Nutrition Info



       On this page, you will hopefully find information on:

       what to eat, how to eat, and when to eat. 

   And natural sources for amino acids (bottom of page)  

Please note:  

All this information has been gathered from other materials.  So it is completely your responsibility, to be aware that you are following the correct path.  If you have any doubts about anything on this webpage, the first thing I can suggest is that you consult a doctor.


After careful consideration, and a lot of research, I concluded that, if the following items were taken regularly, then the daily content of Vitamins, Minerals and Proteins can be achieved.  However, this is a guide line only, and must not be trusted 100%.  You are all free to your own opinion.



Egg Yolk


Green Vegetables

Yellow Vegetables











Red Meat





6-8 Glasses of Water per day.


The above information is extracted from the journals in this website.  And should be used as a reference only.  If you use all the above contents somewhere or the other, within your diet, then you should be better off.


Children are often told by their parents: “You have to eat everything on your plate if you want to grow big and strong!”.  This sentence has some basis of truth in it.  Food does influence your growth.


Your can find hundreds of books that teach the subject of nutrition in depth.  But in this chapter, I will limit myself to the main substances necessary for growth:  The proteins , vitamins and minerals.  It would be wise to note that the last word on nutrition has not yet been written.


1. Elements Which Help You Grow


 Proteins are essential for growth because it is required for cartilage tissues and bones.  Proteins are a nutritious substance, composed of twenty-two (22) amino acids.  Fourteen (14) of these produced by our own organism.  The others must be supplied SIMULTANEOUSLY to our body.  Here is the list of some of them:

           (1) Tryptophane (considered to be a soporific or sleep inducing)

          (2) Leucine

          (3) Isoleucine

          (4) Lysine

          (5) Valine



 Apricots, celery, lemon, cabbage, endives, spinach, figs, halibut. Cheese, sweet-lime, blackberries, onions, oranges, prunes, radishes, salmon, bran, yoghurt, etc.


PHOSPHORUS is necessary for bones.


 Garlic, lamb, almonds, asparagus, carrots, celery, cereals, mushrooms, crustaceans, cabbage, cucumbers, squash, spinach, figs, cheese, wheat germ, milk, corn, turnips, nuts, eggs, onions, parsnips, leeks, peas, fish, prunes, raisins, bran, tomatoes, etc.


IRON helps you to grow


 Apricots, almonds, asparagus, beets, wheat, cereals, cabbage, watercress, dates, spinach, strawberries, lettuce, lentils, molasses, potatoes, blackberries, hazel-nuts, eggs, onions, parsley, prunes, currants, roast veal, tomatoes, etc.


COPPER develops your bones


           Banana’s whole cereals, mushrooms, dates, eggs, etc.


          MAGNESIUM is another necessary mineral for growth


Almonds, banana’s, beets, carrots, cerely, mushrooms, cabbage, dates, spinach, black figs, raspberries, roquefort cheese, wheat germ, green beans, milk, lettuce, corn, honey, onions, oranges, grapefruit, , peaches, dandelions, pears, pollen, prunes, apples, radishes, dried raisins, greens, etc.


          ZINC also influences growth.


Garlic, pineapple, asparagus, bananas, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, spinach, figs, strawberries, wheat germ, green beans, eggs, lettuce, beer yeast (barm), turnips, nuts, oranges, prunes, radishes, tomatoes, etc.


IODINE is needed for the thyroid gland.


Sea-weed, pineapple, asparagus, carrots, mushrooms, cabbage, watercress, crustaceans, spinach, strawberries, lettuce, onions, turnips, potato peelings, peas, fish, radishes, tomatoes, etc.


PROTEINS, VITAMINS, and MINERALS are very important for the development of your body and its good health.  Make sure you aren’t missing any.

2. Saying “NO!”


-                     Know how to say ‘NO’ to self destructive drugs.

-                     Know how to say ‘NO’ to intoxicating alcohol

-                     Know how to say ‘NO’ to poisonous cigaretters.


