     Moonlight (Agathocacological, Ordered) Major God of Agriculture, Son of Don; responsible
     for the war between Arawn and the Tuatha de Danaan (Sons of Don)

     Shadowy Darkness (Benign, Ordered) Minor Goddess of war; invoked by Queen Boudicca
     when she revolted against invaders

     The underworld, ruled by Arawn

     Gloomy Darkness (Malign, Chaotic) Great God of the Annwn, the Underworld; when
     Amaethon stole from him, it led to the Battle of Cath Godeau and his defeat; later, Pwyll and
     he changed places, Pwyll defeating Hagfan (Arawn's rival) during this time; they later became
     fast friends

     Moonlight (Malign, Intermediate) Major Goddess of the Moon; Daughter of Danu; mother of
     Llew Llaw Gyffes and Dylan

Badb (Badb Catha)
     Shadowy Darkness (Agathocacological, Chaotic) Major Goddess of Battle and War; often
     takes the form of a crow or raven, she fights in battles and influences their outcome with her
     magicks of confusion; battlefields are called "the land of Badb"; one of three battle-goddesses
     (the others are Macha and the Morrigan)

     Gloomy Darkness (Malign, Chaotic) Great God of Death; king of the Fomorians, son of
     Buarainech, husband of Cethlenn; he had one eye, which slew anything he gazed upon; father
     of Ethlinn, grandfather to Manannan mac Lir, who later slew him

Belanos (Bellanus, Bel)
     Sunlight (Benign, Intermediate) Lesser God of Light

     Created from flowers by Gwydion for Llew Llaw Gyffes; she betrayed him due to her lack of
     a soul

     Moonlight (Agathocacological, Intermediate) Lesser Goddess of rivers

     Potency; son of Llyr, a giant man, warrior and sailor; his head gave advice after his death


     Moonlight (agathocacological, chaotic) Lesser God of Fertility and Agriculture; son of Elatha,
     a Fomorian prince, and Eriu; after the first battle of Mag Tuireadh, he became the tyrannical
     ruler of the Tuatha de Danaan; he was deposed when Nuada's lost hand was replaced with a
     silver one, which precipitated the second battle of Mag Tuireadh, and was defeated; to save
     his life, he promised to instruct the Tuatha de Danaan in agriculture and made Hibernia a fertile

Brigit (Brighid, Brigindo)
     Sunlight (Benign, Ordered) Major Goddess of healing, fertility, and fire, patroness of smiths,
     poets, and physicians; daughter of the Dagda, wife of Bres; her festival is Imbolc (Dudek 1),
     and a sanctuary is maintained at Kildare, in Hibernia, where a fire burns day and night in her

Cath Godeau, the Battle of
     "The Battle of Trees", where Arawn was defeated by the Tuatha de Danaan, and the Dagda
     (Gwydion) transformed trees into warriors to help the Tuatha de Danaan

     Moonlight (Malign, Chaotic) Minor God of the Underworld and Animals, he is depicted as a
     man with stag antlers; he is likely a servitor for Arawn

     Shadowy Darkness (Benign, Chaotic) Lesser Goddess of dark prophetic powers; keeper of
     the cauldron of the underworld, in which inspiration and divine knowledge are brewed

     Quasideity of metalworking; may be a local variant or avatar of Goibniu

Cu Chulainn
     Sunlight (Benign, Chaotic) Potency of heroic fighting, later raised to a demigod; the epitome of
     Kelltic heroes, the tale of Cu Chulainn and his struggles with Queen Maeve is recommended
     for JM's and players, and it should feature heavily in tavern tales and bard lays

Dagda, the (Gwydion[C])
     Moonlight (Benign, Intermediate) Greatest God of earth, treaties, life and death; ruler of the
     Tuatha de Danaan; master of magic, fearsome warrior, mighty artisan

Danu (Dan, Dana, Dann, Ana, Anu) (Don[C])
     Moonlight (Benign, Ordered) Great Earth Goddess, matriarch of the Tuatha de Danann;
     mother of various Kelltic gods, including:
          the Dagda
          Dian Cecht

Dian Cecht
     Sunlight (Benign, Ordered) Major God of healing; physician of the Tuatha de Danaan; made
     the silver hand of Lugh, father to Miach, who he slew, and grandfather of Lugh

