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Picture Friendly

is GA a little too friendly when it comes to pictures?

What's wrong with the picture above? I'll give you a hint:
It's marked with a giant red circle.
That's right. It seems that whenever Gordon is in a picture with a member of the human species, he has his arms wrapped around them.

If not in an embrace, then in a friendly brush of the hair. Gordon's hands always seem to be hugging somebody.
and even though Buffy cast pictures always show a very close and friendly cast, we cant help but wonder.
are we crossing the line over to "naughty touching"?

Most first season pictures show the few members of Buffy standing apart from each other.
But as the show evolved, the cast grew closer. And as the cast grew closer, the pictures turned friendlier.
Sarah sitting on David's lap, Charisma sitting on Nick's. and so on.

So with these evidence reviewed, a question rises: is it fair to blame Gordon for his enthusiastic poses? Judges?
Ah. A decision is yet to be made. For as it turn out, Gordon's overzealousness isn't restricted to Buffy cast shots.
He wraps his arms around fans, friends, strangers on the street, farm animals.. anything with a pulse and a smile.


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