PLOT-An aging model takes an experimental beauty drug that's made from wasp hormones. Take a wild guess what happens.
WHY YOU SHOULD WATCH IT-It's a Roger Corman-produced remake of a 1959 film, directed by Jim Wynorski, so you know it's exploitation time. Jennifer "I'm beautiful and bad" Rubin stars as the old model, who transforms into a cool-looking wasp monster every time she's with a man. The reason this movie was so cool was that it features so many genre actors. Maria Ford, Jay Richardson, and Richard Gabai have supporting roles, and there's cameo appearances by Julie K. Smith, Antonia Dorian, and B-Movie directors Fred Olen Ray and Wynorski. The movie itself is pretty tame by Wynorski standards, and I'm pretty sure Jennifer Rubin used a body double for the sex scenes. However, if you're a fan of this group of filmmakers, I'm sure you'd get a kick out of this movie.
MEMORABLE SCENES-Remember that movie C.H.U.D. 2: BUD THE CHUD? The guy who played "Bud" in that movie gets his dick bitten off by the wasp woman in one scene here. Blood squirts in his face, it's kinda neat.
NOTES-One movie I liked with Jennifer Rubin was the 89 film BAD DREAMS. And, of course, there's her classic turn as Taryn the junkie in NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET 3: DREAM WARRIORS. She's pretty talented, but didn't have much to do in this movie.

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