   The pentacle is a five-pointed star with one point upwards. It is the single most important symbol in witchcraft and many occult groups. Its significance is compared to that of the cross to the Christians, and the six-pointed star to Judaism.

   When the pentacle is written or drawn it is called a pentagram. Pentagrams are frequently used in witchcraft and magical rituals. They are usually inscribed on round disks made of earth or earthen material, or metal such as copper or silver. Many groups also inscribe their own symbols on these disks. The pentagram disks are used in the casting of magic circles, drawing up ground energy, and in other mystical practices. Magicians use a pentagram, some times called the "Pentacle of Solomon, (The other sacred symbol being a six-pointed star, called a hexagram, and encircled is known as the Seal of Solomon)" to draw a circle around them to prevent evil spirits from interfering with their art. The circle is also drawn to complete the symbolism of the pentacle, and represents birth, life, death, and rebirth. It also represents the "universal flow" of energy which permeates all things and from which we draw our own energies.

   The pentacle can represent both the Gods/Goddesses and man/woman. The five points represent the following: Deities (conglomerated into one aspect) and the four elements of nature; humans and the four elements of nature; the five senses of humans; the five natural elements known as Spirit, Air, Earth, Fire, and Water; and the five points of man usually in a stretched out position. (Whereas the six points of the hexagram represent; the six senses known to man, the God & the Goddess and the four elements, the all and the five elements, and the six directions: North, East, South, West, Skyward, and Earthward)

   To those poor, lost, and confused people, the pentacle when in an ascendant position signifies God, but when placed in a descendant position represents the devil. In the 19th century, Eliphas Levi erroneously inverted the pentacle inscribing within it the head of the goat with horns. He described it as the goat of lust battering the Heavens with its horns. He also indicated in his "Secret of the Mysteries" that the inverted pentacle signified initiates of superior ranks at Sabbats.
   In Europe the inverted pentacle once denoted the second degree witches, but this custom has been discontinued since the inverted star is associated with Satanism.

   The fools of The Church of Satan founded in America in 1966, adopted the Baphomet as its symbol, and further gave our sacred symbol a bad name. It is inscribed in an inverted pentacle with the goat's head and symbols of the Kabbalah spelling "Leviathan" meaning "an infernal serpent associated with the devil."
   And thus explains the present day misunderstanding of the Pentacle by the outside world.
Thanx, alot Mr. LaVey ...way to go, numbnut.



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