start your exercises from the right and then go to the left.

From the beginning of this course, I have always spoken in terms of excellence, of ideals, of surpassing oneself.  In my opinion, we must always avoid mediocrity and seek to attain absolute perfection.

Only dead-heads refuse to make an effort.  What do you think?


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