     Virgin-born son of Arianrhod, a sea-creature who was later slain by his uncle, Goibniu

Edain (Epona)
     Moonlight (Benign, Chaotic) Minor Goddess of horses; her symbol is the cornucopia (Horn
     of Plenty)

Eriu (Hibernia)
     Moonlight (Benign, Ordered) Greatest Earth Goddess, mother of Avillonia

     Primordial inhabitants of Avillonia, they conquered the Fomorians

     Demonic giants, original inhabitants of Avillonia; they drove away the Parthalon invasion with
     plague, the Nemeds by force of arms, and achieved coexistance with the Firbolgs before being
     defeated by the Tuatha de Danaan at the battle of Mag Tuireadh; they were left to rule the
     province of Connacht

Goibniu (Govannon[C])
     Shadowy Darkness (Ordered, Intermediate) Major God of smithcraft; forges true-striking
     swords, and keeps the mead of eternal life; smith of the Tuatha de Danaan, along with Credne
     and Luchtainel

Gwyn ap Nudd[C]
     Shadowy Darkness (Malign, Intermediate) Minor God of the underworld, master of the wild
     hunt; lives at Glastonbury Tor

     rival to Arawn in the underworld, he was defeated by Pwyll

Lir (Llyr[C])
     Moonlight (Benign, Chaotic) Major God of the sea; father of Bran, Branwen, and

Llew Llaw Gyffes
     Son of Arianrhod; could be killed neither by day nor night, indoors nor outdoors, riding nor
     walking, clothed nor naked, nor by any weapon lawfully made; married to Blodeuwedd, who
     tricked the secret of his death from him and led him to it; later recovered as an eagle by

     Balance (Agathocacological, Intermediate) Demigod of wheel-making

     Sunlight (Benign, Intermediate) Great God of light; slayer of Balor; also the god of skill and

     Balance (Agathocacological, Chaotic) Minor Goddess of War; one of three war goddesses
     (the others are Badb and the Morrigan); she is also the goddess of athletics, festivals, and

Mag Mell
     "Plain of Joy", paradise where the deceased live; described as an idyllic island, ruled by king
     Tethra of the Fomorians; also ruled by Manannan mac Lir

Manannan mac Lir (Manawydan ap Llyr[C])
     Moonlight (Benign, Chaotic) Great God of the sea; forecaster of the weather; God of storms; older than the
     Tuatha de Danaan, but considered one of their number; ruler of Mag Mell

Math Mathonway
     Balance (Benign, Ordered) Major God of Magick

Morrigan, the (Morrigu)
     Shadowy Darkness (Agathocacological, Chaotic) Great Goddess of battle and strife; she is
     represented alone or as one of three (the others being Macha ("Crow") or Nemain ("Frenzy"),
     and Badb); she is one of the Tuatha de Danaan, and helped in both battles of Mag Tuireadh

     Sunlight (Benign, Intermediate) Greater God of healing, the Sun, youth, beauty, poetry, and
     writing; he possesses an invincible sword (one of the great treasures of the Tuatha de Danaan),
     one-time ruler of Hibernia, slain by Balor; after he lost his hand, Dian Cecht fashioned him one
     of silver

     Shadowy Darkness (Agathocacological, Chaotic) Minor God of fatal love; son of the Dagda
     and Boann

Oghma (Ogma, Ogmios)
     Balance (Agathocacological, Ordered) Major God of learning and eloquence; followed by
     many bards; inventer of the original Kelltic alphabet

     Potency; mistakenly hunted a strange pack of hounds, belonging to Arawn, as punishment, he
     traded places with Arawn for a year and a day, during which time he defeated Hagfan and, by
     not going to bed with Arawn's wife, he earned Arawn's friendship; Pwyll later married
     Rhiannon, and sired Pryderi

     Son of Pwyll and Rhiannon; kidnaped as a child, later returned; his name means "worry"

     Wife of Pwyll and mother of Pryderi

     Balance (Agathocacological, Chaotic) Major God of the Wheel and Change

Tuatha de Danann
     "People of the goddess Danu" (the sons and daughters of Danu); gods who are powerful
     magicians; When first they came to the Avillonian Isles, they defeated the Firbolgs then the
     Fomorians at Mag Tuireadh; later they were driven underground by the children of Mil (the
     Gaels); their number include:
          the Dagda
          Dian Cecht

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