The Good Ol' Reliable Players
Proudly present:
Conceived and Originally Directed by
John-Michael Tebelak
Music and New Lyrics by
Stephen Schwartz
Directed by Jim Clark
Choreographed by Michele Duval
April 20-22/27-29 2001
Godspell was presented through special arrangement with, and all authorized performance materials were supplied by, Music Theatre International, 421 West 54th Street, New York, NY 10019
Tel.: (212) 541-4684  Fax: (212) 397-4684
Originally Produced on the New York Stage by
Edgar Lansbury/Stuart Duncan/Joseph Beruh
Musical Direction by Ed Perez
The Godspell company
Top row (r.-l) Tim Phillips, Jean Copeland, Ron Nassef (Jesus), Michele Duval (Choreographer)
Middle: JoAnna Faoro, Jim Clark (John the Baptisit/Judas/Director), Daniel Carmody
Kneeling: The Band: Viktor Deak (Percussion), Ed Perez (Piano/Musical Direction), Victor Calhoun (Guitar)
Missing from photo: Daryl Gardner
                   The Children
Daniel Carmody           Jessica Kehlenbach
Amanda DeGenarro               Jane Labriola
                   Marissa Magno
"[W]ill you see the players well bestowed?  Do you hear, let them be well used..."
William Shakespeare's
Hamlet - Act II, scene ii
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