First Journal Part 2




Chapter 5




Rise at six, lunch at 10, sup at six, sleep at 10, makes man live ten times ten



The need for sleep is inherent in all humans.  We cant live without it.  A lack of sleep for either children or adults can bring on serious consequences.


Let us pause for a moment to reflect on the importance of sleep, on the conditions that make for sound sleep and on the influence proper sleep has on growth.


1. Why There Is Need For Sleep


-                     Sleep is considered to be the cheapest medicine.  People who are overworked or who are really sick need sound sleep above all else.  Very often, there is nothing better to combat sickness than sleep.

-                     Sleep builds up your strength, it recharges the energy level of the central nervous system.

-                     Sleep relaxes the bones, the cartilage and the muscular tissues.

-                     Fatigue leaves your body during sleep.  Toxins (garbage)  are eliminated through the pores of the skin.  Hence the necessity for a refreshing morning shower.

-                     A well rested person can work at full potential and work longer.

-                     A rested person feels the joy of life and his own well being.

-                     A rested person looks better and brighter.    


2. Conditions For Proper Sleep (advice)


-                     Sleep in a room that is dark, quiet and fresh smelling.

-                     It is important to sleep in a well ventilated room.  Don’t be afraid to open a window, even in winter.  It is better to put on an extra woollen blanket than to breathe in stale air.

-                     A hard bed will assure the well-being of your spine.  If your bed is too soft, you can put a ¾” (2cm) sheet of plywood under your mattress.

-                     A big pillow hinders your breathing and tires out your neck.  Personally I don’t use a pillow.  As a teenager I read that it was better to sleep without a pillow.  One night, I tried to do without but that night I felt the need for a pillow by early morning.  I tried again the next night and the habit was broken.  It would be better for your spinal column to place a pillow under your knees.

-                     To really get the taste of a good night sleep, your sheets and nightwear should be nice and clean.  Your room should be clean.  It is unhealthy to inhale dust.

-                     Sleeping in a curled up position should be avoided.  You must stretch out.

-                     As a rule, eight hours of sleep is sufficient.  However, certain organisms only need five hours of sleep per night, while others need ten hours of sleep.  During the growth period or adolescence, the body needs more sleep than less.  To fully benefit from my course, you should get a sufficient amount of sleep.  I recommend you establish a regular routine throughout the day as well as a fixed hour for going to bed.

-                     Drink a big glass of water before going to bed and when you wake up; this will help clean out your system.  Milk can also help you sleep.  It contains an amino acid called tryptophane.  Which produces the effect of a sedative.  To sleep well try to avoid huge meals in the evening as well as stimulants like coffee, tea, cola or chocolate.

-                     Practice total relaxation and breathing fully.  Relax from head to toe.  Close your eyes and relax every part of your body by going through each part in your mind.  Do complete breathing exercises by following the three phases; (1) Inhale slowly and deeply through the nose; (2) Hold your breath and stretch; (3) Exhale slowly and fully through the mouth while tightening the abdominal muscles.

-                     In conclusion, I would advise: “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”.  Be in harmony with nature.  The more we distance ourselves from nature the more we become unhappy and out of touch with ourselves.


3. Self-Hypnosis


You may have experienced the following or know someone who has.  One night, you realize that your alarm doesn’t work and you absolutely have to wake up early.  So with conviction you say to yourself, “I have to get up at six, I have to get up at six…”.  The next morning you wake up and its six o’clock.


Your Subconscious is capable of great potential.  Use it.  Every night before you fall asleep send positive messages to your brain.  For the purposes of this course on “Gaining Height”, you could repeat the message mentioned before, “Everyday I am gaining Height through exercise.  I am Growing. I am Growing….”.


4. Surprising Fact


you may be surprised to know that we are taller in the morning than we are at night.  By virtue of the law of gravity, our bodies in the standing position, are attracted toward the ground.  By the end of the day, the disks in the spine are compressed by the weight of the body, by the days tension and by things we have lifted.  During the night, the spinal column is in a relaxed and spread out position.