Personally, I have never smoked.  I became interested in physical culture at the age of twelve, so I read a lot of Ben Weider’s articles, which warned against the use of tobacco.  He convinced me never to start smoking .  In all honesty, when someone offers me a cigarette, its as if that person were asking me to eat a mouse, or a worm, or a spider…


I believe that factual information about drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes avoid criticism and errors in judgement.  Young people especially must be warned and well informed. Donald Pollock, an ex-con, alcoholic and drug addict tells us;


“The biggest crime ever committed against me was that everyone always protected me from the truth”. (From Call Me a Good Theif)


Don’t waste your money or your health on drugs, alcohol or cigarettes.  Invest your money on nutritious foods or good quality food supplements.


-                     Say ‘YES’ to healthy living.

-                     Say ‘YES’ to natural products which provide, health, strength, endurance, energy, and all round well-being.

-                     Say ‘YES’ to pollen, sea-weed, wheat germs, etc.


3. Detoxification

Just as you have to change the oil in your car from time to time, you have to clean out your system too.  As time goes by, you’ll get clogged up.  Clean yourself out and you’ll be in better shape and you’ll feel unbelievably great because your internal organs will work better.


Consult a nutritionist who can advise you on detoxification.  Once or twice a year, you could try the following purgative to really clean out your system:


-                     Put two (2) ounces of castor oil in a glass.

-                     Add a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda.

-                     Dilute with orange juice.

-                     Drink

-                     Wait twenty-four hours before taking a second and last glass of the same mixture.


4. Recommendations


(1)   Eat at regular hours.  Don’t skip any meal

(2)   Don’t forget to eat breakfast.  Always start the day with a substantial but well  rounded meal.

(3)   Take the time to taste and to chew your food well.

(4)   Vary your menu

(5)   Avoid pastries, sweets, crisps and soda drinks.  Anything that has little or no nutritious value.

(6)   Beware of salt consumption; it can cause hypertension.

(7)   Eat a lot of raw vegetables and fresh juice.  Choose whole wheat bread.

(8)   Drink six (6) to eight (8) glasses of water or vegetable juice or sugar-free juice per day.  You should also drink milk.

(9)   Eat good quality food supplements every day.

       (10)  After each meal you should rest.  Don’t start to work or             exercise right after.


By respecting this list you will enjoy better health.


I would say that malnutrition can hinder your growth.  It can also bring on major problems such as obesity, anemia and poor digestion.

I invite you all to become interested in the science of nutrition.  For further information write for the provincial, state or country.

Feed yourself rationally to increase your height, to be full of energy and to live fuller life.


Natural Sources for Amino Acids


Here are the natural sources for some Amino Acids

Natural sources:
Brown rice
Raw cereals
Sesame seeds
Sunflower seeds
Whole-wheat products
Reasons to use :
Functions as building block of all proteins.
Stimulates human growth hormone.

Natural sources: Cheese
Lima beans
Red meat
Soy products
Reasons to use :
Functions as essential building block of all proteins.
Promotes growth, tissue repair and production of antibodies, hormones, enzymes

Natural sources: Almonds
Cottage cheese
Lima beans
Non-fat dried milk
Pickled herring
Pumpkin seeds
Sesame seeds
Reasons to use:
Functions as building block of all proteins.
Can induce significant short-term increases of blood levels of norepinephrine, dopamine and epinephrine. May be harmful at times and helpful at others. Don't take without medical supervision

Natural sources: Eggs
NOTE: Not available from plant sources.
Reasons to use:
May be helpful in treating epilepsy.
Functions as building block for all proteins.
Helps regulate nervous system.
Helps regulate muscle system.
Unproved speculated benefits May be essential for growth of infants, children, adolescents.

Natural sources: Avocados
Dairy products
Red meats, especially lamb and beef
Tempeh (fermented soybean product)
Reasons to use:
Promotes normal growth and development

Folic Acid:
Natural sources: Barley
Brewer's yeast
Calves' liver
Garbanzo beans (chickpeas)
Green, leafy vegetables
Orange juice
Split peas
Wheat germ
Reasons to use:
Promotes normal red-blood-cell formation.
Maintains nervous system, intestinal tract, sex organs, white blood cells, normal patterns of growth.
Regulates embryonic and fetal development of nerve cells.
Promotes normal growth and development.
Treats anemias due to folic-acid deficiency occurring from alcoholism, liver disease, hemolytic anemia, sprue, pregnancy, breast-feeding, oral-contraceptive use.

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