PLOT-A prostitute falls victim to a voracious lesbian vampire.
VIOLENCE-Several women are cut with a knife, and lots of blood is shown, as well as many scenes of vampires drinking blood & making out.
SEX/NUDITY-Every character in this film gets completely naked and has softcore lesbian sex at least once or twice. If you have a particular fetish for seeing lipstick get smeared, there's a lot of that here.
WHY I LIKED IT-I think John Bacchus is a genius writer/director, Darian Caine is an incredible actor, and I'm a big supporter of Seduction Cinema, the companty that (independently) releases these films. It's a departure for Bacchus, though, because of the noticeable lack of ANY humor in the movie. Not that his skills at directing dramatic/tense/erotic scenes aren't finely tuned, but I don't recall any other film he's made that's "straight" (meaning, no funny stuff mixed in with he ghosts, witches, and breasts). The film definitely works, thanks in large part to the spectacular performance of Darian Caine, the best thing Seduction has going for it in terms of acting talent. Caine used to be the "star" of mostly all Seduction's movies, but she's taken a back seat lately and had smaller roles for some reason. Although she's not the main character in VAMPIRE OBSESSION, Caine gets more screen time than she has lately, and they make great use of it. Not only is she great at comedy, but she demonstrates here that she can also handle tough dramatic scenes. She's intense, not cheesy or bad. Also, it was great to see Jade Duboir back in a Seduction release as well. She's an incredible presence on the screen, she has a lot of energy in her performance. They really allowed Jade the kind of role she could do something with this time, and she proves to be really good at holding the audience's attention. All in all, VAMPIRE OBSESSION is definitely a recovery from the disappointing EROTIC SUVIVOR 2, but is nowhere near as good as past Bacchus efforts like THE EROTIC GHOST.
DOWNSIDE-Not to be a jerk, but I think it was a mistake to give the role of the main character to newcomer Anoushka. She was good in PLAYMATE OF THE APES as a dimwitted astronaut, but can't quite cut it as a leading woman yet. She isn't a bad actor, but I'd rather have seen Esmerelda Delarocca or somone else in her role. Anoushka is still kinda stiff and one-dimensional, feels like you're watching a rookie. Don't get me wrong, I think she did well for being new. However, the lead roles in these films need to be handled by proven veterans like Darian Caine, AJ Khan, Misty Mundae, and Laurie Wallace. They have a better range and more presence. Another thing, this felt more like a porn script than anything Baccus has written yet. Every dialogue scene served only to introduce/necessitate a lesbian sex sequence. In the past, the sex was inserted more creatively and was secondary to the story. If you're looking to see women make out, you won't be disappointed as VAMPIRE OBSESSION has at least 6 lengthy softcore lesbian sex scenes and tons of nudity. But if you know what Bacchus is capable of, you'll leave feeling a bit empty.
DVD NOTES-This DVD contains trailers for several Seduction Cinema titles, including a couple upcoming releases. As for extras, all you get is a very long "making of" feature that's just a guy walking around the set with a video camera. You don't get many interviews or extra info about the making of the film, but you do get plenty more footage of these women naked (let's face it, I guess that's why most people buy these movies). One day, we'd like to see the genesis of a Bacchus project...rehearsals & interviews about the production itself VS. more titty footage. Bloopers/outtakes would be a great inclusion as well. Seeing how Darian & Jade clown around on the set was one of the most entertaining things about this disc.

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