Be aware of this fact and use this time to stretch out properly.


5. Stretching Exercises In Bed


Do stretching exercises in bed at night and in the morning.  I recommend these two exercises:


(1) Leg Stretch.  Lying on your back, stretch out your right leg (and then left once completed), counting to five (5).  Imagine you are pushing a box with the flat of your foot.  Now repeat the same exercise but on your stomach.


(2) Lying on your back, bring your knees to your chest, pulling them with your hands.  At the same time, exhale through the mouth and tighten your stomach muscles.  Inhale through the nose as you return your feet to the matteress.


VARIATION: (the rocker).  Bring your knees to your chest with your hands and rock yourself.


*                 *                 *


Sleeping provides the perfect opportunity to stretch your spinal column.  Don’t blow it.


Improve your quality, and if need be, your quantity of sleep to live a longer and fuller life.

Chapter 6




We must eat to live, not live to eat




Children are often told by their parents: “You have to eat everything on your plate if you want to grow big and strong!”.  This sentence has some basis of truth in it.  Food does influence your growth.


Your can find hundreds of books that teach the subject of nutrition in depth.  But in this chapter, I will limit myself to the main substances necessary for growth:  The proteins , vitamins and minerals.  It would be wise to note that the last word on nutrition has not yet been written.


1. Elements Which Help You Grow




Proteins are essential for growth because it is required for cartilage tissues and bones.  Proteins are a nutritious substance, composed of twenty-two (22) amino acids.  Fourteen (14) of these produced by our own organism.  The others must be supplied SIMULTANEOUSLY to our body.  Here is the list of some of them:


(1) Tryptophane (considered to be a soporific or sleep inducing)

          (2) Leucine

          (3) Isoleucine

          (4) Lysine

          (5) Valine





Apricots, celery, lemon, cabbage, endives, spinach, figs, halibut. Cheese, sweet-lime, blackberries, onions, oranges, prunes, radishes, salmon, bran, yoghurt, etc.


PHOSPHORUS is necessary for bones.




Garlic, lamb, almonds, asparagus, carrots, celery, cereals, mushrooms, crustaceans, cabbage, cucumbers, squash, spinach, figs, cheese, wheat germ, milk, corn, turnips, nuts, eggs, onions, parsnips, leeks, peas, fish, prunes, raisins, bran, tomatoes, etc.


IRON helps you to grow




Apricots, almonds, asparagus, beets, wheat, cereals, cabbage, watercress, dates, spinach, strawberries, lettuce, lentils, molasses, potatoes, blackberries, hazel-nuts, eggs, onions, parsley, prunes, currants, roast veal, tomatoes, etc.


COPPER develops your bones




          Banana’s whole cereals, mushrooms, dates, eggs, etc.


          MAGNESIUM is another necessary mineral for growth




Almonds, banana’s, beets, carrots, cerely, mushrooms, cabbage, dates, spinach, black figs, raspberries, roquefort cheese, wheat germ, green beans, milk, lettuce, corn, honey, onions, oranges, grapefruit, , peaches, dandelions, pears, pollen, prunes, apples, radishes, dried raisins, greens, etc.


          ZINC also influences growth.





Garlic, pineapple, asparagus, bananas, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, spinach, figs, strawberries, wheat germ, green beans, eggs, lettuce, beer yeast (barm), turnips, nuts, oranges, prunes, radishes, tomatoes, etc.


IODINE is needed for the thyroid gland.




Sea-weed, pineapple, asparagus, carrots, mushrooms, cabbage, watercress, crustaceans, spinach, strawberries, lettuce, onions, turnips, potato peelings, peas, fish, radishes, tomatoes, etc.


PROTEINS, VITAMINS, and MINERALS are very important for the development of your body and its good health.  Make sure you aren’t missing any.   



2. Saying “NO!”


-                     Know how to say ‘NO’ to self destructive drugs.

