Practicing the craft requires a small gallery of tools. They aid you on your path. The tools must be
charged with energies from you and the elemental energies. Charge your tools only after properly
channeling earth (elemental) energies through Self-Dedication. You will learn all the various uses of
these tools (and more will be added) in later lessons. The tools you will need thus far are as follows:

Athame or Ritual Knife: This may be of any type you choose, preferably at least four inches in
length, black handled, and doubled edged.
Chalice or Cup: This may be of any type you choose.
Incense Burner: This may be of any type you choose.
Bowl or Cauldren: This must be black (painted is fine).
Book of Shadows: This must be a blank book in which you will write all of your spells, rituals and
To charge these tools, you will need the following items:

Modeling Paint & Paint Brush: In the colors of your choice
Incense: Sandalwood, stick or cone
Cup with Water
White Candle, Black Candle & Matches or lighter
Herbs: Herbs will be specified with each tool that requires them

                   Charging the Athame

   You will need wormwood herb (this can be found in most health food stores or occult shops.)

Place the black and white candles next to each other about two to seven inches apart.
Place the cup to the left and the incense to the right.
Place the paint and paintbrush anywhere on the altar.
Place the athame anywhere under the candles.
This charging must be done on the night of the full moon and after Self-Dedication.

                          Perform STEP ONE, Meditation.
                         Light the white candle while saying:
                         "Earth Mother Thee I Invoke."

                         Light the black candle while saying:
                                "Blessed be."

                  Light the incense. Place the salt in the cup while saying:
                        "Earth Mother charge this water."

                     Place your hands, palms down, over the cup.
                Imagine a white light coming up from the earth into the cup.
                  Hold your knife up high above your head while saying:
               "I call upon the elements of air, fire, water and earth."

             Place the tip of the knife into the cup of charged water while saying:
                        "Be blessed to water and earth."

              Pass the knife through the incense and candle flames while saying:
                          "Be blessed to air and fire."

       Hold the knife close to you. Visualize you and the knife glowing white while saying:
                          "Be charged creature of life."

    Take the wormwood and mix it with the paint. Paint a pentagram on the handle of the knife.

              Place your hands, palms down, over the pentagram while saying:
                 "Earth Mother charge your symbol. So mote it be."

         Take the knife out in the full moon and allow the rays of the moon to touch it.

            Always drain the charged water from the cup (chalice) unto the earth.

                              The knife is charged.

                    Charging the Chalice

                     (You will need the herb basil for this charging.)
             Charging the chalice should be done during the waxing to full moon.
                It can be done immediately afater you charge your athame.
                    Follow the same setup as you did for the athame.
               Place the chalice to be charged anywhere under the candles.

                          Perform STEP ONE, Meditation.
                         Light the white candle while saying:
                         "Earth Mother thee I invoke."

                         Light the black candle while saying:
                                "Blessed be."

  Light the incense. Put the salt in the cup and with the tip of the athame, draw a pentagram on the
                          surface of the water while saying:
                        "As salt with water, I purify thee."

               Take the chalice and pour the cup of water into it while saying:
            "May this charge this chalice to the elements earth and water."

                          Visualize the cup glowing white.
                 Pass the cup through the incense and candles while saying:
             "May this charge this chalice to the elements of air and fire."

                     Hold the chalice over your head while saying:
                  "Earth Mother bless this chalice in your honor."

                            Mix the basil with the paint.
                     Draw a pentagram on the surface while saying:
                               "So mote it be."

             Take the chalice outside and pour the charged water onto the earth.

                              The chalice is charged.

             Charging the Incense Burner

 (You will need the herb nutmeg for this charging. This charging should be done between the waxing
                                 to full moon.)

  Follow the same setup as you did for the athame and chalice, but replace the cup with the charged
                          Perform STEP ONE, Meditation.
                         Light the white candle while saying:
                         "Earth Mother thee I invoke."

                         Light the black candle while saying:
                                "Blessed be."

             Place the incense in the new burner to be charged. Light the incense.
           Place the salt into the chalice, then place the tip of the athame in the water.
                          Draw a pentagram while saying:
           "As blade to water, salt to earth, bless this chalice, giving birth."

                         Visualize the chalice glowing white.
             Sprinkle the incense burner with water from the chalice while saying:
                 "With earth and water, bless this creature of air."

                    Pass the burner through the candles while saying:
                         "Fire bless this creature of air."

                   Hold the burner high above your head while saying:
                             "Air fill this creature."

                         Visualize the burner glowing white.
          Mix the nutmeg with the paint and paint a pentagram on the burner, saying:
          "Earth Mother, bless this piece of art in your name. So mote it be."

 Take the burner outside and let the incense rise to the skies for a moment. (Always drain the charged
                        water from the chalice unto the earth.)

                           The incense burner is charged.

              Bowl or Cauldren Charging

  (You will need the herb wormwood for this charging. Again, this can be found in most health food
                             stores or occult shops.)
 Follow the same setup as you did for the athame, chalice and incense burner, but replace the incense
                           burner with your charged one.

                          Perform STEP ONE, Meditation.
                         Light the white candle while saying:
                         "Earth Mother thee I invoke."

                         Light the black candle while saying:
                                "Blessed be."

                        Place the salt into the chalice of water.
                       Place the tip of the athame into the water.
                Draw a pentagram on the surface of the water while saying:
           "As blade to water, salt to earth, bless this chalice, giving birth."

                         Visualize the chalice glowing white.
                           Pour the water into the bowl.
                  Place the tip of the athame into the bowl while saying:
           "Charge this creature elements of all. Bring to it your loving call."

                     Pass the bowl through the incense and candles.
              Hold it above your head. Visualize it glowing white while saying:
                      "Earth Mother let this be your eyes."

                         Mix the wormwood with the paint.
                      Paint a pentagram on the bowl while saying:
                               "So mote it be."

                 Take the bowl outside and pour the water unto the earth.

                             The cauldren is charged.

                       Book of Shadows

The Book of Shadows does not need to be charged in the same manner as your other tools. It is
simply a blank book of any type you choose, in which you write all of your ceremonies, rituals, spell
and results.

Begin your book by recording your experiences through the Self-Dedication process, meditation and
charging your tools. Continue your journal in your Book of Shadows with each practice of the craft.
Your next entry should be about wax and water.

The Book of Shadows is an important tool as you learn about and explore the craft. You will find
that some spells and rituals work better than others. The best way to find out which techniques work
well for you is to keep track of them.

Some important information to record is time of day, phase of the moon, weather, emotional state,
outside noises, distractions, location, items used and results. This book will soon develop into a very
useful and essential tool.


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