-                     Know how to say ‘NO’ to intoxicating alcohol

-                     Know how to say ‘NO’ to poisonous cigaretters.


Personally, I have never smoked.  I became interested in physical culture at the age of twelve, so I read a lot of Ben Weider’s articles, which warned against the use of tobacco.  He convinced me never to start smoking .  In all honesty, when someone offers me a cigarette, its as if that person were asking me to eat a mouse, or a worm, or a spider…


I believe that factual information about drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes avoid criticism and errors in judgement.  Young people especially must be warned and well informed. Donald Pollock, an ex-con, alcoholic and drug addict tells us;


“The biggest crime ever committed against me was that everyone always protected me from the truth”. (From Call Me a Good Theif)


Don’t waste your money or your health on drugs, alcohol or cigarettes.  Invest your money on nutritious foods or good quality food supplements.


-                     Say ‘YES’ to healthy living.

-                     Say ‘YES’ to natural products which provide, health, strength, endurance, energy, and all round well-being.

-                     Say ‘YES’ to pollen, sea-weed, wheat germs, etc.


3. Detoxification


Just as you have to change the oil in your car from time to time, you have to clean out your system too.  As time goes by, you’ll get clogged up.  Clean yourself out and you’ll be in better shape and you’ll feel unbelievably great because your internal organs will work better.


Consult a nutritionist who can advise you on detoxification.  Once or twice a year, you could try the following purgative to really clean out your system:


-                     Put two (2) ounces of castor oil in a glass.

-                     Add a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda.

-                     Dilute with orange juice.

-                     Drink

-                     Wait twenty-four hours before taking a second and last glass of the same mixture.


4. Recommendations


(1)   Eat at regular hours.  Don’t skip any meal

(2)   Don’t forget to eat breakfast.  Always start the day with a substantial but well  rounded meal.

(3)   Take the time to taste and to chew your food well.

(4)   Vary your menu

(5)   Avoid pastries, sweets, crisps and soda drinks.  Anything that has little or no nutritious value.

(6)   Beware of salt consumption; it can cause hypertension.

(7)   Eat a lot of raw vegetables and fresh juice.  Choose whole wheat bread.

(8)   Drink six (6) to eight (8) glasses of water or vegetable juice or sugar-free juice per day.  You should also drink milk.

(9)   Eat good quality food supplements every day.

(10) After each meal you should rest.  Don’t start to work or exercise    right after.


By respecting this list you will enjoy better health.


To close this chapter, I would say that malnutrition can hinder your growth.  It can also bring on major problems such as obesity, anemia and poor digestion.


I invite you all to become interested in the science of nutrition.  For further information write for the provincial, state or country.


Feed yourself rationally to increase your height, to be full of energy and to live fuller life.

Chapter 7




Aim high, strive to learn more, seek perfection, this is what you taught me.




1. Why Maintain Good Posture


When you have a chance, take a few moments to look at the people walking- more often than not, sadly- along a busy street.  You will see too many people with pot bellies and soft stomachs.  You will also see people with hunched backs or arched backs strolling along in an uncaring manner…. Not much to look at.


When you walk, try keeping your head straight, chin high, back straight, stomach in, chest out, and aim high.  Some people lose a couple of inches by not walking straight.  That’s where hunched backs, and round shoulders come in to.  By walking with backs straight, you will not only feel better, but will even feel taller.


2. When To Have Good Posture


Whether you stand, walk, sit or sleep maintain GOOD POSTURE.  Do the same at work or at school, where you spend most of your time.


Stand tall all the time.  I know that it requires effort; but I also know that in time you will greatly appreciate the benefits of good posture.


3. What is Good Posture


Walk with your head up.  Stick out your chest.  Pull in your stomach.  Throw your shoulders back.  Walk with pride and confidence.

And please, don’t drag your feet.  Live and walk with enthusiasm.


To improve your stance, look into a mirror to see how best you should stand.  Then again, stand with your back to a wall and raise your head and contract your stomach muscles.


4. Dress Well


It is common knowledge that a person who dresses wisely can appear taller than he really is.  Here are a few tips:


-                     Choose dark and uniform colours.  The cloth can have soft vertical lines (pin stripe) and avoid plaids or square designs.

-                     A suit, matching jacket and pants, of the same colour also make you look taller.

-                     Wear trousers that are long and narrow and without cuffs.

-                     Adopt the slimmer, elegant style of a vest and tie…


Don’t neglect the way you dress.  Clothing is a reflection of your personality.  Dress in an intelligent, sober and harmonious manner.  It is always pleasant to look at an elegantly dressed person.


*                 *                 *



How nice it is to see men and women who look good and stand tall.  How good it is to admire the imposing presence of Olympic Champions, to see how dignified and elegant they look as they climb onto the winners podium.


Before going on to the next chapter, I invite you to reflect a few moments longer on the real advantages that good posture gives you and your friends.


Feeling good is a matter of health.  It is also the adoption of wise habits once you have given and idea serious and repeated thought.











Chapter 8


Complementary Exercises


Faster, Higher, Stronger



Which sports help you grow? The answer is simple: all sports activities that stretch your legs and your spine slowly but surely are advisable.


Id like to draw your attention to two sports in particular; swimming and cycling.  Swimming is considered to be an all round sport.  It calls on every part of your boday and its organisms.  You can easily adapt the principles mentioned in this book to several types of swimming strokes.  Personally I recommend the crawl and the breast stroke.


As for cycling, it is a sport that helps to stretch your legs providing the seat and the handle-bar are sufficiently high.  As you grow, remember to raise both parts of the bicycle to suit your height.


On the other hand, lifting weights which compresses the meniscus of your spinal column is to be avoided.  Heavy weights do not help to elongate the spine.  If you use weights, let it always be with the specific purpose of increasing your ability to stretch.


Make a habit of stretching your legs and your torso.  In time, it will become second nature to you.


Being is living.  Live in good health.  Live in physical, intellectual, moral and spiritual health.  Do not simply exist, live fully and stand tall.


Eat well, exercise regularly and aim high! Be an accomplished athlete, don’t be obese or a walking skeleton.


Don’t pollute contaminate or poison yourself, and others with cigarettes, drugs and alcohol.


LIVE and strive for perfection in all!

Chapter 9




The highest good for a mortal, is health.

The second highest, to look good and have wealth.

Which is gained with conscience clear,

Finally, to laugh with friends that are dear.


For the majority of the exercises you wont need any equipment.  As of the fourth month of exercises however, you will need a horizontal bar for about a dozen exercises.


In this chapter, I want to show how some equipment can help you grow.


1.     Horizontal Bar

2.     Parallel Bars

3.     Swedish Rib-Stall and Bench

4.     Horizontal or Bridge Ladder

5.     Scaling Wall

6.     Rounded Bench

7.     Roller

8.     Inverted Boots


It seems to me that schools, physical culture studios and fitness gyms should have and use this equipment effectively.


Many schools have well equipped gymnasiums.  Unfortunately, it is often the case that some equipment is not used or rarely used.  This is expensive and deplorable.



1. Horizontal Bar


This is one of the best apparatus to stretch the spinal column.  When I was a boy, I didn’t have a bar so I used the step of a stairway leading to the second floor at the back of our house.  For months, I did my daily stretching exercises there.  Where there’s a will, there’s a way.


I strongly advise that you get a solid bar.  Set it up surely.  To avoid injury to your hands or slipping, rub your hands with magnesium carbonate.  You will need this bar for a dozen or so exercises as of the fourth month of the course.


2. Parallel Bars







The parallel bars help to develop the upper part of your body.  It produces effects on the spinal column as well.


From day to day, increase the pull to your arms.  Some athletes tie a weight to their body to make the exercises more effective.


If you don’t have parallel bars, place two chairs or tables side by side.  But be very careful.



3. The Swedish Rib-Stall & Bench (abdominal board)




Around 1800, Peter Ling created his famous Swedish method.  A Swedish speciality, the rib-stall is particularly effective for gymnastic warm-ups and flexibility exercises.  It helps straighten arched backs and strengthens stomach muscles. 


As for the bench, it is an apparatus with various effective functions.  It can be attached to the rib-stall and is better known as an abdominal board.



4. Bridge or Horizontal Ladder





This is equipment you can find in most playgrounds.  The object is to go forwards or backwards along the bars.  Every time you grip a bar, you can create pull to your arms.


To stretch yourself even more, place a medicine ball between your feet and do several rhythmic motions with your legs.



5. The Scaling Wall




The height of the wall is 14 or 15 feet (4 or 4.5 meters).  The spacing between each hole is one foot (30cm).


The student takes a peg in each hand and scales the wall and then comes back down.

The difficulty of this exercise is that the scaling is done without the use of your feet.  It makes you work the arm and shoulder muscles as well as the general chest muscles.  It also helps to develop agility and courage.


Safety First


Always place a mattress at the foot of the wall.  It should be a mattress similar to the ones used for pole vaulting.






6. Rounded (arched) Bench




The rounded bench has proven to be a great growth apparatus.  By using this bench, you will expand your thoracic cage.  It will develop your shoulders and make your spinal column more supple.


You can build this half-moon bench to benefit from its effectiveness.  I suggest the following dimensions:


Width:         12 inches (30cm)

Length:        6 feet (1.80m)

Radius:        2 ½ feet (75cm)

Half circumference:         7 6/7 feet (2.40 m)

Diameter:     5 feet (1.50m)














7. Roller








A pleasant complement to your stretching exercises is this beneficial roller.  It helps to strengthen your muscles and to make them supple.















8. Inverted Boots





Dr. M. Martin is the inventor of the inverted boot.  Exercises done with these special boots decompress the spinal column.  It helps to correct posture, increase flexibility and soothes aching backs.


To make the exercises more effective, athletes use weights on a progressive basis over a fixed period of time.





Exercises done, when the head hangs below the feet, can present some danger concerning blood pressure.  At the beginning, you shouldn’t hang longer than one minute.  Proceed cautiously and gradually.


*                 *                 *








I have just presented an array of equipment capable of stretching and toning the spinal column.  Obviously this isn’t complete.


I know there is other, more sophisticated equipment, whose aim is to develop ones stature.  If you are interested take the time to consult an orthopaedic equipment dealer.

Chapter 10




Berthelet Build, Beautiful Bodies.



This last chapter deals with the way you should train.  Ive broke up the chapter into three main ideas.

-                     Before you begin “Gaining Height Through Exercise”

-                     The training sessions

-                     After your work out.



Before You Begin “Gaining Height Through Exercise”


1. Warning


You should consult your doctor before you begin stretching and limbering.

-                     if you are forty years old and up;

-                     if you are suffering from some illness;

-                     if you suffer from back-ache;

-                     if you have a history of heart trouble…


Take note that the author of this book is not legally responsible for any negative consequences which could result from doing these exercises.





2. Measuring


To start, take an accurate measurement of your height.  It should be taken in your bare feet and with someones help to assure accuracy.  Have a second person verify the measurement to avoid unnecessary disappointments later on.  At the end of each month of exercises have yourself measured again and record your height on the “First Record Sheet” coming up later on.


It would be interesting to have an X-Ray taken of your spinal column before and after your training.  It’s the best way to see changes that will take place.


3. Preliminary Test


Take off your shoes and lie down on your stomach.  Try to form an arc by touching the base of your feet to the top of your head.  Do not strain.  Ask someone to measure and record the distance between your head and feet.  As your spine becomes more pliable, the distance will decrease.  By the end of the course the best students can touch their head with their feet.



The Training Sessions


4. Perfection


Every exercise must be executed slowly, methodically and calmly.


Certain exercises may seem like less fun than others, so make a conscious effort to do them well.  Remember that the best medicines sometime taste the worst.  So don’t neglect to do any of the exercises.


5. When to Train


As a rule, you never train right after a meal. You should wait about two (2) hours after eating.  Some like to train before breakfast or in the afternoon and others prefer to train at night.  Some physical culture buffs train in the morning and at night.


Whatever your choice, remember that its better to train seriously once a day for six or nice months, than it is to train twice a day and drop out after two or three months.


6. Training Schedule


I advise that you work out six (6) days a week.  If you think about it, fifteen to thirty minutes a day isn’t much to ask when you are talking about keeping your body fit.  Take a break on Sundays.


7. Exercise Breakdown


          On the first day, do each exercise Five times.

          On the second day, do each exercise six times, and so on

          Similarly on the sixth day, do each exercise Ten times.


You shouldn’t try to rush through the exercises, rather do them methodically and Slowly.


8. Stretching Principle


During each exercise, make a conscious effort to stretch your limbs and muscles for atleast three (3) seconds.  The stretching principle is fundamental to the success of the course.  Easy does it, at first then gradually increase the intensity of your stretching movements.


9. Warm-Ups


Never start the recommended exercises without first doing some warm-ups.  For a few minutes before starting each day.  I suggest the following.


a)     Extend your arms out to the side at shoulder height.  Move your arms in a circular pattern from small circles to larger ones.  Do this exercise in a forward then a backward motion.  Breathe normally.


b)    Bend and Stretch


Description: Legs slightly apart.  Arms up above your head, bend at the waist until your fingers touch the floor.


Breathing:    It is important to always exhale through the mouth as you are bending forward.  Inhale through the nose when you return to the standing position.


Quantity:      Do this exercise Fifteen (15) to Thirty (30) times.


Execution:    Unlike your stretching exercises, warm-ups should be done at a quicker pace and they should be done well and often enough to ensure good limbering of the muscles.




Every time you return to the standing position, make an effort to stretch your arm upwards.



10. Illustrations & Instructions


Do not rely solely on the illustrations.  It is essential to read the instructions carefully and to pay particular attention to what is said about stretching and breathing.


11. Silence


Do not talk while you are dong an exercise.  Silence makes for better concentration and prevents unnecessary injury and loss of time.  The wise man says …. Silence is Golden


12. Record Sheet


Once you’ve done an exercise, check it off on the sheets provided at the end of this page.  This will permit you to keep track of the exercises you do.  So, on the first day you would normally do each exercise five times, whereas on the sixth day you do each exercise Ten times.


Upon examination you can see that the first level of growth is achieved after only twenty-four training sessions.







13. Sequencing (4th, 5th and 6th months)


Starting with the fourth month, I suggest that you add to your regular routine by doing sequence exercises.  You will find more information on this at the end of the page.


14. Advanced Courses (7th, 8th and 9th months)


The advanced , intensified growth course, with prolonged stretching is spread over a three month period.  The exercises are done in what is called Super-Succession.  Here is how its done.


On the first day, you do exercise 1, five times, then exercise 2, five times.  Take a thirty (30) second break.  Repeat exercises 1 and 2 five times.  This is what I call working out in super-succession.  You continue by doing exercise 3 in super-succession with exercise 4, and so on.


Take not that on the second day, exercise 1 is done in super-succession with exercise 3, and 2 is done with 4.  In this way, the spinal column is stretched in all directions to ensure its growth and flexibility.


On the first, second and third days do a Super-Succession of exercises five times.  On the fourth, fifth and sixth days do a super-succession of exercises six times.


Remember that anything worth doing, is worth doing well.




          After Your Work Out


15. Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness


After your daily exercises, have a good shower.  Start with hot water to clean out your pores.  Then go on to lukewarm water and finish off with cold water to close your pores.






16. Rub Down


After your shower, you should give yourself a rub down with a rough towel or better still a friction hair cloth.  A good rub down improves blood circulation and combats cellulite and fatigue.




17. Stiffness


Inactivity can bring on aching and stiffness of the muscles.  If this happens, you can massage your muscles with different products on the market but the best solution is to go on doing your exercises.  Simply decrease their intensity and the quantity of your daily work out until such time as you can resume a normal work out.


*                 *                 *



You have just completed reading the Berthelet Method for

“Gaining Height Through Exercise”





To grow! Is there a nobler thought?  A child wants to grow.  He wishes to become someone to accomplish something.  The boy wants to become a man, the girl, a woman.  A beautiful and natural process.  But how many men or women still pursue their ideas?


Id like to end this section of the book by conveying “What growing means to me”


1. Growing Physically (the body)


I know that the body is not all there is to life.  But there is your body.  Don’t neglect it.  Take care of it.


Aim for, and preserve maximum height by regular and precise training.  Remember that mental concentration and breathing fully are essential when doing your exercises.


This body, your body, must be intelligently fed.  Allow it the sleep necessary for its well being.  Clothe your body carefully, elegantly and cleanly.  You will be pleasant to look at.


In fact your body is a masterpiece of creation, a temple to your soul.  It is made of seven hundred (700) muscles, which must not atrophy.  These muscular fibres need action and movement.  Do your exercises every day of your life to acquire and maintain an excellent form, to be proud of yourself.


When I think of physical height or stature, a story comes to mind that Id like to tell you.


One day, Napoleon, because of his size, was unable to reach a book he wanted on a high shelf in his library.  He asked a tall servant to fetch him the book.  The servant got the book and told Napoleon rather arrogantly; “Its handy to have physical stature isn’t it, Napoleon?”.  Napoleon replied; “You mean its handy to be Long, for Napoleon has Stature!”. 

Napoleon wasn’t a tall man, but he was a great and wise man.


2. Growing Intellectually (the mind)


There is nothing wrong with being ignorant.  But it is very wrong to remain ignorant.  Learn every day by listening, reading, studying, and thinking.  The mind and body are closely intertwined.  As Aristotle said; “Nothing comes to the mind without passing through the senses”.  Acquisition of knowledge is obviously easier when you are in perfect health.  So it is fair to state that physical exercise stimulates intellectual effort.


Edouard Carpentier sums it up nicely,


“Develop a clear mind on a good set of shoulders”


To admire what is grand, to appreciate what is superior, one must already possess these qualities, by getting to know the great minds and thinkers, we can become greater ourselves.


We should strive to grow intellectually.  According to experts, we only use 10% of our brain capacity.  We should make a resolution to develop our intellectual knowledge every day of our lives.  We should feed our minds, practice intellectual gymnastics.  Let me share this final thought on the subject which I like a lot.


“Let us not be intellectually handicapped, let us be open to culture”  Rise up and reach new heights.


3. Growing in Community (the heart)(morally, socially, psychologically)


No man is an island.  We walk with others.  Increase your circle of friends.  One never has too many true friends.  If you want to eleate yourself, elevate those around you.  If you want to grow, grow with others.  It isn’t by looking down on others that you elevate yourself.  By putting others down you put yourself down.


Learn to love and to spread your love around.  Show your friendship by offering encouraging words, by giving true compliments, by smiling honestly.  It takes very little to hurt someone, to destroy them; on the other hand, it takes very little to make someone happy.


Cultivate among your friends, understanding and recognition.  You will be a better person for it, and wont go by unnoticed.


Allow me to quote Musset at this point; “Put your hand to your heart, for here lies the genius”.


In conclusion, be enthusiastic, be magnanimous.  Be men and women of the heart and of the head.  Function in harmony.


4. Growing Spiritually (the soul)


I mention the aspect of faith because I’m a believer.  And everyday I want to grow in the knowledge of love of God.


*                 *                 *

May you grow on all levels; physically, intellectually, morally and spiritually… In all sincerity I wish it for all of you,


Good Luck and Good Exercising.


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